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Mx Male Thrupple Trouble - Advanced/Literate M/M/M Prompts!

Jun 25, 2020
Howdy, hello, and salutations!

Name of the game today is that I’m looking to find fellow advanced, literate, creative, and engaging writers who are interested in the basic idea of creating an exciting, action-packed adventure centering around three men who are, in some form or another, involved in a sexual and maybe even romantic relationship with each other. Friends to thrupple, enemies to thrupple, whatever. If that sounds like you, and that sounds interesting to you, keep reading!

What I’m Looking For:

-Something other than slice of life. Give me action, give me stakes.
-Effort and collaboration!
-A healthy balance of smut to story, but plenty of both.
-Characters who are well-realized and well-developed, not just “Sub Bottom #1552”
-Partners who like to pitch ideas and communicate OOC.
-Partners who read the whole ad and will include the word “kerfuffle” in their message!
-Paragraph RP, not one-liners.
-Strong grammar and spelling - not asking for perfection.
-Partners with a sense of humor.
-Characters who look and act like grown men.
-Characters who are switch/vers, and not defined by their role in the bedroom.
-Partners who like expanding the world and playing multiple characters when needed.

I am a third person POV, multi-paragraph, past tense writer, and I strongly, strongly prefer that my partner also write in that style. Obviously not every single post needs to be incredibly long and full of purple prose, but I can’t do constant one-liners. “Lazy lit” is fine with me. I also like to use face claims (real people or realistic art) but that’s not mandatory. Anime, furry, and excessively cartoony face claims are off the table.

And just to make it clear, I have a strong preference for playing as and against "masculine" characters. Not a fan of feminine or androgynous characters in this sort of context, sorry!

What I’m Not Looking For:

-Femboy characters, highly feminine male characters, or anything in that realm.
-Anime aesthetics or tropes.
-Androgynous characters.
-Grimdark for the sake of grimdark.
-Characters who are defined by being a sub, bottom, top, or a dom. No uwu subs.
-No underage characters. Obviously.
-Not looking for a domestic, fluffy, romcom storyline.
-Characters/writers that don’t do anything to progress the plot themselves
-Weak characters who never become more active/useful


Here’s a link to the f-list:
F-list - Warning
Anything that’s not a strict “No” is probably on the table, and in fact, non-con is listed as a “No” on there when I can actually be persuaded to write it under certain circumstances. That’s all a roundabout way of saying that you can pitch almost anything to me, and the worst I can say is that I’m not interested.

Mechanics and Logistics:

The RP will take place in a private Discord server. Easiest, most effective way to handle this sort of thing, in my experience.

As for how we can split up the responsibilities of playing three different characters, there are options. I am willing to play two characters against someone playing one, and I’m willing to do the inverse of that. Sharing the third character isn’t necessarily off the table, but I don’t think it would really work out well in the long run. Of course, we could both play two characters and make it a fourway thing, but that’d be something to talk about beforehand.

Plots and Settings:

In general I’m open to any sort of fun, exciting premise making use of the threesome thing. Feel free to take any of these idea seedlings and run with them, and note that even if I propose the idea one way that doesn’t mean I’m set in stone of it being played out exactly in that way. I’m open to playing any of the roles in any of these plots.

Cargo Breach - Sometime in the 60s or so, Characters A and B are aimlessly driving around in the American Southwest. For whatever reason they're drifters, and they rarely stay anywhere for too long. After stopping at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, Character C, who just escaped from a government facility out in the desert, slips into the back of A and B's car, only being discovered way later. Character C could be an alien, an escaped convict, a clone, or anything else that A and B really shouldn't be caught with.

Rearranging the Arrangement - Characters A and B have recently met for the first time, shoved into an arranged marriage by the powers that be. They get on well enough, and A begins to really fall for B just before A walks in on B in bed with his twin brother, C. A is shocked and scandalized, but B insists that he and C are in love, while his marriage to A is purely political. A and B are stuck together, so A will just have to get used to just accepting that he has to share B with C and have separate lives. That is, unless they can come to a different understanding of what "sharing" B means.

Cheating Death - Characters A and B were a committed couple, or at least heavily involved with each other romantically and/or sexually. However, shenanigans ensue, and B is believed by A to be dead. A mourns B for a long while, but eventually C enters his life and they begin a relationship of their own. All is well until B comes back into the picture.

Thinking that this could easily take place in a post-apocalyptic world where B was away from home when the world ended, leaving A no choice but to fear the worst before B finds his way back home. Plenty of ways to play with that basic premise though.

Can't Find Good Help These Days - Rich couple hires a live-in assistant to help care for their dogs, their estate, and the like. The couple seems to be impossibly devoted to each other, but both of them begin separate affairs with their new employee without the other knowing. That leaves the employee trapped in the middle, trying to keep both of his employers' affairs with him a secret from the other until things come to a head.

You and Only You, and Then You Again - Characters A and B are in love, but B comes down with a terminal disease that is surely going to kill him in a few years. Rather than face death, he opts to go into cryogenic sleep until science can find a cure for his disease. Surprisingly, after a few years, science does find a cure, and thus he is woken from his sleep to have his disease cured. Only problem is that not only has A moved on, he had a clone made of B while he was asleep that he used to replace B. B and his clone, C, have divergent personalities from their slightly different experiences, and the cloning of the personality might not have gone perfectly, but the attempt was made all the same.

The Prince in the Tower - Character A is the typical prince locked away in a tower, and B is the knight that has come to save him from the dragon holding him prisoner. The promise of the prince's family was that the first to save him would get his hand in marriage, so what happens when B and another knight, C, are unable to settle who actually slayed the dragon first? Obviously, they're both forced to marry the prince. None of them have ever held a conversation with each other before, but what could go wrong?

Character C could also be something other than a knight, and he may have killed the dragon by complete accident or without knowing what the prize was. Could be a thief looking to steal the treasures of the tower who found much more than he was bargaining for. Open to fantasy races in this too, like Orcs.

Monks, Murders, and Misunderstandings - Character A is the youngest son of the royal family, who dedicated himself to study and worship years ago and has been living with stuffy monks ever since. He had several older siblings who were certainly going to inherit the throne, so he was given the chance to live away from the castle. Until his parents and all his siblings were murdered, of course. What was left of the ruling government hired two discreet agents, Characters B and C, to steal A away from the monastery and keep him away from the assassins until a plan can be figured out. B is inclined towards loyalty to the royal family, but C can't help but think that they'd be better off selling A to the highest bidder, or even to the assassins. Either way, they were going to have to find somewhere to lay low together until something is figured out.

More vague plot ideas and general setting concepts:

-Science Fiction/Space Opera/Retro Futurism
-Sword and Sandal Fantasy
-Anything involving clones or twins
-Anything set between the 1910s and the 1970s
-Spy Thrillers/James Bond-esque
-Post Apocalyptic
-Alternate History
-Magical Realism or Urban Fantasy
-Political Thrillers
-The 1600s/Early Modern Period
-Witch Trials and Satanic Panic
-Ancient Mythology
-Something Inspired by "The Love Witch"
-Cults and Communes
-Loveable thieves
-Wartime Romances

I don’t really like fandom RP, but for the sake of completion, here are a few settings I like:

-Elder Scrolls
-Lord of the Rings
-Game of Thrones
-Outer Worlds
-Walking Dead
-Darkest Dungeon
-New World
-Star Wars
-Dune (I’m a fake fan who only saw the most recent movie though)

Final Thoughts:

Tried to make it brief, but I don't know how much I succeeded. I hope that covers everything, but feel free to reach out and ask me any questions you have. If you’re still interested, let me know!
Last edited:
4/12 Update - Four new plots ("Can't Find Good Help These Days," "You and Only You, and Then You Again," "The Prince in the Tower," "Monks, Murders, and Misunderstandings") and four new ideas added to the general vibes section (Satyrs, Orcs, Loveable Thieves, Wartime Romances)
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