He smiled, pulling her close before slowly leaning down and picking her up, across in his arms. "I think you need to relax." He said softly, before kissing her lightly. His eyes closed as he carried her off, and within moments they were in the entrance of a cavern. He slowly walked in, still holding her. It was dark, but he could see perfectly. Soon, there was a soft water trickle going, and they entered a open area. There were a few pools of water, one having a little waterfall go into it.
"These are the mineral springs." He said softly. "It's a good place to relax." He Put her down near the middle of the room, with two springs, one on each side of her. He walked forward and gently touched a candle, and fire shot all around the room, lighting the room up with dozens of candles, their eerie light making the scene that much more amazing.