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He's mine! (light/Divine)

Light growled, cringing with anger. He then sighed and let his head drop down. "Damn it.." There was nothing he could do now, the woman had already taken Ana. Did that mean he was next? Was she going to kill him? That thought rose panic in him. No, no, he could die! He had so many plans for the future, he was too young to die. But..if he keeps pissing the woman off she might just do away with him. So what was he to do? He was too stubborn to actually just give in, hell, that was the last thing he would do. Give himself to a filthy criminal just because of threats or punishment? No! He wasn't going to, he belonged to no one and this woman had no right in keeping him here. matter what he said this girl would never let him go, even if he needed to eat or take a bath or use the bathroom she would probably have him cuffed or something so he couldn't escape. That still was an idea though..
Ana-Marie laid on her bed for a few hours, talking to her reflection, well plotting as it were. She gave a soft sigh as she rolled back onto her stomach, her mind racing over possible way to break him. She didn't want to use force but now, the idea appeal more to Marie than Ana. Ana tried her best to reason with Marie but Marie was stronger than Ana and easily won the debate. Marie slipped from her bed, slowly waltzing over to her closet and began to rummage through some clothes.

After a good couple of hours, Marie appeared in a costume of sorts. Her hair was noticeable darker, as well as long and done up in ringlets, a wig obviously. Her once hazel orbs now a deep, enticing pink, contacts. Her outfit, if you could call it that, was vastly different from anything Ana would ever wear or did. A corset hugged her torso, while her legs were clad in a pair of leather pants, A pair of black heels adorned her feet, the heels a sharp metal. Her arms covered in leather gloves and a simple choker about her neck.

The ringlets spilled down her back and shoulders, only half was pulled up and fixed into place with a pair of shining metal chopsticks. After one last look in the mirror she smile and head off down the stairs to visit Light. It didn't take her long before she pushed open the door, shutting it with a click, the lock slipping into place on the other side. She smirked as she closed the space between them, her fingers slowly slipping about the blindfold as she slowly lifted it.

"Hello Light" she purred in that heavy honey tone.
Light had eventually gotten so bored that he ended up falling sleep, of course before hand he had time to think things over and came up with a few ideas to try later on, he just hoped one of them would work. When sound once again reached his ears, he awoke instantly, unless Light was forced to pass out by a drug he was not a sound sleeper any faint noise would bring him back to reality in seconds. It could be because he was always paranoid or just a habit he developed after some time.

His eyes shot open and he lifted his head making it seem he wasn't sleeping to begin with. When he heard the heels he knew it was her but how come there wasn't a second sound of another person? No, what did she do with Ana?..He felt the blind fold being removed from his eyes finally but because its been a while his eyes squinted at the light until they adjusted.

Once he could see better again his eyes looked into hers, glaring. "What did you do with Ana?.." He asked in a demanding tone.
She rolled her shoulders in a small shrug as her lips fell into an indifferent smile. "Nothing to worry about... shes fine for now." she purred sweetly as she twirled the blindfold around her finger casually. "But I'd rather not talk about her right now." she chimed coolly not taking her eyes off him nor letting her smirk fall. "I'd much prefer to talk about you...and how you will preform."
Light looked at her, glaring still. That was not what he asked, he wanted to know what she did with her, or rather did to her. But he supposed even if he asked the woman wouldn't tell him anyway. His eyes brow raised at her last statement. Just what did she mean by that? "Come again?..Define perform.." He said looking at her suspiciously and with slight disgust. He had a good idea what she meant but wanted to make sure before he made any assumptions, it was never good to assume something ahead of time.
Her head tipped to the side as a pleased smile crossed her painted lips, her arms slipping behind her back as her pink orbs hinted at excitement. "Well" she began before she licked her lips. "I expect certain things form you, one being that you behave. I don't like having you tied up like some animal without a brain, I know your smarter than that but will your will allow to behave is a whole other thing." she purred as her shoulder rolled into that small shrug. "I would like to enjoy you off the cross but if it can't be done... then I will just have to make due." She paused before a smirk tugged at her lips. "It would seem Ana has been able to behave and has be a delight. I just hope the same can be said about you one of these days. Though I would prefer sooner than later."
Light glared at her with a deadly look as she talked. The more that came out of her mouth the more he hated her guts. He turned his head away stubbornly. "Don't count on it.." He mumbled. "I'm not about to do what you want." He then looked back at her stretching out his head to get closer to her face. " Encase you haven't noticed, I am not Ana. My beliefs and the way I work is completely different from her and probably any other male you've brought here in the past..So don't expect much from me." He turned his head away again closing his eyes because it was getting more sickening by the minute to look at her.
She pouted softly for a moment or two before she shrugged as if indifferent to him and his rant. She chewed her lip for a second or two as she thought it over in her hand. "Really? that is really to bad... " she paused again, hoping it would grab his attention. "I guess I'll just take Ana in your place, true she isn't anything like you... but I suppose she could do.. After all she's so sweet and innocent, I really do enjoy her.. 'company'... " she stopped as she slowly tipped her head forward in thought before lifting her gaze to see him. "I guess that's the only choice I have...Ana for you...Though it will pain me when I punish her for your ill actions."
When he heard her speak again he opened his eyes and looked at her. "Huh?" His eye widened at her words. He shook his head glaring at her again. "What are you a psycho or something?! Do you just get off on what you do, or are you just fucked up in the head?..She shouldn't have to pay for what I did!" He quieted down, Light did care for Ana but his own life was more important then someone else, besides something still wasn't adding up right. He sighed and turned away again. "You know what screw it..I don't care. Just know if I ever get free I'm going to seriously make you pay..Besides you probably already touched her anyway, again won't be any different.." His anger had got the best of him and made him to a point where he could careless about anyone else. He was back to being emotionless and cold just like he was before he met Ana.
Her brow lifted slowly before his words stuck a cord deep within her. For a moment the Ana in her cringed at his words before Marie was back at the controls. "Ah, so it would seem the true Light would show himself at last. I was beginning to wonder if he ever would show. Not that it would matter but I'm sure Ana is near tears by now, after she did like you.. A lot but now after hearing everything, she'll think differently." she rolled her shoulders in a lazy shrug before reaching for her favorite toy. "It really is a pity though...Ana was ready to do just about anything to save you... Think what you may but I prefer not to play with girls, I, like most, prefer boys. There have so much more to offer." she stopped for a moment as she extend her arm, placing the tip of the crop under his chin, turning his head this way and that. "It really is a pity but seeing how you scorned Ana, I can't let that go."

Again he would feel the sting across his chest, again and again. Her pace steady and strong, though this time there was more anger, spite behind each blow, Ana no longer holding Marie back but aiding her. The cracks echoed though out the shallow room, tickling her ears as the image before her tormented her in ways no one would understand.

((So, question. Is this okay, too twisted or??? Any feedback would be nice, I feel like I might be straying or going to random at some points.))
(Its fine, I don't mind. But you've been doing regular punishment for awhile, some sexual torture would be nice)

Light rolled his eyes to the side at her words, unaffected by what she said. "Your the one that caused me to be this way..You just kept pushing me, over and over again until I finally snapped!..But again that was your intention, wasn't it?" He looked back at her, listening to her every word. Now that caught his attention he wondered if she even caught herself. For now though he would have to wait because she was already preparing more punishment towards him.

He gritted his teeth tightly, only giving vicious glares and looks after each whipping. Light would cringe but he wouldn't show any weakness or pain. He wasn't going to give her that satisfaction. When she finally stopped he panted, sweat was rolling down his forehead, his head was down but he was looking up at her threw his bangs, glaring still. " that the best you've got, Ana?.."

He gave a small smirk. He had figured it out from what she said before. Ana could not of heard what he had said because only him and the woman were around at the time, so the only conclusion was she was Ana Marie. Possibly she was playing two parts on purpose or she was mentally insane, either way he had solved her little game.."You know I should of went with my first assumption of you, the one where I think your luring me into a trap. But leave it to me to try and at least show kindness for a fellow schoolmate, well what was left of my kindliness has just went out the window.."
She should have been taken back by his words, she should had known something was on his mind. After the way he stayed silent during the thrashing she gave him. No, instead her painted lips twisted into a sadistic smile as she slowly shook her head. A hand rest on her hip as she now stared at him, something within her snapping. The crop still in hand as she let hang by her side, her posture still straight as she rest her weight on her right leg.

"No, I'm Marie." She purred, no sneered well it was hard to tell. Her expression didn't change nor did she move as she spoke. "You really think Ana could hurt the one she cared for in such a manner? Ha, that pathetic little girl cringes at the sound of a whip cracking. She could never stand here and give you want you deserve for all the years you ignored her, all the years you pushed past her, hiding behind your homework and studies like some wounded bird. Coward..."

She locked those deadly pink orbs on him as if a hunter lining up a kill in the cross hairs. "YOU NEED THIS AND THIS IS NOTHING ANA CAN DO FOR YOU!" Her voice was heavy though it seemed to crack as the crop began to slash wildly across him, His chest no longer the target but all of him. Anger, confusion fueled her attack, tears welling in her eyes as the crop moved effortless on its own. She WOULD break him... Though it would seem she, herself was breaking.
Light closed his eyes cringing as the whip made contact with his body again. He hurt worse then before, but he wasn't going to show it, he was going to stay strong until the end. His hands and toes clenched holding back any sounds though he did make a few grunts when she hit more sensitive areas. After so long she finally stopped whipping him, leaving him with slashes and cuts all over him, blood dripping down his body and onto the floor below. His clothes were more tore then before, now his pants had rips in them and his shirt had been completely tore off. His head was lowered once more as he panted only to look up into her eyes.

"So that is what this is about?..Foolish, you humans are all the same. All you want is to have a perfect boyfriend and live happily ever after. Well this world isn't like that, its kill or be killed..and every year, it just gets worse.." He lifted his head. "I am not a cowered as you say, there is reason on why I don't bother with people. My future goals are more important then trivial things such as dating. Besides, doesn't it always end badly? How many marriages have you heard ever surviving, or boyfriends and girlfriends ever staying together? You answer me that.."

His head turned away. "Ana is not the only girl I've turned down and she wont be the last. But kidnapping me, threatening me, and harming me is not a way to get me to care more about someone, in fact it makes me hate them to the point of where I would enjoy watching them suffer.." Light then looked back at her. "I'll be honest though, I actually did start to have feelings for Ana but both of you took that away by betraying our friendship and showing me you are just like every other person in this world.." He closed his eyes. "Do what you want but I will never submit to you.."
She stood there staring at him, her expression never wavering as she listened to him. Though her body was present, her eyes were dull and lifeless. She looked as if she were a puppet waiting for someone to pull her strings. It was as if his words were having an effect on her that she wasn't expecting and now had overloaded her. Even her breath was slower.

Finally she took a deep breath in as the life came back to her pink orbs. She slowly shook her head as her eyes arched in a roll. She shut her eyes for a moment as her head tilted to the side in thought. Slowly she exhaled as her eyes reopened, focusing on on him once more. Her lips spread into a smug grin as she brushed some ringlets from her face.

"Light... you talk big but I don't think you could back it up." she purred as she closed the distance between them, the click of her heels steady as she now looked up to him. "I think if push came to shove, you would submit. Though it could take awhile...But I have time." she purred as her finger took hold of his chin, tilting his back some as she now licked her lips. "And I know you do." she purred again, her lips still holding that smug grin before she pressed her lips to his.
Light's eyes narrowed dangerously at her, there was nothing he hated more then being called weak. He was far from that, and if she would let him go he'd prove it to her and it would not be pretty.."Don't think I could back it up, huh? Why don't you release me and find out.." He said with a smirk only for it to disappear. He tried to move his head back when she began to close the distance between them and tried jerking his head so she would let go of his chin. He raised his eyes brow looking into her eyes.

"What?..!!" His eyes widened with surprise as her lips collided with his. He then growled and thrashed under her reaching his arms out to grab her but were stopped by the shackles. Light closed his eyes tightly in protest, shaking his head and struggling, he did not want this woman touching him.
She felt him struggling and it only made it more delicious as she continued to hold her lips to his. She loved feeling him struggle under, the way his body moved and tense, if she wasn't busy kissing him she would be laughing. She pulled away for a moment, looking at him with a smirk before she sank back against him. Her lips trailing along his neck until she was buried deep against the nap of his neck. She smirked against his soft flesh before she nipped at him. Her hands sliding along his chest and torso, loving the feel of his tattered shirt beneath her roaming hands.
He glared at her when she finally stopped kissing him. How dare she think she can just do what she wanted with him. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" His eyes watched her as she leaned in closer with the same pissed off expression. Light felt her lips on his neck which caused him to grit his teeth, he was not going to give into her so easily. "Stop touching me!!" He growled only to bite his lip when he felt her hands running over his chest and torso. He jerked his head to the side small drops of sweat were starting to slide down his forehead.
"Enjoying you of course" she purred against his ear, her lips lightly brushing against it as she spoke. It was like her lips had a mind of their own as they fell into that smug smirk again at his demand only to push it aside as she nipped at his ear. "And why would I do that? I've waited so long to have you and now I'm going to take my time." Her breath was warm as she spoke against the soft flesh on his neck, working her way to his collar bone in light teasing kisses and nips. Her hands moved skillfully over his torn body, easily pulling and ripping the remains of his shirt from his body and letting them fall to the awaiting floor.

Her hands now roamed more freely about his body, unhindered by the fabric that once kept her fingers from gliding smoothly over his tone torso. Slowly her lips moved down from his collar bone, working their way down his chest in soft nips here and there. Her skilled fingers gliding down the rest of the way to his belt, working with ease to unfasten it and pulled it free from the loops. Going back to work, her fingers unfastened his pants all the while her lips trailed down his chest and torso, missing the open wounds. Though she missed the open wounds, she didn't skip the red lines of welts that decorated his body so nicely. Flicking her tongue over softly them as she passed.
Light looked at her from the corner of his eyes, glaring daggers. He tried moving away from her touch but the cross stand he was bounded to left him barely any room to move. "What makes you think you can just have me and do whatever you want, huh? I don't belong to you, and I never will!" He gritted his teeth tighter from her touches, he didn't want to give in, but unfortunately they were very affective. Besides, he had been holding himself back for so long because he was too occupied in building his own future, even though he would never admit it, he needed it badly.

He closed his eyes to try and get his mind on something else but the feeling was hard to ignore. His eyes shot open again and he looked down to see her messing with his belt before pulling it completely off him only to then unfasten his pants. His hands clenched into fists as he forced himself to not react, but it was easily seen she was getting to him. Sweat was rolling down his forehead even more now to show how nervous he was of giving into her. Light cringed a few times as her tongue lightly brushed over the welts on his body. "I..I have to use the bathroom.." He said once more seeing if she would buy it this time, though he doubted it.
She ignored his outburst as she moved along his body. Smirking from time to time his amusing antics. She wasn't about to give up or let him be... just yet. She was going to finish what she started. Her lips sank lower down his torso before her lips met his unfasten pants, her pinks orbs traveling up the path she took to meet his gaze. She nipped at the soft flesh as her fingers worked to loosen his pants.

Her brow lifted softly before she slowly shook her head. "I doubt that and besides, I'm having far to much fun to stop now." she purred against his flesh. Her tongue running along the tiny nip marks she left, licking at them as she peered up to him. Her hands had finished with his pants and were now running along his hips and slowly sinking down, her nails leaving small red trails. Her hands soon disappeared or at least hidden from his view. But he would be able to feel them running up and long his inner thigh in a teasing fashion, inching closer and closer to her target.

Her lips began to travel lower than they already were, moving along the only garment left that shield his flesh from her aching lips. Her gaze still fixed up on him as she found his weakness per say. Smirking only to herself she ran her tongue up, flicking her tongue once she reached the top.
Her teasing movements was driving him nearly insane. His kept his teeth gritted tightly holding in any noises that would indicate lust or pleasure. He didn't want her to have the satisfaction of being in control of course that was easier said then done. His eyes watched her every move and widened slightly as she got lower and lower though still kept his glare. He growled and bit his lip turning his head away so he wouldn't look into her taunting gaze, but he could still feel her small nips on his flesh.

A sharp gasp escaped his lips when he felt his pants fall down from being loosened. He shook his head in protest as her hands started to trace up his inner thighs. Damn her, this girl wasn't an amateur he could tell that. She knew exactly what she was doing and how to seduce a male into giving in. Still, he couldn't do it, no, he wouldn't do it! He had to fight it, he must not give up yet!

Light shot his gaze to her again when he felt her lips resting on his boxers that covered his male organ. His breaths came out in short pants now as his chest heaved in and out. The nails of his fingers had starting to dig into his skin from all the clenching now causing them to bleed slightly, plus his wrists and ankles were rubbed raw from all the struggling.

He shook his head as he saw what she was planning on doing, but the second he felt her tongue running up his sexual organ it caused his eyes to widen. The blood rushed out of his head and went down to his lower region. Even though he still had his boxers on, the teasing was too effective, he had become unwillingly erected from her touch. He jerked his head downward and closed his eyes tightly his teeth gritted and bared. "D-Damn it!.."

Those pink orbs sparkled as she peered up to him, his words causing those painted lips to fall into a taunting smile. She couldn't help but smile knowing that she was indeed getting to him despite his efforts. Her fingers ran up his thighs is teasing manner as the trailed up along where her lips had played, all the while keeping her gaze fix up to him. She loved his expression, his gritted teeth, all making him more desirable. She couldn't help but tug lightly on his boxers.

Her fingers still trailed along him, teasingly soft as she just used the tip of her smooth nails. The feeling of power over him was delicious as she went along toying with him. She had waited so long for him to be weak enough, ah the feeling coursing through her veins made her heart begin to race. He was weak but still he held that will power and stubbornness still filled him but soon it wouldn't be a problem.

Her nails traveled back down to his thighs as she rest her lips against his flesh, her breath hot as she lowered her gaze. She smirked as tongue slipped from her lips as along his boxers once more. Her fingers slowly moving to release him from the trapping of his boxers. Her tongue still eagerly moving along his flesh, slow as she worked her way up before running her tongue over the soft flesh.
Light kept his eyes closed tightly. This wasn't good, she was winning. Now that he was erected his thinking capability would be lower then normal, soon he wouldn't be able to think straight enough to fight back. Damn it, she had left him at a huge disadvantage. What was he going to do now? He could always make something up that wouldn't work. He was running out of options and fast..Come on think..think!..

"W-wait!" When he caught her attention he began to speak. "..I didn't tell you before but I told my mom if I don't call her back by a certain time to alert father. He could be already on his way here!" Of course he was now just making up lies, there was no other choice, he had to find some way to stop her. Making up ridiculous things seemed to be the only thing at the moment.

His hands clenched tighter and he bit his lip tighter. Blood was now seeping down his wrists from his nails stabbing into him. His eyes shot open when she pulled his boxers down and ran her tongue over his now exposed flesh. "ahh...S-stop it!" He growled again glaring down at her and jerking his wrists with all his strength in hopes of breaking lose.
She paused as she lifted her gaze up to meet his a soft smirk. His lies were cute and she couldn't help but flick her tongue over his flesh once more before she slowly rose to her full height, her gaze still locked to his. "Your so cute when you lie" she purred as she brushed her lips against his. "But its so much fun to watch" she licked her lips slowly before she dropped her gaze down as she bit her lip.

"Though" she began, her fingers coiling around his tender flesh before her gaze lifted back to his. "I enjoy watching you squirm and throw out these little lies, I have other things I need to tend to." she purred with a devious smirk. "But before I leave you" she teased as she slowly sank back down his body, her tongue running along his flesh. Her lips were wet as she slowly wrapped them around him, teasingly slow she slowly sank her lips lower on him.
Light closed his eyes tightly with his teeth still gritted. She was just teasing him, taunting him because she had all the power and he could do nothing to stop her. He was after all bound to this stupid cross like devise. His wrists, ankles, chest, almost everything was held down by straps. Well, at least they weren't metal. That would of been very uncomfortable not to mention with all the struggling hes been doing, they would of definitely chafed his wrists and ankles, or maybe even cut into the flesh.

He had his head down, it appeared he was sulking because of the fact he was never going to get out of this. After calming down some he looked at her again. "You never told me why you are doing this..At school I turned down many girls, but I never even acknowledged you. There should be no reason for you doing this to me. I understand some do this for revenge, but I have done nothing to you. So tell me truthfully, for the way your treating me, the least I deserve is the reason for your actions..and don't say its because you just want to play with me, that is not an answer.."
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