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Fx Female Wordsy Lustings

Mar 7, 2022

Hi Everyone!
First attempt here at a request thread and introduction. I'm an active writer who's looking for someone to do mutual storytelling moreso than roleplaying. What's the difference? I'm looking for someone who likes discussing plots, directions, and pacing before throwing words to screen, as opposed to reactionary writing. Of course not every post gets planned out, and most DO involve reacting to your partners words, but overall story direction should always be planned out ahead of time.
I'm not a stickler on post length, since even my own will vary from a single paragraph to multiple, but let's be real, I can tell if someone's not putting in effort.
I write mostly in third person. I could make exceptions, but I'd be hard to convince.
I love feedback from others on my writing. As such, I'd LOVE to find someone willing to write in a public thread, although I know that's hard to find on these forums. I'll always favor that though, over PMs. I'm not going to play anywhere other than here. Of course I have other platforms available, but I use them for other aspects of my life that I don't mix with smutty roleplay!

Now for the good stuff.
What am I into?

When I say almost anything, I really mean it. That doesn't mean I'm craving it right now, so if you hit me with an idea and I'm not interested, don't get mad and tell me I that I said I'm into "anything" What I mean here is, try me. I hate the thought of someone not coming to me with what could be a potentially amazing story because they thought I might not be into it.

Here are some things I'm currently
CRAVING (This is just a post to get some stuff out there, this list will get much bigger)

Vampire Queen X Vampire Huntress (cliche, I know)
I'm looking to play a Vampire Queen who feeds on energy, not blood. I've been kidnapping young women from the local village, and you're hired to hunt me down and put an end to my evil ways. In this roleplay, I'm looking to play not only the Queen herself, but her full host of minions, bent on subverting this new Huntress to their Mistress. It's your chance to go on a full adventure of sexual depravity if you're interested in playing a single character against multiples of mine!

Business Woman X Intern
To be honest, I'm not fully fleshed out on this one yet, but it's pretty simple in it's concept, especially if you read the part below about my interest in unlikely Dominance. Young intern Dommes her boss, a high level executive.

Pirate Queen X Crew
Lets figure this one out together. Love it to be filled with action, treasure, adventure and of course smut between the Queen and her crew. This can be a Harem type story as well, depending on my partner.

Mad Scientist X Her Creation (Futa)
I normally play more Domme roles, but in this one, I'd be a Mad Scientist who creates a woman who's got everything she needs to pleasure me. Much to my horror though, she's much more advanced than I could have imagined. Able to learn, and do so at an incredible rate, it doesn't take her long to learn everything she can from violent, degrading porn on the internet, and exact that treatment on her creator!

This is a big one for me, I LOVE the idea of a daughter Dominating a Mom, a student Dominating a teacher, an intern Domming an exec! Anything along those lines will immediately get my attention!

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