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Divine Decadence De Jour (Very NSFW)


Oct 29, 2021
Pierce Manor; Los Angeles, California, USA

Below will be a collection of Images and Aesthetics to spark a muse and strike a mood.

Most are from my Tumblr prior to being NSFW Nuked.
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The finest most luxurious plush rugs.

They are more than simple decorations and offsetting color schemes.

Joyful canvases in which to play with my toys and paint Jackson Pollock imitations with the sweetness spewed forth in squirting spasms of pleasure.

High-end Liquor, Designer Dress, accustomed to nothing but the best.

A modern-day Debutante, she can have anything that she wants.

Beauty, grace, charm, and a flawless face.

The Body of Aphrodite, used for my pleasure nightly.

A princess to the world, but my own personal whore.

A trust fund worth Millions, and the curves of any natural-born Brazilian.

Now one of my favorite of toys used on a whim, to me she is my sex kitten, to the world, she is ever proper and prim.

The first few days within the Warehouse are always best. The new toys just don't seem to understand what is in store for them and learn the hard way. They have grown up in a land of laws and equality they did not realize that with no one there to protect them they were mere meat to be used at the pleasure of the strong….

A lesson of reality to be taught to them first hand.

I am a man of tastes and culture. Greek Statues, a fine scotch or brandy, Classical Art from Rembrandt or Botticelli, and of course the works of Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, and the like….

When having parties or entertaining small groups for hedonistic, bacchanalian evenings I employ a lovely new prospect from Julliard. The young women there all eager to gain me as a patron and all of them some of the most skilled pianists the world can offer.

Nothing is ever more classic or beautiful than to watch a young naked woman in full bloom of life and youth playing a masterpiece.

Perfection to the eyes, and ears. Such is the Pierce Way.

My father was not always the legendary Lothario he was at his death. He would tell me stories of his youth how he was in fact frightened of the idea of women. Talking to girls, getting turned down and rejected mortified him.

He told me the story of how when he was 18 his own father saw him sweat and fidget among the women he was supposed to be charming as his father negotiated with their husbands. He was expected to charm and perhaps seduce a series of them in order to distract and sway any lingering doubts.

Grandfather was not the sort to let such a weakness last. He would break the habit and erase the fear of women and their hidden mysteries the way his own father had done him.

He took my father to Paris and set about educating him with the most skilled escorts in the world at the time. Women of beauty, and charm. The first time though he demanded he is there to ensure the deed was done. The woman was a highly experienced professional she helped guide my father through the clumsy attempts during their union.

He told me how his own father had remained silent and stoic during this right of passage, only after he finish would he pay the woman and demand she spends the rest of the summer educating my father on the arts of pleasure and seduction.

She would guide him with herself and her peers over the months every day putting him in situations he never dared hope for…. That summer my father became a man living the dream of most teenage boys. In a Chateau surrounded by the most beautiful women in the world all of them to be used how and when he wanted. Eager and willing.

When he returned home he no longer had any fear of the average-looking women, nor resistance to seducing and pleasuring them properly. It was the first step that took him til his death through a myriad of faces and beds. A man that became a legend in the bedroom, and boardroom.

I sent my cousin down to the lower archives to get the hard copies of a disputed contract. After waiting for what seemed like hours I went down to see what the hold up was…. Only to find this. The young man got distracted clearly by the Manager of the Archives… She wanted to show him all the qualifications that got her the job.

All it took was an offer to go on a walk alone. She jumped at the chance. The woods pleasant, the day fair, it was almost a story out of a fairy tale. She was oblivious though that instead of Prince Charming she walked with the Big Bad Wolf.

Hand holding, talking, playful flirting. Patrick did it all anything to lure her deeper into the woods. 30 Minutes of walking as she began to look about. Confused she asked if they were lost.

Patrick smiled and pulled her into a kiss. She swooned at first before the kiss deepened. She tried to pull away, she wanted to slow down and not be one of those "Easy Girls"…. As she jerked away her soft "Stop!" drawing a cold laugh from her Prince…. She did not see the hand coming before the backhanded slap spun her around.

She tasted blood in her out and her head swam with confusion. The follow-up slap numbed her body. She lost focus for several moments. The humming of blood in her ears, and the tingling of her body were all that comforted her. As she came around she smelled dank earth.

The soft cushion of grass told her she was on the ground. When she tried t rise up she felt pressure on her back. That pressure is recognized as a knee. Then she felt hands groping as her white cotton panties were torn from her. She tried to move but she was held firm into the ground.

The icy chill of fear coursed through her veins as she realized what was happening calling loudly. "HELP! NO PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!"

Patrick's laugh was so cruel as he positioned on top of her forcing her prone body's legs open.

~Scream all you want… AHHHHH! Nobody can hear you. We are way too deep into the woods.~

She heard his words, and his snide laugh her screams growing louder and more ragged as he slid inside her tearing her hymen and taking her innocence. Why was he doing this? His soft grunts were given as he moved in and out of her. Her eyes streaming tears, sobs offered as she continued to scream till her voice went out. Hoarse weak pleas growing silent eventually.

Patrick did not stop. He reveled in her untouched tightness for nearly an hour thrusting back and forth climaxing with a hard thrust into her. She lay there still and silent while he climbed off of her.

She slowly stood her legs shaky as a newborn colt. Patrick looked her over. Grass stains and dirt smears marred her dress's front. Dark lines of smeared mascara streaked her face. Her cheek held the swell of his slap, and her lip was split. She looked like what she was… A used fuck toy…. Patrick pointed to behind her.

~ Walk that way… There is a cabin with an associate of mine. He will drive you home… If you report me or tell anyone about this I will see to it you end up dead in a ditch somewhere…. No one will believe you not the way you whored it up for me in order to get this walk we had…. No fuck off bitch.~

The sick feeling filled her stomach, and her mouth tasted of bile, and vomit. Turning the way he motioned she walked… Stopping halfway to the cabin he mentioned she fell to the ground and began to weep soft futile tears.

When she had cried herself to dryness she stood once more looking to the path she knew would lead to the cabin she instead turned right taking the steep path up the forest mountain. The path was rugged and she had lost her shoes during Patrick's rough handling the sharp rocks and incline tearing up her feet, yet she was numb she walked on in a dead-eyed trance.

Only when the path ended with a breathtaking view overseeing the forest below. She had climbed well over 100′. Her feet bloodied and blistered, her body shook in shock, shame, and the coming chill of the evening. Yet she was offered a breathtaking sunset view…. Walking to the edge of the drop off looking down the cliffside to the jagged rocks at the base and the forest beyond she offered a soft sob.

The day had been so beautiful, only to be taken from her… Her life is now ruined. Her dreams squashed in the hours' worth of reality Patrick James Pierce IV had given her… At the edge of the cliff, she took a deep sighing breath and stepped off into the air. Into the fall. The free fall only took moments before the merciless ground stopped her abruptly.

Her body would be found several months later by hikers. The story Patrick gave the police was after making love in the woods she demanded to be his woman. When he made his position clear she had attacked him then fled into the woods…. No one would question him. Such young ladies were of a dramatic sort…. The truth was what Patrick told now.


Dirty, filthy, slutty, sinful…. She sat in the shower letting the scalding hot water mingle with her tears in an attempt to wash his scent from her nose. Wash the memories from her mind. Wash the bruises from her flesh.

He had tied her down, gagged her, whipped her, flogged her, toyed with her, and used her like a common whore…. Only she had not been paid, she was there to interview the CEO of Pierce Inc and somehow things had gotten out of hand.

His hands, his lips, his cock… All of him had penetrated her various orifices. Her screams were muffled by the gag, her struggles resisted by leather and cold steel.

His hard words and insults were given with no rebuttal…. Trash, Slut, Cunt, Fuck Doll, Useless Cum Bucket… These titles were bestowed to her as she struggled when he finished she was a drooling, tear-stained mass of bruises and welts.

Now she cried alone in her shower feeling dirty, and disgusted. Not with Patrick but with herself for cumming over and over again, for squirting across the bed that bound her with each orgasm more violent than the last…. For knowing she will eventually go back to him for more…

She would prove him right, and she hated herself for it.

An heiress, a debutante, a woman who could get whatever and whoever she wants.

A public icon famous for her family name and beauty, able to get anyone with a single look and wiggle of her bootie.

Then she met me a man of true worth. Immune to her petty little flirts.

I made her squirm, made her beg, made her worship my cock like any of my pets at beck and call… It's the Pierce Way After All.

That look in her eyes as it dawns on her exactly what is going to happen. A mixture of terror, and disgust….. Modern Society has taught them this is all bad. That she is more than just a series of tight moist holes.

It is lessons like this that debunk such societal myths. How being a mere Whore can be so satisfying… Losing all control is the ultimate freedom….

If she learns and appreciates that lesson it doesn't matter in the slightest…. Her body is ours for now whether she likes it or not.

My sister is not a woman to toy with. A lesbian by nature she is often hit on by other men in eagerness to conquer the cold-eyed diva.

She does love to play with them. Tease them, let them think she will be their Mistress only to leave them unsatisfied and humiliated. Only one cock shall ever please her.

Only the very best…. Can she help it that it belongs to her brother?

My sister had been busy with Valhalla. The Club was ready to open within the month to kick off the summer with a Grand Opening. To that extent, she had been interviewing and inspecting potential staff.

All of the people experienced and recommended knowing that the funds would pour into the place and tips would be quite lucrative. But even the most qualified must be tested thoroughly lest there be the inferior product offered.

One such face tempted the Pierce Princess. She had hopes of being the Assistant Manager and Madison's second in command…. Such a position would require her dear brother's approval.

She dressed the woman up properly and had her wait to see the famous Pierce. Patrick would make her wait in silence for hours before finally moving to inspect.

Drool coated her chin and breast from the gagged salivating mouth her knees ached on the hard cold floor, her body shivered at the chill of the room that she had blindly been led and cuffed in…. But now she felt his aura, her flesh quivering under his touch.

Patrick took his time enjoying the interview and inspection…. Only after deep usage was she approved of the position…. Now for her to thank his sister properly.

My parties are usually tasteful events. But there are times when taste should be discarded and pure entertainment should be offered.

As a host, I am required to ensure all my guests are happy. Lara is set up on her "Throne of Servitude" there all guests, males and females are welcome to use her as they see fit.

She was locked away in my Warehouse alone in the dark, the screams and moans emanating from the other cells of unseen occupants all that kept her company for the next few days.

Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months every time I or an agent of mine would enter her cell putting her through a series of abuse, and usage leaving her with the phrase to haunt her weeping hours afterward.

"Think to your sins. That is why you are here."

Countless tears had fallen her fire burning out and her body becoming more open to the usage. In the time it was all she had to look forward to. These long sessions of being a mere fuck toy. She soon began to accept it, even like it….

The phrase always haunted her. Her daring ways and bold words had put her here, she deserved all of this… She must do her time and earn her freedom. Through pleasure and service, she shall make amends.

A badass bitch with leather and scars.

A hard-eyed killer that drinks whiskey and smokes cigars.

A woman who can kick ass, but can mingle with a higher class.

Educated, focused, merciless, and cold.

A woman with brawn, with brains, who is bold.

That is a woman I see in my head, someone by my side and in my bed.

Pierce Air is a simple private charter venture mainly used for personal use. But the one key asset our clients, and executives enjoy when flying Pierce Air is the full-service Stewardess each plane comes with. They are always eager to see to their passenger's needs.

My beautiful sister. She is ever so competitive with me and my Lothario reputation. So very often I have walked in on her forcing my Pet, or Date to service her before I could have my turn…. She is a Pierce as well and she has our Hungers… It is the Pierce Way After All.

When you are part of Pierce Inc you are a member of an elite club few get the privilege to even be considered for.

With this membership, you get all the perks that come with it.

Wealth, fame, power, luxury, decadence, deviance, and pleasure in all the best forms.

You become an addict and Pierce Onc can deal you whatever drug you need.

So rather than fight it merely ride the wave and enjoy the benefits of the bargain you sold yourself for.

Enjoy the toys or be the toy if you so wish.

We all owe someone no matter how big or small.

It's the Pierce Way After All.
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