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Fx Male Between Land and Sea


“Ours is the Magic. Ours is the Power.”
Jun 1, 2019
Hell with Love
In for a penny, in for a pound as they say! Truly interested parties only need apply, please. You can peruse my main thread for rules and everything else you need to know, Here.

Plot Bunny: An old tale of a Sea Captain/Pirate and a captured mermaid. Mixed with a more modern day pairing also(so four characters; the Sea Captain and Mermaid ghosts and the modern day male and female friends). The ghosts of the forlorn captain and mermaid and the love they eventually fell into before the sea claimed them both. Haunting a modern day pair of friends or strangers, literally. Until they are strong enough to either possess the humans and completely take over the pair and live out the lives they should have before they died or....merely having their unknown true story told.

I have a bit more mapped out but we can discuss it, should you be interested.

Starter Post: -Waves whisking her away. Drawing her nearer the beautiful song. A flick of a tail as she dipped beneath the water. The orange orb kissed the edge of the water, angry waves trying to over take it and drag it under.
Her sisters song fading as she dipped beneath the dark waters again and raced to catch up with. Caerulius.-


-a gasp split through the darkness, her eyes shot open. Her breathing erratic. A hand pressed against her chest as cool water lapped at her bare feet.

Wide and sleep filled eyes darted around the familiar surroundings. Her chest rising and falling sharply as the dream subsided.

She stood staring out at the darkened waters before her. A sea breeze shifting her nightshirt around her frame. With a shudder she wrapped her arms around herself and stared out at the rippling shape of the moon against the water. Her eyes dancing over the rocks a few miles off, sliding over the location of the wreckage that drew tourists from all over.

Tears streaked softly down Renata's cheeks as she replayed the dream, a dream she'd had before. All in small increments. Bits and pieces as if she were watching from the other side of a shattered mirror.

Renata stood at the waters edge a moment longer. Trying to make sense of the broken pieces of dreams. Why did it call to her? So strong that she walked in her sleep.

She stared down at the chilled waves as they lapped at her feet again and somewhere, perhaps in the back of her mind, she could hear the soft sirens callechoing from a distance.

Her gaze flicked sharply back out toward the slightly restless waters. Eyes narrowing on the darkened skeletal remains reaching toward the equally dark skies. Wispy, hair like shadows seemed to wave just around the hull, as ethereal as the imagined song she heard. Her brow tightened and she blinked, the shadows gone as quick as they'd appeared, swallowed by the rippling light of the moon as the sea shifted.

A shudder coursed through her, her arms tightened around her midsection as she stepped back from the lapping waters and turned. Her bare feet quick as she ran back over the sand to her little beach house.

Sleep was slow to come, but come it did just shy of two hours before sunrise. The dreams crept in again, assaulting her subconscious.-


-a screeching wail as her sister was ripped from the waters, still trying to claw or tear a hole in the netting that had captured her. In the darkness that had befallen her when the waves had crashed her into the ships underside, she heard voices. Human voices. Screaming into the night above, celebrating as the net hoisted her from her home.

She shrieked at her sister, an urgent sound. The jerk of the net finally loosening the others grip, tossing her back into the water and safety. As the net continued to rise, she watched below as her sister disappeared into the roiling waves with a hard flick of her tail.

Terrified and angry, she screeched and swiped her clawed fingers through the net at the men. Her tail flicking, smacking against a few of them as she wailed, pulled along the deck of the ship.-


-again she jolted awake, this time she'd remained in her bed, sheet clutched tightly in her fist as she sat up, staring at the rising sun through the curtains. She realized one thing was consistent through out all the dreams. The ship. She didn't know why or how she knew it was the one down the beach but she knew. Felt it deep inside. Something was pulling her to it.

Sighing, she rolled out of bed. She made herself a light breakfast and hopped into the shower. Once dressed, she knew of only one person to get her onto that ship. A ship she'd never set foot on before nor until now, had had any inclination to do so. By ten a.m. she was standing a few feet away, staring between the line for the tour and the ship beyond. Half submerged. It would require some scuba diving and while she certainly knew how, she wasn't so sure that she wanted to get this close, just yet still. Sighing, she paced where she stood, thumb nail resting against her teeth as she considered her options, considered the weight of the dreams that had been plaguing her, contemplating if she would find answers and what she would do if she did.-
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