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Mx Male Exploring


Apr 1, 2022
Hi, I am new to Bluemoon, but not new to role-playing.

I am going to keep this brief and welcome any PM in inquiry as a good social interaction, possibly the start of a good pairing.

I typically post 3 or more paragraphs, third person, past tense. I am literate, try to add emotion and descriptions to the game and typically match the length and/or efforts of my partner.

I like human face claims, and I am not a big fan of cartoon characters or outlandish sized anything on anyone. Plausible, believable characters are what I strive to write and prefer.

I am seeking a MxM role play exploration. I think there often can be an imbalance of submissive characters wanting to be dominated, so I hesitate in adding to that. I do seek a partner that is more of a leader, but I don't want to play a doormat, either. Hopefully that sentiment alone conveys a sense of mutual interest and I can leave it vague for now and open for discussion.

Thanks for reading.
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