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Title a roleplay

The Probing Question: Will She Or Won't She?

A Cube Earth believer and a Flat Earth believe find each other and become romantically involved despite their deafferenting beliefs, and in the end have both their beliefs crushed and found out the Earth is actually Triangular Shaped.
The topology divide

A fairy falls for a human. Can they have a happy life together despite her being only 4" tall?
Does...size matter?

A lifeform like nothing previously seen by mankind arrives and somehow starts moving people's personalities from one body to another as an experiment.
Not only might a person fall asleep as Sasha, the secretary from Georgia, and wake up as Pedro, the line cook from Brazil...but John from accounting might wake up as Felix the tomcat.
No one, or safe from the aliens games.
Extra Terrestrial Transcendence: Slumber Roulette

A pilot takes off only to discover that the world beneath them has disappeared. No land, no water, just sky.
Desperately Seeking Landfall...

In the far future, a rogue explorer - who typically wanders the stars in search of lost artefacts - happens upon a ship that's adrift. Boarding it, he discovers the crew and passengers are still on board and very dead, apparently by their own hands...but nothing adds up, and the more he investigates, the less sense it makes.
The Pen is Smightier


YC is a treasure hunter, who's just found the Pen of the Covenant. Its untold power allows the writer to insert themselves into any piece of written content (books, screenplays, articles etc) and alter the course of its perception across history. MC -- an eccentric collector and zealot -- desires its power, so that they can make themselves the hero of ALL stories. Including the one being written about it 😱😱
The protagonists

Two strangers keep inadvertently running into each other at least once a week, even when they actively try not to.
Linked by Fate

Someone who continually has sexually intrusive thoughts about everyone around them encounters a coworker who is secretly psychic and having difficulty hiding it from them and their constant sexual fantasies.
Think that again, only louder!

A jelly given sentience by a miscast witch's spell develops a fixation for a gay rattlesnake.
Sprockets, Cogs, and Cocks: Droid Filled Voids

A gangster falls for a lounge singer, who's the daughter of an FBI agent.
The Mobs of Law.

A knight, searching an ancient ruin as part of his Holy Quest, finds an artifact that leads to the witch who cast the spell that drives the Quest...but the witch cast the spell in self-defence.
And the Holy Shall Defend the Wicked

A raucous and raunchy Halloween party is hosted at a beach house on a narrow peninsula. During the night a huge storm hits that floods the only road. The partygoers are stranded at the house for several days. With nothing to wear but their costumes, they are forced to reckon with the debauchery they took part in on that fateful night.
After All Hallow's Eve : November Never Leaves

Twin girls decide to compete to seduce the daughter of their new father-in-law without revealing that they're two different people. Winner is the first to get her to bed. The daughter has a secret of her own however; the fact she's a hermaphrodite/futanari.
Climbing the Greasy Pole: The Twins' Tale.

In an alternate timeline where the Roman Empire prevailed and grew stronger through to the 21st Century, a young and newly-elected Senator seeks to reform the Senate and save the Empire before decadence brings it down; he finds himself securing the aid of the widowed wife of a popular and highly-respected General, which can bring elements of the military to his side...but the Secret Police are always watching.

(I actually did try writing this idea once, on a different site...).
"Et tu Senator, Fulvia wants you"

A post apocalyptic love story where MC falls in love with a zombie who is already in love with a werewolf who is kenneled by a lion tamer.
The Undying, the Unrequited, and the Whipped

Starcrossed lovers that can only meet (and bang) each other when and where there is an eclipse happening.
A total eclipse of the fucked.

A dying lord marries a peasant girl to spite his children who the king then adopts.
Revenge is a Dish Best Served with Complicated Machinations

A one night stand between strangers. When they wake up they realize that the absolutely hate the job/company their partner works for.
One night with Microsoft.

Two soldiers fighting on opposite sides as snipers. Instead of shooting, they take pictures of the other sniper through their sniper scope while leaving love letters for each other behind the lines.
Love at gun point

Two players in an mmo fall in love despite being from rival guilds and secretly get married, only for one to be banned following false reports from the other's jealous ex and the latter to delete their account never to return. The remaining players assume they went on to meet irl.
The MMO and How to Escape It
(Massive abuse of Multiple guildies trust Online)

A holy priest and a demonic summoner fall in love despite their orders strictly forbidding contact with anyone not aligned with their faith.
Roaming Hellish Juliette
(Pun on Romeo and Juliet)

The polyamorous relationship between a man, a girl, the man's other personality, and the demon occasionally possessing the girl.
Me, Myself, Irene & That Thing in Her Mirror

A relationship between a demon who forgot he was a demon and the summoner trying to get him to use his powers again.
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