Mx Female Wanna help me with my cravings???


Jan 13, 2018
Hey everyone! My name is Thomas and I'm 21 years old.

The kinds of rps that I usually do are incest but I have some ideas that aren't incest related.

I usually write one paragraph per post and I can usually reply pretty quick. I can rp in either pms or on discord. My discord name is tomtom2821#8444

Lonely mother: A mom has been divorced for about three years and hasn't had sex for awhile. It's just her and her son living in the house. She lately has been horny no matter what she thinks about so one day she decides to fix this problem by spending "quality time" with her son.

Family reunion: (this one would require you play two characters) A mom and son go visit the aunt for the weekend (aunt can be sister or sister-in-law to mom its up to you). They haven't seen her for a few years. When they get there the aunt convinces them to spend some special time with her so they can get reacquainted.

The Island: A mom and son get stranded on a deserted island all alone. They are stuck on it for about 4 months until they are rescued but during those 4 months they decided to explore each other to try to make each other as comfortable as possible. By the time they are rescued the mom can't resist her son again and start to have some fun in their house. (If you want the son could get the mom pregnant on the island or they never get rescued and are stuck on the island forever)

Milf from the gym: We go to the same gym and we see each other everyday. You can be about 39 years old married and wanting someone new and young. I can be about 18 about to graduate from high school. In this story you would have to make the first move and then we could sneak around like take secret vacations together or have sex in the gym parking lot or maybe even checking me out of school cause you can't wait to have me

My moms friend: You have been friends with my mom for as long as i can remember. Lately we have been starting to talk more often and we start to develop feelings for each other. You could start to make up lies that you need my help around your house so my mom doesn't get suspicious of us so we are able to go on dates and everything.

Pm me if you find any of my ideas interesting.
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