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Courting of an Escort (Gina x Jazmin)

Courting of an Escort (Gina x Jazmin)
  • Gina in Orange

    Dark side of the Moonagerie
    Apr 8, 2013
    With the last remnants of daylight disappearing over the horizon, the lights of the city filled the Friday night sky with their nightly glow. Lukas Friedrikson idly gazed out the window from the back seat of a Lexus sedan as they passed under the stream of white along the supports of the Manhattan bridge. As the car crossed the threshold to the island borough, the 33 year old checked his watch, a steel Tag Heuer with a blue face. The time read 8:48, twelve minutes from when he was to pick up his date for the evening. Zoey was the name she'd given him. She hadn't divulged a last name, not that he could blame the girl. Her's wasn't a business that traded in familiarity.

    At a stop light, Lukas pulled his iPhone from the inner pocket of his suit coat to find that a text notification waited for him. Not from his date, though, this message came from a coworker. Lukas had made the regrettable mistake of telling Claudia over lunch about his evening plans, and, much to her amusement, how they involved a paid escort. Lukas had not heard nearly the end of it from her the entire afternoon, and here she was now continuing her teasing. With an eyeroll and a sigh, Lukas read the message.

    "Don't forget to send me pictures of your little floozy!!!"

    He considered sending her a bird-flipping selfie instead but decided that would only egg her on further. Instead he pocketed his phone just as they arrived outside the agreed upon meeting place, a modest hotel in Soho. "Pull over just here," he directed his driver. "Should be just a minute."

    Stepping out of the sedan, the young lawyer drew a hand through his blonde hair as he stood up on the curb. Standing at around 6'1, Lukas was dressed in a well fitting charcoal suit. The top button of his light-blue collared shirt hung unfastened and tieless. The evening's event wasn't strictly formal as to require one, and the young man preferred to leave his ties for the office. A client of his firm was hosting a small social gathering to celebrate the launch of a new business venture, some new smart phone app that Lukas hadn't bothered to research. There was an expectation that the firm would send a representative, and Lukas drew the short straw. Initially he had dreaded the event. Though with a purchased date, a hired driver and a lush hotel room to crash in, the evening began to hold some exciting possibilities.

    Resting a hand on top of the car, Lukas' blue eyes scanned the passersby for his would be date.
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