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A Post Apocalyptic Adventure


Jan 22, 2009
A Post Apocalyptic Adventure​

" FUCK! " she said again, rather loudly this time. How could she have gotten lost so quickly. The fog in these areas was horrible, easily covering everything from sight that was more than a few feet away. It was cold too, and damp, she knew it would be even worse at night and she wasnt dressed for this. Stomping along the overgrown road, her kicks, the slightly too large combat boots she had found were pretty much the only thing proper for this climate. Her legs were bare all the way up to her mini-shorts, and while she had a few stockings and socks in her backpack she felt that she couldnt waste time putting them on. That would only leave her even further behind the rest. At least she had bothered to put on a t-shirt today, a white one with "I <3 NY" boldly written on it her black bra clearly visible behind it. She smiled for a moment as she thought of Ny, he'd taken that name after they found a completely untouched warehouse filled with clothing all with the same inscription I<3NY. She looked at it once, shivering she decided that her being warm was more important, zipping up her jacket and pulling its fur neck coating tightly around herself. She couldnt be bothered to put up the hood, she her entire field of vision if she was to have a chance at finding the rest. "Fuuuuuuuck fooooog" she moaned again, absently playing with her three labret rings, two on each side of her lower lip and one on her upper right. Suddenly, hearing a branch cracking at the side of the road she insantly crouched down, one hand going to the dagger bound to her thigh. She silently cursed herself for zipping up, she'd forgotten she couldnt easily reach her magnum being inside of her jacket as it was. She squeezed her eyes, peering into the fog where she thought the sound had come from. Crouching, almost perfectly still she sat there, for several minutes. Her ponytail blew in a draft coming down the mountains, a few strands covered her eyes as she stood there. Anyone who had watched her twenty-thirty years earlier, before the bombs would have thought her some sort of street performer. Crouching there in an awkward position, her smooth long legs bended and ready to set off, and her beautiful face would probably have earned her decent money. However, in this day and age it earned her another thing, a headstart. Should anything happen at least. She waited for another minute before straightening. "I'm just being paranoid. . ." she said, "look! im even talking to myself!" she continued with a slight smile as she checked to make sure she hadnt dropped anything out of her backpack. She hadn't, so she started walking down the road, her boots making a thumping noise with every step that. It felt awkwardly loud in the otherwise almost noiseless haze. To distract her she fiddled with her plugs. 15 mm. She didnt have larger because, they simply hadnt found any better jewels. In her tribe they were status symbols, the larger the tunnel, the richer you were. Michelle wasnt rich, she didnt feel for that, instead focusing her existence around having fun and enjoying herself. Her mind wandering, it took her a few moments to notice the building ahead. A big one, largely whole too. A town! They must be here she thought as she eagerly started running for it, her steps echoing loudly in all directions.
The town ahead was as desolate as most other unpopulated towns. Only this one was a popular hiding spot for Bandit gangs. A tribe had recently arrived her but it wasn’t long till they were ambushed. People hidden all around in the old ruins. Armed to the teeth. They didn’t see it coming, a well organised ambush left them little time to even draw their weapons. The tribes lifeless bodies piled at the cross road at the towns centre. Figures stalking through the ruins on the look out for anyone travelling with this tribe.

Sat in the old church tower was the Gangs Leader Olek Krukov. A feared marksmen, skilled motorcyclist and impressive tacticianist. Sat alone in the Church tower with only his Drganov SVD 7.62 mm semi-automatic sniper rifle to keep him company. Olek and his gang made a good living from ambush's like this. If not like this they would harass there prey like a pack of wolfs on motorcycles. Olek stood around 6'4" with a strong build. His head was shaved along the sides with a short black Mohawk in the centre. Along the left side of his face and head was a tribal tattoo. His dark brown eyes were hidden behind a pair of black shades. His heavily tattooed arms and torso were hidden beneath a black leather biker jacket that was heavily studded. His hands clad in a pair of fingerless studded gloves. His legs clad in a pair of fitting black jeans that were ripped at the knees, his feet were clad in a pair of leather biker boots. Around his waist was a leather belt with a holster that held a Sub Machine Gun against his left thigh for easy access whilst riding his bike. He watched from the church tower as a few of his gang left their hiding places and began to scavenge the dead of anything of use to the Gang.


Meanwhile another Nomad approached the town. The lone man walked without fear towards the town with the full knowledge of its residence. He was here for Olek. This was no ordinary Nomad he was a Bounty Hunter. He was Nikolai Raskalov. Nioklai or Niko as his those who knew him called him walked tall at a height of 6'3" with a strong build. His head was bald and his face partially hidden behind a old piece of black rag that he had wrapped around his face covering everything below his eyes. His left eye though was hidden behind a eye patch and a deep scar ran vertically through it. The rest of his head and face were brutally scared, this is reason for the mask. A black hoodie was worn also with the hood up. On top of the hoodie he wore a old black Russian Special Forces Jacket, which complemented the matching black combat pants he wore which were tucked into a pair of black combat boots. His hands were clad in a pair of black fingerless tactical gloves. Inside the zipped up hoddie he wore a black vest that hid a bullet proof vest. His appearance was sort of a special Forces Grim Reaper hence his nickname the Russian Grim Reaper. A Spetsnaz AK-47 hung at his left hip via a strap which was slung over his right shoulder.

Soon he found himself behind a young women alone in the wastes looking towards the town.
"I wouldn’t go there if I was you..." He warned her simply without informing her of the Bandit presence. He walked up to her and crouched down beside her. "You will be shot dead as soon as he you get into the town..." He added this time informing her of a presence in the town but not whom it was there.
When she heard the voice she spun around, her hands going for her weapons untill she saw the intruder. Realizing that she didnt stand a living chance in hell against this man. Instead she looked to her sides, silently cursing when she saw there wasnt any nearby cover. "What do you wan-" she begun, only to be interrupted when he spoke again. She paused for a moment, still unsure of what to do, but it couldnt get any worse at least. If the man had wanted to kill her he'd have done it already. Leaning on one hip, with one hand resting on it she asked "How do you know?. . . and. . . have you seen a group of people. . wanderers, like me around?"
"Bandits, up ahead in that town... No i haven’t but if they’ve gone there I wouldn’t expect to see them again..." His words were short sharp and straight to the point as he was crouched beside the girl. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He held them to his one eye and looked towards the town. Luckily they were not insight of the church, though Niko could see a few bodies being looted. He then offered the binoculars to the girl. "Do you recognise those people?.." He asked referring to the dead. He waited patiently for her response. He had travelled along way to find Olek. He was eager to put a end to him and his gang.


Olek soon felt confident that was all of the people of this particular group. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and walked over to the hole in the room. "GATHER EVERYTHING OF WORTH AND BRING IT TO THE CHURCH!.." He yelled down to his minions. The church was there temporary base in this town. They moved around alot and always set up a base in each town they took over though once finished there they moved on again. Olek made his way down a spiral staircase back into the main hall of the church where his goons began bringing in supplies and such from the dead. In the room was an important looking crate marked NCU which they had stole from a passing convoy they ambushed yesterday. Though they had been unable to get into the crate due to its electronic lock which required a code.
She considered bashing the mans head open when was occupied but decided against him. She might not be able to hit hard enough. When he offered her the binoculars she took them dubviously, still not entirely trusting him. Taking them up infront of her eyes she looked in the direction he had pointed out, letting out a gasp as she recognized her friends and family. A thousand thoughts raced through her mind, she felt numb. letting go up the binoculars, falling down to her knees. Staring in the same direction, frowning as a pout formed her lips. Swallowing once, she felt a bad taste in her mouth. Her entire past and present, gone in the course of a few hours. Michelle didnt know what to do. .
"I take that as a yes?..." Niko added with an emotionless tone. After all he killed criminals for money. He had seen his fair share of dead bodies. He slowly stood up as he surveyed the area. He needed to get into town as discreetly as possible, fully aware Oleks men were all over the ruins in hiding waiting to pounce. He turned his attention back to Michelle. "You should leave, go back to where you came from its too dangerous here for you..." He informed her, after all to him she was just another innocent bystander in the way. He always tried to avoid as many innocent casualties as possible.
She lifted up her arm, pointing forward, towards the corpses. Mumbling, almost in a whisper "Thats where i came from" She couldnt hold it back any longer, the tears started rolling down her cheeks. "fuck" she mumbled to noone in particular, as she looked down through hazy eyes at her hands uselessly resting in her lap. She should be using those hands. Avenging Ny and everyone else, but she knew she didnt stand a chance against whoever those fucks were.
He was emotionless and didn’t even pay attention to her tears. He casually continued walking towards the town. Holding his AK ready to fight as he lowered himself into a mid crouch position as he ran towards the building closest to him. Throwing his back up against the wall he tactically moved along the wall to the nearest corner where he leaned out slightly to look around it. The coast was clear. He then moved from the wall and went around the corner keeping low and close to the wall as he made his way deeper into the town keeping himself as hidden as possible knowing Olek's goons were hidden all over the town in amongst its ruins. Soon the church was in sight but unfortunately well guarded. Niko was hidden in a abandoned bar across the road and crouched down behind the bar its self and looking out through the big window which looked out onto the street where numerous motorcycles were parked and Bandits came in and out the church.
Wiping her tears off with her sleeve she watched the man walk off. What was he doing? What should she do? She had no idea where to go, barely knew where she was for that sake. When she dwelled on it, she had trouble thinking of what she had actually contributed to the others in the group, besides her cheerful company. . .
Shooting she suddenly realized. That was one of the things she had been good at. A single well placed shot could end a fight before it even began. But then when they had really needed her she hadnt been there. She looked up " Wait! " she shouted after him, but the man was already around the corner of the building. She bit her lip as she considered what to do. Maybe she should check it out a little bit, it couldnt hurt she thought as she began sneaking towards the same direction the man had gone.
Hearing the voice of the young girl he had only just met he sighed as he looked over his shoulder. "I told you to leave this place!..." Niko said in a angry tone as she had followed him into a very dangerous situation and could possible make things worse. "If you’re going to follow me keep your head down and your mouth shut!..." He ordered as he turned his attention back to his view from the window. With his AK in hand ready he waited for the right moment to run from the bar and across the street. The plan was to infiltrate the church and take out Olek and as many of his goons as possible.
Ignoring his words, she sneaked to the window on the other side of the door out. "What are you planning on doing!?" she whispered rather loudly after she let her backpack slide off her shoulders. Not waiting for a reply she popped her head up, squinting her eyes as she tried counting the raiders.
"My Job..." He replied simply before rushing out from the bar and across the street. Luckily unseen. As he entered the church he was greeted by a Raider who was leavening. He was quick to swing his AK throwing the butt at the head of the Raider knocking him to the ground unconscious. He then rushed in. Quickly he dived down behind a few crates. A few more raiders entered the room. Without a thought Niko jumped up from his cover and fired two quick bursts at both men killing them.

The Gun shots echoed throughout the church and Olek's ears rang with the sound. As did any of his goons who were nearby all rushing in the direction of the gun fire. Olek moved across the balconies and got into a good vantage point as he upholstered his SMG and took aim into the room as he waited for Niko to show himself. Oleks goons did the same and took cover behind crates and columns.
"Show yourself wastelander!... I know your here!" Olek shouted. With this warning Niko pulled out a flash bang, removed the pin and threw it behind him over the crate.

The flash bang landed in the middle of the room and exploded releasing a blinding light. Olek was quick to turn away and close his eyes to avoid being blinded. Though his foolish men were not so wise. With this moment of advantage Niko jumped up once again and fired short bursts at two other raiders before dropping down behind his crate and reloading his AK.
"What the f-" she muttered as he rushed across the street. She put her hand over her mouth as the first raider walked out. She was slightly impressed by how he quickly dispatched of the man. Frowning, she watched the entrance untill she heard the first gunshots, that caused her to duck down. With her back leaned against the wall, she just listened. She wasnt stupid enough to go in there, or was she? Still frowning she played with the thought untill she decided that she really wasnt that stupid. Besides the light magnum under her jacket, she actually did have a full automatic, packed into her bags. But what the hell, even if she had had a tank she would be thinking twice before attacking an entire gang.
" . . . maybe it wont hurt. . if i just go a little closer " She crawled on her knees over to the door, peeking out before she got on her feet and sprinted over to the side of the entrance. Okay. Im not going any further she thought.
Meanwhile in the church the gun fire continued to be exchanged between Olek and his Men and Niko. Niko showed great skill and finesse as he quickly shot down each man one by one whilst moving in and out of cover. Soon only Olek and three other raiders remained. Olek was not stupid and left the balcony via a window. He ran across the tiled roof of the church and jumped down of the roof and into the yard behind the church where his bike sat waiting for its master.

As Niko saw Olek retreat he knew he had to act fast.
"Shit!.." He mumbled to himself, he then turned to see the girl had followed him. Double Shit, he thought. He wasn’t the only one to notice her. The remaining three raiders turning their attentions to her and firing in her direction. Niko was quick to dive into the door way and shut the door behind him. He then stood up and grabbed the girl by the arm. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO FOLLOW ME!" He added in a angry tone and glared at her with his one good eye. He then remembered they were not out of the shit yet.

The sound of a motorcycle starting up rang out from the back of the church as Olek sped off. He drove past Niko at full speed. Too fast for Niko to get a shot.
"Damn!.." Niko yelled as he watched Olek escape. He then turned his attention to the door and the three raiders waiting for him. He looked back over his shoulder at the girl. "Stand back..." He ordered before taking hold of the door and pulling it open wide. He hid behind the open door and quickly pulled out another flash bang which he was quick to throw around the door into the room. Within a few seconds the Raiders were blinded. Without hesitation Niko moved in and was quick to finish off the last three men in three quick bursts. The church was now safe and its contents up for grabs. Niko reloaded his AK as he looked over the loot. His eyes finally focusing on the NCU crate. "Shit..." He muttered to himself knowing that nothing good would come from stolen NCU property, especially that in such as a fancy crate with an electronic lock.
Barely dodging the bullets, Michelle dived for cover. She had scraped her knee, but she'd prefer that over a gunshot wound. "Fuck, ow" she mumbled, holding one hand over the scrapes when the wanderer came out. "Hey!" was all she could say as he tugged her up with his free hand. It was disturbing to be under his one-eyed scrutiny. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, he turned his attention away from her again. Obeying his command this time, at least for a minute or two, she rubbed her arm where he had grabbed her, red lines clearly marking his touch. She waited untill the gunshots had died down before carefully stepping inside the church. Deciding not to look at the face of any of the corpses she made her way by looking straight forward as she made her way to where one-eye stood.
Niko looked over his shoulder back to the girl. "Well I didn’t get Olek, but I fucked up his crew..." He said simply still disappointed he didn’t get Olek after all he is who the bounty is on. He slung his AK over his shoulder with the strap. He casually began to root through the pockets of the dead for anything of use before he began searching the loot the Raiders had stole from the dead outside. "Take what you want and leave..." He spoke in a cold tone without a care. She was in a way to blame for his failure of killing Olek. As he searched through crates the NCU crate began to beep. A small red LED started to flash in time with the beeps. "Shit a tracker!..." He said stuffing what he had stolen into his pockets and back pack as he began to leave the church. "We have to get out of here the NCU will be here for that crate soon, and they won’t be happy!.." He informed the girl as he made his way outside where a few Raider Motorcycles lay. "Can you ride?.." He asked simply as he lifted one of the bikes up and mounted it.


Meanwhile at the Neo-Communist Union Headquarters. The same beeping began to go off in the logistics room. "We found it!.." One of the operators said in reference of the lost crate. He was quick to jump up and leave the room and make his way to his Leaders office. General Sergei Galukavich, sat behind a old desk in a old leather executives chair. Sergei was a monster of a man standing 6'6" with a monstrously strong build. His grey hair was very short and his face littered in stubble. His eyes were small and dark brown almost black and gave a piercing glare. He was dressed in old Russian Military clothing consisting of; a Drag green Russian Officers over coat, a Tiger camo Russian Military shirt which beneath was a bullet proof vest and a white t-shirt, a pair of Tiger Camo combat pants matching his shirt which were tucked into a pair of black army boots. His hands were clad in black leather gloves and he wore a small grey Russian fur hat. The Operator rushed in without any breath. "Sir!... we have located the lost crate!..." The Operator informed Sergei. Sergei grinned and casually shook a tumbler glass which contained Vodka, ice and a dash of his own blood. "Good, dispatch a recovery team ASAP!" Sergei ordered. The Operator nodded in reply and rushed out of the room and back to his desk to for fill his orders.
Being on the bottom of the foodchain in the wastes, there was one thing that almost everyone learned. To quickly and effectively loot. When a new untouched bunker or warehouse was discovered, it wouldnt be long before other scavengers, or what was worse would come. Thus Michelle was quick to look through the crates. She ran placed one hand on her hip, the other on her head ruffling her hair as she stood torn between what to take. They had so much! Finally, she decided on the most flexible, grabbing three sacks that jingled with the familiar sound of bottlecaps. Hundreds at least, maybe thousands of them she thought as she followed Niko out through the door, she had never been good at measuring these things.

When One-Eye adressed her she shrugged, holding her hands up "Maybe?"
Then suddenly she remembered. "Wait, i need my things." she said and began walking over to the bar. she looked back over her shoulder, sighing as she realized that she had decided to go with the man. She never did like being alone, but still she felt useless, for not being able to take care of herself. Not that it mattered, she had already made up her mind. It wasnt as if she had any better alternatives. In fact, she had been prepared to offer, well almost anything to go with him.
"If you can’t ride get on the back of my bike!... Hurry we haven’t got long!..." Niko added insisting on them leavening as soon as possible. Fully aware the NCU would be here soon to reclaim their stolen property and most likely kill anyone they come across in the area. In the distance Niko could hear the sound of a Vertibird in flight. "HURRY UP!.." He shouted angrily as he started up the engine of the bike causing it to let out a satisfying growl.
When Michelle heard the Vertibird too she suddenly realized the trouble they might be in. She quickly go inside to the bar, grabbed her bag quickly stuffing the bottlecap sacks inside before slinging it over her shoulder as she ran back to the bikes. She nimbly swung hopped onto the bike and wrapped her arms around Niko. "Maybe we should just, stay and tell them that we dont have anything to do with their. . . box?" she muttered
As soon as Michelle was on the bike, Niko sped off in the opposite direction of the Vertibird."Don’t get your hopes up kid, they won’t listen...." Niko replied calmly as he raced away from the town leaving a trail of dust in his wake as he sped off down the damaged dust covered road. His one eye closed slightly as he tried to concentrate on the road and their escape know the NCU would shoot first and ask questions later. Though Niko also had some history with the NCU, a bad history. Niko was once a member of the NCU and his loyalty to them lost him an eye and destroyed his face in assassination attempt gone wrong. They tried to blow him up, but they didn’t kill him.


The Vertibird eventually came to land outside the church. As it did the back door opened and a 6 man team jumped out and stormed the church. Believing it still to be occupied they were greeted by only corpses. They set their eyes upon the crate. "We’ve got it..." The team leader announced into his radio which was directly linked to the NCU HQ. The men then proceeded to retrieve the crate, taking all 6 men to lift it and get it onto the Vertibird. Sergei grinned with pleasure as he heard the report. He casually drank his Vodka and blood as he relaxed in his chair and put his boot clad feet upon his desk.
Hearing his response she simply nodded, not knowing what to say. After a while she began leaning against him, her head resting on his back as she closed her eyes. She had been walking for days and her body was spent. The sound of the engine, the blowing of the wind and the feeling of the man infront of her all seemed strangely comforting, giving her a strange feeling of security. Despite the roaring sounds she even began to feel sleepy as she lay against him. "So. . uhmm. . where are you. . i mean. . where are we going?" she murmured drowsily
"there’s a town a few miles east, we will go there. It’s safe and we can rest and maybe trade so of what we scavenged..." He replied simply as he continued to drive east. Within a hour a town could be seen in the distance. A wall surrounded it made of scrap metal and rubble. A old school bus was used as a gate. The town was Gruka, a neutral settlement that looked after itself. Everyone who lived there carried a gun and was responsible for the towns defence and the peace it held. Everyone was welcome as long as they didn’t cause any trouble. Though raiders often tried to attack it they never were successful. Gruka is almost a fortress town, consisting of old ruins that have been fixed up and reused as homes and businesses. As They approached the school bus gate, four men armed with AK-47's took aim from the windows of the bus. "СТОП!..." One man shouted ordering Niko to stop. Niko gradually slowed down the bike as he got close to the Bus. Soon the man who had told him to stop recognised Niko. "Ah, bounty hunter!... you have returned!... just in time the Boss has a job for you!..." The Lead Guard announced before looking to the man to his left. "Open the gate!..." The Lead Guard ordered, with this command the man to his left made his way to the driver’s seat of the bus and put it into reverse. The bus moved back giving access to Gruka. Niko nodded respectfully to the guards as he slowly drove into the town. As they passed the bus, the bus drove back blocking the entrance.

Gruka was busy, trader caravans had arrived bringing lots of people to Gruka's streets. Niko slowly drove through the streets till he arrived at a hotel called the 'Gruka Inn'. Niko reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. He reached behind him and handed the key to Michelle.
"I have a room on the second floor, room 202... feel free to use the room when you’re in Gruka..." He turned off the engine of the bike and slowly dismounted it. He stood beside it and looked around until his eyes locked onto a club across the street called 'The Red Star'. "I've got some business to attend to, I will meet you in my room later tonight... don’t worry your safe in Gruka..." Niko added before walking towards the club.


Gruka though was not as safe as Niko thought, Olek had arrived a few hours earlier and spotted Niko enter the town. Olek watched Niko from a market stall down the street from the Gruka Inn. As Niko left Michelle alone Olek grinned. He took a bite out of his barbecued rat on a stick and watched Michelle. Though Olek had to be carefully, the people of Gruka did not know he was a raider and if they found out he would be in grate trouble. He casually vanished into the crowds as he made his way back to a old house he had chosen to squat in. He knew he had to change his clothes just in case Niko spotted him.
"Ohh, right. . thanks" she said, taking the keys. She chewed on her piercings as she watched him cross the street and go into the building, then surveyed the street for a moment before she walked into the inn. "Uhhmm. . room 202?" she asked the man inside, nodding with a smile as he pointed her in the direction. While she wasnt very good at reading, numbers were something every trader needed to know so quickly found the door with the right number. She locked herself in and dumped her backpack on the floor and sat down crosslegged. Hmm, maybe i can find myself something nice she thought. She pulled out a black fanny pack and filled it up with bottlecaps. "Hmm that should be enough" she said with a grin as she strapped it around her waist with the pack resting on the side of her hip. She had noticed the guns, so she unzipped her own jacket, making sure her own Smith & Wesson 500 was easily accessible before she went on out to the street again. She looked in both directions once before she decided to let chance guide her way. She closed her eyes and spun around a few times and then stopped, opening her eyes again. "Right, right it is" she said with a nod and started walking that way. Turned out she had chosen the right way, as she quickly found a marketplace, filled with various stalls that carried almost everything from guns to food to drugs. She didn't really know what she was after. Maybe some new jewelry or clothes. Or even better, a new gun! she thought, stopping infront of a large stall stacked with various guns and accessories. Scopes, Sights, Grenade Launchers and several things she couldnt even figure out what were. What caught her attention was that this, unlike most of the other gun stalls she had seen, didnt carry even a single AK. She picked up a particularly fancy rifle, squinting her eyes as she aimed through the scope at the owner. "How much for this one?" she asked cheerily.
As Niko entered the club he was greeted by a familiar scene; the air filled with smoke and the stench of drugs and tobacco, people gambling their chips, girls flaunting their natural assets for chips, people drinking away the day all to the tune of pre-war music. Niko pushed his way through the crowed until he arrived at a door marked private. He casually banged his fist against it and waited for a reply. Soon the small hatch opened and a man’s eyes peered out and looked Niko straight in the eye. "Ahhh, bounty hunter... we’ve been expecting you..." The guard spoke casually before shutting the hatch and opening the door to reveal a stairwell. Niko walked in and gradually climbed the stairs 2 floors. Once on the third floor he turned to the left at a corridor and made his way to a large door metal door. He banged his fist against this one and was soon greeted by another pair of eyes peering out of a small hatch. The hatch soon shut and the door opened so Niko entered.

Inside was the Boss's Office, The Boss was the man who ran Gruka. His real name Ivan Drolav was hardly every used as he preferred to be known as the boss. The room was dimply lit and very warm. The windows were boarded up and small lamps gave light. The room had once been a small apartment but had since been knocked into one large room. In the middle of the room was a large oak desk. Sat beside it was a large man dressed in a business suit. This was The Boss. The dim lighting obscuring his face making it impossible to see.
"Welcome back Nikolai.... It is nice to see you... please have a seat we have much to discuss..." The Boss spoke in a thick Russian accent as he pointed to a old armchair near his desk. Niko took his seat and nodded respectfully. "So Niko what brings you to my town?..." The Boss asked curiously. "A raider named Olek, he is somewhere in the area, he is my target and failed to get him though I finished off his gang..." Niko replied informatively. "A raider?... hmpf I hope he knows not to come into Gruka!... We hate raiders here!..." The Boss replied. "Now back to my offer, I have a man I need you to 'take care of' for me, he was banished from Gruka a few months ago as punishment for stealing from my club... I have heard rumours he has got involved with raiders who want to get into my town!... I cant let Gruka fall into their hands!... It would be chaos!..." The Boss added with his hands making gestures as he spoke. "His name is Jurgan Schultz!... a kraut!... I hear he has been sighted at a Raider camp north of my town, go check it out and if possible kill him and his little friends!... I will pay your usual fee as well as a bonus for ensuring my towns safety with the death of the raiders!" The Boss made his offer clear. Niko nodded simply in response as he stood up from his chair. "I will see to it first thing tomorrow, I am tired and need to rest..." Niko replied as he left the room. He casually made his way out of the club and back onto the street.

Noticing Michelle at the market he made his way over to her as she was playing with the rifle/
"You don’t want that, its crap!..." He spoke with personal experience as he stood beside her and quickly pulled the Rifle from her hands. His eyes looked over the weapons in front of him and he was quick to pick up a Semi Automatic Pre-War Rifle. It looked almost ancient as if from the 1940's but Niko knew it was a powerful now as it was then. "This will do, a Mousin Nagant!... this rifle is a classic Russian weapon from the second world war, its easy enough to use and should do everything that piece of crap you were playing with can do without the hassle of jamming..." He informed Michelle as he checked over the rifle before handing it to her. "I am going to my room, see you later..." He added before turning away and walking to the Hotel. Once inside he went straight to his room. Taking off his back pack and his AK he lay on his bed fully clothed and tried to get some sleep.
She watched him walk away. Again. She thought, then turned her attention back to the gun he had suggested. It was heavy and rugged as hell. Worst of all, it was possibly the ugliest gun she had ever seen. She grimaced, he might be right about it, but she couldnt make herself buy something that unaesthetic. She put it back "Sorry not my style" she said with apologetic gesture as she moved on. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows through the stands but Mich wanted to see just a bit more. She always loved these free-towns. The whole chaotic experience of the thing. The shabby buildings, fixed and welded a thousand times had a special charm of their own that she'd never stop appreciating. Maybe it was because she hadn't ever had a home of her own, but it didnt matter she was here and she enjoyed it. Even though it was getting a bit cold now that the sun wasnt fully up anymore.
"Hey, do you know where i can find some clothes?" she asked a grubby little dirty man who looked like he was selling rat steaks. " Depends on who's lookin' " he replied, nudging his fingers together in the universal gesture for cash. She reached into her pack, picked up a shiny bottlecap "Fanta" she said as she threw the orange cap to him. He deftly snatched it from the air and went on to explain her the way. "Just down that way, yews yews, that way, then around the corner, then turn right and its right there. Ricks Rags"
Listening carefully, looking over as he pointed and gestured untill he was done, she smiled "Thanks"
and followed his direction. As she got away from the marketplace there were suddenly alot less people on the streets, maybe it was because it was darkening she thought. When she finally reached the place, its name illustrated by a rag black with scratchy red letters saying RICK painted on it, she found it closed. At least the door was jammed and knocking didnt do any good. "Ohh well, i'll go tomorrow" she said with a sigh as she began walking back to the Gruka Inn.

-She asked one of the merchants directions for a tailor, or a clothing store. After flipping him a bottlecap, the grubby dirty little man suddenly seemed quite eager to explain her the way, it was just up to that end, then around the corner, then around the next corner to the right he said.
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