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Nothing Here (Come look anyway though :D )

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Jan 19, 2009
Good evening Ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to my request forum. I will now have to ask that all you males please leave immediatly. Sorry guys, but I don't swing that way. Now, lets begin then shall we? ^^

1. Be literate- Im not asking for much here, so long as you give a nice 2-3 paragraph starting post, and maybe a one paragraph reply. I know we all have our bad days and creative walls, and Im willing to look the otherway occasionally ^^

2. Be creative- Just try your best to bring alittle flare to the RP, ok?

3. Contribute- I love hearing ideas and feed back from my RP partners. If you have anyhing at all that comes to mind, don't be affraid to shout it out ^^

4. Be honest with me- If you don't like something in the RP or just don't want to RP anymore, tell me. I will understand perfectly and will do anything in my power to make things work out.

5. Don't be a brat- I despise rude comments and what even Pisses me more is ass holes who just stop posting when they don't want to RP and never even answer you. Tell me.

6. Have fun- This is pretty much my golden rule. If you aren't having fun, then please make sure you tell me so we can fix this problem. The entire point of an RP is to have fun and whats the point if you aren't having fun? ^^


- I'll put it simply like this. I have no interest in other men, at all. Don't ask me if I want to do Yaoi because I will turn you down in a heart beat.

- I never play a submissive role, end of descusion.

- I will try to post 'atleast' once a day and will generally post more, however I am a very busy man so don't expect me to post 5 times in one day. I don't work by your time, I work by mine. I have a life and I will not tolerate any asshole who tells me I need to post more often.

- I love anime and videogames, I hate vampires, narutards, and Guitar Hero, enough said.

- I love playing as demons and all but I hate those corny little retarded humanoid types you see in all the animes. I enjoy playing as huge 10 foot tall demons made of pure muscle and horns, the real stuff of nightmares

I believe thats everything I needed to say for that ^^


- Dirty talk
- Pet names
- Bestiality ( Male animal on female humanoid only )
- Slutty girls
- Receiving Oral
- Cow girls
- Elves
- Anthro
- Lactation

- Scat
- Water sports

My Characters

Here are a few common types of characters I like to play

-Standard Male (18-29) Your regular men, nothing really special about their physic

-Older men ( 34- 52) I know alot of girls really like this stuff and I see to enjoy playing as very gruff, mature men.

-Old men (60-80) I never play these characters in any sexual RP (unless as NPCs), but I find it alittle fun to occasionally play an old man in group RPs.

- Demons (?) On average, my demons are no less than eight feet tall, burly, gruesome creatures who love nothing more than to slaughter and bring forth destruction and chaos

- Devils (?) My much more subtle and devious characters, they can vary in size, however they are never idiots and always have deals ready to make with any unsuspecting fools

-Aliens/Monsters (?) If you have any wish for me to play any sort of Alien or creature, Im all for it! :D I love playing them. I am always willing to play from the most suffistocated race, down to the nasty blood drenched monsters you see in horror movies.

Remember- These are merely my most commonly played characters, but that does not mean that is all I play. If you have something you want me to play, feel free to ask ^^


- Craves

Soul Calibur Series
-Knightmare x Sophitia ***
-Knightmare x Ivy

Final Fantasy VII
- Red XIII x Tifa ***
- Nero x Tifa

Final Fantasy X
-Auron x Lulu ***

Final Fantasy XII
- Any male x Fran ***

Pokemon (non anthro)
- Male Pokemon x Female Trainer

- Warhammer
- Warhammer 40k
- Fallout 3
- Dead Space ***
- UC Gundam
- Gundam Wing
- Gundam Seed
- Hellsing
- Ancient Rome Gladiators
- Star Wars (I only play Clones or storm troopers) [ I hate Jedi!!!!!!!!!]
- Erotic Club
- Kingdom Hearts
- Silent Hill ***
- Condemned I and II
- Dead or Alive

Remember- This is only a few Roleplays that I am currentyl craving, but this is not the only ones I am willing to play. I am willing to play any RP, so if you like my interests and think I might like an RP you're craving, feel free to tell me about it ^^

This is really all I have right now but don't worry I'll have more coming soon. ^^

If you have anything you're really craving, feel free to tell me, and I will be delighted to accomidate.

Warning I love group roleplays, especially threesomes. If you have any ideas for this, I would love you forever XD

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them for you.

Just send me in a PM or put a comment here.

MSN: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

Thankyou for your time and I hope to RP with you soon ^^

Interested in any of the following?;

> Slavery
> Voyeurism
> Innocence turned to slut
Essentially I'm in the mood for some hard core innocence > whore. Perhaps a deal with the devil goes astray, leading to the enslavement/etc. of a young woman..?

(Please note that I do enjoy a bit of pain in my roleplays. Since this will be innocence > whorish [or so I hope], it can be added in either early on or later on.)

If you're interested in a smutty roleplay, let me know!
As soon as I saw devil listed, I realized that you and I could be very good friends.

I would love to develope a "Deal with the Devil" styled plot, if you're up for it!
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