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ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ & ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ, 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥? || ƒᴇʀᴀʟ x ᴡᴀᴠᴇᴠᴇʟᴏᴜʀ


Probably a good thing that Lucky woke up immediately, something about the intersection of slumbering preys and hungry kitties. Kat indulged that appraising gaze - leaned an elbow into the doorframe just below eye level, partially to continue toweling down her hair, and partially because it absolutely accentuated her contour. Unlike some other boys and girls, her confidence in her own skin was supreme. Could have posed naked with the same level of self-assuredness for all intent and purposes, but liked the temptation a little bit of clothing offered.

At the request, she grinned lopsidedly, tucked her chin in and offered a smoldering look from beneath her lashes. The towel dropped, and those highlighted streaks cascaded down her shoulder, over her nape and back as she gave a little twirl. Leaned forward too to emphasize the length of her legs and the perkiness of her rear, but of course. There was a very good reason why Lucky always felt like she had to keep such a close eye upon this playful brunette; Kat was not just hot, she most definitely knew how to flaunt it too.
“How very kind of you,” she affirmed in response, sauntering her way over with purpose. Those mochas remained affixed to Lucky, noting the girl’s rather whimsical posturing before she rose. Assessed the chair as well - high back, no armrest. That narrowed some options. How curious. A smile bedazzled in response to the brazen touch, biting her lip entirely intentionally.
“Knowing you, a lot of things.” A chuckle as she flirted back just as shamelessly. “But I would guess that it’s going to end up with me replacing that chair between your spread thighs, sound ‘bout right?” A small inhale, a darkening of her eyes as Lucky continued to explore. Her own digits ghosted over the curvature of Lucky’s hips, not so much to detain as it was to sate a hunger for more contact. Beneath Lucky’s fingers, that rather single-minded bulge did not require much urging to become that much more pronounced, pressing up against fabric in a clearly delineated outline. And, despite the tight-fitting nature of her chosen apparel, the shorts were incredibly elastic unlike her jeans, and as such, leaps and bounds more comfortable. As much as she liked well-fitted clothing, she wasn't enough of a masochist to mistreat herself like that. And plus, contrary to her lithe frame, Kat wasn't exactly on the smaller end of things. Nothing threatening, but with enough length for depth and enough girth to stretch.
"Can't say I've quite figured it out though," she leaned in, stole a quick kiss, before her shoulders brushed past Lucky’s. Dropped herself into that chair and made herself comfortable. Didn’t cross her legs either, rather, spread them wide in invitation, the same as her smile. This time, it was her turn to beckon with a curled finger. “I think you best demonstrate - I’ve always learned best with a hands-on education anyway.”
Cooperation and sharing, what every healthy relationship required. As her girlfriend demonstrated the former, and walked towards the modest throne she had chosen for her, Lucky watched her from behind. Humouring her simple wish about sitting down meant that she sadly wouldn't be get to play with the eye-catching pair of buns she was gazing on. Thankfully, apart from a nice bum, Kat had a lot of inviting features that demanded attention. With her pretty host's steps, Lucky tapped a foot on the floor, simply waiting for the girl to put her butt where she wanted. Poor cat probably didn't know that she would be sitting there for a while.

"Replacing you with a chair?" Eyes slightly lowered, the thoughtful brunette pondered a bit. She hadn't thought about it, really. Repurposing her cheating-prone girlfriend as furniture. Chair, table, pouffe, or duet bench. All required the fulfilment of modest tasks. Easy to perform, but humbling to do. "You'd make an excellent chair, darling." It could have been a good penalty for coquetry, being tasked with a job devoted to the unquestionable comfort of her lover.

Approaching the seated girl from behind, Lucky put her hands on her shoulders, like a little hairdresser, who wanted to build a rather personal relationship with a regular client. There was no mirror in front of Kat, in this case. So, she had to rely on her partner to know how pretty she looked while purring like a feline at feeding time.

The towel-dried brown strands were still moist when Lucky gathered them into her hands. "You never listen, do you?" She untangled them a little, not necessarily talking about unused hairdryers. Pressing on her forehead, she tilted the girl's head back. Her lips were ready for another kiss as she pressed them onto Kat's. After returning to the young brunette's shoulder, one of her hands slid down. Gliding past the collarbone, her fingers ventured into the collarless top. Already unbuttoned, the garment had been inviting them for a while, anyway. As she made sure the kiss lingered, her hand found a round orb to play with.

Whether the shorts were comfortable or not, Lucky knew that thing hankered to go outside. She had a nice bird's eye view of the bump between Kat's unladylike spread legs. Undoubtedly, another invitation. Similar to the mound she was gripping and fondling, she intended to visit with that appendage too. Eventually.

Pulling herself up, she continued. "Always digging up the foreign flowerbeds." She walked around the chair. "Scratching people you shouldn't." Gently lowering herself, Lucky sat on the girl's knee. "Looking for the next girl to knock off the table." Putting an arm around Kat's shoulder for more stability, and intimacy as well, she folded one creamy leg over the other. After this repositioning setback, her free hand spread over a lovely breasts again, this time feeling it through the girl's top. "Instead of thinking with your heart," Lucky suggested, giving a short-lived squeeze, "thinking with this." Her hand cascaded down the girl's bust, and kept running lower. She began to stroke the crotch, enjoying moving her delicate fingers on the uneven surface. "Smile, wider." A familiar command came. Instead of gently brushing Kat's member, her fingers abruptly dug into the elastic material, clutching the rod underneath.


“Would I?” She craned her neck back, leaning into those combing digits intent upon taming her wild locks. “Maybe about as good as one of those mechanical bulls at rodeo shows - heard they make excellent chairs too.” A small laugh, side-eyeing Lucky with a pleasant smile that softened her clear disagreement. Because that was the thing about cats. Big, small, striped or not, all cats lacked that innate desire to please most canines possessed. Could certainly rub two brain cells together long enough to perform for a treat, but only when they wanted to. There was an exceptionally good reason why there were no obedience competitions for cats like there were for dogs, especially given their approximate equal popularity as domestic companions. Cats did what they wanted, when they wanted. End of discussion.

Luckily for Lucky then, this particular Kat was quite willing to play along with her antics. She met those soft lips with affection, with warmth and zeal and flirtation in the way she nipped upon Lucky’s bottom lip. “Not a clue what you mean,” she offered in between kisses, “I’m-” a quiet moan interrupting her words as her girlfriend set about exploring. In response, she merely tilted her head back even more, resting against the back of the chair. “-hanging onto every word.” Her chest rose and fell with each breath, a slightly faster tempo now as Lucky grew bolder. No bra, of course, she did just shower, and her girl would doubtlessly feel that pebbling peak pressing into her palm. No additional layers beneath those shorts either, obviously.

And as far as a bird’s eye view went, there was quite a lot to admire. Starting with the contours of her jawline, down her throat displayed so prominently, her chest that heaved - the disturbed crop top only offering a more enticing view down that generous valley, to the increased tension of her abs, her thighs that flexed - not the only thing that flexed either. Kat had never been shy about asking for what she wanted, a trait her little friend shared in abundance. Pushed insistently against cotton, just barely contained by virtue of its diagonal orientation, and rather eager to come out and play.

Despite her distractions though, Kat could hardly be considered dull. She was more than adept at reading between the lines, rather pointed lines at that. The jealousy did not surprise given what brought this on in the first place, and she was more than self-assured in her ability to smooth the same over. “Can’t say I’ve been doing any digging or scratching,” she patted her knee, finding irony in that earlier comparison with a chair. “And certainly hasn’t been in the business of knocking anything one direction or another.” God no. Terrified of children, she was. “My heart’s all yours,” an arm wrapped around Lucky’s back, offering the stability she sought. “And,” a gasp at the possessive grip, a quick inhale to follow as her cock jumped against Lucky’s palm. “-that’s all yours too.” At the prompt, she did grin, the very picture of sensual persuasion. Licked her lips too, her free hand brushing across Lucky’s cheek. “Not really my fault if other boys and girls liked to look at what’s yours, no?” Did her flaunting the same help? Of course not, but she was excellent at deflecting all responsibility, academically or otherwise.
A particular unwillingness to accept her sins, let alone seeking forgiveness for flirting with others, while Lucky sought retribution for the crime of betrayed loyalty committed against her. Always have been a studious woman who was foreign to traits such as tardiness and laziness, she was determined to make sure her daring girlfriend would think twice before bantering with another soul. "Who's fault it is then?" Lucky asked. "Is it mine?" Her grip on the antenna loosened. Instead of holding it, she began to rub her palm against the girl's member. "For not locking you up in a kennel?" It was soft to touch, thanks to the material that stopped her from feeling how hard it really was. "For only relying on treats to make you behave?" After a final stroke, her fingers left the girl.

Instead of her girlfriend's solid rod, Lucky held the hem of her dark dress on one side. Her butt rose, as she stood up. Lifting her dress, she gently raised one leg too. It was impossible not to flash the white pair that covered her bits as she did. Her legs towered modestly tall on either side of Kat's spread knee. She lowered herself again, straddling that smooth leg. On either side of the girl's thigh, her hands ran down. Little fingers interlocked under it for a secure hold. "How should I deal with those boys and girls?" Hips dancing, her round little butt began to move back and forth. Lucky started grinding herself against the girl's knee. Under her dress, cotton-clad-lips brushed the cat's skin. Her girlfriend's leg was too smooth to properly scratch her own kitten, but it did feel nice to smear some dampness.

"By giving them something else to look at?" Lucky kept thinking out loud. Of course, none of her rhetorical questions required an answer. Locking her legs at the ankles, she sprang up and down a few times, as if testing the sturdiness of this branch she had perched as a bird. Perhaps it was indeed climbable. She seemed to be about to do something. Perhaps a move learnt from the gymnastics classes her father made her take years ago when she was a child. Where her apparent flexibility could be traced back to, in fact. She could have demonstrated it too, if the doorbell hadn't stolen her attention. Hopefully, it wasn't one of those gals or boys Lucky apparently had to blame herself for looking at what was hers.

"Already?" Dismounting, she walked up to the door. Opening it revealed that it was indeed Sandy. Somehow, Lucky wasn't surprised that she had elected to bring the package herself. They weren't exactly on good terms, but it was still nice to see her after a year. "Kat? My blonde friend's arrived." She called out. The redhead who smiled before her was smart enough to pick up on the subtle hint of sarcasm, unlike what Lucky subconsciously thought about her.

"Legally so!" Sandy slightly leaned to one side to search the room for the cat, who had thought she had a golden head. "Well, I could be. Who's asking?" A wink was thrown in the direction of said feline. Surely, Kat should be awfully careful about that little wink, given what they had been discussing for the last few hours. Her attention soon returned to Lucky. "You've made me very curious today." Sandy flashed her dark brows once. "When you asked that-" Her eyes inspected the supposedly kinky brunette. One hand still on the door, the other idle at her side. Definitely, she wasn't holding a phone, which confused her for some reason. "Why didn't you answer my call?" Sandy changed her question.

Her reply followed a sigh. "Someone stole it this afternoon." Almost instinctively, Lucky turned around. To glare at Kat, of course.

Having a rich friend with a stolen phone worried Sandy more than it should have. She was still confused, but it was slowly dawning on her. That private video she had shared, it was going to be difficult to explain. Still, she intended to confess that she had done, something.

Something slender and pointy poked Lucky in the back. "Hah!" The lithe brunette jumped. Almost out of her skin. It was a small mystery why being nudged by a finger scared her shamefully greatly. When she faced Sandy again, her hand was on her rapidly beating heart. "What?" Lucky let out a soft breath, which killed the redhead's intention of explaining what she might have done.

"You forgot the package, silly." Instead, it was a forced chuckle what Sandy offered as she held up the bag of horny items.
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Quite dangerous - degeneracy that is, and the way that it was contagious. Already the more ‘studious’ one of the pair was about to miss her second class, not that Kat was in a hurry on bringing up that particular little detail again when she rather enjoyed her girlfriend’s sudden deviant streak.

“I would think it no one’s fault - eyes exist to admire splendid things, after all.” And yes, Kat very much thought that of herself. Quite vain and all that, even if it tended to manifest in a more subtle sort of way. It was fair to say that she simply enjoyed adoration of all shapes and forms, particularly the type that got her assignments done. “I mean, who cares if they wanted to look,” her lashes fluttered, breath coming quicker as Lucky continued to reacquaint herself with that expressive handle. Continued to handle it, one might say. “Does it not please you to know that only you get to touch that which others dared only to dream of, that only you get to possess me?” Pivot, twirl and turn. Despite lacking any sort of background in gymnastics, she could certainly spin like the best of ‘em.
As Lucky pulled away and repositioned, Kat’s eyes zeroed in on the prize - narrowing instinctively at that brief flicker of pearly peeking out from underneath the sable. “I certainly wouldn’t mind them looking,” like she was looking, unabashedly and intently. Mostly because she highly doubted that it was the sort of threat Lucky would actually carry out. Although, true to her anarchic nature, she upped the ante.
“Wouldn’t mind if they did more than looking either - I can certainly share so long as I’m invited.” The grin she flashed was nothing short of pure deviltry, groping at that perky rear now as she encouraged Lucky to grind against her. There were certainly more textured places to grind against, but she rather enjoyed the visual. Enjoyed knowing that this excited her girl as much as it did herself. As to the comment, it wasn’t a request per se. That would have been like trying to swim before learning how to tread water. Kat certainly could share, having participated in both threesomes and more-somes before, but she said it mostly for shock values. Blame it on her competitive nature, but she got the sense that Lucky was trying to get a rise out of her with that earlier comment, something she readily mirrored in kind.
Speaking of other people though, it seemed like their delivery finally arrived.
Were it anyone else, there would probably be a mad scramble for clothing or just for general decency right now, but not Kat, of course. She casually up-righted herself, stretching lazily. As the two girls exchanged their greetings, she finally padded over to the door, and assessed the definitely not blonde friend. Held her gaze too, as if daring her to comment on what Lucky and her got up to prior to the interruption, something made very obvious by those shorts of hers. “Guess I was wrong about the hair color, oops?” A point in her favor, one might think. Proof that she most certainly haven't met this particular friend or watched any of her videos.
Nothing was said about the wink, and instead, she simply flashed that patented-MBA-student smile in greeting. “I’m Kat, nice to meet you.” Precise. Professional. An illusion that lasted about as long as that sentence took to say before she lifted a strand of Lucky’s hair, and placed an adoring kiss upon the same. “Can’t tell you about the blonde thing though unfortunately. We prefer brunettes in this household. Dark brunette with lavender eyes, to be exact.” Turning on the charm, she was, while rebuffing at the same time, seizing the opportunity to express her devotion. Probably not enough to get her out of trouble, but hey, a girl could try.
For the most part though, she was content to let the two girls talk, chuckling at Lucky’s exaggerated reaction before reaching out to accept the package herself. Held it with one hand before turning her attention to Lucky once more.
“Babe, shall I offer your friend something to drink for making the trip? I can grab a soda from the fridge if she wouldn’t be staying?” Gave Lucky all the power with that one, despite this being Kat’s apartment and all. Normally, she would jump at the chance to play hostess, but alas, she was rather keen on picking up where they left off. Besides, this was about demonstrating how very whipped she was, how very well behaved. Letting Lucky call all the shots tended to help with her mood, and Kat needed every little bit of help she could get here.
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As it sounded, even if the little invitation she received was offered merely for the sake of hospitality, Sandy would have accepted it if she hadn't been distressed by the sudden revelation of an unknowingly broken promise. Especially when it clearly seemed like the occasion would have included quite more than chugging down a bottle of soda. Well, she could think of a few unconventional uses for an empty bottle as well, which were not limited to spinning it during a party game. Thanks to her compact nature, since the lavender-eyed brunette was the easiest gal to pass and move around among them, Lucky would have probably, or ideally, been the one who would have got to the bottom, so to speak, of such kinky ideas Kat's passing invitation spontaneously triggered in the redhead's mind.

"Oh no." Sandy chuckled, not intended to stay. "Thanks, but there's a couple of things I have to do." Her eyes were on Kat as she explained. "Otherwise I like laying new bridges." Knowing her ultra prissy, poorly deviant, and easily annoyed friend would understand that merely as meeting new people, she continued. "Chaining more daisies to my social circle, and all." No need to mention that a wig could easily turn her to a brunette, and contact lenses could help her further cater to the preferences of this particular household. Considering her field of business, giving this appealing cat her business card would have crossed a line, similar to hinting that Kat could always give her a call if she would like to try acting, while making some money and have fun at the same time, although it greatly depended on one's understanding of fun. On other hand, she had already given Kat her business card. Kind of. Since her contact information was on the very bag she held.

"Maybe another time?" After a bit of silence, during which she cast some glances of silently uttered implications at Kat, she finally added. It was then her eyes found Lucky. "Anyway, it was nice to see you again." It was a bit rude, but Lucky at the time was more busy going over the details of putting cats in peril than having a hearty conversation with a friend she hadn't seen for a while.

"It was." Following a couple of nods, Lucky Waved at her friend. There wasn't much else to say, frankly. "Have a lovely day."

Once the front door was closed, Lucky sat on the sofa. "She has changed." One after the other, she took off her little shoes. "You're coming to the door like that," her gaze roamed her girlfriend's inviting body to confirm that it indeed encouraged a couple of luscious thoughts, "and she didn't even say anything." After all, that was the same redhead who had somehow convinced her to shoot a short clip to advertise her store when it was still rather new, which was hardly an easy task. Granted, a girl whose face wasn't even shown masturbating in her car with a toy couldn't be considered exceptionally orthodox, but it was enough for Lucky. It had been more about the sounds for her. The ones she made, in this case. However, that was the point anyway, conveying that sexual aids such as the one she used in the video could enhance the experience. Upon watching it though, she had persuaded Sandy to make sure no one else should.

"And you kept yourself at an arm's length too." Getting to her feet, Lucky suggested. Given her hardly unpleased expression, it wasn't difficult to tell that she approved. This time, it was the table where Lucky hopped onto and decided to sit. "Maybe I was wrong about you." Soft hands on either side lifted the hem of her dress, exposing the ivory that covered her between the fair legs. As if she was too shy to show it though, the girl kept her paired hands in front of her. Hanging from the edge of the furniture, her legs began to swing up and down. "She didn't forget the stockings, right?" Lucky asked, since it was her girlfriend who held the bag. One of her legs remained up, as Lucky brushed it from shin to thigh. "Could you assist me with them?"


Just looking at Kat, it was obvious that she would have been amazing at ‘acting,’ the particular variant that Sandy made a side gig out of, anyhow. Looks aside, she has got everything from a charming smile to a husky vocal down pat. Not to mention being rather well-endowed in other areas. Fortunately or unfortunately however, she also happened to have quite the identifying tattoo. While she wasn’t above filming a private sex tape or two, anything intended for public consumption conflicted with her eventual goals too much. So in that regard, ultra prissy and agonizingly adorably diligent had a far better shot at building a future with Kat than anything else.

As such, her philandering tendencies notwithstanding, she was rather invested in making this work. Genuinely committed to the girl and all that. Certainly had a funny way of showing it sometimes though, but whether that was because she was too cocksure for her own good or because romantic connections for Kat rarely lasted more than a few months, it was hard to say.
In a way, she was honestly surprised every day that this particular relationship hasn’t frayed at the seams yet like all the other ones. “I told you, babe,” she pursued Lucky over to the table, enthusiastic at the promise of a treat. “I’ve only got eyes for you.” If she had a tail, it would certainly be swishing to and fro, ramping up into a more excited rhythm as Lucky’s ire seemed to peter out.
How long has it been since they started these flirtatious games? Surely not more than an hour? However long it actually was, it felt much, much longer. As much as Kat enjoyed these whimsical back and forths, she was also rather eager for the entrée. At the prompt, she flashed an eager grin, dropping easily to one knee. Not a position she took often, by and large, if ever, but one that she was committed to executing with the same allure and gusto with which she tackled everything else. “Certainly.” Like a kitten at meal time, her eyes were rounded and keen as she rummaged through the package for that particular garment. “Oh, these are cute,” an idle comment as her thumb traced the lacework on the band, unfolding the nylon from the little paper placard that helped keep its shape before scrunching it up.
Rather than opting for the drawn-up leg, she caught the other by the ankle, and leaned in to place a near reverent kiss upon the shin. Flexed her core enough to ensure that her own posture was picture perfect chivalry, before rolling the black nylon over toes and heel. “You are stunning.” Kat was inclined towards offering compliments in general, particularly with how deserving of appreciation her girl was, but today, she was most definitely playing it up all the more. "I can't get enough of you." Another kiss, a smidgeon higher, up towards the knee, brushing her soft lips against equally soft skin as her deft fingers had no trouble pulling the hosiery up. As she eclipsed the knee, however, she slanted her attention, glancing up to meet Lucky’s lavenders, her own darkened with provocative intent.
"Could kiss every inch of you if you let me." Trailed her kisses to the inside of the knee, and up some more. Higher, a glacial pace accompanied by the task actually requested of her. By the time she reached mid-thigh, she was no longer content simply offering those adoring but chaste kisses. Instead, she pressed her lips far more firmly into skin, tongue snaking out to wet the yet unmarred patch of skin before she gripped down hard enough with her teeth to mark. Her smirk was more felt than seen, even as she was quick to soothe the reddened surface with more tender affection, only to move an inch higher and sucking with necessary fervor. After all, Lucky only ever required that she not leave marks in easy to spot locales. This fell well within the range of something typically concealed by the classy attires her gal favored.
“Other leg now?” Kat looked up again, licking at her lips by the time black concealed the additional autographs she had left, gaze flickering over to that innocuous fabric concealing her true target from view. Fuck, she could smell Lucky at this proximity, and it was definitely making one particular part of her rather restless. “Gonna need you to take those off too, if you want my ‘help’ with the rest of the ‘lil getup as well.”
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Keen embrace of nylon, faint cover of sheer black; her legs were ready to play their part in the game. Apart from the easy-on-the-eye sheen a pair of tights, or stockings in this case, would offer to her legs, slipping them into hosiery would also get in the way of a direct touch. Utilising the current bareness of said creamy appendages before coating them in nylon was an understandable indulgence. Of course, her girlfriend was welcome, and encouraged, to show her appreciation for her legs, as she tended to do a lovely job at that. Such acts of physical flattery, worshipping to some degree, anything that paid a candid compliment to the young brunette in some form did rub the spoiled rich girl in her the right way.

It wasn't exactly a surprise that her girlfriend had opted for the leg that wasn't presented to her. Things that she herself needed to get always seemed to excite this cat more than those that were relatively easy to acquire. There wasn't any difference between her left and right legs, anyway. Both required love. Each enjoyed attention. Since the one she chose was merely dangling from the table though, it was softer to touch, and kiss as well, compared to the one that was stretched.

An unbuttoned top, and the absence of a bra; it did offer Lucky an undoubtedly not unintentional vista as soft lips of her girlfriend found her skin. Amorously planted smooches on fair skin, behind which black nylon scaled her leg, didn't fail to intrigue her. Pampering her had always been one of Kat's strong suits. And having a loved one eager to indulge in the tenderness of her body tended to do that quite well, with or without voiced sweet nothings to accompany it.

As the girl's mouth was drawn farther up, soft breaths Lucky let out inevitably became more audible, expressing faints hints of her growing arousal. While a stocking top decorated her thigh, kisses placed atop the ornate band ripped little moans out of the young brunette. Working on that sensitive region stroked her selfish side, making her focus on her own excitement rather than things that would make her girlfriend's shorts bulge more. A particular pulse was realised in her knickers as the girl's tongue draw a shiny trail over her inner thigh, filling her with an urge to lie on her back to offer more of herself.

"Hah!" With the freshly given teeth-mark, a shrill whimper came. Her marked thigh slammed into the untouched one as Lucky instinctively clamped her legs together. She didn't need to look down to confirm that she had received a new bite mark, which would probably require a week or so to fade away before discolouring. Sometimes, this cat liked to be bad. However, she ended up checking it all the same. Placing a hand over her inner thigh, her thumb and index finger loosely framed the already reddened skin. "You did it again, didn't you?" It was another instance of Kat enjoying painting her port-out-starboard-home canvas, it seemed. "You arse." Using her bare leg, she jokingly pushed her girlfriend back. Of course, that one too needed to be dolled up.

Spreading her thighs wider, Lucky emphasised the white undergarment the girl wished to strip, or replace. "Oh, these?" She grabbed the front panel by the top edge. Pulling it up defined the soft little lower lips that the fabric clung to, forced it to absorb more of her moisture. "These need to be taken off?" Lucky asked, grinding her underwear back and forth. "First, you need to take something off yourself."


Definitely replace, but with what, it was up for debate. On one hand, Kat certainly had no complaints about the ivory hue. The color suited her girl quite well, and more importantly, it took to translucence better than any other shade. Not quite translucent yet, no, but that just gave her a clear goal post. On the other hand… Fuck if this wasn’t turning her on. Between the two of them, Kat was certainly more prone to using her allure to tempt, and the fact that Lucky wasn’t always the intended subject of her seduction was what got her into this mess in the first place. However, propensity did not preclude ability - Lucky was clearly trying to get her going, and given that was a more unusual fare coming from her strict girlfriend, the overt enticement was that much hotter.

It would be obvious from the way that her shoulders had tensed and bunched at Lucky’s display just what thoughts were crossing Kat’s mind. A lot of hunting and pouncing adjacent activities, doubtlessly. So to finish that earlier thought interrupted by her inability to ruminate upon the same while too busy staring, she wanted to replace that fabric alright, and not with the new lingerie they bought either.
But Kat wouldn’t be Kat if she allowed her burgeoning arousal to sidereel her to the point of asininity. No, Lucky wanted to play, but this was Kat’s game they were playing. “In a minute, I wouldn't want your right leg to get jealous now.” With an easygoing smile that belied the uptick in her breathing, she completed the missing ½ of her earlier task with a diligence entirely missing in her studies. Took her time with it too, certainly didn’t slack on the proffered kisses or the affectionate caresses of her hands. No bite this time though. She always did like to stay unpredictable.
Having properly clothed both legs, now seemed as good a time as any for something to come off?
Kat uprighted herself, filling the space between Lucky’s legs such that they remained parted, but did not step close enough to press up against the increasingly saturated textile. She was so hard now that even the exceedingly pliant shorts were getting a tad uncomfortable, a darkening spot near the tip proclaiming that Lucky’s excitement excited her just as much. Were she a few years younger, a few notches on her bedpost less, and perhaps she would have already called it quits and just tackled her girlfriend onto the table. But no, that felt like losing, albeit of the sweetest variety possible, and Kat loved to win.
“Now, where were we,” her fingers traced down along her own throat, head tilted to the side to further emphasis those comely contours. “You wanted me to take something off, right?” Traced along her own collarbone, pulling at the edge of the placket to expose more of her skin. Because the crop top was the obvious choice here, right? “Decisions, decisions.” Allowed the fabric to snap back, that hand now descending, leisurely, intentionally, pulling the already unbuttoned shirt down with it until the barest hints of her definitely pebbled peaks showed. And lower. Her other hand found a strand of Lucky's hair, twirling idly as she toyed with it the same way she toyed with her clothing. “Or do you want these?” What did shy mean? Kat certainly didn’t know it as she palmed herself with zero timidity, biting her lips with requisite sensuality and framing her digits upon either side of the shaft, accentuating its girth. A thumb hooked into the waistband, surely-
And that was when she brought her hand back up, smiling that smile that was all roguish delight as she easily removed an earring, setting it back down on the table. Held Lucky’s gaze just long enough to gauge her reaction, before flickering her eyes back down to that white pair she wanted gone. “I did as you asked." Amazing at obeying the letter of the prompt rather than the spirit, she was. "Don’t keep me waiting babe.”
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A hot little servant to pull up her stockings for her; it was surely a nice amenity to have. From the thighs down, both of her legs had gained a new finish with Kat finishing dressing them up. Translucent black complemented her dress, which she doubted she would keep wearing throughout the moments to come. It seemed, her dress had to wait its turn, however. From the look of it, her knickers had to come off before it. In this case, removal of her underwear required a little sacrifice. As she had said, Kat needed to give up something of her own to bare her below the waist.

Her legs idly swinging over the table, Lucky watched her girlfriend make a decision. Since the girl didn't wear much in the first place, it shouldn't have been quite difficult. Her top, it seemed. A fair trade. Two melons for a peach. "Go on." Lucky asked her girl to continue. They seemed to be begging to be freed anyway, similar to another body part of the young brunette. While her cunning cat stood before her and between her spread knees, Lucky wrapped her freshly-clothed legs around the girl's. Her calves brushed against the back of those pretty legs, allowing Kat to decide if she indeed enjoyed the texture of the hold-ups she herself put on her.

Little index fingers traced the ornate tops of her new stockings. In this intimate position of theirs, her sex was facing her partner's crotch. This current gap between them was eventually meant to close. "Right." Lucky simply answered. This little dilemma Kat seemed to be going through when it came to what to take off was a faux one, she assumed. Lucky knew she would elect to remove her top. Just because letting her pull the shorts down would be more entertaining. Still, she let the girl consider her options. Or rather allowed Kat to tease her with the promise of exposing her breasts. She could tell they were hard. The cleavage was generous. Rounded mounds on either side of the valley were highly presentable. Her eyes followed the girl's fingers down, and over to the particular asset she liked hard, long, and thick. Her eyelids covered her haunting eyes as Lucky kept them on the girl's currently confined member. "I do." She nodded. It was no secret she desired Kat's cock. Compared to her girlfriend, she wasn't that talkative of a gal. But her brief replies hinted at her growing wildness as usual.

"An earring?" Lucky identified the object that was put beside her. Or rather questioned the item the girl had chosen to remove. To further tease her, of course. This certain cat had always suffered from a particular case of failing to do what she was told; hence, her need for training. Lucky let out a snort of disapproval. Instead of Kat's chest, or any other part of her, the ceiling appeared in her field of vision as Lucky lay on her back. From under her head, her hands moved up, spreading her Wavy locks on the table like a peacock's train. Her feet rose then. Lucky lifted her legs, reinforced feet pointing towards the ceiling, black seams drawing thin vertical likes up the backs of her legs. Following her feet, her upturned bottom rose off the table as well. White pair she had on, and Kat wanted off, stretched across her round little butt. As one of her legs, the unmarked one, bent down, her fair thighs brushed against each other, side of her calf gliding down the leg that remained erect. Her hands sandwiched the white-clad buttocks. Like a girl of cabaret sitting in a giant martini glass, she kept dancing her legs. She kept them shut, as they kicked back and forth. While feet cycled in the air, and nylon-legs rubbed each other, Lucky began to slide her knickers down. Or up, in this case. The exposed crack between her buns grew longer. A slit, and a pucker, what the displaced waistband revealed. Glossy legs were glued to each other as Lucky bent both, pulling her knees towards herself. After brushing past the curviest part of her bottom, her underwear relaxed as she kept moving it up. Her hands led the waistband, up her thighs, over her knees, and down her calves. As it reached her ankles, Lucky finally straightened herself. While she sat over the edge of the table, gravity did the rest and stripped her knickers off her hanging feet.

"Since you've proved how inept you are at taking your clothes off," when the girl got off the table, her dress curtained the bits she had just exposed, "perhaps I should effectuate this task myself." Lucky began to push her girlfriend, "If you'd be so kind as to get back to your seat," towards the chair, where she wanted to make this cat bark.


Horny brain was a really dangerous thing, especially for cats.

Ever seen a tomcat miss a jump attempting to ascend a too-tall vertical incline? Trying to get at the alluring house cat perched upon the balcony, only to smash right into the unyielding wall with bristled fur and bristled tail? Yeah, that was horny brain’s fault. So, you know, given both of their tendencies to compare Kat to the same animal, she could hardly be faulted for suffering from a severe case of the same.

Because damn, either she wasn’t as good at the seduction thing as she thought, or she was just particularly susceptible (inherently unfair! Lucky didn’t get up to this sort of thing enough for her to develop resistance against the same), but Kat was positively salivating at her girl’s little…whatever that was. Did she enjoy the stockings? Yeah, lovely. Just great. That would certainly have been the answer that Kat would have given if queried, but truthfully, she spent too long staring elsewhere to really register what Lucky was doing or not doing with her legs. The nylon was definitely pretty smooth though. That much, she could tell from the insistent way she palmed along Lucky’s thighs, mostly to sate a burning desire to touch.

Nothing she hadn’t seen before, of course, and they both knew just how much she enjoyed both of those potential avenues of pleasure, though the latter remained mostly unexplored for now. But just as she would never - could never - get tired of looking at her beautiful girlfriend, this was similarly the sort of thing where repetition only led to increased fondness. The scenery, but mostly just how Lucky teased her with the same. Took her goddamn time with it, pulling that increasingly annoying white up centimeter by centimeter, until Kat was on the verge of beating her to the punch.

Relax. She had to remind herself. Although, relaxation was impossible with how tense she was, with those sharp pulses of want lancing down her abdomen, making her cock twitch all too impatiently against what now felt like prison. Her heart was pounding so fast that there was a noticeable up and down rhythm to her chest, a pounding echoed along the length of her similarly impatient not-so-little friend. Kat always enjoyed sex. In all positions. On all surfaces. At every hour of the clock. That was a given, and likely a contributing factor to why she was so flirtatious in the first place. However, sex was the sort of thing she usually took her time with. Liked to demonstrate her experience-honed finesse every which way. Put differently, she rarely got worked up to the point where she was seriously contemplating shoving Lucky back onto the table as the girl got to her feet and mounting her like a wild animal.

Wouldn’t do that, of course, she hadn't forgotten that she was in trouble just yet. Throwing her weight around when Lucky was broadcasting one of those moods where she wanted to call the shot was a one-way ticket to the doghouse. And perhaps it went without saying, but cats didn’t enjoy being in doghouses. And so, despite her inclination otherwise, she did not argue with the push, taking the few steps necessary over to the chair and depositing herself back into it. Left that bundle of amusing items behind on the table, next to her earrings. Mostly because whatever plans she originally had, those would have to wait. For now, horny brain dictated that she replace those underwear with herself. Well, after whatever intermediate steps Lucky wanted, anyway. Kat could behave for a treat.

“So if I’m inept at a task, you’ll do it for me?” Grin, wide and absolutely salacious as she perched herself on the very edge of the chair, knowing full well what Lucky wanted to remove and assisting in making that task easier. “I am also incredibly inept at blowing myself…riding myself…you know, any number of things that you are astonishing at, so by your logic…”

Back on her humble throne, and with the only prisoner of her pants probably plotting mutiny; it seemed deer Kat was finally ready to suffer the cock-throbbing consequences of flirting with her slutty little friends. Already seemed to be on the edge of her seat, so to speak, Lucky intended to further teach her frisky girlfriend a thing or two about edges. Of course, this wasn't about performing something the cat-in-trouble wouldn't enjoy. Making a point was the objective rather. And also making the girl's cock complain a bit about a well-heeled officer keeping it standing at attention without ever giving the command at ease.

The fact that this otherwise articulate cat didn't have much to say about her little show on the table should have perhaps hinted that her body was too busy pumping the blood to somewhere else to move the pink muscles in her mouth to utter words. Since this particular performer didn't require applause anyway, it wouldn't discourage Lucky from dancing more.

When the only passenger of Lucky airways was on her seat, she returned to the table. Not for another solo performance this time, but to grab the bottom piece of the newly purchased lingerie. It was bolder than what she would normally wear, as the thin mesh in the back allowed one to see through this cheeky piece, and to clearly make out the depth and shape of the orbs the translucent fabric poorly covered. Black lace decorated the rims around the thighs and waist, matching the tops of her stockings. A floral pattern in form of circles embroidered the tulle on the front, the solid cotton gusset only big enough to hide the small essential spot.

"That's the idea." Luck responded, pulling her new underwear up her legs. Such a dirty gal she had become because of Kat, as she put it on without washing it first. "As it happens," she walked towards the witty brunette, "I'm rather adept at those things." Claimed proficiency was limited to activities that involved her partner, but that detail didn't matter much in this case. Leaning down levelled her face with the girl's. "Blowing, riding, and astonishing." Grabbing the knees, she closed Kat's legs, pressing them together. As if to further hinder her ability to get rid of her shorts, Lucky sat on the girl's thighs. "Since one of your little girlfriends stole my car," her saltiness briefly shone, "I'd better find something else to ride anyhow." She took Kat's wrists, leading them to the hem of her dress, which she wanted removed. Her little hands darted up, arms extending out.

When her silently made request was complete, her white bra hardly matched the rest of the set. The one in store for her in the back, or from Sandy's store rather, would do better in this case. It was supposed to give her modest mounds a good lift as well. Normally she didn't really need such tactics, but this was a special occasion.

After losing her dress, Lucky flicked her hair. "So, blowing?" She dismounted her partner again, walking behind her instead. One had rested on Kat's shoulder, offering a little massage. "That's first?" Her other hand ran forwards atop the opposite shoulder. When her fingers relaxed, her bra fell on Kat's lap, catching on the pole like a flag. Shortly after both of her hands abandoned the girl, something else flew over Kat's shoulder. A small pillow this time, which unassumingly lay on the floor in front of the seated brunette. "Alright, boss." Next to where it lay, Lucky's hips moved past as she strode back towards the table. Her bare back looked smooth, an extra sway tilting her mesh adorned butt. She was facing her partner as her arms went through the holes of her new bra. Hidden beneath lace trim, the wiring ran under the orbs. Slightly bending down while hooking herself up, it deepened the cleavage. And deep it was going to stay as she pulled herself back up. A hand entered a cup, scooping her a vanilla mound into place. The other followed suit. The black garment kept them firm, pushing them up, and also inwards.

While she played dress-up, things would be the opposite for Kat. There were things she wanted to peel off her girlfriend's inviting body. Upon her return, she sank to her knees. The pillow made the act easy on her lovely knees. These tight little shorts had to go, for certain. Lucky rested a hand over her partner's still covered cock. "Mind if I ta-Oh…" As she looked up, the pleasantly perplexed expression she wore gave away what she thought about the impressively stiff state of it. So hard, so big, so tempting. All hers.


Not Kat’s fault, of course. Lucky having to skip steps before adorning herself with the newly acquired lingerie, that is. Just as it was most definitely not Kat’s fault that a particularly enterprising little thief made off with her girlfriend’s car. Not Kat’s fault that other people wanted to do her homework for her. Not Kat’s fault that she might have had a hand or two in encouraging the same to occur…

Gee, put like that, nothing was this cat’s fault, and she quite liked it like that.

“Oh, you are more than adept,” she laughed with more than a modicum of amusement when Lucky coerced her knees to close, forcing her without force to sit much more prim and proper-like. “You blow my mind every single day.” Leaned in and stole a kiss. Ride me so well that my motorcycle is getting jealous.” Allowed her hands to be guided onto either side of Lucky’s waist, readily palming thighs and hips alike. “And as for astonish,” she paused as she began to tackle that hemline.

Only, instead of pulling, she just slid her hands beneath the bunched up fabric and ascended the natural contour of Lucky’s body. Made the whole task far more difficult than it should have been, but hey, infinitely more enjoyable for both parties involved as she traced over and admired every convexity. When the fabric scaled above Lucky’s collarbones, effectively trapping her arms, Kat lingered just long enough to make her girl question her motives. A kiss placed upon the sternum for good measure, before she assisted with removing the dress properly. “Wow, sorry. Lost my train of thought there for a second from how fucking hot you are.” One might even say, astonished. Her cheeky smile certainly hinted at such implications.

Leaned back into the chair when Lucky circled her, like a cat might. It appeared that she really was rubbing off on her girl. “If you want.” Diplomatic, she was. “You know I love your lips. Both pairs of ‘em. I’m an equal opportunist.” Assessed that bra falling into her lap, huffing a small laugh at the lurid composition it painted. Rather ironic too, because unlike that make-shift flag, she was definitely flying at full-mast.

Boss. Oh, well, if that was how Lucky wanted to play it, Kat certainly knew how to play this game. Her eyes remained trained upon her girl, admiring every newly bared inch and raking greedy lines up along stocking-clad thighs, that pert rear emphasized by the opposite-colored lace, and over along the graceful slopes of back and shoulder. Back to the curvaceous bottom. Oh she liked everything just fine, more a whole-package sort of gal than anything else, but it was also not wrong to say that she had a thing for Lucky’s behind, especially when it was perched in her lap. Liked to do other things to that pretty posterior too, but those were topics to be explored at a later time.

While Lucky changed into her new getup, Kat made herself comfortable. Stripped those shorts that were definitely beginning to bug her off, breathed a silent sigh of relief when her erection did that almost comical bounce, spearing straight up and pointing at her abs. The top she left on though. The room wasn’t that cold, but the chair was, and cats were creatures who liked to chase comfort. Besides, a little bit of clothing was excellent for directing Lucky's attention to where Kat presently wanted it. She pulled the hemline up to rest just below her ribs, leaving her lean but toned stomach on full display. A hint of abs, nothing exaggerated, all clean, sleek lines like that feline she was often compared to.

Well, except the shaft that Lucky was currently admiring, anyhow. Her girl liked it hard, long, and thick, and Kat has certainly got all three of those attributes in spades. Circumcised, about the same shade as her skin with the head slightly darker, but it was not those particular qualities that would stand out. Juxtaposed against the rest of her smooth skin, meticulously landscaped, that very prominent vein dubbed as the ‘cum-vein’ in porn running along her entire shaft would be hard to miss. Generally smooth, but with enough texture to be distinguishable from another similarly sized one, the kind of cock that would probably sell vids quite nicely if she ever took up Lucky’s little friend on her more racy ventures. Got the jewels to match the spear too, but when the spear was so exceptional, who had time to describe anything else?

“Look what you did, babe.” She threw one arm over the back of the chair for a bit of extra torque to emphasize her bodyline. The other tangled into those dark locks, guiding rather than pulling. Ran her fingers through the same with affection and smoldering intent both, the same sentiments mirrored in that narrowed gaze staring down at Lucky. “You can certainly taste me, and take me, in that order.” She flexed her fingers enough for her girlfriend to feel a prickle against her scalp, applying gentle but insistent pressure to pull her girl closer. “Be a good girl and suck my cock.”
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For awfully prudish, it was a scary thing. Quite a monster, really. Of course, this was hardly her first appointment with that veined stick. And through some rituals, so to speak, she knew quite a few ways to defeat the monster, and make it less menacing, all requiring tight sacrifices. Silly analogies aside, the apparent hardness of her partner's upright member was more of a compliment. In that case, that thing was really praising her, it seemed. On the other hand, in this current state, it also seemed to be unwilling to curtsy and bow.

Although she had wanted to pull the girl's shorts down herself, not to miss that moment of uprising, Lucky wasn't bitter to find that rod already exposed upon her return. She had grown up in a big house. Provided with a big budget. Got to live the conveniences of bearing a big last name. When it came to certain things, she like them big as well. As a cute girl, the bigness of her girlfriend could make any burly man feel a bit insecure. Well, it wasn't always about size, but it did bloody matter. And Sandy could have indeed made good use of this gal's photogenic traits. However, instead of filming new content, currently said friend was more busy trying to undo one of her early productions.

As her cat's excited member towered before her, Lucky's gaze scaled the shaft. Her eyes needed to do quite a bit of climbing up the pole, but they eventually moved past the tip to found her girlfriend's pretty little face. It seemed, she must have done something right, if that rod cast such a large shadow on her visage. She didn't say much, but her lips parted. It was an instinctive reaction rather, while a hand in her dark hair drew her face closer towards the stiff rod. "I'm always good." Lucky responded. "It's you who are bad." Somewhere around the middle, her little fingers wrapped the shaft. The generous diameter of the member allowed Lucky to get a firm purchase on it, all the while making it difficult to fully clench her hand. "Alright. Give me something to taste then." Her little fist began to move. The uneven texture poked her palm and fingers as she rubbed her hand along a couple of times. Her eyes were fixed on the tip, waiting for it to give her a sample of what Kat's presumably heavy balls contained a lot. Doing justice to her nickname, Lucilla lapped the centre of the fat head. Her tongue scooped whatever it was offered, wiping the tip of Kat's cock. On the inside of her mouth, her tongue twirled. Pushing against Kat's knees, she pulled herself up. "For a bad girl," Lucky swallowed, "you taste rather good." Regarding the taste, one would argue that such a small sample shouldn't be enough to reach a fair verdict. And she would have agreed.

"You see, I want to try something different." Not for long, but Lucky walked back near the table, on which her girlfriend had been nice enough to lay a display of the items they had purchased. Fur lined leather strands with a belt passing through the middle; two of those leather cuffs were held up as she stood in front of Kat. One of her girlfriend's arms was already behind the chair, hinting that it wouldn't be too uncomfortable to have both of them there. "They would match your hair too, darling."


Lush greenery and a vibrant flower bed decorated the cliff by the lake. Too distant to make out the white car that was parked on the gravelly area that overlooked the lake, little boats coursed through Waveless waters. That was the view outside the windscreen. Accordingly, the video was named "Greeting the Sailors." Sandy paused the twelve-minute clip. "It wasn't that bad." Shaking her head, she rubbed her eyes. "Well, if you mute it…" Lolling her head back, she lived the regret of sharing this private video with a stranger. On her desk, her phone rang. She was quick to answer the call.

"Yeah?" Her eyes narrowed. After what had happened, she felt the need to question if the name she heard indeed belonged to the person whom the voice claimed to be. "Lucky? If you are, what's your mother's name?" An odd question, but she had her reasons. A chuckle eased her unnecessary suspiciousness next. "I can actually see that." Sandy nodded. "What kind of problem that might be?" Leaning back, she asked her friend to elaborate on her issue. "You little amateur." Another chuckle was let out. "Why don't you send me a picture. So I can assist you better." A giggle, louder this time, followed the reply she received. "Fine, fine. Well, there should be a chain for that." Sandy explained. "That's how you connect them. Don't you see it?" A shake of her head, and a sigh mocked her vanilla friend. "What did you think it was for?" While talking, she closed the video. "Right. Have fun."


Buckled and fastened, the leather cuffs were on Kat's wrists. When disconnected though, they were merely some fancy leather bracelets. There were metal loops on them, but Lucky failed to see how those solid metal rings could be interlocked. She was no magician, after all. Standing in front of Kat, her girlfriend's phone on her ear, she called Sandy. For a bit of guidance. "Sorry." While waiting, she mouthed the word for this awkward moment of inexperience.

"Sandy? It's Lucky. I was-" Her brows were knitted. "What? This is a most terrible time to talk about my mother!" Her eyes were on Kat's wrists. "I'm having a bit of a, problem, with the cuffs?" Sighing, she continued. "I should think I don't need to be an expert for it." A rather frustrated, "Sandy!" was exclaimed at the redhead's little request. "They're disconnected. How am I going to link them?" Leaving Kat for a moment, she stood near the table. "A chain… I see it." Her eyes searched the table for said silvery item. "Hadn't noticed it was for that." The response she got in return made the girl tilt her head down as she stared at her uplifted bosom. "I kinda thought-Anyway, thank you." Putting the phone aside, she returned to Kat, holding the chain in question.


Ah, right, one should certainly strive not to forget the performative impacts of that big reveal. Like coaxing a beast from its lair or perhaps unveiling a new art gallery. Kat did forget though. Why? See aforementioned horny brain being dangerous to all cat-kind. See also ‘not-her-fault’ in the meantime.

She moaned in encouragement as those dainty fingers found a fist hold - kind of. The middle finger alone just barely connected with the thumb, and that was while Lucky was clenching her fingers. After god knows how long Kat spent groping Lucky earlier, even a handjob was doing wonders for her all too eager cock. “Is that so,” she murmured in response, staring down at Lucky’s hand like it was the most interesting thing in the world. “Well you know what it is that they say about opposites attract and all.” The visuals were doing it for her as much as the sensations were. Definitely felt good; they had done this enough times for Lucky to know exactly how Kat liked it in both grip and tempo. But there was something to be said about just watching her girl endeavor for her, about watching those delicate fingers struggle to contain the obelisk defiantly pointing skyward, about those parted lips inching ever closer to the crown, up and toward that cyclops eye.

A groan now, as much a tribute as the saline pre coating Lucky’s tongue. Just a dribble, a precursor to the deluge to come. Hopefully soonish. She didn’t argue when Lucky stood, untangling her fingers from the girl’s hair in perfect synchrony, but her gaze said it all. Seriously? We are taking another break?

Like god dammit, if Lucky’s father called again --

Huh. Well. It wasn’t that but, she certainly was surprised by this turn of events. A surprise evident in the one uplifted brow that was attempting to kiss her hairline and her faintly parted lips. Those were meant for her? Wait, were those always meant for her? Her mind attempted to one-eighty its previously incorrect theories, a venture that was only semi-successful as she kept getting sidetracked by how that lingerie set looked on her girl. Damn she looks amazing. How'd I get so lucky? On the topic of those cuffs though... Kat swallowed. Should she be scared?

The wrong question to ask, surely. As cats seemed to love living dangerously. “Alright,” Kat conceded, too confident for her own good, before adding a near-grumble. “As long as I’m still getting that blowjob. You promised!”

Definitely didn’t keep her arm over the back of the chair though. The back was a tad too high to do that comfortably - she would know, this certainly would not be the first time she allowed a pretty girl tie her to a chair. Rather, she drew both arms taut against the sides, gripped her own fingers behind the chair's back and flexed in a way that emphasized her arms and shoulders. Slouched a bit, with spread legs, for comfort, and for some tension in her abs to serve as a background piece for her now very neglected cock. With the way that she always seemed to be posing for some unseen camera, it really made one wonder just how many times she had taken these kinds of poses - and for how many pairs of eyes - to be so accustomed to it.

That conversation was cute though. Adorable, really. Kat had to try really hard not to laugh during it, but managed to refrain from doing so. Was really inclined to offer a playful ribbing or two, but, hey, her girl was clearly new at this and Kat was too considerate to risk wounding her ego. No, she would play along, let Lucky have her fun. Definitely got a dog in this fight too. Because hey, if this proved an enjoyable experience, maybe her girl would consider letting Kat tie her up next time? Now that was something to think about.

“You could have just asked me, you know,” she offered, grinning and gesturing with her chin at her very cooperatively pulled back arms. “Now your friend knows what we are getting up to… or is that the point?” A scandalized gasp just to be dramatic. Lucilla, are you trying to convince your friends that you are the top in our relationship?” That just tickled her pink, but her smile was all good-humor though. “But go ahead babe, do your thing. Show me how much of a bad girl you can be, hm?”
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It was her last meow before losing the freedom of her arms, and soon legs as well, and Kat had chosen to let it out to hint at her apparent knowledge of tying girls up. It didn't surprise Lucky, really. But the possibility that this cat might have used restraints on her benevolent little friends would give her another reason to be more intent throughout the following moments. "The smart girl you are," the shiny little chain bridged the wrist cuffs. "you would have told me that you know nothing about it." Kat's hands were going to stay behind the chair for a while. While the girl quipped about topping and undisclosed bedroom secrets, Lucky slid her arms down the shoulders and held the bottom of her partner's crop-top. "My friends wouldn't know what that means." Considering the fullness of her girlfriend, she had to do a bit of yanking to make them say hello, as she pulled the garment up until two round orbs were spilled.

Where Lucky was really needed was the other side of the chair. Walking around her partner, her knees found the pillow. Once again down on her knees, her eyes returned to the only cock in the room. Given its handsome size, it might have been counted as two, though. A second time that day, her fingers wrapped the big and upright erection, where some of this cat's immodesty came from, she suspected.

With a bit of a twist towards the end, her hand shuttled between the root and the tip. This upright path was a bit bumpy. When she didn't go fast though, it wasn't quite a difficult mountain to conquer. After paying another visit to the peak, her thumb rested below the head, where it met the shaft. "Hm..." Lucky thought, her thumb drawing little circles. "We're forgetting something." Rising and turning, she walked back near the table. It would allow her girlfriend to see how her buns looked in lingerie, but she also suspected it was really her face what Kat wished to gawk at currently.

The trip wasn't a long one. One that was embarked to grab the bottle of lubricant they had also purchased. "There it is." A distinct little pop, and the bottle was open. Lucky bent the girl's cock down, spurting a continuous line of clear lubricant along the back of Kat's tool. She was rather generous with it too. Her palm spread the gentle substance as Lucky rubbed it up and down against the girl's big cock. Raising said big cock up, or rather allowing it to snap back into an upright orientation, another thick stream of lubricant cascaded down the head. Some of it squeezed out through the gaps between her fingers as Lucky slid her clenched hand on the shaft. Some sloshy sounds accompanied the oiling of Kat's big member. Her less occupied hand stayed at the bottom of her girlfriend's hard rod, leisurely holding on to it as she stroked the upper portion with the other. After a while, she turned her wrist, her thumb and index finger became the bottommost digits that held it, the knuckles facing the smaller brunette. The rest of her fingers flicked against the head, squeezing and rubbing the bulbous end of the tool. Undoubtedly, that thing was properly lubricated. Had a nice sheen to it as well.

Naturally, this newfound and improved sloppiness of Kat's cock should have been put to good use. "Does it feel good?" Turning her wrist again, she kept her fingers around the head. Lucky fiddled with it some, half brushing, half squeezing the tip. Her other hand tightened a bit down below, as the girl rose higher on her knees. She filled the room with a rhythmic fapping noise. Picking up the pace, Lucky jerked the upper half of the shaft. Her breasts danced a little, as her hand moved up and down on Kat's big cock, not quite slowly at that. It eventually slowed down, though. Like a soft pair of scissors, sides of her middle and ring fingers brushed it down. She didn't say much while getting to her feet. Her butt wiggled yet another time as the girl moved it towards the table.

Being rich didn't stop her from thinking that those were unnecessarily expensive for what they were; those cock rings. Just an elastic band, not so different to the countless hair ties she owned. It was smaller than her girlfriend's rod, by design she supposed. One eye shut, the other barely open, Lucky looked through the rubbery ring. "There's no way." She expressed her humble opinion. The ring loosely sat on top of Kat's member like a hollow little hat. Without doubt, it would provide a firm squeeze if she were to put it on. "Still want it?"
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“To the contrary,” Kat argued, of course she did, but in an eloquent and understated sort of way that voiced her disagreement without the accompanying nip upon the fingers. “I don’t see why I should conceal any know-how in this arena.” Her lips curved with a cocky grin as she made a point of flexing her arms hard and making that chain jingle. “I am very into this sort of thing.” Quite the kinky little cat that got into all sorts of mischief before her current not-so-straight-but-definitely-narrow paramour, a fact that she never sought to hide, but also never felt the need to accentuate. “I just don’t need it the same way I need you, babe. This is hot, but you are hotter.” A pause, and she inhaled deliberately at the appraising gaze, filling her exposed chest with hot air. A full-of-hot-air-ness that carried into her posturing as well.

Well, not exactly. Kat definitely knew what she was talking about, but she also wasn’t an expert or anything. However, compared to what she thought Lucky knew or didn’t know though, she absolutely presupposed herself to be the authority figure on this subject matter. “That said, if you combine two forms of heat, I’d think that the resulting temperature would only be higher?” Snickering, she peered down at her once-again kneeling girlfriend, very much enjoying the contrast between the immodest size of her tool and the comparative daintiness of her girl. They had dated long enough for her to understand and appreciate the spirited personality beneath that fragile exterior, and she would definitely never describe Lucky as weak or anything like that. But speaking purely of visuals...ah, but why speak of it when she could simply admire?

Not that she could ever keep her mouth shut for all of two seconds anyway. “Ohh, we are adding kerosene to the fire now?” For someone whose attention span seemed to constantly drift towards the latest bird or squirrel, her intense focus upon their current activity - specifically, upon that shimmering trail highlighting her lengthwise before being smeared evenly into the entire circumference - rightfully hinted at the root of the issue. It wasn’t that Kat couldn’t focus when she wanted to, she just always chose to only pay attention to what she liked. Liked to hear. Liked to see. Liked to feel. “Ahh…” A pleased sigh voiced, accompanied by a noticeable ramp to her breathing pattern. It only figured that for someone so talkative, that Kat would be the definition of being ‘vocal’ in bed - er, chair - right?

Besides, like her appearance, her voice was absolutely splendid, particularly when pitched low and breathy like this, and she did say that splendid things were meant to be admired. “Yeah, that’s amazing babe,” another small huff, an involuntary flex to her thighs as Lucky had no trouble remapping all of Kat’s sensitive spots. Life wasn’t fair, and Kat was an excellent example of that unfairness. Looks, wits, the size of her tool and stamina to boot. If she wasn’t so damn fickle in applying herself, her name might rightfully start with an M instead. However, having staying power was not the same as being unaffected, and she was never quite so shy about Lucky’s effects upon her. “You are exceptional at this. Fuck that feels good.” A litany of breathless compliments bolstered the more organic responses - the way her abs clenched every time fingers rounded the sensitive frenulum, the occasional throb making that hearty shaft jump in Lucky’s grasp, that she was beginning to pant and the flush of color blossoming across her skin like carnation.

When Lucky slowed though, Kat definitely took notice, and helpfully bucked her hips forward and up in a silent demand for more. Which appeared to have accomplished the opposite of what she wanted, as her girl seemed to have such a thing for that table. Couldn’t complain about the view, at least. Well, with her arms secured behind the chair, she was too smart to complain anyway.

“Er, you did order a large, right?” An apprehension Kat shared to some extent, mostly because when she added that particular item to the order, she didn’t figure that she would be the one tied to a chair. Observed Lucky with just a hint of weariness in her gaze, but…it was going well, right? Her girl seemed intent upon pleasing her, and of that, she certainly had no complaints. Besides…

“That depends on you, babe,” licking her lips, she dragged her eyes along Lucky’s contour with intent. “Do you want to wear me before you ride me, or after?” Certainly intended to do both, and then some. In her not so humble opinion, all of that lacy black would look more excellent with some streaks of white interspersed. But speaking of the former activity, Lucky did rile her up quite a lot, and the idea of finishing too early rubbed her vanity in all the wrong ways. “If you are planning on giddying up though, maybe that’s not a bad idea. I’ve heard that the extra rigidity can be quite an experience.” Heard, but from where? Probably shouldn’t have said that; however, she was only human, which meant she only had so much blood to go around when one head monopolized so much of it.
The difficulty of passing that generous rod through that ring was quite apparent. At first glance, it did seem to be a hopeless task. Almost. She couldn't really blame Sandy for it, as her girlfriend dwarfed many in that regard. At the same time, letting that fat cock through small openings wasn't exactly foreign to Lucky. She could think of at least one place that thing could fit despite looking unlikely. "That's the largest that came out of the package." It wasn't really about this particular ring being small. Rather, her girl was extra-large. With a couple of X's.

"Heard from whom, exactly?" More lubricant was poured over the girl's member. Thick substance slowly oozed down from the tip, coating both the large head and the elastic ring. With her persuasion, that little band began to stretch as it followed the curve of the rounded head. Bottom of her little fist kept pushing it down. At some point though, she had to hold it on both sides. Yanking it down with each hand, she pulled the ring farther down. "There it goes." The taut band grazed the veined shaft, sliding down and sometimes getting stuck. Wrapping her fingers around the cock, Lucky began to rub it with downward strokes. Already on the rails, she kept pushing the ring downwards with the bottom edge of her hand. The squeeze it provided Kat's member with was persistent. Upon reaching the base, it hugged the root, where blood started its journey up. "Nothing's impossible, I suppose." Lucky flicked the tip, like a syringe before a shot. A rather large one, at that. And she herself would have made a tempting nurse too. "Besides keeping you away from other gals." To get rid of the excess lubricant on her fingers, she wiped her hands on her own thighs. "Unless I tie you up, apparently."

Confident of the pleasance of her complexion, Lucky trusted that her fingers did feel good on her girlfriend's utterly exposed cock. Though, she also wanted to try other things on that expressive pole. Again, she didn't feel the need to explain why she was leaving her cat as Lucky made another trip to the table. Given the unhurried manner she walked, said trips were getting more leisurely. The sway of her hips was exaggerated. Otherwise, her bum didn't move that much whenever she had a walk.

Unpacked and gladly fully charged, the cordless massager was in her hand when she sunk to her knees once again. Soft head of the toy touched Kat's inner thigh. It was quieter than what Lucky had expected, the device. But then again, that was only the second setting, while it had eight. As if painting, she brushed it back and forth on the girl's thigh. Which, personally, would have driven her wild. "I know how to spur a horse, by the way." She suggested, although she actually didn't use a spur to do it. "I own one, you know." Something she doubted Kat's little girlfriends could say, owning a horse. The languidly excited toy moved inwards at the end of another tour on the girl's thigh, which brought it against her balls. Using her free hand, she took Kat by the cock, pulling it back a little to better massage the spot where the pillows met the pillar. Following a little click, the vibrations got slightly stronger.

A silicone band squeezing it around the root, silicone based liquid coating it, the silicone head of the toy began to scale the young brunette's member. "Where is the spot?.." Lucky talked to herself, a button press cheering the toy up further. The round end of the handheld device buzzed away, climbing up the climbable tree. Focusing roughly on the middle portion, she dragged the toy up and down. "Before or after…" Up and down. Lucky thought what Kat said a while ago. "Why do you think I will ride you?" Two more clicks intensified the vibrations. Right beside Kat's parted thigh, she planted her elbow into the chair. Her fingers slid down, towards where the toy used to wander about. She turned the massager on its side. On the underside of the glands, the pulsing massager vibrated the girl's large cock. "Oh, is it here?" Ever so slightly, she wagged the device. For the most part though, the toy kept its position, its head trembling against that same funny spot. "I'm undecided if I'll ride you honestly." Lucky looked up, blinking at her girlfriend, which was supposed to be a wink. A simple twist of her wrist pulled the toy away from the girl's cock. "See how the meaning changes when you add a little wink?" When pressed, the button commanded the vibrator to buzz more intensely. "When you put one at the end of a message?" During the absence of the toy, Lucky stroked the girl herself, albeit tamely.

Her thumb rubbed the button. When the toy jumped onto the next intensity though, it was only air what it vibrated. Like a bottle of wine with a label she wished to read, Lucky kept the girl's cock squeezed by its sides, firmly supporting it as she pressed the head of the wand below the swollen glands, letting it massage. For a few second, as she pulled it away again.


“Porn.” Kat offered. Concisely washing her hands of the issue. Technically, it was true. All she omitted was that she proceeded to test the theory with an on-again, off-again ‘friend’ of hers and in fact found that sentiment echoed back in the form of borderline unintelligible moans. That was all before Lucky, of course, but how long before Lucky? Well, Lucky wasn't the only one who didn’t like to bring up old flames. As far as admitting to watching the same - she would actually be surprised if her girl were surprised by that particular tidbit.

As that little ring began its arduous trek downwards, she grumbled in between a few huffs and a moan. “Damn I’ve forgotten how tight these things were.” Although, in all fairness, there was nothing wrong with this particular ring, the issue was more how hard she already was. These were meant to go on much earlier in an encounter most of the time. This current struggle was doubtlessly Lucky’s fault, though Kat was enjoying her girl’s attempt to remedy the same to complain about it.

And besides. Tight things. Kat definitely liked those. All she ever seemed to wear were well-fitted clothing, definitely had an eye for ensembles that hugged her curves just right - the kind of right that tended to attract the wrong sort of attention. “What are you up to this time?” When Lucky left her side again, for the umpteenth time, she finally did complain. Because while the fit definitely seemed fine, it was tight. Not uncomfortable, but a noticeable pressure that was hard to ignore, making her cock stand even more so at attention than before. Not dissimilar to getting blood pressure taken, a firm squeeze that restricted blood flow, which directly translated into making those veins pop more than before. And, much like an arm might involuntarily tense when compressed, that jumpy rod did the same, throbbing eagerly and readily for another form of tightness that she finally realized might not be happening anytime soon.

“Good thing I’m a cat, not a horse?” She offered in response, watching the buzzing electronic with a hint of trepidation as it ran the length of her thigh. Felt pretty good and all, but nothing to write home about, which was probably a good thing because she was actually a little nervous about that particular little toy being used on herself. Because funnily enough, that was actually one thing that had never made it onto her bucket list, and therefore, never happened. Although, perhaps it would surprise nobody to find out that Kat was always willing to try new things of the kinky variety.

“Hey that kind of tickles!” Definitely squirmed at the direct attention upon her balls, couldn’t claim to be a fan either, though it didn’t bother her. It was fair to say that despite her obvious inclination to invite attention upon that stiff pillar, she also had a healthy aversion to anything getting too close to those very fragile, innocently chilling pouches. And so, when the attention drew away to where she wanted it, she breathed a small sigh of relief. Only…

“Haaah, that’s,” a hint of a whine now, equal parts pleasured and flustered. Very different, the vibrations and Lucky’s fingers that is. Both felt nice, but whereas she already knew she adored the later, the former evoked mixed reviews. Pleasurable, but more intense, or maybe that was the cock ring’s fault for making her rod that much more sensitive. Her thighs jiggled nervously, and her involuntary flexing made that silvery chain clink again, a sound largely drowned out by the vibrations. “Babe, go easy, that’s kind of intense - oh fuck, that’s, fuck-” Definitely a whine now. Her voice went up a whole octave as she threw her head back against the chair, tensing and causing her pretty brunette hair to dance. She was half paying attention to what Lucky was saying at best, her inexperience on the receiving end of these various bedroom aids becoming readily apparent in the flush of her cheek and the way she drew her legs together to no avail. That very stubborn and very upright pole kind of just did what it wanted, and while it hasn't quite made up its mind yet about the massager, that didn’t stop it from dumbly stabbing skywards in a gambit for more attention anyway.

“Wink?” She finally echoed during one of those ‘breaks’, trying to catch her breath. “What are we talking about?” Promptly forgot that train of thought again at yet more direct attention to her most sensitive areas, her voice twisting into something far higher-pitched, spilling a constant stream of vowels that were more like whines than moans. “Gentler,” she finally managed, in between gasps, “Christ you are trying to kill me.” Her knee bounced, on the verge of being overstimulated. “I thought you- “ a pause, thinking back on the previous comments before her eyes widened. Uh-oh. “Wait, is this still about that text message?” A leery look at the toy. “We can certainly talk about that…or whatever, just keep that away from my cock, or, at least a lower setting?”
Throughout their relationship, she had learnt quite a lot about her partner. And was still learning. This helpless state of her girlfriend happened to be among these new things she wanted to explore. Since she was small, and Kat had a big cock, the studious brunette tended to be the one who uttered phrases such as go slow, be gentle, and various ah's and oh's. Putting this cat in her shoes for once was part of this little game. Or rather, a natural consequence of it. She had elected not to attend her classes that day to play the teacher instead, who would get to lecture a tardy student. This time though, her little friends weren't there to help the girl with her assignments.

"Kill you?" The vibrator stopped buzzing. Lucky stood up, grabbing a different ring, from the floor. This one wasn't delivered by a redheaded courier. And was pulled from her hair. Its absence was the reason Lucky's hair was down. A hair tie, alright. "I thought it was the curiosity." She held that little band between her lips. And squeezed the deactivated massager wand between her fair thighs, its head poking out below the lace panel. Her lingerie-clad form was facing Kat, her legs crossed at the ankles. Drawing her hands behind her head, she commenced gathering her dark strands in a hand. The other pulled the elastic band out of her mouth. It formed a beak, and slid through the hair tie. "What killed you, I mean." She let her hair down again, grabbing the vibrator back.

It wasn't her intention to make a comparison, but Kat's cock seemed to be larger than the vibrator. Putting the toy right next to that poor, needy, and lonely pillar made that easy to make out. Well, Lucky gave it a companion. Using the hair tie, she tied them together. The elastic band ran around both shafts. One organic, the other cheap plastic. When turned on, the soft head of the device began to vibrate on the lowest setting, as Kat had wanted. "It's amazing, you know," since the young woman's cock was kept occupied, mildly so, Lucky trusted she could play with some other assets, "that you haven't apologised yet," she cupped her partner's breasts. Similar to her big big cock, they were rather nice to hold and rub. Massaging them in circles, she continued. "I believe you instead said that you wanted to fuck me for hours?" Her fingers slid towards the tips. "Until what, I can't remember." Lucky pinched the pink peaks. "Could you help me to remember?" One of them, she twisted some. Soft little fingers spread over the mounds again, letting the nipples peek out between them, until her hands glided away from her girlfriend's chest.

Between the girl's thighs, Lucky got back to her post, sinking to her knees. She leaned in a bit, looking down at the girl's vibrated cock from above. When she was close enough for Kat to feel her warm breath on his member, having an unrestrained pair of hands would have been quite useful. Her head must have obstructed the girl's view, but surely, she could feel a small stream of saliva landing on the tip of her member, even though that thing was abundantly lubricated already. Looking up, and cleaning her lips with her tongue, Lucky intensified the vibrations. "Tell me something nice." She asked. One of the buttons the device had was pressed another time.


Throughout their relationship, she had learned quite a lot about her partner. And was still learning. Being taught, rather. Unlike her far more studious girlfriend, Kat was practically averse to learning except when it suited her. At every juncture, she gleaned only what she wanted to glean - how fast, how rough, how much might twist those little oh’s and ah’s into a too sharp gasp. But yes, absolutely, she was the type who attended lectures for hot teachers. Sat front-row for those, actually, and pretended to take notes while staring at her teacher’s ass.

When Lucky rose, she breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t that she didn’t like what they were doing, but maximum setting was way too much. Might have even considered offering a reassurance or two, to hearten her lover that this was definitely hot, seriously hot like serious teachers. Maybe just minus the bit about Kat's indiscretions though? Didn’t get that far though.

Kat was willful, not dumb, and despite arousal clouding her better judgement, she was definitely starting to get the memo. And… well wasn’t this a pretty pickle she found herself in. And, like pickles, things were definitely starting to get sticky. “I,” she swallowed, wetting her suddenly dry mouth. Her brows couldn’t make up their mind on if they wanted to knit together into a frown or spread out in an appropriately pleasured expression. So they did a bit of a little dance, furrowing and unfurrowing again, a dance that the upright and twitchy rod shared in, flexing lengthwise against the vibrator, as if uncertain whether it wanted to get away or to invite a firmer embrace. In truth, probably a bit of column A, a bit of column B.

Because it felt good, definitely. The far gentler vibrations enticed the senses just so. The constant pulses of pleasure quickened her breathing, accelerated her heartrate, and made it far, far, harder for her to maintain her usual articulation. But it wasn’t enough. Like the woman it was attached to, that rapacious cock of hers wanted everything and more. Absolutely began to drip onto its jailmate, scrunched together by elastic. But she wanted heat, wanted friction - lengthwise friction, to be precise. Wanted to wield that unruly baton and bury deep - plenty of options where that could be, really.


That wasn't her decision to make. She wasn’t in charge here, and Lucky was beginning to make that fact very, very clear. “Baby,” she tried again. “I’m sorry?” A moan stalled the rest of her words, panting as her girl waged a two front war. “I,” pause, again, because fuck, what could she say here. To apologize more properly would have to involve specifics. To involve specifics would be to admit fault. To admit fault would be to infer a promise to never to do it again. And she - how in the hells would she ever have any free time if she actually had to do her own work? That thought was horrifying, almost as horrifying as her realization that she didn’t immediately find a clever loophole out of this one. There had to be one. There was always some way she could wiggle and squirm out of any situation. Why, it was practically her entire lifestyle. If only she could focus for all of two seconds to actually think when the now intensified vibrations kept playing billiard with her thoughts.

Because this was dangerous. Because she was definitely starting to want, and by the looks of it, Lucky was just getting started. When the next prompt came, she licked her lips, thinking hard. Something nice. She knew how to fulfill that one, was wont to lavish praise and proffer compliments and demonstrate appreciation in all shapes and sizes.

“Babe, you turn me on like nobody else,” she started, swallowing a breath, flexing her hips and thighs, instinctually. “You invade my thoughts constantly. I can’t even look at anything vaguely lilac without thinking about you.” Wanted to thrust, wanted linear stimulation, but wasn’t so foolhardy to hump the air. Besides, with her arms pinned back, she only had so much range of motion. “You are the hottest girl I’ve ever met. And not just that, you are smart, you got a great personality, I love everything about you and-” Another moan, drenched in lust, her pounding heartbeat echoing along her shaft in a noticeable throb. "I'm crazy for you."

Wasn’t so sure flattery could get her out of this, but hey, at least it was worth a try.

Some progress had been made. From the cocky space her girlfriend liked to wander around so much, she was slowly being dragged towards a different space. And somewhere down the line, the cat had to pass through the tunnel of regret. And perhaps the Bridge of Sighs as well. Lucky had yet to feel bad about it, for making her girl's life a tad more difficult. On the contrary, she felt as if she had finally started to speak a language this playful cat was conditioned to listen to and comply. Granted, a simple apology was still apparently too difficult to make for the girl, but she was hopeful that she would eventually offer one, if she wanted to have a relief that could be considered long overdue by then.

A rare mutation was the reason behind her unique, and sometimes haunting, eye colour. Since she wasn't a particularly chatty girl, her eyes were her first means of communication whenever she met someone new. The mention of her lilac-ness, so to speak, made Lucky drew her face closer as the flattery she had requested was being realised. "Hottest girl you ever met." She repeated. "What a nice compliment!" Pulling herself back, she tucked an index finger into the hair tie on the girl's cock. "Considering the sheer number of hot girls you're acquainted with." The elastic band jumped out. The vibrator that it used to affix to the young brunette's cock tumbled down. "I have quite a bit of competition, yeah?"

It was quite doubtful that Kat's upright member would remain unattended, but she decided to give it a small break. "You can't possibly like everything about me, though." Lucky responded to her girlfriend's rhetorical suggestion. "My legs? Are they what you really like about me?" One of her knees thrust up, her foot perching on the seat between the girl's thighs. She yanked up an ornate stocking-top a bit, stretched out the band, only to let it snap back. "Since you like to bite them so much?" As her foot returned to the floor, her hands rested on Kat's knees. Leaning down improved her cleavage. She was a bit modest up there, but while she had her bra pushing them up, there was an apparent sense of depth and volume to them. "Or something else?" To further deepen the valley, she cupped the orbs, pressing them together. "No?" Lucky let them go. "It figures. Given your affection for busty thieves." Her hands ran through her raven locks then, fingers interlocking behind her head. "Oh, I know what you like." A gentle sway began to move the lithe brunette's tiny waist. Suddenly, she kicked the vibrator that unassumingly lay on the floor. "I look minimal next to the cheap silicone." As the device rolled away on its silicone head, Lucky added. A puzzling statement, sure. But most songs sounded that way when one started to pay attention. "So," turning around, she continued. "Objection!" Her hips darted to one side, swift enough to flutter even her taut little bum. "I don't want to be the exception." She sang, thrusting her bottom in the opposite direction. Her legs slighly bent forwards in succession. "To get your attention!" Her hips drawing a continues eight in the air, she lowered herself a bit, "Love you for free," and she kept shaking. "But you don't even bother!" Bending down with her hands on her knees, she made sure her bum drew a wider circle while she twirled it, intending to fill her girlfriend with a particular urge to paint her buns pink and red, one Kat couldn't hope to fulfil at the moment. Straightening her back, Lucky circled the chair, raising her knees higher than necessary to take some long steps around the girl. She glided an index finger on her cat's skin, from her shoulder to the back of her neck. Upon emerging from the other side of the chair, she hurriedly sat on the girl's lap. Jumped onto her rather. "I'll get that apology, kitten." Reaching behind the girl's head, she gathered and pulled Kat's hair down, to stare down at the pretty face she tilted up. Her lace-clad pussy began to grind against the young brunette's stiff pole.


“Competition?” She echoed, pouncing on that strand of thought like a rapidly fleeing rope to safety. Or perhaps it was just a distracting yarn ball? Whichever, what mattered was that she appeared to be making progress. The constant minor stimulation made her yearn for more, and she assumed that in cheap silicone’s absence, perhaps Lucky was inclined to show her just what she was missing out on? “You have no competition, babe. You blow all of them out of the water.”

Would have kept it going, but Lucky was speaking again, and so she smartly kept her mouth shut. Trained her eyes to the proffered limb, ran her gaze along the fabric she herself pulled up, remembering how it had felt beneath fingertips. And more importantly, entertaining quite a few thoughts about how amusing it would be when she might tear a few runs into them later. “Everything, as I have said,” Kat offered instead, licking at a canine in testament of how true Lucky’s statement had been. Because she did very much like biting them, liked the feel of it, but more importantly, loved the hitched inhales and stuttering exhales her ravenous attention always inflicted.

She subtly shifted her hips again as Lucky continued to catalog her various, and truthfully, all remarkably enticing assets. It didn’t help, but she couldn’t help herself. The break in pattern confused that greedy cock of hers, well acclimated to a constant stream of pleasure by now. And now, left all alone, it throbbed with uncertainty, and every time it did so, Kat was reminded of the existence of that snug little ring. Her blood shimmered, eyes lidded and narrowed as Lucky began to sway to an inaudible beat. Connected the dots quickly enough since she knew her pop well, though she did strain to place this particular song with a name, especially when Lucky insisted upon being such a distraction.

Candidly, Lucky didn’t really have to try to distract Kat, but when she did try... God, what sublime distraction indeed. Kat didn’t so much as want to paint those bums any particular shade as she just wanted to palm them. To squeeze, indent smoothness with fingers and nails alike, before tugging on that alluring black lace to see how it might look hugging Lucky’s sex that much closer. Wanted to pull it aside, because she could easily picture it - her jutting shaft, as hard as it could possibly be, sliding right on inside. How the lace would dig against her, a minor price to pay for how absolutely lurid it would look. Black against cream being stirred up by a particularly oversized stalk of wheat. And then, once she was buried hilt deep, once she had interrupted that song with vocals several pitches higher, then perhaps she would deign to color that rear a few shades redder.

The chair creaked from how hard she pulled, entirely unintentionally. Huffed a few quick breathes, jugulars flexing from strain. Much like a cat, she did not appreciate being scruff-ed when there was a terribly captivating prey squirming in front of herself. “Baby,” she growled that word. "You definitely have my attention." Leaned back into the touch behind her neck, tracking Lucky with her eyes everywhere she went. Because no, her beloved unquestionably did not look minimal. Not next to silicone. Not next to anything.

Could never resist a closer look though, a wish granted as weight settled into her lap. “Lucky,” she tried again, recalling enough of that intentionally chosen song to remember something about a name. About all she could recall on that particular topic, when her thoughts were rudely - irresistibly - interrupted by that arresting grip. Kat didn’t struggle, following the somatic command and tilting her chin up, adding a bit of a sideway slant in a way that elongated her pretty throat. Kept her gaze on Lucky though, peering down through the thick of lashes. Lashes that fluttered at the pressure and heat against her much hotter cock. Her stomach clenched sharply, and she was so sensitive that she could actually feel the pre oozing from that equally entranced cyclops eye, dribbling down and smearing onto skin and lace.

She panted openly, every other thought pulling back to how much and how badly she wanted to be inside. Wanted to fuck, but even with both feet planted on the ground, could manage no more than some very forceful but hampered upwards thrusts. Lining herself up, with her size, was an impossibility, but that didn’t prevent her, in her impaired mental state, from attempting as such anyway. Her jaw pulsed, biting on her own teeth, staring at her beautiful girlfriend with a look that was all naked desire, all wolfish hunger. There wasn’t much to say, and so, she offered a bit of melody as well, in a lower register and with far more huskiness than the original rendition. “A domesticated girl, that’s all you ask of me. Darling, it is no joke, this is lycanthropy. Moon’s awake now, with eyes wide open. My body’s craving, so feed the hungry.”
With the musical tunes provided by her girlfriend, Lucky danced her hips on the girl's lap. Rhythmical thrusts of her waist pressed her lace-clad sex against the stiff rod ahead. Apart from being a cat—a poorly domesticated one at that—there were definitely times Kat reminded her of a little wolf instead. Her little she-wolf, alright. In this case, Lucky wanted to play the pale moon high as the sky whom the little wolf howled at from below. With the lyrics, she widened her eyes at the girl. Reaching down with a soft hand, and scooping that hard shaft, she firmly pressed it against her flower. And against her stomach, given its size. Her nose ran up the young woman's neck, her lips trailing behind, until she found herself an ear to whisper into. "Hungry?" She asked, although knowing quite well what this cat-turned-wolf had a whetted appetite. And could use a treat that was petite.

Her palm glided down the long pole. And moved up towards the fat tip. The head's proximity to her bellybutton hinted at the expected depth of penetration if she were to make Kat's large cock disappear like a magician. No level of sleight of hand could help her perform such vanishing trick in the blink of an eye, however, when she was a tight fit.

"Well, I'm hungry too." Lucky suggested. Creamy skin, and a unique eye colour. There were some similarities between her and a vampiress. In her case, she didn't feed off the blood of her victims. Something a bit thicker, perhaps. Like the mysterious substance that was smeared over her belly during her little grinding session, and dripped on her knickers.

Nails faintly scratching the thighs, her hands slid down the girl's legs as Lucky got down. Her knees perched back on the pillow. This time, her hands ran up Kat's inner legs. At the end of their short journey, Lucky pushed her cat's knees farther apart. Her elbows rested on the girl's legs as she tucked the side of her hair behind her ears. Of course, not to be hindered by some stray locks during a certain activity she intended to perform. With two fingers, she pinched the tip, pulling Kat's cock towards her, only to amuse herself by the stiffness of that big cock by making it snap back to its previous angle when she let it go.

"Alright, apology." Lucky held that hard, well-lubricated cock. Her hand moved up and down on it as she hastily jerked that menacing member. Four or five times a second. "Now." The almond-eyed brunette stopped. And allowed that thick rod to throb. Throb, arch, and ooze; whatever that thing liked to do to express its neediness, really. "Lucky, I'm soo sorry that I've cheated on you." She felt the need to explain what kind of apology she wished to hear. Knowing her cat, she was positive that she would be willing to insist that her beneficial coquetry shouldn't really be considered cheating. To make such explanation harder to make for Kat, she commenced stroking again. Her little fist loosely clenched around her cock, her fingers got into a loop of climbing and descending, rather swiftly. She filled the room with that oddly pleasant, slobbery sound of a leaking cock getting rubbed up and down. Not for long, however, as she paused again. "Come on, be a good girl." In a little blur, her hand moved again, repeatedly shuttling between the root and the head. Surely, she had no intention of letting that excited cock soften. A third time in a row, Lucky's fingers relaxed. It was now her girlfriend's cock's turn to dance. Her eyes were on the tip. And the topping looked appetising. "Tell me you're sorry." Waves played on top of her well-supported breasts where her bra didn't cover as she started jerking again. Biting her bottom lip, and slightly tilting her head, she stroked it rapidly. Funnily, her hand was getting tired, but she was determined. And having frequent breaks helped. She took another one. "Say it and I'll take it into my mouth." Following that little promise, she picked it up where she left off. She went slower this time. With a bit of a twisting motion, Lucky stroked it, gradually getting faster. And faster. Before she stopped.


Pale moon? Oh Kat definitely liked that, two of them, to be exact, and the way they settled against her thighs to provide stability to Lucky’s current venture. Didn’t like howling at them so much though. Rather, the cat attempting its utmost to branch out into wolfish realms did quite enjoy a traditionally canine activity - humping, that is. “Starving,” she offered, attempting to buck but accomplishing next to nothing with the way her legs were straddled. The friction was beyond delicious, but in a way that just served to remind her exactly what she was missing out on.

“If you let me go, I’ll show you just how much?” She knew it was a long shot even before she said it, but damn, this was so unfair! So close to what she wanted, like a dog with a treat balanced upon a paw, and told that she wasn't allowed to have it. In that position, Kat would have definitely just wolfed it down anyway, but alas. Any of her attempts to exert herself was akin to lapping at a moon reflected in a puddle; every time she tried, it evaded her grasp, only to return to taunt her some more.

Couldn’t see much of anything when Lucky leaned forward to kiss along her throat, but certainly didn’t need the aid of sight to perceive. The lace had more texture than the smooth plain of stomach, particularly after she smeared a few generous dollops of lube and pre coalesced onto skin. But all of it felt good. Hell, with how achingly hard she was now, a gust of air would probably feel good too.
“Babe, come on,” she whined, abundant enjoyment competing with growing agitation. Her girlfriend hasn’t had any satisfaction either since they started this makeout session turned deviancy, so surely, surely, Lucky had to share her impatience to some extent?

Might have underestimated her girl’s patience, or her vengeful streak, because Lucky was making her way back down again, and Kat could only groan. She was really regretting those earlier comments about a blowjob now. Not that she didn’t enjoy the idea of the same, but both of them knew well that when she was this riled up, there was nothing she wanted more than a nice hard fuck. With herself in the driving seat, of course, yet more wishful thinking, it seemed like.

Expected more teasing - Oh, that’s-” her voice trailed off into a lusty moan, bucking forward and up as instincts dictated. The punishing tempo Lucky set was a lot faster than Kat had anticipated, and with how keyed up she was already, all she could do was pant and groan. The firm grip, the consistent motion, those piercing lavenders gazing up at her. It was all she could want and hope for and-

Fuck,” she choked the word out, gritting her teeth and furrowing her brows. Lithe muscles corded to no avail as she found herself inches away from the promised satisfaction, from relief, only to be rudely yanked back. Like a dog who had reached the end of the chain, straining against its collar, baring its teeth and accomplishing absolutely nothing. She heard the words, but before she could even argue, Lucky started up again and whatever she might have said degenerated into yet another dripping noise. A lot of those now. Moans, groans, interspersed by her breath that came in sharp staccatos. All of the gentler attention earlier just served to make her more sensitive, to make her that much more susceptible to the brisk downbeat. She bucked up every time Lucky’s fingers reached the base, wanting just a little bit more. Should have came already. Definitely would have too, if not for her own horrid suggestions of a particular rubber toy. A lot of this seemed to be her own bad decisions, come to think about it.

Only she wasn’t doing so much thinking though. By the time she slammed against the edge for the third time in a row in rapid succession, all she could do was whimper. “Baby I’m sorry, I am, I really am.” Kat babbled, staring down with a look that was more distressed than contrite. But surely, that could not be considered her fault, with what Lucky just put her through. Where was this even coming from, anyway? Who took her adorably vanilla girlfriend and replaced her with…??? A lot to learn, indeed. “I,’ she gritted her teeth on that one, didn’t want to say it, no. Because it wasn’t cheating, not by her worldview. Never groped anything she shouldn’t have, never stuck her poor bullied cock anywhere it didn’t belong. All she did was flirt a little bit and get some homework done, was that really so bad? There was no argument to be had here though, not when Lucky started stroking again, palming those veins that bulged noticeably, a visual reminder of just how pent-up Kat felt.

There was no outmaneuvering through this one. No escaping, either. Even her stubbornness wasn’t going to save Kat.
Goddammit,” she pulled so hard that the entire chair shook. That very needy pole jerked, tense like the way she was tense all over, weeping absolutely everywhere. Her heart beat faster than in the midst of a vigorous gym session, and she was so close that it was baffling how she hasn’t hosed the place down yet. “I give, I give, I’m sorry,” those words spewed rapid-fire, rushing out in between panting gasps, trying to get her point across before Lucky actually turned her brain into jelly. “I’m so sorry that,” her jaw clenched again, and she looked skittish, like she had just found out that her human wanted to take her to the vet, but this time, she powered through it. “I’m so, so sorry that I cheated on you.” Didn’t unclench her jaw as she said it, a tightness to her words making it obvious how she felt about them. “I was wrong, you were right.” Has she ever admitted to such in her life? Highly doubtful. But duress was a powerful thing. “I won't do it again, so please.” Her pinched brows notwithstanding, she made sure to school her expression into something appropriately genuine. Bit of a pout too, because puppy dogs eyes were supposed to be irresistible, right?
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