I write In first-person
So I've decided to delete each of my individual RP's because I got warned about bumping multiple threads so in this one here are ALL of my RP ideas. It will also be edited anytime I think of a new RP idea! Hopefully some of these ideas catches your eye & I hope to hear from you soon! Now for my ideas.
= Are ones I'm most excited about trying out

= Are Ones i'm REALLY excited and wanting to try

️This is a work in progress and not complete. I am blanking on how to add to it but if anyone sees this and is interested in doing this role with me I’d love to work with someone
️Billionaire entrepreneur has it all. Or does he?—————————————————-
He rubs elbows with the elite of the elite and A-list celebrities & even such important figures such as the president of the United States. When he's not attending movie premieres or at some random party/business event he is contractually obliged to attend he spends most of his time at home cooped up in his office working on his next big potential ideas. His name is Joseph or Joe/Joey. On paper he has everything he could ever want. Except that one thing. Love. He's not getting any younger and has no one to share his wealth with other than with his team and the whole five people that are in his inner circle. There is one singular thing that is stopping him from achieving his ultimate goal. Finding true love. He has hired hundreds of escorts and strippers to go with him to these events as arm candy for him and to get the people talking. He hasn't found his person yet for one single reason. He's in a wheelchair after suffering a near fatal car crash. Now I know what you're thinking. He could just hire on whoever for that perfect GFE. At the beginning this new girl would eat up the chance to rub elbows the elite in Hollywood and the many other industries he's involved in and he knew that, he knew that nobody would want a crippled broken down man. It was tough even for him to find that specific person who isn't just there to advance in life the easy way. After awhile and consistency with him as you became his main squeeze. He liked you. He can be himself around you. He didn't like or want anyone else but you. After awhile you started to notice how I was treating you like a queen and spoiled you with things. Things you hadn't even asked for. Things that you've mentioned in our conversations/window shopping and our bedroom talk. Even after awhile and more dates and events he was still surprising you with two dozen of your favorite flowers.
️[M4F][NSFW][Incest]Disable Brother caught in a lie and needs (big or little) sisters help
So the premise is you are either my big or little sister. We’ve always been super close. Even a little bit too close than we probably should be. Like you sit in my lap all the time and smooch and love on me. You’ve always protected me whether I’ve wanted it or not. I recently went off to college and this is our first time apart for an extended period of time for the first time in our lives. Some time passes and I’m not having a great time because of bullies. It’s late afternoon one day and I’m sitting in the cafeteria area eating some lunch while studying and some guy who I kinda know from my dorm snatches my phone when he sees it light up and sees a picture I have of us together. You were sitting sideways in my lap and kissing my cheek. He pesters me and keeps asking me who you are and badgering me to give him your number/snap so he can get ahold of you. I kind of panic and say the first thing that comes to mind and I blurt out “she’s my girlfriend now fuck off” and he laughs and says prove it and a couple of weeks ago we made a plan for you to come up and visit so you’d be in the thick of it and I kinda break down when you get here and I tell you about my lie and I hope you don’t get mad.

[M4F][NSFW] Slice Of Life Rockstar Roleplay
You are a fan of one of the biggest hard rock/heavy metal bands in the world & I would be their drummer. I have been in the music scene for many many years and have been in numerous big bands over the years. You are one of our biggest super fans and we've met many times over the years. We've met so much that we are on first name basis & have emailed back and forth and messaged each other over social media. I am a pretty quiet reserved guy compared to most of the other guys. We recently just got back out on the road for a big US tour for the release of our 4th album and it's one of the first shows of the tour. We knew you and your girlfriend would be there to see us. We also knew that it was your birthday so we had set a little something up when I knew i'd be seeing you for the meet & greet for you & your friend to get all access backstage passes to come and just hang out with us. You & I have this unexplainable connection. We wouldn't get together right away. We would test the waters. I would fly you out to whatever venue we were playing at & things would just blossom from there. While i'm the much more reserved/quiet guy you are very outgoing and very bubbly. When i'm with you i'm a different person. For the better. I have my faults. I've struggled years with alcohol addiction along with heavy recreational drugs. The roleplay would consist of our life (once we build it) on the road and just day to day activities. We would go to concerts and award shows. There would be some action & drama. We can discuss what the action & drama would be.
Slice Of Life - Unlikely shy guy in wheelchair gets the girl...
As the title suggests. I know that it's a full on cliche but I've been wanting to do this for quite some time. Yes I'm in a wheelchair in real life. There are quite a few different scenarios on how this could work. It would just depend on what you're feeling and comfortable with. I know I probably won't get anybody wanting to do this but I just wanted to get this idea out there. We can brain storm on ideas on how we can make this happen I am very flexible on changing some things around and listening to your ideas as well. If someone would actually want to do this you have no idea how happy this would make me. I have a couple different ways of chatting on here if you'd like. I can do the PM system here, Reddit PM/Reddit Messenger or Discord. I know it probably won't happen but I can't wait to hear from whoever.
*Disclaimer: There will be some NSFW stuff but only in certain situation on how the role plays out*
As for the role I will put in a description of my character.
Joe/Joey a very shy low key kind of guy but once you get to know him you come to find out that he's one of the nicest and sweetest people you'd ever meet. He's kind of a smart ass and can come off as rude to SOME people but not all. He's very playful/flirty one you get to know him & he breaks down that wall of his. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you asked quite literally. He has had a bit of a hard life being in a wheelchair but that's what made him into the person he is today & doesn't like making a big fuss over things/having pity parties over his situation. He is a soft spoken person but one you get to know him you he's a very open person that likes to please everyone & just make sure everyone is having a good time doing whatever. He also has a very "Take no shit" attitude towards people who are rude & has no issues with fighting if need be despite him being in a wheelchair he can throw down. He's unbelievably strong from wheeling himself around for more than 20 years in his wheelchair. Him like most people he has his good & bad days due to the chronic pain he's in from his condition called Spina Bifida but no matter how bad he's hurting he always tries to put on a smile because he doesn't want to seem weak. He doesn't have many friends but for the friends he does have he truly considers them family.

[Slice Of Life] [NSFW] [18+]Disabled Action Sports Athlete Gets Setup On A Blind Date With Unsuspecting Girl...
As the title suggests...and yes there is really a disabled action sports star in a wheelchair that does this...
The basic setup/premise would be something like some mutual friends set us up through a blind date so you kind of suspect it to be a typical Action Sports athlete like a BMX or Freestyle Motocross Rider since you all hang out around the same group of friends but when the date comes you see me in the wheelchair and immediately think i'm a retired Action Sports athlete due to injury but it's the complete opposite. I have been doing what I like to call WCMX (Wheelchair Motocross) & making a comfortable living off of it getting big time brand deals from Monster Energy & Redbull and I travel the world with different groups of friends that ride dirtbikes & BMX & what not doing road shows allover the place as i'm known for doing big tricks like 360's in my chair and I recently started doing backflips and front flips off the "big air" BMX ramps traveling around with the big Action Sports group of friends compiled of FMX/BMX riders & Skatboarders called Nitro Circus (Could be called something completely different. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate.) We would eventually hit it off you being a little skeptical at first but then I like invite you to an event and you can see what I do in action and we can kinda just wing it from there. There will be some NSFW things, some action, some injuries (mostly to me lol), affection & maybe a little bit of drama here & there. I know this probably won't get anyone's attention but this has been yet another idea i've been wanting to do.
[M4F][NSFW][Incest] Daughter comes to live with estranged father after he has an accident & a budding relationship begins...
The basic premise is that your mother & I were together for years and we raised you the best way that we could & you were the light of my life for many years & you knew it but as time went on, her & I drifted apart due to my job as a trucker and being gone for weeks and sometimes months at a time just because I was one of the best best truckers who shipped stuff allover the country I was in constant high demand. We ended up getting a divorce and I was basically told by her that I wasn't allowed to have contact with you because it would break your heart to talk to you and me not being able to be around. It's been about 4 years and I ended up leaving you without notice only because that's how your mom wanted it so you wouldn't have the heartache of me leaving you. You were 14 when I left and now you are 18 and just getting ready to go to college when your mom gets a call that I was in a terrible accident that has left me paralyzed from the knees down & that I really have no one to help me. I've saved up enough money to buy a fairly decent sized house with the good money I made transporting things over years & after you and your mom come to see me you guys try to figure out a plan on how to take care of me because we know that I can't get back with your mom, it just doesn't work with her & I anymore. After she leaves you stay in the hospital with me for a couple of days and things between us are a little weird at first but once we begin to talk some more & you help me get settled into the nice big house without me even saying or asking anything you decide to do the adult thing and come stay with me until I am able to do things on my own & as time passes we just start to get closer & closer. There will be a bit of drama & excitement like there will be people questioning our relationship as time goes because we become super close and don't really hide it from anyone...we can add whatever or re-work whatever. I'm a very flexible and am very open to whatever idea you may have.

[NSFW][Slice Of Life][Friends To Lovers] - Former acquaintances who were outcasts in high school reunite
You and I went to elementary and high school together in our small little town in the Midwest. We were both outcasts and not particularly popular or associated with a certain clique. It was the cheerleader and jocks world. We were just living in it. You and I weren't necessarily friends and definitely weren't that close. We had a lot of the same classes together so naturally being the outcasts of the school. Me being the kind of dorky band geek and you the quirky artsy girl naturally gravitated towards one another for projects & whatnot and that was pretty much it. We never really hung outside of school other than to work on projects and assignments together from time to time.
Fast forward about 10 years and we're both attending the 10 year high school reunion (lol obviously.) You are a successful artist and tattoo artist to some of the biggest and well known celebrities and influencers in the world and after I graduated high school I continued the path of music and my band got lucky and ended up getting signed to a record label. Now I am in one of the most successful rock/metal/emo bands in the world and you are the most sought out tattooers but you only have your books open for about a week max because they fill up so quickly.
Now for my idea. I was thinking maybe that you and I find each other just by pure chance on social media and you are actually going to be attending a big festival my band is co-headlining so I reach out to you to see if you wanna get some lunch or dinner or something and I wanted to see if you could work me in your schedule because I had an idea for a tattoo i've been working on. I have about 5-10 days off before I go out on tour in Europe so it will work out. As we begin to hang out we realize we have a lot more things in common and things begin to bud between us and we just hit it off. We would go back "home" from time to time to see family and that's when people would start recognizing us and seeing that we were together. I'd constantly be getting hounded for tickets to shows and people would be begging for your tattoos & paintings. We would attend concerts, tattoo conventions and award shows and we would definitely have some spice and drama in between.
[M4F] [18+][NSFW][Slice Of Life]
Best friends to lovers (my character would be in a wheelchair)) (kind of cliche I know but I would love to try this)
For as long as we could remember we were always attached to the hip. We are best friends. We've done everything together. Our parents made sure we had all the same classes together through out our years in elementary school & high school. You've always been the most popular/prettiest girl in school/town while I was the kind of dorky outcast kid in the wheelchair due to a birth defect. You have always been so nice to me. You've never treated me differently. You've always been there for me through all of my rough times of surgeries and depression of dealing with my disability. We have always joked around that you were mine & I was yours even when you were in relationships with other guys. Which have cost you some relationships because of how close we were and it's been about 2 years since we last saw each other even though we talk through Facebook & text & phone & you're back in town to visit family & friends and I think it's time to tell & show each other how we feel about each other finally.
So I've decided to delete each of my individual RP's because I got warned about bumping multiple threads so in this one here are ALL of my RP ideas. It will also be edited anytime I think of a new RP idea! Hopefully some of these ideas catches your eye & I hope to hear from you soon! Now for my ideas.


He rubs elbows with the elite of the elite and A-list celebrities & even such important figures such as the president of the United States. When he's not attending movie premieres or at some random party/business event he is contractually obliged to attend he spends most of his time at home cooped up in his office working on his next big potential ideas. His name is Joseph or Joe/Joey. On paper he has everything he could ever want. Except that one thing. Love. He's not getting any younger and has no one to share his wealth with other than with his team and the whole five people that are in his inner circle. There is one singular thing that is stopping him from achieving his ultimate goal. Finding true love. He has hired hundreds of escorts and strippers to go with him to these events as arm candy for him and to get the people talking. He hasn't found his person yet for one single reason. He's in a wheelchair after suffering a near fatal car crash. Now I know what you're thinking. He could just hire on whoever for that perfect GFE. At the beginning this new girl would eat up the chance to rub elbows the elite in Hollywood and the many other industries he's involved in and he knew that, he knew that nobody would want a crippled broken down man. It was tough even for him to find that specific person who isn't just there to advance in life the easy way. After awhile and consistency with him as you became his main squeeze. He liked you. He can be himself around you. He didn't like or want anyone else but you. After awhile you started to notice how I was treating you like a queen and spoiled you with things. Things you hadn't even asked for. Things that you've mentioned in our conversations/window shopping and our bedroom talk. Even after awhile and more dates and events he was still surprising you with two dozen of your favorite flowers.

So the premise is you are either my big or little sister. We’ve always been super close. Even a little bit too close than we probably should be. Like you sit in my lap all the time and smooch and love on me. You’ve always protected me whether I’ve wanted it or not. I recently went off to college and this is our first time apart for an extended period of time for the first time in our lives. Some time passes and I’m not having a great time because of bullies. It’s late afternoon one day and I’m sitting in the cafeteria area eating some lunch while studying and some guy who I kinda know from my dorm snatches my phone when he sees it light up and sees a picture I have of us together. You were sitting sideways in my lap and kissing my cheek. He pesters me and keeps asking me who you are and badgering me to give him your number/snap so he can get ahold of you. I kind of panic and say the first thing that comes to mind and I blurt out “she’s my girlfriend now fuck off” and he laughs and says prove it and a couple of weeks ago we made a plan for you to come up and visit so you’d be in the thick of it and I kinda break down when you get here and I tell you about my lie and I hope you don’t get mad.

You are a fan of one of the biggest hard rock/heavy metal bands in the world & I would be their drummer. I have been in the music scene for many many years and have been in numerous big bands over the years. You are one of our biggest super fans and we've met many times over the years. We've met so much that we are on first name basis & have emailed back and forth and messaged each other over social media. I am a pretty quiet reserved guy compared to most of the other guys. We recently just got back out on the road for a big US tour for the release of our 4th album and it's one of the first shows of the tour. We knew you and your girlfriend would be there to see us. We also knew that it was your birthday so we had set a little something up when I knew i'd be seeing you for the meet & greet for you & your friend to get all access backstage passes to come and just hang out with us. You & I have this unexplainable connection. We wouldn't get together right away. We would test the waters. I would fly you out to whatever venue we were playing at & things would just blossom from there. While i'm the much more reserved/quiet guy you are very outgoing and very bubbly. When i'm with you i'm a different person. For the better. I have my faults. I've struggled years with alcohol addiction along with heavy recreational drugs. The roleplay would consist of our life (once we build it) on the road and just day to day activities. We would go to concerts and award shows. There would be some action & drama. We can discuss what the action & drama would be.

As the title suggests. I know that it's a full on cliche but I've been wanting to do this for quite some time. Yes I'm in a wheelchair in real life. There are quite a few different scenarios on how this could work. It would just depend on what you're feeling and comfortable with. I know I probably won't get anybody wanting to do this but I just wanted to get this idea out there. We can brain storm on ideas on how we can make this happen I am very flexible on changing some things around and listening to your ideas as well. If someone would actually want to do this you have no idea how happy this would make me. I have a couple different ways of chatting on here if you'd like. I can do the PM system here, Reddit PM/Reddit Messenger or Discord. I know it probably won't happen but I can't wait to hear from whoever.
*Disclaimer: There will be some NSFW stuff but only in certain situation on how the role plays out*
As for the role I will put in a description of my character.
Joe/Joey a very shy low key kind of guy but once you get to know him you come to find out that he's one of the nicest and sweetest people you'd ever meet. He's kind of a smart ass and can come off as rude to SOME people but not all. He's very playful/flirty one you get to know him & he breaks down that wall of his. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you asked quite literally. He has had a bit of a hard life being in a wheelchair but that's what made him into the person he is today & doesn't like making a big fuss over things/having pity parties over his situation. He is a soft spoken person but one you get to know him you he's a very open person that likes to please everyone & just make sure everyone is having a good time doing whatever. He also has a very "Take no shit" attitude towards people who are rude & has no issues with fighting if need be despite him being in a wheelchair he can throw down. He's unbelievably strong from wheeling himself around for more than 20 years in his wheelchair. Him like most people he has his good & bad days due to the chronic pain he's in from his condition called Spina Bifida but no matter how bad he's hurting he always tries to put on a smile because he doesn't want to seem weak. He doesn't have many friends but for the friends he does have he truly considers them family.

As the title suggests...and yes there is really a disabled action sports star in a wheelchair that does this...
The basic setup/premise would be something like some mutual friends set us up through a blind date so you kind of suspect it to be a typical Action Sports athlete like a BMX or Freestyle Motocross Rider since you all hang out around the same group of friends but when the date comes you see me in the wheelchair and immediately think i'm a retired Action Sports athlete due to injury but it's the complete opposite. I have been doing what I like to call WCMX (Wheelchair Motocross) & making a comfortable living off of it getting big time brand deals from Monster Energy & Redbull and I travel the world with different groups of friends that ride dirtbikes & BMX & what not doing road shows allover the place as i'm known for doing big tricks like 360's in my chair and I recently started doing backflips and front flips off the "big air" BMX ramps traveling around with the big Action Sports group of friends compiled of FMX/BMX riders & Skatboarders called Nitro Circus (Could be called something completely different. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate.) We would eventually hit it off you being a little skeptical at first but then I like invite you to an event and you can see what I do in action and we can kinda just wing it from there. There will be some NSFW things, some action, some injuries (mostly to me lol), affection & maybe a little bit of drama here & there. I know this probably won't get anyone's attention but this has been yet another idea i've been wanting to do.
[M4F][NSFW][Incest] Daughter comes to live with estranged father after he has an accident & a budding relationship begins...
The basic premise is that your mother & I were together for years and we raised you the best way that we could & you were the light of my life for many years & you knew it but as time went on, her & I drifted apart due to my job as a trucker and being gone for weeks and sometimes months at a time just because I was one of the best best truckers who shipped stuff allover the country I was in constant high demand. We ended up getting a divorce and I was basically told by her that I wasn't allowed to have contact with you because it would break your heart to talk to you and me not being able to be around. It's been about 4 years and I ended up leaving you without notice only because that's how your mom wanted it so you wouldn't have the heartache of me leaving you. You were 14 when I left and now you are 18 and just getting ready to go to college when your mom gets a call that I was in a terrible accident that has left me paralyzed from the knees down & that I really have no one to help me. I've saved up enough money to buy a fairly decent sized house with the good money I made transporting things over years & after you and your mom come to see me you guys try to figure out a plan on how to take care of me because we know that I can't get back with your mom, it just doesn't work with her & I anymore. After she leaves you stay in the hospital with me for a couple of days and things between us are a little weird at first but once we begin to talk some more & you help me get settled into the nice big house without me even saying or asking anything you decide to do the adult thing and come stay with me until I am able to do things on my own & as time passes we just start to get closer & closer. There will be a bit of drama & excitement like there will be people questioning our relationship as time goes because we become super close and don't really hide it from anyone...we can add whatever or re-work whatever. I'm a very flexible and am very open to whatever idea you may have.

You and I went to elementary and high school together in our small little town in the Midwest. We were both outcasts and not particularly popular or associated with a certain clique. It was the cheerleader and jocks world. We were just living in it. You and I weren't necessarily friends and definitely weren't that close. We had a lot of the same classes together so naturally being the outcasts of the school. Me being the kind of dorky band geek and you the quirky artsy girl naturally gravitated towards one another for projects & whatnot and that was pretty much it. We never really hung outside of school other than to work on projects and assignments together from time to time.
Fast forward about 10 years and we're both attending the 10 year high school reunion (lol obviously.) You are a successful artist and tattoo artist to some of the biggest and well known celebrities and influencers in the world and after I graduated high school I continued the path of music and my band got lucky and ended up getting signed to a record label. Now I am in one of the most successful rock/metal/emo bands in the world and you are the most sought out tattooers but you only have your books open for about a week max because they fill up so quickly.
Now for my idea. I was thinking maybe that you and I find each other just by pure chance on social media and you are actually going to be attending a big festival my band is co-headlining so I reach out to you to see if you wanna get some lunch or dinner or something and I wanted to see if you could work me in your schedule because I had an idea for a tattoo i've been working on. I have about 5-10 days off before I go out on tour in Europe so it will work out. As we begin to hang out we realize we have a lot more things in common and things begin to bud between us and we just hit it off. We would go back "home" from time to time to see family and that's when people would start recognizing us and seeing that we were together. I'd constantly be getting hounded for tickets to shows and people would be begging for your tattoos & paintings. We would attend concerts, tattoo conventions and award shows and we would definitely have some spice and drama in between.
[M4F] [18+][NSFW][Slice Of Life]
Best friends to lovers (my character would be in a wheelchair)) (kind of cliche I know but I would love to try this)
For as long as we could remember we were always attached to the hip. We are best friends. We've done everything together. Our parents made sure we had all the same classes together through out our years in elementary school & high school. You've always been the most popular/prettiest girl in school/town while I was the kind of dorky outcast kid in the wheelchair due to a birth defect. You have always been so nice to me. You've never treated me differently. You've always been there for me through all of my rough times of surgeries and depression of dealing with my disability. We have always joked around that you were mine & I was yours even when you were in relationships with other guys. Which have cost you some relationships because of how close we were and it's been about 2 years since we last saw each other even though we talk through Facebook & text & phone & you're back in town to visit family & friends and I think it's time to tell & show each other how we feel about each other finally.
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