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ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ & ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ, 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥? || ƒᴇʀᴀʟ x ᴡᴀᴠᴇᴠᴇʟᴏᴜʀ


𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓭 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕧𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕤
Sep 9, 2015
ʙᴀ ᴅᴜᴍ 𝙩𝙨𝙨


Who's it gonna be
Imma count to three
Make it easy
Just tell me what I wanna hear
You know I get so jealous


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There was a word for girls like Kat Powell (short for Katherine - but whoever called her that would come to regret making such a poor life decision). Trouble.

Although, looking at her, that fact might not be so obvious. She had neither tattoos - readily apparent ones - nor any piercings of note. Didn’t smoke, and rarely drank to excess. Her favorite pair of earrings were crosses, for Christ's sake. Just don’t study her too closely. Don’t ask questions about how she managed such excellent grades without ordering most of the textbooks. About how she showed up to open-book exams with detailed, hand-written outlines, despite having skipped all the lectures.

And definitely don’t inquire into that easy charisma of hers. Ponder not the way her eyes seemed to draw you in, mocha or hazel depending on the lighting, expressive and entirely too inviting. Her hair, hickory and pecan, highlighted with streaks of something lighter, like the way milk might wreath upon latte. It spilled down the curve of her cheeks, in bangs kept just a touch too tousled, adding a streak of unruliness even with the rest pulled back into a high ponytail.

Soft, those features of hers. Eye-catching and pretty in an urbane sort of way. Approachable. She looked like she could have been a neighbor next door. The one everyone on the block secretly wanted to fuck, who somehow managed to portray looking like she just rolled out of bed with perfect eyeliners. And, if she were ever in trouble, if she 'caught a cold' and that was why she needed a little extra ‘help’ on this assignment and the next, who were you to say no?​


“Thank you sooooo much, Rach, I owe you one~” The lilt of Kat’s voice was as pleasant as her demeanor. Not too high. Not too low. An attractive mezzo-soprano that combined musicality and huskiness both. Imbued with a certain vibrato, almost like a purr, quite similar to the bedroom variety, if the reaction from the girl called Rach was anything to go by.

“I-it’s nothing.” They were grad students, not teenagers, and yet, the crush Rach had on Kat was almost puppydog-like. It was the way she looked up at the slightly taller girl, with near fixation in her wide blue eyes. Apparent in the way she ever so slightly leaned into the connection between their bodies - Kat was certainly not shy in the least as she practically draped her front against Rach’s back and shoulder, arms splayed in a ‘friendly’ hug. She was a hugger, wont to show her affections with such displays, or at least, that was what she liked to say.

“Nono, seriously, you are an amazing help. I don’t know what I would do without you.” A half turn, her breath washing over the far more studious student’s ear, completely oblivious to the flush that now decorated the same. Yeah right.

And, when the near starstruck girl swallowed and tried to find the right words to suit the moment, Kat just continued barreling forward.
“Ah drat, I forgot I had a TA meeting scheduled in ten minutes.” She pulled back, running a hand through her tousled bangs and displaying her throat in a way that absolutely drew the eye. “I’m going to make it up to you. Over Boba tea, yeah? My treat.”

She barely gave the girl enough time to respond in the affirmative before she was off to this non-existent TA meeting of hers. One assignment down, two more to collect.

She had a system, see? Nothing to the point of unfaithfulness, but she was a busy girl, and definitely couldn’t be arsed to do her own work. What was that old saying? Teach a man to fish? She wasn't about that. Why fish at all when she could have the fishermen serve her choice cuts upon a silver platter?

Slinging her messenger bag that was chock full of cute little pins over one shoulder, she made her way out of the library and towards the Quad. The weather was nice, and there was a spring to her steps as she stopped to admire the flowers. Just a small detour before that keen gaze of hers swept over the open-air area.

Now, where was the next little nerd that owed her an assignment?
An attendance sheet devoid of her ornate signature, it was quite a rare happening on campus. In this case, it was a necessary tardiness to have during this lovely spring afternoon. To hopefully puzzle out a rather salty suspicion. Probably, it was just a whimsical conjecture. Otherwise, the frivolous inquiry of why would anyone cheat on her would be a great mystery. She had it all, after all. A charming visage, an alluring but sparingly flashed smile, wealth, admirable GPA, and a pretty bum. Regarding the last item on this little list, her eyes were on another one of those. Another pretty bum to admire, one that belonged to her partner, in fact, as she watched that daring young woman from her car. If she was able to spot that dashing brunette, her deer girlfriend too could very well recognise her car. She doubted she would be searching for it, though. It was an unlikely concept, she missing a class. It should also hint that there was something serious, if Lucy could care less about attending her classes.

As a studious student who always completed her assignments herself, asking others to do them for her was quite foreign to her. Certainly, such laziness was not something she could ever approve. Although she had known that her partner relied on this particular assistance to keep up with her academic obligations, it had never bothered her. Until a pattern of sorts dawned on her. Something about people Kat asked for their help. Was it a coincidence that they were all good-looking students? Did she even truly need such outside help for practically every assignments she had? Or was it just an excuse to meet and converse some particular students? A curious question, that required a satisfactory answer.

"Oh, there she is. Wonderful." A forced giggle bounced within the boundaries of the vehicle. Instead of following that familiar face who came out of the library, monolid eyes searched for someone else in the rear-view mirror. In fact, someone her adventurous girlfriend was supposed to meet at the moment, if she indeed wanted to collect that second assignment of hers. Neither Kat, nor the passenger in the backseat knew that, but that was not going to happen sadly, for Lucy intended to break this chain of academic benevolence.

"Yup. That's her." A couple of awkward nods accompanied her passenger's confirmation. "We've planned to meet in the courtyard." With one finger, she pointed through the windscreen, the other hand reaching for the door. "Right th-"

A rather sharp click interrupted the student's words, as a simple press of a button locked the doors. "Primroses and daisies, I'm aware." Lucky further interrupted. "So romantic, don't you think?"

Getting a firm purchase on the little door handle proved to be fruitless, as the student's nervousness only grew stronger. Granted, Lucy hardly looked dangerous, but she was acting rather odd. No need to mention the locked doors. "I guess? Look, I have to-" The perplexed girl tried to convey, once again unable to finish what she started.

"You guess?" Lucy looked back, her gaze roaming Kat's little friend. Undoubtedly a pretty girl. To her annoyance, that is. "Wonder what else you can guess with that little mind." She questioned, rather doubtful about her passenger's brilliance.

Below firmly knitted brows, the eyes Lucky stared into shot daggers at her. "Hey! I want to go." The poor girl tried the door again, more intently this time.

The arm that was extended towards her triggered a wriggling in her, as Lucky asked. "May I have your phone, dear?"

"Are you robbing me?" The only daughter of the founder of a well-known consumer goods firm, stealing from a humble university student: that funny little suggestion ripped a short-lived laughter from Lucy.

"I suspect it may ring, rather." Lucy gazed outside again, no longer able to see her girlfriend, which meant she could be on the verge of feeling the frustration of admiring those flowers alone; hence, her prediction about an upcoming phone call.


Tsk, tsk. Missing classes and not even having a cute lil rodent to scribble her name in instead? Such a travesty. Almost as bad as Kat having to wait. At least this ash tree was providing ample shade; she liked sporting a tan just fine, but unfiltered ultraviolet was a big no thanks. Kat leaned back against the sturdy trunk, messenger bag dropping low upon her hips, body angled in a practiced manner that showed off her athletic build in all the right ways. Curves where it mattered, and lithe everywhere else. Lean & mean, like a hunter, only armed with a dazzling smile instead of claws. She wasn’t smiling right now though.

Not a frown, either, but a cool, calm façade. Those pretty hazels of hers scanned the Quad over and over again, narrowing. Late? No one was late to meetings with Kat. But ah, perhaps she shouldn’t get too worked up over it. Unexpected occurrences do happen, and she was pretty sure that she had this girl’s number saved somewhere.

Calling was so gauche though.

With a few quick swipes, she unlocked her phone and flicked through her extensive list of contacts. S… Samantha, Samuel, Santana, Scarlet, Sebastian, Shay, Shelby, Skye, Sophia…ah there, Susan! Gender inclusivity aside, there was certainly a trend there.

Tall Climbable White Pine
Hey, the weather’s looking mighty fine, but where’s my little Susie Q to share it with? 😉

Nicknames, but of course. Although, it was hardly Kat’s fault how other girls chose to save her number in their phones. This cute lil nerd she saved simply as Susan.

Seconds ticked by. No response.

Her jaw pulsed.

Tall Climbable White Pine
You there? I'm starting to miss you~

Her eyes bore into her chic Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, newest edition of course. Something well out of the budget for most cash-strapped grad students. Out of her budget too, to be transparent, but she had her ways.​
"Don't act like I don't know cute girls can steal too!" While suspecting this cold gal might want to rob her, poor Susan had yet to comprehend that she was currently being accused of stealing a certain heart.

Of course, the more Lucky thought about the situation, the larger her frustration grew. Admittedly, with that little beep that came from this other girl's phone, her heart skipped a beat. She tried to think what she might have done to deserve such betrayal. Had she been so strict in their relationship? Or was it her deer father, who hardly supported it? Or did Kat just prefer things a bit, her gaze briefly visited Susan's chest, bigger? What scared her the most, however, was the possibility that she might merely be just another girl on Kat's list. Not quite different from the one she confronted.

Several gears turned in her complex mind as Lucky went through numerous concerning thoughts. Her pale little face was getting redder, not because of bashfulness, however. She almost gasped when her ears rang with another little beep. "Give me that phone!" She insisted, not aware that it had been already sitting on her palm for a while.

"I have! Look." Susan told, now certain that Lucky was greatly distracted by some distressing thoughts. "It's not mine, anyway..." The girl faintly mumbled.

Immediately, and hastily, Lucky checked the new messages. "Climbable?!" Her left eye twitched, hardly looking as cute as the little wink emoji on the screen.

As if Susan wanted to return the favour, her eyes followed the young woman's neck to the cleavage her sleeveless black dress didn't offer. Thus, she instead admired her gold earrings, doubting they were cheap. "Are you rich?" Upon checking her necklace, Susan added.

"For how long?!" Widened eyes glaring, Lucky shouted. Something about her girlfriend missing another girl, it really got to her. Soft fingers firmly squeezed the phone. Now Susan could tell what this was about. That Lucky had succumbed to jealousy. Perhaps not enough to make her call the police, which she would hate to do in this case, but Susan indeed feared that this incredibly frustrated chick might be the end of her. Looking out of the window, towards the path Kat followed before getting out of sight, she continued. "You may want to ask this to someone else."

Admittedly, her original plan was to play along for a bit. At the moment, though, Lucky hardly felt like texting. "Wait." she managed to message, before tossing the phone aside. Taking a deep breath, she looked ahead. Something rattled behind the steering wheel as Susan called out from behind.

"There." Carefully, but also hurriedly, the girl held out a clear folder, with Kat's assignment in it. "I'm pretty sure you don't want me to give this."

"Oh, shut your gob..." Almost instinctively, and quite sharply, she grabbed the folder, and nothing else. She pushed the door open then.

"At least, don't lock me up here." The passenger spat out. "Don't lock the car." She watched the woman get out. "Silly girl."

The coy hips of the brunette didn't sway so lovely as heavy steps led her to the courtyard. "Are you rich?" She was quite furious. Certainly, Lucky didn't seem to be there to pick flowers. "It's not mine, anyway." On the contrary, it seemed she rather wanted to pluck out that tree her so-called girlfriend was leaning against. "Don't lock the car." On the way, she dropped the folder. If she hadn't been holding it, her car keys would have been dangling from her slender fingers instead. A few feet away from Kat, she came to an abrupt stop. "Cute girls can steal too." In the distance, a car engine started. A familiar one. Yes, she had been greatly distracted, blind to the clues. It finally dawned on her. Among the flowers, a most expensive homework assignment lay.

"Silly girl…"




A single brow shot up, surprised by the terse response. That wasn't like Susan. This particular little cottontail of hers had a bit of a bad streak. Not as bad as Kat, of course, but certainly enough to match her in some flirtatious back and forth. It never amounted to anything though - and, regardless of how Susan might have felt about it, Kat had no intention of letting it amount to anything. Sure, she liked to string pretty girls along for all the benefits they could offer her, but anything physical was where she drew the line. Kat Powell was a lot of things - a relentless flirt, for one - but she wasn't a cheater. Although, going through her text history, that might be hard to tell.

If love might be compared to war, then Kat was surely a notorious warlord and flirtation was her sword.

Tall Climbable White Pine
You alright? We can always reschedule?

Contrary to her attitude, she wasn't all bad. Could certainly appreciate a family emergency or something like that. The assignment wasn't due for another two days anyway. She had time.

No response.

Gosh, if Kat didn't know better, she might have guessed that her 'helpful' little friend was being held under duress or something like that.

It wasn't something she really got a chance to ruminate on though. With her gaze glued to her phone, she wasn't as aware of her surroundings as she should be, but when that darling girlfriend of hers entered her peripheral vision, she certainly took notice.

Didn't she have a class at this hour? Kat certainly thought that she remembered something like that. What really surprised her though was how frazzled the usually composed girl looked. Not to say that she wasn't ravishingly well-put-together as always, but there was something distinctively stormy about the way Lucky all but marched up to her, stopping so abruptly. Like someone keyed her car or something.

Sharp as Kat was, even she couldn't put two and two together. That said, it didn't take a genius to see that something had gotten her girl in quite the tizzy. She could help with that, soothing bristled fur was practically a specialty of hers by this point. Kat was all smiles as she locked her phone and tucked it into the back pocket of her jeans. Pushing herself off of the tree, she bridged the distance between the two of them with just a few quick steps, bringing with herself a light, woody scent. Sandalwood and cedar, with a top note of citrus. Fresh and entirely inviting.

"Babe," she purred, both arms loosely draping across the small of Lucy's back, craning her neck down to give the slightly shorter girl a quick peck on the lips. "Did your class get canceled?" A rakish grin flashed even as she pulled back, her hazels warm and playful. Some might call them mesmerizing. "Or did you just miss me?" Raising a hand, she smoothed a strand of Lucky's hair behind her ear. Not that it needed such adjusting. It was absolutely just an excuse to graze the back of her fingers against a sculpted cheekbone. Her touch lingered unnecessarily, thumb tracing over cartilage and piercings. Kat had always been on the handsy side of things, and Lucky was, well, really hot.

"You seem to be in quite the mood though. What happened? Got into another argument with the old man, or?" Out of her peripheral, she scanned the courtyard. Still no signs of Susan or her assignment. Strange. But she could always investigate that later. For now, her girlfriend was her priority.

Kat's Casanova tendencies notwithstanding, she really did actually quite like Lucky. It wasn't even just the girl's looks & wealth. Shockingly enough, Lucky was the one person Kat resolutely refused to mooch off of. No, it was mostly a combination of Lucky's keen mind and personality. They had originally met after being assigned a group project together, along with several other students, in one of those required elementary courses that nobody much cared for. Well, nobody except for Lucky. The girl seemed to take everything to do with school seriously, and it was a good look on her.

It helped that Lucky could actually carry a conversation too. A proper one, with random bits of theory and whatever other tidbits that Kat found interesting woven in. Despite her incredibly lazy attitude toward school, Kat actually did have the brains to go with her seductive exterior. She was just…incredibly willful about the application of the same. Which was to say that as much as she hated school, she could certainly appreciate a keen mind, and Lucky was not just smart, but simultaneously not nerdy. Kat had eyes, and anyone with eyes would notice the way that designer dress hugged that perky rear and the legs that followed. Looks weren't the primary reason Kat liked Lucky enough to actually date her, a word that was almost foreign in her playbook, but they certainly didn't hurts.

"Come on, walk with me. Want to get froyo or something before your next class?"
How would she ever explain daddy that she had been rather casually outsmarted by a painfully dull little thief was a question for another time. At the moment, some other concerns had priority over a stolen car. Personal matters. Things her father had warned her about, really. He had never been supportive of this relationship, and hadn't shied away from expression what he thought of it either. As someone who had been yearning for an heir for a long time, one would think that he should have been happy that her daughter had found someone with a cock this time. That wasn't the case, however. As said cock was too unorthodox for his conservative mind. And admittedly, some recent developments had almost made Lucky begin to suspect that he might be right after all. Sadly, he was the type of man who would think a four-year-old car would be a marginal price to pay if it could steer his daughter's orientation into a more conventional direction.

Not every amorous adventure had to end in bed and under the sheets. Accordingly, Lucky wouldn't consider it not cheating even though her girlfriend had yet to spread a pair of legs that did not belong to her. While an internal storm of bitterness gave her some rather unpleasant tingles, Kat didn't seem to have a clue why she seemed so dreadful. Perhaps understandably so, as even the smallest inconveniences could make her act up. Lucky surely didn't share her girlfriend's apparent easy-going and responsibility-free demeanour. Small things mattered to her. And for her, this was rather big.

There was she, alright. Kat standing there with the usual prettiness she had failed to see through, apparently, shoving her phone into her back pocket in a hurry. Undoubtedly, to ensure that the contracts on it remained a guilty little secret. Or photos too perhaps. Photos those little sluts had sent to her girl. Or maybe it wasn't that bad. Surely a puzzle that needed an urgent resolution.

A warm embrace wasn't enough to smooth down this vexy brunette, during which Lucky didn't stop herself from giving her lovely but treacherous girl a slight pat on the butt. Infinitely lighter than what she really wanted to do with Kat at the moment. A quick kiss didn't manage to make her calm, either. And she soon pulled herself back. Or rather pushed the young woman away.

"Kat, don't…" It happened to be a day she was not very glad to see her charming girlfriend. Not here, not like this. Lucky had never been an exceptionally talkative girl. But she did like to think she was the one who wore the trousers in their relationship. Not necessarily because she was the more assertive partner, but the more sensible one. Less wild, more well-behaved. Good girl, one would say. "I believe I've been robbed." A fire of jealousy burnt strongly in her beady eyes as she kept them on the girl. "Robbed of my fondly feelings, that is." She had no reason to suspect Kat might be somewhat involved in the theft. It did seemed to be a spontaneous crime, rather. On the other hand, she had yet to decide if she herself was to blame, or it was somehow Kat's fault. "For you, and by you."

The idly made proposal of grabbing a light dessert made Lucky squint. "Why exactly have you thought I would be walking?" She questioned. Even in this prickly state though, she doubted Kat knew anything about a particular freshly stolen car. "Alright, saunter along then." Lucky turned around, commencing a taut stroll. "That is not a pine tree, if you must know." Her phone in her hand, well a phone rather, she started to browse through names. Being robbed had thought her a thing or two about stealing; hence, the small slap on her girlfriend's splendid butt. Certainly, Kat wasn't short of "friends" whose name started with an S. "Hope that's not my childhood friend Sophia." Believing she had done enough investigating, Lucky held up her girlfriend's phone over her shoulder, if she wanted it back. "For how long?" While striding, Lucky riddled. "Your little companion Susie wanted me to ask you."


Huh, she wasn’t expecting the push.

Lucky getting a little temperamental was nothing new. They were quite different in that regard. While Kat seemed to let just about anything bounce off of her, at the surface level at least, Lucky tended to be a little more finicky. Her girl was very much the sort of gal that got annoyed by a coffee stain on an unimportant piece of paper, but usually, that just meant she wanted her fur smoothed the right way. Cuddles, an attentive ear, murmured agreements to whatever it was she said. Her girl liked to be pampered, and Kat? Well Kat enjoyed making the pretty girl melt. Among other things.
And as such, she was rather surprised to be refused so abruptly, blinking as she complied and pulled back.
"I believe I've been robbed."
Both brows shot up, and she was on the verge of interrupting before Lucky continued.
"Robbed of my fondly feelings, that is. For you, and by you."
Huh. Huh? Kat’s brows furrowed in confusion, tilting her head to the wayside like an adorable kitten being scolded. It was unclear to her what she was being scolded for, but she figured keeping quiet and letting Lucky go on was as good a strategy as any.
“Oh, did you drive?” She quipped at the bit about walking, turning to gaze down the direction Lucky came from. “...I don’t see your car?” Confusion compounded with further confusion. This was shaping out to be such a strange conversation. But, as words continued to spill, as Lucky unsubtly pick-pocketed her phone and unlocked it - well shit, maybe she shouldn’t have given Lucky the passcode that one time to let her use the GPS - and began to ramble about this name and that, Kat was starting to glean the situation.
Like a cat though, she always landed on all fours.
“For how long…?” She queried, intentionally, but without enough of a break in her cadence to actually allow an answer. “Have I known Susan?” A quirk to her head again even as she walked after Lucky, uninterested in taking possession of her phone. “Um, I only met her this semester. She’s in my Mergers & Acquisitions 101 class.”
That wasn’t enough though. It was all too evident to her that Lucky must have had quite the run-in with Susan to be interrogating her like this, and while she didn’t know the contents of exactly what was said or not said, she was far too good at this game to merely play dumb. No, a more deft touch was called for here, and she wouldn't be in the business of getting an MBA if she didn't have to corresponding wit to go with it.
“Keep my phone,” she shrugged, “I got nothing to hide. You are free to look through my text messages with her if you like. I mean, there’s some bantering, and she helps me with assignments from time to time, but that’s about it.” An understatement for the rather flirtatious text messages they got up to, but Kat was playing it cool. The most convincing lies were always those served with a heaping dose of half-truths, after all.
“Look, even a blind man can tell you are upset about something, come back to my place?” It was only about three blocks from campus anyway. Those who couldn’t afford cars tended to live closer. “Let’s talk about whatever’s upsetting you. I’m sure we can clear up whatever you are peeved about in no time.”

“Can I get you anything? Water, OJ, tea?” Kat was playing up the good hostess practically as soon as they crossed into the threshold of her apartment. And it was, her lackadaisical nature notwithstanding, a relatively tidy place. Small and homey, one might say. Personalized with some photos on the walls, posters, a collection of cute mugs…nothing Lucky hasn't already seen, of course. She waited for Lucky to get situated. "Alright babe, I'm an open book. Shoot."
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If not utterly destroyed, anything could be fixed, whether a broken heart, or a wounded relationship. Funnily, it was something her father used to tell her. Sometimes, inspiration did come from unexpected places, after all. Lucky was too prideful not to be bothered by her partner's secluded flirtations. But not overly sentimental to haphazardly break up because of said disloyalty. They had met through such school assignments. Perhaps that was mainly the reason she felt awfully concerned about it, since she had an idea where those could eventually lead.

It was quite a risky game. The one Kat played by letting an incredibly suspicious brunette have her phone. At the same time, wanting it back could have potentially made things worse. In return, Lucky kept it, but didn't do much with it other than merely holding onto it. Hers was in her handbag, which was actually more valuable than her phone. And she had so stupidly left her handbag in her car. That Susan gal had better show up.

"I have." Simply, Lucky conveyed that she had already seen her girlfriend's little conversation with Susan. Well, a small part of it, at least. And showing her the rest would be a sure-fire way to fuel her vengeful side.

The mention of a particular class made her stop. She wasn't sure if Kat was just messing around with her, or being unintentionally ironic with that unfortunate class name, as her mind twisted it to something like merging after acquaintance. "For your own sake, Katherine," she faced her girlfriend, "you haven't come to realise the merging part of the lecture."

No visible, or audible for that matter, reluctance was displayed by Lucky when her girlfriend suggested they discuss whatever this was in private. Kat didn't know it yet, but she was going to stay in her place that day. Unable to drive home, no cash or credit card to take a taxi, she ought to be. Of course, she could have just ask for Kat's help, but that wasn't the point anyway.


"Tea, if you don't mind." Once her coy bottom perched on a decently comfy easy chair, something her prissy nature required, she tried to get comfortable. Lucky felt neither as a stranger, nor as a guest at her partner's flat. Understandably so, given this was the same gal whom she had gone down on certainly more than once. In the absence of legwear, more pale skin was showed off as she folded one leg over the other. "Actually, coffee may suit better." Remembering she could enjoy only exceptionally prepared tea, she changed her mind.

"An open book, right." On more than one occasion, she had indulged herself in flipping through said book, without knowing she wasn't the only fan of this particular author. Thumb raised, index finger pointing at Kat, she targeted the girl with a little finger gun. She closed one of her eyes, the other narrowing too because of her inability to keep only one of them open. "Tempting, rather." Lucky suggested, before lowering her hand on her topmost thigh.

A sigh followed her words. "Well, your little girlfriend Susan stole my car." A funny statement to start her visitation with. Also an embarrassing one. "No. You won't be calling her." Lucky continued, without giving the girl a chance to talk. "Won't be seeing her." Another order followed suit. "Won't be mentioning her." There were some other, obvious activities Lucky wouldn't permit her girlfriend to do with that little witch Susie. Thankfully, Kat didn't need anyone other than her for those. "Or others, really. How many men and women have you been seeing beside me?"


“Sure, whatever you want.” Perhaps it went without saying that Kat could be quite charming when she wanted to be, and she was laying it on thick. Despite the anxiety crowding into the back of her mind, none of it reached the surface. Her smile was easy and her posture was relaxed, portraying the utmost confidence in her earlier assertion that the whole thing was just a misunderstanding. She meandered over to the dishwasher, bending down now to unload a french press and a cute little mug that had a stylized L on it, lingering longer than necessary. Because, well, Lucky did always like to admire her rear.

There was a Kurig on the counter too, but she ignored that in favor of messing around with an electric kettle and a compact coffee grinder. Fast and simple was more of her thing, and at present, she knew better than to offer anything south of actual effort. Lucky talked, and she listened, surprise briefly cracking through that composed mask of hers at the bit of the stolen car. That, she didn’t see coming. But that was an easy thing to fix. She could reach out herself, or call the police, whichever. Part of her really wanted to ask if Lucky had contacted the authority yet, because, assuming the theft was recent, the ticking moments were just increasing the likelihood of it getting scrapped for parts. But, she held her tongue. Lucky had her phone, after all, if she wanted to call the police, she had ample access to do so.

Plus, she had a feeling that Lucky wasn’t so focused on the misplaced vehicle at this moment.

“Here you go babe, just how you like it.” She offered the coffee in lieu of an answer. The aroma of freshly ground beans suffused the air, a note that further complemented the piping hot java. With the precise balance of cream and sugar her girl liked, but of course.

Instead of finding a seat of her own though, she circled around behind Lucky’s chair and leaned down. Nothing too touchy-feely, for now, aware of the prickly vibes her girl was giving off. Instead, she simply allowed her hands to rest loosely on Lucky’s shoulders, positioned almost like she was on the verge of offering a massage, but with no real pressure. She ran the warmth of her palms over the shoulder-straps of that dress and the unmarred skin that followed. Her fingers kneaded into any tension she found, but incredibly gentle. A thumb dallied with the fine hairs of Lucky’s nape, broaching upon the column of her throat but not quite encroaching past the sides. Not really so much a massage as an attempt to establish a more intimate vibe.

“Nobody,” Kat offered, leaning even closer, her bangs brushing against Lucky’s cheek and her voice dropping an octave into an intentional purr. “Sure, I have classmates. Acquittances. You’ve also met quite a few of my friends…but that’s all they are.” A subtle inhale, quite enamored with Lucky’s scent as always, before she brushed her lips against the back of Lucky’s neck. Just a ghost of a touch, conveying reverence and admiration both. “You know you are the only one for me. How could I look at anyone else, when you are so beautiful. How could I think of anyone else, when you are all I can think about?” Her hands drifted lower, not quite into dangerous territory, more so to wrap loosely around Lucky’s collar, fingers splayed over any skin she could trace with lascivious intent. “If you doubt how much I love you, then I must have been remiss in demonstrating the same.” Her lips pressed firmer into Lucky’s neck, following the contour to the side of her throat, lavishing open-mouthed kisses upon her pulse. “Let me make it up to you…”
No matter how well brewed, soothing effects of a nice cup of coffee were going to be limited on a tea lover. For Lucky, it wasn't really about the results, however. In her amorous relationships, it was rather the effort what she really cared about. Endeavouring. And an apparent avidity to make her intrigued. Or in this case, patching up some doubts she had developed recently. A bit bad tampered sometimes, and sullen on occasion, but she wasn't necessarily a difficult woman to impress, or pamper. She surely didn't need expensive gifts, or elaborate surprises. Something as simple as remembering how she enjoyed a cup of coffee without asking her could be enough to earn affection. No sugar, freshly ground slightly aromatic beans, preferably medium roast, and a little milk to soften it. And the same French press could be used to froth it some.

"Three minutes. Be patient." Of course, she had to meddle with the procedure and dictate precisely how long it must be brewed. An annoying trait she had, telling people what to do. From where she sat, she was able to see what this little womaniser was doing in the kitchen area. A convenient view. And her girlfriend made sure she had a nice view of her butt as well. Undoubtedly it was a deliberate act, leaning down like that instead of lowering herself in a more ladylike manner. Kat was a woman easy on the eye. Merely admiring the gal from behind could be considered a fun activity by itself. In this particular state of mood of hers though, it also made Lucky contemplate if this charming brunette took advantage of that to ensure other students lent her a helping hand.

The mug began to warm her palms as she held it with both hands. Probably still a tad too hot to enjoy. And it indeed tasted a bit better in this particular cup, L for Lucilla. Or Lucky. There were no bent hips to be found in front of her, but she kept looking ahead as her girlfriend opted to circle her, like a Kat asking for attention. This tended to be how most of their amorous occasions started: the young brunette tenderising her with flattery, cracking the door open for more. Such expression of love was quite welcome. Thus, Lucky didn't resist. And didn't show signs of discomfort either. As usual, lips and nose roaming her neck didn't fail to give her goosebumps. She was still a bit sour, though. Like a lime, one would say.

"I've met one of them. That's for sure." The coffee mug sandwiched between her soft hands hindered her from using them. Like a regular in her favourite salon, she leaned back and just let the girl channel her devotion. "So you deny it?" She asked as fingers brushed past her choker. "That you have fondly friendships that you haven't favoured me with an explanation?" Normally, that would be the point where she would tilt her head to offer her girlfriend more to plant smooches. At the moment, she happened to be less cooperative, and more hard-to-get.

"Friends whom you miss in fine weathers?" Utilising her knowledge of some unfortunate text messages, Lucky pressed on. "I've suspected mere words wouldn't be enough to pull out the confession I deserve." She implied, finally taking a sip from her mug. The hot beverage that ran down her throat deepened her voice to some degree. "Surely, you mustn't have thought you could get out of this one by simply showing me your arse." In her not quite easy-going authoritative mind, Kat had committed a crime, which necessitated some sanctions, she had yet to decide.


This, this right here was the problem with liking ‘em a bit smart and a lot focused. And Lucky was as focused as they came. Now, normally, Kat appreciated that quality in her girl. While she certainly couldn’t say the same about herself, she did admire how doggedly Lucky went at things that interested her. That stubborn streak was attractive. And, while Kat’s unruly tendencies inherently rebelled against the ‘law & order’ tone Lucky liked to take with people, Kat including, she would be lying if she didn’t simultaneously find those near dictatorial tendencies appealing in a different context. To say that Kat had a complex relationship with authority would be an understatement.

All of that said though, it also made her current situation quite the dilemma. While she took it as a good sign that Lucky wasn’t resisting her advances, said behavior also wasn’t quite getting her what she wanted - to distract & bluff her way through Lucky’s questions with minimal details. She was still trying to puzzle through exactly what Lucky did or did not know, and certainly wasn’t keen on offering up any still shrouded details. Because damn, at the end of the day, she knew she was playing a dangerous game with those boys and girls, something she was sure Lucky wouldn’t appreciate. But as far as Kat was concerned, was it really so bad to dangle the possibility of a treat without ever fulfilling the same?

“I have friends, yes.” She answered, vague as can be, the scorch of her breath moving from that tender throat to Lucky’s jawline when the girl refused to cooperate. Her lips followed along that fine arc, going about as far as she can reach from this angle, before retracing the same line back higher, making her way to Lucky’s ear. “Friends that I miss in fair weather when they are late, because that’s a nicer thing to say than to demand an ETA.” Half-truths and half-lies, she was amazing at them. A business major thing, surely. Those words washed directly over the shell of ear, her breath a hint of something minty, whether gum or ice breakers, it was hard to say.

A lick now, mapping the curve of the cartilage with deliberation, before toying with one of those ear studs Lucky liked to adorn herself with. Her hands kept busy as well. She leaned about as forward as she could with the easy chair’s back in the way, allowing both hands to follow the natural contour of Lucky’s body downwards. Oh, she most certainly liked that perky bosom just fine, but this particular song and dance was all about sensuality and not anything particularly lewd. She fully intended upon revisiting the issue once she managed to bring Lucky into a more malleable mood.

“Not sure what I’m trying to get out of, to be honest." Kiss. "I’ve got nothing to confess to." Lick. "Well, other than being utterly smitten with you, of course.” A nip now, quite keen on bringing a pleasant flush to Lucky’s ear, before her tongue probed another one of those piercings, gently and with salacious intent. “Have I told you how hot you are yet today? It should be criminal how pretty you are.” An inhale, breathing deep in whatever shampoo or conditioner Lucky favored. “God, you smell amazing.” Her fingers fanned upon Lucky’s stomach, tracing circles and unidentifiable patterns. “Why’d you wanna talk about other people anyway, wouldn’t you rather have my attention all to yourself?”
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Unsurprisingly, her deer girlfriend had hinted that she wasn't awfully willing to admit her crime of casual unfaithfulness, and just move on to the apologising phase. Although one would say this guilty little cat was rather docile at the moment, Lucky knew better than to fall for her sensual tactics. Knowing quite a bit about this charming brunette, she could see that her girlfriend was in the process of performing some kind of persuasion. A crafty persuasion to make her just sweep these uncalled flirtatious moments she had with others under a fancy rug. If she had been one of those other gals, who hadn't yet formed some level of immunity against Kat's usual hotness, it would have probably worked too. Unfortunately, especially when the revelation was so fresh, Lucky wasn't ready to let it go just yet.

Granted, her so-called precautions and delicately placed threats hadn't stopped this playful girl of hers from batting eyes at people whose name was not Lucky, but she doubted her girlfriend had been initiating such over-friendly banter because she had lost her liking for the only girl she should be pampering. Touches and smooches Kat strategically offered didn't feel forced, but rather genuine. One thing, and a big thing at that, less to worry about, she supposed. The way her partner dodged the questions was hardly desirous, though.

"I reckon people do like to say nice things to whom they adore." Lucky answered back. Including her cousins, she had always preferred a distant approach whenever she held a conversation with people whom she deemed a potential threat to the peace of her relationship. Let alone teasing others with the idea of having her in some way, she did try her best not to raise any false hopes. However, one could also argue that this was her usual personality, and not something she necessarily performed specifically for Kat.

Not utterly intentionally, all the wet attention her ears attracted widened her lips, filling her with one of those tingly feelings that made her a bit restless and giggly at the same time. Like a sunflower bending towards the sun, she couldn't stop her body from raising a shoulder and leaning her neck to the respective side. She was a somewhat strict and orderly woman, but wasn't devoid of sensitive spots, after all. At least, it didn't encourage me to uncross her legs for more intimate touches. "You know exactly what you are attempting to avoid."

For someone such as Kat, it must be significantly easier to rely on sensual tricks, instead of just sitting on her perky bum and rather cooperatively go through an inquisitive discussion on what could be considered cheating, and why she shouldn't be doing those. As if to further support that notion, as hands ran down her body, Lucky looked down, eyes following them but not interfering. "Forgive my vulgarity," she suggested, "but fucking me wouldn't undo this perfidy breach."

If he had approved this pairing, and she had asked daddy's advice on this particular situation, he would have probably suggested something about improving on her authority over her partner. And probably, he himself would have done something discreet in the background about the soul who had upset his daughter. Mum, on the other hand, would have claimed she should up her seduction game, being a greater distraction for Kat to practically render the girl blind to the outside world. What Lucky in mind was actually a compromise between those.

Breaking through the Wave of compliments, Lucky talked. "That's not how you'll make up to me, darling." Finally having both of her feet on the floor, she had one of her hands sliding inwards on her thigh. Her other hand kept holding the mug up, while fingers of her free hand reached for something between her legs, which was Kat's phone that was tucked down there. A second time, she held it up for the young woman. "I believe you know my good friend, Sandy." Not that good of a friend perhaps, but she was one. Kind of. Apart from that little incident. When it came to her girlfriend, Lucky had been extra, abundantly cautious about this so-called friend, as she ran an adult shop. "I've been considering giving her," after a small pause, she continued, "business? A leg up." Which was a fancy way of saying she wanted to do some unconventional shopping. Online shopping, rather. Why she insisted Kat get her phone back, really. "Get here, will you?" Lucky patted the armrest.


“Avoid?” While Kat didn’t necessarily consider herself stubborn, she could certainly be quite adamant once she had picked out a course of action. Not to say she wasn’t adaptable - far from, she was the best BSer she had ever met and certainly not too shy to toot her own horn at that - but merely that she didn’t see a point to fixing what was not broken. And this was working, she thought. “Does wanting to please my beautiful girlfriend constitute avoidance? If so, then I guess I’m guilty.”

Lucky was right though, there was absolutely not going to be any cooperation found as far as Kat was concerned. Sure, she would sing a docile tune, do the whole circle and nuzzle routine, but much like the feline she was being compared to, she always had her own agenda. And, while she had a plan and all, it was also fair to say that getting between those finally uncrossed legs was on her checklist as well. In her defense, she was a perfectly healthy young woman, quite athletic too, and as such it was entirely natural that she had the libido to match. A bit of an understatement, really, but Kat was full of understatements.

It seemed that Lucky had different ideas though. Kat didn’t get much further before she was all but told off, called out, rather. Like a lazy feline, she slowed her advances, contended herself again with just trailing some languid kisses along Lucky’s neck. “Your good friend…” She mouthed instead of the name, exercising good sense in avoiding another girls' name, and took the proffered phone this time around. There was a hint of confusion in her voice. She didn’t remember doing anything with any Sandy’s. At Lucky’s next few comments though, she finally managed to match the name to the long list of faces in her head, and she quibbled. “Oh, the blonde that definitely didn’t have a business license for her online store, yeah, I remember her.” Kat could certainly vibe with that entrepreneur spirit. She was so focused on trying to remember who Lucky was talking about that she almost skipped right over the actual implications, but when they clicked, there was a noticeable pause to her antics.

She swallowed, suddenly suspicious. Because this seemed awfully like a reward, and she was quite sure Lucky wasn’t in the business of rewarding her right now. Her mind turned, swift as can be, running through potential scenarios of where Lucky was going with this, but kept getting side-tracked by the kind of stock that particular little online shop offered. Because damn, it wasn’t that Lucky was a prude or anything like that, oh no, but suffice to say that Kat has certainly been with more adventurous girls than her before. Not that she particularly missed those kinds of activities, that was certainly not the reason for her perceived ‘transgressions.’ Kat was very accepting of the fact that every individual was different, and she never had any wish or desire to turn Lucky into anyone but the amazing woman she already was. If Kat were being honest though, the mere thought of what the two of them could get up to with some of those ‘unconventional’ merchandise was kind of turning her on.

Eyeing the armrest, then up at the Lucky, she licked her lips. Her gaze lingered just a fraction too long on those pale thighs. Everything her girl liked to wear was attractive, but most of them were on the classier side of things when it came to length and such. At present though, whether due to her seated position or otherwise, that dress was riding up quite a bit. However, not one to miss the forest for the tree, she shook off the distraction and re-focused. “I’m not actually a cat, you know.” A grumble, seemingly entirely unconvinced that she would be even remotely comfortable trying to perch upon the armrest, particularly without tipping the whole thing over. “How about we both get more comfortable, hm?” She untangled herself from Lucky’s back and circled to the front, and, instead of somehow attempting to fit onto the armrest, simply leaned forward and scooped Lucky up into a hug. Being a bit taller and quite a bit stronger certainly helped in that regard.

“Isn’t this much more comfy?” She offered by way of a wide, self-satisfied grin, with her pert rear now being the one seated into the comfortable chair and Lucky's pretty little behind perched in her lap, halfway facing her and halfway facing the armrest. An arm wrapped around Lucky’s back, for balance, but mostly just because she wanted to keep her girl close. “Plus, now we can both see my phone with ease. Wouldn’t want you to crane your neck, though it’s not like I wouldn’t offer to massage it out for ya.” Even as she spoke, she tapped on that phone of hers, pulling up incognito mode and googling for that particular little shop. Risky. A fairly uncreative name, but most shops that sold such merchandise did not tend toward creativity. Plus, all things considered, it was a word Kat quite connected with.

“So whatcha wanna browse?” She offered, bringing the phone close enough to Lucky that she could scroll through as well if she wanted. “I heard there was quite the selection of lingerie.” Not one to be subtle about what she liked, no. “Want another vibe, or something bigger?” She snuggled close, brunette falling against dark brunette. “If you are feelin’ up to it, you could try taking me and a vibrator at the same time, how’d that sound?”

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Certainly not the fear of mischievous, but there were some hints of surprise Lucky could read from her girlfriend's cute contemplation. Rightfully so, as Lucky would consider herself awfully vanilla when it came to spicing things up a little in bedroom—or outside it for that matter—and not quite kinky. Compared to her, Kat was pretty much a demon. One who had to answer for her sins, in the hands of an angel. Yes. Lucky would like to think of herself as an angel. Although she didn't admit that quite often, she actually did like having a fondly relationship with a being of lust. Otherwise, her life would have been significantly boring. The downside of having such an exotic partner was that she sometimes had to strive to keep her little demon in her lucky cage. And it happened to be a task as difficult as it sounded.

Showerhead to vibrator, kisses to swats, lace to rope; preferences of this level-headed brunette were mostly tame. It wasn't necessarily something her girlfriend had in common with her, but Kat had always respected this side of her, which she appreciated. That, however, didn't mean Lucky had no experience of the so-called kinky end of the spectrum. Since those admittedly not so fondly experiences were provided by her ex, and she really despised mentioning who came before her while she was with Kat, she had never revealed those moments of sensual peril, however.

As curious glances brushed her legs, it felt like one of those moments her Kat saw her as a delicate scratch post, an inviting pole that she wanted to lay her paws on, which Lucky quite liked. Undoubtedly, she wasn't as good as her profusely playful girlfriend at using her appeal to tempt. Thankfully, her significant other was an affectionate gal, that Lucky didn't need to do much to be desired. "Oh, you are a cat, alright." Upon the girl's quip about pets, she argued. "And I'm a dog. This is how it'll be." Since this was about teaching this excessively sociable brunette a lesson of sorts, she intended to show her teeth. And be a dog, in a way. Or, maybe Kat was the dog herself, given she was going to be trained to be a good one with rewards. "Don't tell me you fear slightly uncomfortable positions."

As a not particularly wide, rather modestly tall gal, it wasn't quite difficult to move her around, although she surely didn't let everyone exploit her compact nature. Her bum didn't stay in the air for long, as it soon pressed onto Kat's thighs. Not an ideal one to display her assertive side, but sitting on her girlfriend's lap was a cosy position to be in. The rounded armrest became her backrest instead, as Lucky opted for a more sideways orientation, legs dangling from the side of the furniture, and the lukewarm cup of coffee safely sitting somewhere nearby.

Although not fully illegal, the legality of Sandy's business was indeed a bit questionable. Both an actress, and a director, she filmed scenes for her kindly clients. And on the side, she sold accessories and tools of sexual nature.

Holding the girl's wrist, she guided her hand down, allowing the phone to rest on her belly. The shopping part of Sandy's flashy site was conveniently labelled. Get in, Give in, Pets, Vibes, Shush, Impact, and such. And there were indeed lingerie sets as well. "Sure." Lucky simply agreed, although failed to mention she was planning to use said vibrator on Kat instead. Apparently, Sandy's pick was a cordless, rather powerful massager, which was added to the cart. "Would you mind?.." An item from a different category showed up on the screen next. A furry pair of handcuffs. The purple object looked rather cute, but not really sturdy. Lucky looked up. Her eyes searching for her girlfriend, before they returned to the phone. A swipe later, a new item appeared. Leather wrist cuffs, that could be connected, and belonged in the strict black collection. Into the cart. Three times. "For dogs, right?" The adjustable collar that followed suit was from the same collection. It came with a shiny leash too. "Alright. You know the game." Lucky called out. "What else?"


For someone so talkative, any period of silence tended to convey more. Such was the case here, as Kat did a complete 180 from offering her opinions on just about everything to keeping nice and quiet as Lucky began browsing. The massager was kind of a whatever. Not that she wouldn’t enjoy using it on Lucky - she already knew she would - but she much preferred the visual of sliding something in and out of her girl’s dripping folds. Herself, toys, whatever. The sounds, too, the unavoidable noises of sex that just hit different when overlaid on top of the melodic notes she already knew Lucky to be capable of. She didn’t get to linger on those distracting thoughts too long though, as her girl kept plowing ahead in her sudden reticence.

As a response to that inquiring gaze cast at her when those fuzzy handcuffs came onto the screen, she simply flashed Lucky an absolutely wicked grin. Oh, so that was how the little minx wanted to play it. Sure, Kat was more than happy to grant her girl her undivided attention while having Lucky at her mercy. One might even say that she liked that kind of thing a little too much. She shifted, easing herself back into the chair a little more. Didn’t really help on the comfort front though. The problem with jeans that were practically spray-painted on with how sinfully they hugged her curves was precisely that, the same quality that beguiled also made it awfully uncomfortable even with barely a semi.

Not really her fault though. Kat didn’t consider herself particularly imaginative or anything, but probably no better and no worse than just about anyone else? And the kind of things Lucky was scrolling through? God it was giving her ideas. “Huh,” surprise broke through the silence at last when the furry handcuffs were exchanged for the wrist cuffs. Oh she knew how sturdy those were. Mostly used that type of thing on other people, but have certainly tested the sturdiness firsthand on some occasions. Comfortable enough, with padded interiors, but definitely not the sort of thing just about anyone could break through. Not her, at least. Typically picked when the sub wanted to struggle a bit. She cocked a questioning brow at Lucky, wetting her lips like she was seeing the girl for the first time. Maybe her most definitely very vanilla girlfriend just liked the aesthetics of leather? Because that choice had implications for Kat, and it was definitely making her mind race.

“You really don’t hold back when you wanna try something, do you babe.” She offered, not paying all that much attention to the phone anymore. “God you are hot. Where is this side coming from all of a sudden?” She really should have known the answer to that. Probably would have, too, if her blood flow wasn’t being aggressively redirected away from her brain. All she could picture was Lucky sporting all these new soon-to-be-purchases of theirs, and that definitely made her no longer content with just cuddling. “Don’t worry,” she pressed her chin down, and, with the aid of her arm, angled Lucky enough for her to easily mouth along the girl’s throat. “I’ll make sure to put all these pretty little trinkets to good use.” Words felt as much as they were heard. A kiss placed upon a pristine patch of skin that soon grew ravenous.

Her heart rate had skyrocketed and it was showing in the way that she panted her words in between those kisses. “They are gonna look so hot on you.” A hint of teeth now, nothing more than a graze - she knew better than to leave an obvious mark somewhere difficult to hide. Had gotten chewed out for that one too many times. “Not as hot as you, obviously.” Her hand that was holding the phone abandoned the electronic, nails raking up Lucky’s stomach and up to boldly cup one of those perky breasts she had intended upon revisiting.

Remembering the unanswered question, she added. “Pick out some cute lingerie if you want, black, maybe, to match the cuffs. Stockings?” She wasn’t really focused on that though. Lucky looked amazing in just about anything, and right now, Kat was intent on demonstrating to the girl just how attractive she was. “Oh, a silicone cock ring, maybe? I want to fuck you for hours. Until you beg me to stop.” Bit of an exaggeration, but she had every intent on attempting to fulfill that threat & promise both. Her fingers flexed around the sensitive flesh, kneading with intent even as she did her best to attempt to devour Lucky’s neck from this angle. Her other arm had came up, parallel to Lucky’s spine, her fingers tangling into those neatly bound locks. Nothing rough, applying gentle yet steady pressure to tip her girlfriend back and more onto the armrest. Her teeth snapped around that choker, pulling it back just a fraction only to let it rebound. It wouldn’t hurt much, more of a playful gesture than anything else, and she was quick to soothe the reddened skin with her lips and tongue.

“I think we have enough time before your afternoon classes for a quickie, don’t you?” The scorch of her lips underlined that thrice.​
Hardly an expert at teasing, but she doubted it would be an exceptionally difficult task to fulfil. Her deer girlfriend couldn't be considered a gal too challenging to turn on, anyway. In this case, this was an advantage. Other times, it could be an annoyance too, if she wasn't around. Lucky knew that a game of seduction tended to start long before clothes were taken off. In fact, it didn't need to have an obvious starting point. For the host of the game, it was usually rather easy to find out if the game worked. Mostly through some tell-tale signs, such as an ever-growing desire to touch and fondle, and having something else growing as well, which Lucky could tell, since she was sitting on it. And this happened to be an occasion she wouldn't mind making Kat's jeans a bit more uncomfortable to keep on.

The fact that she rarely embarked on leather and lace adventures that were of squirmy nature made things more interesting, she supposed. "Well, I'm curious." She tried to respond to her partner's apparent bewilderment. Unfortunately, it was a curiosity her somewhat cocky girlfriend should be a bit more cautious about. Curiosity could do all kinds of things to a cat. Those fur-lined cuffs were meant for her, after all. Not only to restrain her generously curved form, but also to hinder her freedom of having a preferably much needed relief.

The otherwise trivial task of browsing through the shop was becoming more difficult thanks to Kat's advancements. At the same time, regarding where she wanted to slide her fingers on, if her girlfriend had preferred the cold screen of her phone to her gentle form, that would have meant she wasn't doing it quite right. Of course, her position on the young woman's lap and across the furniture made Lucky rather accessible. Her eyelashes brushed the air as she lowered her gaze, following the hand that glided up her body. And kept watching as it found an easy-to-cup orb to cling to. Like her, her features were delicate. A grunt-cum-moan escaped her lips as she was handled so boldly. Having been raised as a porcelain doll, and looking like one as well, her pain tolerance wasn't great, her skin not difficult to mark.

A ring she could slip over Kat's rod; not a bad idea. A convenient accessory for what she wanted to do with the gal, really. "For hours?" Lucky repeated after her. Into a deeper hole the little cat was digging herself, wasn't she? "My word…" She let out a not so convincing sigh of concern. In the meantime, one of those stay-hard aids was added to the list. Like a little silicone lifebuoy she didn't intend to use her hands to put on Kat. Speaking of silicones, while on it, Lucky also ordered a silicone-based lubricant, for some things were better when slippery.

Since she was such an orderly girl, who liked to sort things into small groups, Lucky had elected to complete her partner's side of the shopping first; hence, the absence of lingerie so far. When it came to her, she didn't need much else. Indeed, boosting her appeal was a crucial part of this little game. It seemed, she had to don a bit of black for that. Although she tended to favour lighter tones, black would be a safe choice for lingerie, when it meant to be seen. If Kat wished to see sheer black nylon giving her legs an almost silvery sheen, Lucky didn't object. A faint pair of hold-ups joined in with the rest of the items. Along with matching knickers and a bra. Also black. The fabric partially mesh.

"And my hair." Her dark locks hung lower, as Kat stretched her neck a bit to expose it more. While the girl fiddled with her close-fitting necklace, Lucky pushed the phone down her stomach, giving it a new place to lie, between her legs. To complete the order, only one more button press was needed. "Place the order, will you?" She asked. While she still could, Kat was welcome to push buttons.


See, that was just the thing about cats - they all got nine lives. Why play it safe when there were eight more to spare? Although, truthfully, this particular Kat was perhaps not so aware about the treacherous terrain she had wandered into, too busy chasing after a particularly enticing thread of thought to pay attention to those meaningfully chosen words. In her defense, the assumptions she made were entirely reasonable ones. After all, although Lucky could hardly be considered passive, Kat was certainly the more assertive of the two. Not domineering, not really, preferring to spoil rather than to command. But she was also good at getting what she wanted, which usually involved her delectable girlfriend being draped across the closest surface and thoroughly ravished.

“However long you want,” she offered, eyes lidded and smoldering, like a freshly stoked campfire. After all, going multiple rounds had never been an issue for her, and she tended to not require much downtime in between. If she knew what Lucky had meant though, she most certainly might have balked, but despite the similarities between their words, the subtext was different. Unfortunately so, one might say, but that certainly didn’t stop her from bragging all the same. “Oh, you’ll be saying a choice word or two alright,” a meaningful squeeze of her fingers around that delightful swell, loving the way it perfectly fit within her hand.

“Moaning it, rather.” Her thumb darted across the very top, dallying with the epicenter until the sensitive little bud became noticeable even beneath the multiple layers in the way.Whimpering it, perhaps,” her playful ministration took a sudden turn, seizing the taut bud without any warning, the score of nails something surely felt even through clothing. “It’s up to you,” she hadn’t forgotten her quest of remapping every inch of Lucky’s throat either, of course, her heated breath not unlike the bellows that might forge porcelain in the first place. “I could be nice.” A kiss placed upon the hollow of throat, almost chaste compared to what she’d been getting up to just a minute ago. “Or I could be a little mean.” Her fingers rolled again, deliberately, and with necessary pressure. Nothing overly rough though; Kat was, at her core, a considerate lover, and she has had plenty of occasions to learn Lucky’s preferences.

At the request, she deftly undid that updo, pulling out the pins and carelessly flicking them in the general direction of the neglected coffee mug. The lack of a splash meant that she didn’t hit a homerun. A good thing, probably. Upon properly loosening those vintage umber strands, she ran her fingers through Lucky’s lustrous hair, unwinding the woven bits that had become wavier from being pinned up. Gently. Patiently. Qualities that she did not possess in great abundance and thus tended to only display where her girlfriend was concerned.

But of course, she wouldn’t be Kat if she didn’t paint over those rather intimate touches with a more lurid tone. “Why don’t you tell me how you want it while I get this order placed then?” Her eyes lifted to seek Lucky’s own, her pupils blown and looking like quite the hungry kitty. Even as she spoke, her hand regretfully left Lucky’s breast - not without a parting squeeze, of course - traversed the flat planes down, and down. Her fingers fanned over a naked thigh, just above the knee. A whisper of a caress, building up some anticipation. She couldn’t help but trace over her girl’s skin though, marveling at how smooth it was, not unlike Lucky’s apparent taste in women. Higher now, an admiring touch that quickly became more bold, slipping to traverse up Lucky’s inner thigh until her hand forced that little black dress to ride all the way up.

“Hmm,” she hummed thoughtfully, playing at innocence even as she pushed the phone harder into Lucky, making the poor electronic that was most definitely not meant for these things an unwitting participant in her games. “Kind of difficult when you are squeezing my hand like this.” Her fingers danced over the sensitive skin at the root of Lucky's thigh, like she was trying to find a good angle to actually interact with the screen. She had one of those phone cases with rounded edges, perfect for absorbing impact from falling and, quite conveniently, not too shabby for her present purpose as well. It shifted again and again from her entirely intentional nudges, and hey, maybe she might have the opportunity to find her own name next to a new dictionary entry for 'phone sex' one day.

After another minute or so of half-hearted pretension at failing, during which time her phone had quite the close and intimate encounter with the juncture of Lucky’s thighs, she grew too jealous of the stupid piece of plastic and metal to continue at the current pacing. Her fingers slid across the screen - missing the purchase button, just barely - but successfully reaching her intended goal. “Oops, I missed,” a lazy apology and an even cheekier smile, even as she traced along whatever fabric Lucky favored on this particular day, until she was pressing into an entirely different button. Yeah, she definitely didn’t need the aid of sight for that, having conquered this particular territory for the Kingdom of Kat enough times that she had lost count. “Maybe…” A languid roll over her fingers, a languidness mirrored upon her smile. “...if you spread your thighs for me…” Down again, to tease along the length of Lucky’s still clothed sex. “...we might actually get the order placed?”
Just like the particular body part she wanted to toy with, which didn't belong to her in this case, Lucky wished to have a rather long, looong, playtime. During that time, she was confident that she could do quite a bit of sensual damage to her darling. It was only natural to predict that Kat would be in her so-called ravishing mode at the end of such a drawn-out game. Given she would be the only person to ravish at the time, gladly, it was safe to assume Lucky herself would be in a pretty pickle afterwards. At the moment though, she elected not to worry about that part, instead choosing to live the amusement of the cute irony of her girlfriend's perverted claims.

"Oh, please be nice…" Playing along, the studious brunette asked, knowing that would only encourage Kat to do the opposite. Certainly, not many had been lucky enough to know that, but she indeed sounded quite intriguing whenever someone made her sing an uncontrollable song of whimpers. Although she could be a rather stubborn woman, it wasn't a particularly difficult task if one had the right kind of motivation to rip such expressive groans out of this Eurasian girl. "I'm so little, you're too big." A slightly exaggerated statement perhaps, but it was a fun combination. "Go easy on me…" As her inner voice laughed at Kat, she kept demonstrating her terrible acting skills on the outside. The abrupt grunt she let out was quite genuine though, as her girlfriend didn't let two layers of clothing to hinder her from claiming her breasts.

Said assets reacted rather positively to Kat's hands. As usual, really. The pink bumps in the centre of them poked the fabric harder. Hard enough to confirm that in a tactile manner. The treatment those tender assets got wasn't exceedingly gentle, but couldn't be considered rough, either. And finding that sweet spot between these two ends tended to work wonders for them, motivating them to resist the gravity.

Funnily, she had just tried to suggest what else those leather dark accessories could complement. But having someone to untangle her wavy dark locks happened to be something Lucky loved, anyway. Perhaps since she nearly always wore it up, with her hair down, she looked rather different. An inevitable change from orderly to untamed. An illusion, rather. One that bestowed Lucky a hint of wildness. Regardless of her looks though, having gentle fingers running through her strands, and it didn't need to be sensual, was an excellent way to make her a cat herself. She just liked it. Apparently, this wasn't the only weakness of hers her cunning partner wished to exploit.

Along with the casual flirting Kat was guilty of doing, going for her thighs could also be considered cheating, in a different sense. While her folded up dress revealed a bit of white, she explained how she wanted to get it. "Gingerly, intently, and unashamedly." In which particular way she wanted to make her girlfriend "suffer" was at the back of her mind, as a suggestive gaze pierced Kat's eyes. And if her overly adventurous partner returned the favour, she would witness the haphazard gasp that parted her lips and batted her eyes. A little tremor tensed Lucky's otherwise leisurely form. Knees jerking, one hand raced down instinctively, indeed clinging onto the hand that brushed her thigh. And when those fingers advanced further and slid on her soft inner thighs, Lucky indeed couldn't help but squeeze the young brunette's hand rather firmly, a certain restlessness making her quiver. "H-uh!" A rapidly travelling Wave of sensitivity rushed outside her body in the form of a moan. "Kat, Kat!" With a bit of a giggle mixed into her protest, she tried to push her partner's hand down. Not exactly a fruitful attempt, as her girlfriend so accidentally found a different button. A cotton-clad one, in this case.

If it wasn't her girlfriend's disapprovingly great outgoingness when it came to other students, Lucky would have been too tempting to just let the girl give her a growing dark spot on her knickers. Unfortunately, moaning and squirming across this cunning gal's lap would be a terrible way to punish Kat. However, such chastening mindset didn't stop Lucky from performing those. "U-uh…" She let out a sigh of pleasure. "Ohh!" And a stronger one when the phone suddenly turned into a makeshift adult toy when it started to ring. And to vibrate, of course. Hurriedly, Lucky picked it up. It was a most inappropriate place for daddy to be, after all. A collection of unanswered calls had made him a bit worried. Enough to call her daughter's girlfriend. Something he could never get used to saying.

"Y-yeah?" Her voice a bit shaky, Lucky answered. Trusting her partner would allow her to have a conversation, she got to her feet. As she stood up, the hem of her dress slowly fell and curtained her little bum. "No, I'm sound." Aimlessly, she began to wander around the room, "with Kathrine, yes," coming to a stop at the windows. "Well, something's happened, for certain." Blankly, she watched outside. Some kind of scolding was on its way, she supposed. For losing her car like that. She still intended to tell him, that one of Kat's girlfriends had stolen it. "I…" From side to side, her eyes shifted quickly, following the white mare that carelessly moved past the building, with Susan behind the wheel. Gladly, it was around. And still in one piece. "I believe it could wait." Lucky decided to give it more time when she saw it. "I lost my phone, though. Call Kat if you…" Facing the young brunette, she listened to what her father had to say as he interrupted her. "No, I'm fine." Rolling her eyes at some of his words, she nodded. "OK… Alright… I will… You too." Lucky kept looking at the girl. "Positive she wouldn't mind." Squinting, she nodded a few more times, soon ending the call while stepping closer to the chair she had been moaning in. While at it, she completed the order as well, after adding a note. Something that was supposed to take the delivery rather swiftly. Gently, Lucky put the phone on her partner's knee, flashing her eyebrows. "You ready?"


Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much.

The lyrics to a Lily Allen song by the same name severed through the building tension. A rather distinct ringtone, one Kat recognized instantly, because she only assigned that particular ringtone to one individual on her rather extensive contact list. The licentious brunette heaved an exceedingly irritated sigh as she relinquished her hold on her squirmy girlfriend, glaring daggers at her own phone even as Lucky clambered to feet.

Of course. Of fucking course. If it wasn’t bad enough that Lucky’s unfortunately close-minded father always seemed to have it out for her, of course he just had to cockblock her too. Just one more tick to add to the ‘why-I-hate-that-asshole-who-happened-to-be-my-girlfriend’s-father’ list which already spanned multiple pages. Kat had more than a few choice words to say to that particularly irritating fellow, most of which could be summarized by her ringtone quite nicely.

Katherine. Just hearing that name was enough to sour her mood further. She didn’t necessarily fault Lucky for using it - she had met her girl’s father, after all - but it annoyed her all the same. Pretension generally did. Never mind whether she had genuine feelings for Lucky, it was more important that she had boobs and didn’t come from a well-to-do family. That kind of logic - urg. How does one argue with stupid? She considered it a miracle how well Lucky turned out considering where she sourced one-half of her genetics from. While paying idle attention to one-side of the conversation, Kat slouched back into the chair with all the grumpiness of an upset feline deprived of her favorite toy. Stupid fucking fucker. Why are you not too busy playing golf to bug me? Kindly fuck off. Cursing up an internal storm was making her feel a little bit better, at least, but suffice to say she still looked noticeably irritated by the time Lucky circled back around. The girl’s father tended to have that effect on her.

A brow raised at the question.

“Ready? For?” A head tilt, rather adorable all things considered, as she looked down at her phone in confusion. “Oh, are we supposed to go pick it up? I didn’t think it was going to be that fast…then again...” She grumbled the next part under her breath. “Why am I not surprised that this particular friend of yours might have quite the stock on hand.” She looked up at Lucky again, too irate to continue their previous games but too soft-hearted to redirect her anger toward her innocent girlfriend - or so she thought, at least. “How far is it? Want to take my bike?”

Said bike in question was a very flashy Streetfighter V2, all sleek lines and bold colors. Manufactured by Ducati, of course. A lease, though she would have liked to own such a shiny toy one day, but probably after she was done with her degree and gainfully employed. Maybe even by a rival of Lucky's father.

“I’m pretty sure I still have a spare helmet here somewhere, you know the drill.”
An ill-timed interruption for sure. An obligatory one, however. If Lucky hadn't picked up the call, her father's worry could have escalated to an annoying degree. Like any other father, he doted on her only daughter, the only woman left in his life who mattered. Found it necessary to meddle in her affairs. And preferences too. It was no secret he and Kat didn't get along quite well. Hatred was a strong word Lucky preferred not to use, but they surely didn't like each other. Bringing up why Kat wanted to fuck her father, so to speak, would have been a surefire way to kill the mood. Accordingly, Lucky didn't feel the need to elaborate on the gladly short-lived conversation she had with the old man. At least he had, in theory, acknowledged Kat's very existence by calling her in the first place. From an optimistic point of view, a marginal improvement on her father's poor relationship with her girlfriend. If mum had been around, thing could have been perhaps better.

The small scale of Sandy's business bestowed her the luxury, or rather the necessity, of going through all of the new orders. Lucky trusted that the shock of seeing her name would ensure the fastest form of shipping. The good gal went bad: must have been an intriguing development. And it was. At her studio-shop, Sandy was rather amused by it. And also curious. A dark nail tapping against the desk, she scrolled through the items that were ordered. "Look at that." She cooed, smiling at the number of leather cuffs Lucky must have thought to be necessary for an undoubtedly special occasion. "Oh, darling." Letting out a snort of mockery, she shook her head. "You're not as feisty as you think." She talked to herself, doubting one would need four sets of restraints to immobilise a little brunette. "Those are not for you, though." Given the cock-ring, she rightfully supposed those weren't meant for her little feet and hands. Of course, Sandy had to remark on this curious adventure. Not shying away from sending a message, she wrote, "Someone's been finally pushed down the rabbit hole." And to express her interest in delivering the items as quickly as possible, she continued texting. "Your little toys will be there sooner than you can spread your legs." Sandy was well aware that those creamy legs were reserved for someone else. Despite her orientation, she had no wish to spread them herself. While still living the amusement of having this unlikely client, she listened to the little pop her phone made.

"My little toys… Which one of them did you like the most?" The new message said. In return, Sandy didn't stop herself from writing a detailed explanation about why she liked each of those items.

Sadly, Lucky wasn't quite willing to change her means of transport. It could have been fun, but she didn't intend to jump on a motorcycle. She wasn't cool enough to ride one. In this case, she didn't need to either. Paying Sandy a visit would have defeated the purpose of online shopping, anyway. And for some reason, she despised the idea of introducing Kat to this particular friend. "No, we are not." Lucky suggested, soft hands slowly sliding up her partner's legs. "Would you rather wait till the delivery? Doing nothing?" Her face was drawn closer, but her eyes left her girlfriend's. Moving down instead. To steal a glance at Kat between the thighs. "Quite the stock." Leaning in more, she met the girl's eyes again. Still, there was something bothering her. Like usual, Lucky didn't attempt to keep it to herself. On their way back, white tips of her French nails grazed Kat's thighs. "Why do you need a spare helmet?" Her hands abandoned the girl's legs as she straightened her small frame.


Out of sight, out of mind.

That was what she did with that cell phone of hers, tucking it into the back-pocket again, that she did. The same way she neatly filed away her angrily-scribbled note of things she strongly disliked of Lucky’s father. Naught was said about Lucky’s tippity-taps on Kat’s phone - she didn’t much care who Lucky was messaging, not really the type to be easily jealous. It helped, perhaps, that her girlfriend was not the type that tended to fan those particular urges either.
On the other hand, Lucky was quite good at instilling a different (or not so different?) set of urges in her. Kat really was quite easy to rile up, ever one to be inclined towards this amorous pursuit and that. “Oh I’m sure you & I can come up with something to fill that time, wouldn’t you agree?” She offered, leaning back into the chair in picture-perfect relaxation. A relaxation not exactly mirrored elsewhere, since her girl seemed so curious about it.
If Lucky wanted to assess the effects she had on Kat, then she certainly was welcome to do the same. Kat’s arousal had flagged during the unfortunate phone call, but not quite the sort of thing that dissipated so readily. It took little more than those intentionally splayed fingers ascending the length of her thighs for her eyes to darken, irritation giving way to freshly stoked embers that never quite burnt out from their interrupted attempt. And those tight jeans of hers, well, rather than concealing anything, they just tended to highlight her rather impressive size. She spread her thighs, whether for comfort or in invitation, it was up for debate, grinning down at her beautiful girlfriend with one brow raised, as if to query the pause.
At the question, she groaned. “Leave my bike out of this,” a huff, not raising her voice, but certainly exasperated. “I promise you that not even one cute derriere that isn’t mine has touched that bike’s seat, ok?” A grumble followed. “And not for lack of trying.” Truthful all around, though she realized how unhelpful that last bit spoken more out of irritation than anything else was and quickly amended. “I offered you a ride because you are special.” Also because my bike is my baby. But Kat wasn’t about to make Lucky jealous of a motorcycle by speaking that last bit out loud, knowing full well that might end quite badly for the motorcycle in question.
She stood also, pushing herself up and out of the chair before amply invading Lucky’s personal space. “Anyone who rides has got a spare helmet or two, it’s just protocol.” Her right arm was quick to encircle that slender waist, pulling her girl close and against the warmth of her body. And her left rose to tangle into those silken locks again, locking just behind Lucky’s head to guide her into a kiss. A quick affair, all things considered, just a ginger brush of lips meant more so to interrupt the flow of questions and reset the mood.
“Maybe you would know that fact if you actually gave riding my bike a try, hmm?” Her lips curved, on the verge of sweeping in for another kiss unless Lucky indicated otherwise. “But if the bike is too scary, I’m sure we can find something else you can ride.” A pause, and she briefly surveyed their surroundings. “Sofa? Bed?” Her grip tightened within Lucky’s hair, and she dropped the pitch of her voice. Or, I could pick you up and push you into that wall,” a gesture of her chin indicated the wall behind Lucky’s back. “How’d that sound?”
Maybe a certain envy towards a mobility unhindered by annoying traffic jams, but Lucky wasn't that deranged to be jealous of a bike. Who exactly had ridden it, on the other hand, happened to be among her concerns. Especially when the little biker made these unfortunate quips about cute butts that apparently attempted to grab a seat on the vehicle. They made Lucky consider the idea of making said butts complement said vehicle a bit better.

A special little snowflake. That was she, alright. Raised and spoiled as such. A bit out of the blue perhaps, but certainly, it was a nice compliment to pay her. Making her feel somewhat unique had never been something Kat had trouble accomplishing. For her to be special though, others had to be ordinary. That was her problem with her girlfriend. Kat didn't assure her of the meaninglessness of other women and men. Instead, she had this habit of stirring a feeling of constant worry in her, that she always had to keep an attentive eye on the girl to ensure she wouldn't wander off.

"The resolution isn't that great. But it's still a special clip, I guess." The next message Lucky's phone received said. "Thought you were angry about it?" A new line appeared on the screen.

The eyes that were reading the message shifted towards the side. "I am very very angry." Fingers quickly typed.

"Well you asked it. You know I deleted it." Sandy replied. Her replies weren't awfully quick, as she was already on her way to make this delivery personally.

"Did you save a copy, though?" Curving down the steering wheel, a hand glided across the soft dashboard, and towards the passenger side. It indeed seemed to be a comfy place to rest one's feet. That wasn't the reason she enjoyed imagining what that little clip contained, however.

"I kinda did.."

"Oh, two spare helmets?" Lucky widened her eyes at the girl. At this point, she was just messing around. "I'll have to burn that thing, won't I?" Rolling her expressive eyes, she chuckled. Knowing Kat however, knowing how much she liked that noisy thing, she also suspected that her girlfriend would still ride it even if it were to be in flames.

Right in front of the chair, Lucky kept her position when she was taken by the waist. Not to waltz, as the hand in her hair hinted at. Apparently, the uncalled effects of her father's call had begun to fade. When they were close enough to realise a kiss, even her breasts could press against the girl's body despite their unimpressive reach. Her tongue quickly ran across her bottom lip as Lucky sampled the lingering taste of the kiss.

That "too scared to ride a motorcycle" part was probably about mocking the painfully slow manner Lucky tended to drive. At least partially. Her poor driving skills must be one of the rather rare notions her girlfriend and father had in common actually. "Well, I know how to ride a horse." She responded. If Kat could boast about her motorbiking skills, she should be allowed to mention the privileges of a life well off.

Being claimed up against the wall: one would say it was a dominant position for a gal, while others would insist that it was the opposite. Lucky didn't care, really, as she didn't have a habit of categorising things as top and bottom. At the same time, she doubted assuming the latter role could help her to give her cunning partner a lecture on her flirtatious nature. With her dark locks clutched, she wasn't able to turn her head to look at the particular wall the girl mentioned. Instead, her eyes found the closest one. And she tried to imagine. Bent legs running over Kat's elbows, feet dangling in the air. The wall feeling a bit cold against her back. Her body getting slammed from below. Hands firmly clung to her slender waist marking her skin. After going through such "violation", could she really commence her girlfriend's penalty upon the arrival of the purchased goods? As her mind constructed the scene, Lucky looked at her imaginary self, who shook her head to give her the answer she sought, before drowning in shrill grunts.

"I'd like to have you sitting on a chair." She proposed instead.


“Like a proper horse? Not a my-little-pony?” It really didn’t surprise her that Lucky might have ridden horses. Picturing the prim and proper girl in a nice and tight white equestrian getup was rather easy. Or maybe more pastel? Either way, the color didn’t matter much; her imagination was more fixated on just how tight those breeches tended to hug the ass. Speaking of that ass, she was starting to feel a little jealous of those hypothetical mares & stallions the longer their flirtations went on. She was more than capable of patience, but it wasn’t exactly her forte.

And so, Kat didn’t pursue that particular idle train of thought too much longer, choosing to refocus her attention on that comment about a chair. Because that was a rather interesting thing to ask for, when there were much more comfortable surfaces readily available. Which begged the question, why a chair? Well, she could certainly think of a few activities a chair was well-suited for, but figured that hey, why ruin the surprise by probing further?

“Alright,” came the easy response. Sealed with another kiss - deeper, this time. A proper taste, so to speak, as she pressed against the back of Lucky’s waist and kept her nice and close. Not so gingerly this time either. She kissed with vigor, with romance and passion both, dipping Lucky’s head back so that she might properly re-stake her claims before crushing their lips together with possessive intent. A kiss that was soon all lips and tongue, the latter sallying forth past those pearly teeth to twine with the same. Playful enough, but with a hint of overbearing, pressing Lucky's back into her own mouth more often than not. She was getting impatient and it was showing. Not that Lucky wouldn’t already feel that same impatience pressed up against her.

A kiss that went on and on. Breaking apart for air just to re-engage again. And who could blame her? This was Lucky they were talking about. Hell, Kat was pretty sure most of the campus would fuck her girl if given the chance, if only if they were so lucky. When she finally relinquished her hold and parted for air, she had half a mind to just renege her assent and back Lucky up into the wall anyway. But no, while whether or not she was a woman of her word was up to debate, she rather liked some of the ideas involving a chair swirling around in her mind.

“I’m gonna hit the shower first though, so you know, pick whichever chair you like.”
Not that she particularly needed one but, well, she had watched enough porn involving chairs and blowjobs to want to hedge her bet.


By the time she re-emerged from the bathroom attached to the bedroom, toweling down her hair, Kat had changed into something far more comfortable.

Black booty shorts, the kind that looked like they could have been track shorts had they just been a smidgeon longer, the material slightly thicker. No drawstring to distract from where the girls liked to look either. A Henley crop tank top, gray, with all the buttons undone, because it wasn’t like she was going anywhere anytime soon. The kind of thing that just emphasized her pronounced collarbones and the valley of her breasts beneath. The ensemble was decidedly casual, but she didn’t need anything fancy to scream sex appeal. Her toned, athletic frame did that all by itself. The narrowness of her waist, the curves of her hips, the definition of her abs and those hipbones that disappeared into her shorts in a way that absolutely drew the eye - Kat knew what she was doing as she leaned herself against the doorframe, hip cocked the same as a slender brow.

Because when she dressed down, that she was most definitely not a good girl was made that much more obvious by the extensive tattoo running down her left hip and thigh in elegant black ink. Flowers, with stem and leaves to go along, in a stylish yet simple design. Not roses though. She wasn’t that cliché. A flower that many might have seen, but most did not know the name to.

Begonia. Why? Because looks aside, Kat just happened to love the flower language of this particular perennial plant. Beware.

And hey, if she came with her own warning label, it was not her fault if the girls didn’t read, right?
A quick shower. Sure. She was a patient girl. More patient than her alarmingly outgoing girlfriend. "Very well." It should also give her some time to mull over her little plan, to perfect the fine details of how to torment a guilty cat with her favourite ball of yarn. "Don't forget to dry your hair, though." Her motherly concerns made Lucky warn. It shouldn't take that long, anyway. As a gift, she had given Kat a supersonic hair dryer. The same one she herself liked to use at home. It was a trend with Lucky. Whenever she enjoyed something, she had a habit of wanting Kat to have it as well.

With the girl disappearing into the bedroom, her quest to find a chair commenced. A simple furniture modestly comfy, armless, and decently sturdy. Just a chair, really. In the kitchen area, she found what she sought. Picking it up, Lucky brought it to the centre of the living room. For a little test, she let the chair have her coy butt. "Don't keep me waiting!" She called out upon sitting down, not sure if her voice would be able to overwhelm the sound of jetting water. Pulling her arms back, she paired her wrists behind the backrest. Slowly parted legs were drawn near the front legs of the chair. Rather simple. She had never performed a proper lap-dance. It was going to be improvised, she supposed.

Her rounded bottom left the chair. Before it perched on the seat again, Lucky turned the chair around, opting to sit backwards. On either side of the chair, her legs were spread. Stretched and lifted, the hem of her dress no longer hid the fair colour of her knickers. She lay her arms along the top of the backrest. Rested her chin on her little hands, beady eyes piercing the door ahead. Other than waiting, there wasn't much else to do. And without her splendidly curved partner standing in it, the doorway was poorly exciting to watch. While staring, her eyelids began to feel heavier, eventually curtaining her expressive eyes. Until the doorbell batted them open.

"Already?" Lucky got to her feet. One side of her feared she might find a random chick behind the door, paying a most misfortunate visit with Kat. Luckily, that didn't happen. It was indeed Sandy whom her eyes welcomed when she opened the door. She was glad it was her, but also a little surprised that she had chosen to make the delivery herself. It had been a minute since she had seen Sandy. She still seemed to have this distinct charm. Neither romantic, nor sensual, the two didn't have a particular spark. It was an exotically alluring friend what Lucky saw, and nothing more. "Kat?!" Her eyes were on said friend, but her lips spat a different name. "My blonde friend's arrived!" Another time, she raised her voice to be heard.

"Blonde?" An amused smile stretched the redhead's lips, slightly narrowed eyes mocking the young brunette before her.

"Lovely to see you." Lucky offered a quick hug. An innocent one.

"You made me very curious today." A little chuckle was let out. "Had to drop by. On a naughty day, huh?" A wink embellished Sandy's question. That probably was out of question, but she would have loved to watch the spicy game her friend wished to play with her significant other.

"Well, it's actually…" Lucky tried to explain why she had felt the need to buy those items. That she wanted to "punish" her girlfriend a little. That a kinky lesson would be the only one that would be effective on her partner. That she otherwise was not really into cuffs and whips. "You know what? Yeah. I'm feeling naughty." However, a simpler, and perhaps more accurate answer came out of the girl.

"Mm… Play safe." Sandy advised. "Knives are very," taking a step forward, she continued, "very dangerous."

"I didn't order a knife." The confused brunette argued. "That's not…" Turning around, her eyes searched for her girlfriend. "Kat? Have you-" Her eyes went wide, a sharp pain paralysing her thoughts and muscles. There was the knife, alright. Stuck in her back. The damage was emotional, more than physical. "You stabbed me in the back." Her eyes teary, she faced her friend, the bitter sense of betrayal coursing through her veins. "How could you?"

"I did it by accident!" Sandy exclaimed, which didn't make it less painful. "I knew how sensitive you were about it. Sorry."

An audible gasp pushed her chest out, yanked her eyelids up. The faint recollection of her odd dream was still quite fresh. Like a little ice cube in hot water though, it swiftly faded away. The waters were quite hot, indeed, when Kat wore those shorts. A greatly alluring body was not really the main reason she was with this gal. It surely didn't hurt, though. Her partner didn't say much, but expressed a lot with her body language, hinting at the amorous moments to come.

Starting from the ankles, Lucky's gaze ran up the girl's gifted form. It brushed past the floral thigh, and many more, before she eventually met the young woman's eye. It wasn't only her bum what those close-fitting shorts accentuated about Kat. Something she herself didn't possess, but liked to have was also emphasised temptingly. Liked to have it in the mouth. And in other places as well.

"Smile wider, darling." As her girl posed for her, Lucky asked of her. If her girlfriend was quick to heed that small request, she had another one. A slender index finger twirled in the air, as Lucky silently told her to spin. The same finger beckoned the girl closer then, whom she wished to touch, kiss, and love. If she were to tie Kat to the chair, getting rid of that tight garment could be an inconvenience. "I've been warming it up for you." Lucky stood up. As she walked towards the girl, her eyes fell upon her crotch. That poor thing must be quite distressed to be in such tight shorts. "Guess what I want to do with you." She asked, placing a hand over the girl's member, both to feel and pet.
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