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A Night to Remember ((Raenef&Siren))

His ears flicked upwards for a moment, alert by the sudden response he found it odd the male didn't even consider to ponder the thought and sure of himself where he was at that very moment. His eyes narrowed at the feline, watching the display as he lashed out at the other group. God, he could never stand that irritable laughter and once it vanished into the pounding music he glanced at the feline. He smirked at the feline simply and eyed his drink " I want to say beta just the way I vaguely remember it but possibly alpha." He squinted his eyes trying to remember but shook his head "no.. theres no way they could have been alpha. I don't remember a struggle not that I couldn't handle a struggling alpha." He chuckled and finished his drink, sliding his glass towards the cheetah. Pausing when he realized he gave out a big hint to just what went on last night. "I do remember a stretching pattern on their coat, what a noise." It was slowly coming to him in a blurry recreation in his mind.
"Hmmm dosen't ring a bell, two of out beta's are mated ones a jaguar and the other is a lion. The third beta is a tiger. Could it have been him, he's a stripper for our friday night VIPs. Ones with a taste for pretty kitty cats." Dante would cover for him, the tiger treated Kaleb like a member of his group. He's over there." he pointed to a slender feminine looking tiger as he weaved his way through the crowd to get a glass of water from Kaleb. "Hey boss man, mind if I steal a bottle of mineral water from you. Those jackles wanted four dances, though the tips alone are going to pay my rent for a month." Liquid green eyes turned to Travis and he smiled flirtatiously before accepting the water and sitting down. "I'm on break until the my midnight bacholorette party comes in. Mind if I keep you company?"
Travis followed his direction towards the approaching tiger, searching his finger and the curve of his body hard. He gestured lightly to the other feline. "Hmm sure." The wolf spoke, distracted for a moment as he fought to register not only his voice but the scent. His nostrils flared then relaxed as he turned his stool and faced the tiger. Surely he would recall that scent, it almost overpowered that of the barkeep who oddly enough knew him by name. Was it stripes he was thinking of? "Busy evening?" He questioned gesturing the cheetah for another drink.
"No busier then usual." he commented softly as he watched the way Kaleb twitched as he made Travis another drink. So he had slept with the wolf last night, and his alpha instict had allowed it...interesting. "Here why don't you come with me, I'll show you whom you left with last night." he said as he whispered softly in the wolf's ear hoping Kaleb didn't realize what he was saying. The cheetah had been single for way too long, if this alpha saited him then they needed to get together again. Kaleb deserved to be happy, as long as the wolf accepted him.
Casual conversation; it was nice but somewhat awkward with such a fem tiger. Possibly when he was drunk he mistaked the tiger for a female which would explain why his natural insticts allowed him to fuck a male. He cocked his head slightly edging away from the lips out of caution, the invitation was too temping. He glanced at the barkeep then back at the feline and nodded, slowly rising from his feet ears twitching. "Hold that drink for a moment."
Dante pulled him deep into the crowd and gestured to the feline who was busily pulling of barkeeping tricks for his audiance. "You slept with Kaleb over there." he said softly. "Usually I'd cover for him, he's a tad bothered his alpha instict allowed it without fighting. But he took you to the hotel room and ended up letting you fuck him. See he was kicked out of his Clowder because he preferred males to females. It meant he'd produce no heirs to his line, unless he was one of the few able to produce kittens like me. He was never tested so he dosen't know. should talk to him after his shift. He's off at....I think 2 am. Not that he could produce kittens with you considering your a wolf and all....." The feminine tiger was breathless by the time he finished his head bowed. "He's going to be soo pissed at me tomorrow..."
He stared the tiger down and glanced at the feline behind the bar, chuckling and shaking his head. "As wasted as I was, I had an idea that it wouldn't have been you. Your scent is much too intoxicating for me to forget. Wow... I'm..." He chuckled dryly and shook his head again "I'm going to kick his ass..." He smirked then patted the feline's shoulder "thanks for telling me. Now if you'll excuse me." He spoke zigzagging his way back to the bar, his body language spoke full frontal attack as he approached the bar and regained his seat. "I'll take that drink now." He said tapping his more thick than sharp claws on the bar surface almost impaitently.
"No, No kicking of the ass!" the tiger squeeked grabbing at his arm but missing and cursing lightly. "Come on have a heart, you totally overpower him! He dosen't have a pack to back him up!" Kaleb looked up and handed him the drink noiticing how flusterrd Dante looked. He hadn't told him had he? Oh shit.....the tiger had decided to play match maker and failed. "If you want to tear my throat out can it wait until after my shift? Blood is really hard to get off the tile and wall..." he mumbled tail going limp and ear flicking back.
His ears flicked up as he put a solid grip on the glass of liquor, eyes fixed on the liquid inside the glass. Ignoring the tiger's pleas to go easy on the barkeep, his tail flicked back and forth in abrupt long swaying twitches. "Don't know what you're talking about." He said downing the glass like water, he pushed the glass back and gestured for another fill. Watching the hands on the clock, tick away preparing to sit tight until two o clock arrived. His pack too busy trying to hook junior with a fox to question how late they would stay in the bar. His eyes fixed on the feline, shifting to the squeeling group beside him before back on the feline.
Kaleb filled it again hoping perhaps if he got smashed enough he'd forget about the confrentation when he got off. The hours ticked by slowly each minute feeding the dread pooling in his stomach. Then 2 am struck and he was off, looking around he planned on sneaking out the back. Viv had left in unlocked for him in case he needed a quick escape. Grabbing his things he snuck out into the back alleyway intent on escaping to his house through the familer alley ways. Looking around he hunkered down low hoping Travis was buzzed enough to forget about him.
A few more drinks than he promised himself but he was careful this time. He had enough to make it legal for him to hang around the bar area. The wolf didn't let the liquor slow him down, as the feline disappeared into the back he found this time to get up and head out quickly. His pack sensing trouble, made quick pursuit behind him as he slid around the building sniffing out the cheetah. Once his eyes locked he lunged himself ontop of the barkeep, slaming him against the building wall. "Well Kaleb... I must say I guess I have more of a taste for alphas than betas. Heh you see, it isn't so much the events because I can't remember a thing as it is the fact you looked me in the face and lied. I don't take well to disrespect especially from an alpha. Funny how had you not spread the word to the rest of them, I probably would have went without knowing or caring. Restraining his arms he took the time to sniff at the male's body, starting at his torso up into the crook of his neck. "I guess I shouldn't be too angry seeing as you were considerate to find me a place and not leave me in the streets whether or not that was for your own gain." He paused, drew back and smirked "come on pretty kitty, lets go back to my place for a while." It wasn't so much a request as it was a forced invitation.
"Why did you come back if you didn't care?" he snapped back growling low in his throat. "I lied because my alpha demanded it, had I known that Dante couldn't keep his furry trap shut. I wouldn't have told him! Do you realize what I did? Can you even comprehend it? I spread my legs for and alpha of a different species!" the growl increased as the canine sniffed him so possessively. "Did you just demand that I go home with you?" he questioned jerking away from him and ducking under his arm. "Fine, just leave your pack or send them home. I will not be demeaned further in front of them do you understand?" he was aware that his pack had seen the little confrontation they followed their leader out. "Where do you live Travis?" his ears were flicking back on his head the long spotted tail twitching angrily. He was going to have to have a word with the submissive tiger when he was at work next Friday. Considering Dante only worked over the weekend and he was off on Sunday, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
"I said Could have gone without caring but now I know so yes that's why I'm here." He barked, the wolves behind him lingered almost uncomfortably with the trouble of deciding whether to join in or keep back. His ears laid back against his head with an irritated growl, he could have slammed the feline's head into the wall several times for such a tone not to mention the liquor was elevating his anger. He reminded himself he was afterall, dealing with another alpha so he unclenched his jaw."Did I not make myself clear enough for you? Come on." Turning and facing the two as he led the feline out onto the open streets "Get drunk, get laid without me, I have some business to take care of." Chris took the hint but Yvonce didn't catch it as quick and they moved aside. Travis kept it too himself that his house was really a den where many of his pack resided, not that they couldn't fight it out in complete privacy. "Down this road and four blocks from Alexander Ave and Fifth." He said keeping a steadier walk than he had the night before.
Kaleb snarled angrily as he followed after the wolf his ears back, and tail thrashing behind him agressivly. "You may have fucked me Travis, but don't forget I'm an alpha too, and next time you'll be the one on the bottom." the threat was low and more of a growl then anything else. He was angry beyond all measure. The wolf was speaking to him like he was an omega canine. The tone the posture and it made his alpha roar in protest. He wasn't even as the same speices he deserved a certain amount of respect loner or not. His cell phone rang, and he sighed turning it off. The last thing he needed was for Viv to send Alexander after him. Alexander was the other alpha feline, a very large rather tempremental Puma. The two of them got along decently, unless Xander tried to pull the "I'm more alpha then you" attitude.
"Yeah?.. I'll start attending AA meetings before that happens." The wolf commented with a snort, tail swayed weakly as he glanced back at the feline. He didn't bother to comment until he arrived to the two story home, outside an old wolf sat with a half spent Buggler between his lips. Exhaling through his nostrils he cocked his head at Travis who oddly enough had a cheetah close behind. "Crazy Evening?" The old wolf inquired pulling the cigar from his lips but the younger wolf said nothing and proceeded up the porch. Gramps took the hint and went back to enjoying the feel of coating his lungs with tar. "Welcome to the den." He said pushing the door open, a couple of wolves sat in the front room looking up and motioning to greet the alpha until they noticed the feline and sniffed the air.
Kaleb's ear flicked back in a defensive gesture when he noticed the number of wolves around him. His insticts told him to go back with his own kind, but his pride wouldn't let him. "Fan-fucking-tastic. Bring me into an area where I'm viewed as a potential midnight snack." he growled out shooting meancing looks and a few of the lower casted wolves. "Next time we're going to my house to talk. I live alone, it's safer there...." tail lashing behind him he kept looking straight head held high. He wasn't frightened though he knew the potential danger of being here with no group of his own to protect him if things got nasty.
"No I brought you home. They don't veiw you as a snack just a feline, a male entering their home." He shrugged grabbing the cheetah's wrist and pulling him up the staircase, passing one room blaring music behind a closed door and another with a couple of young giggling pups. He pushed the door open to the master bedroom and stepped aside for the feline to get in before he closed and locked the door. "I don't know how you and your group did it but we as a pack stay closeknit." He walked over and took a seat on his bed "so you were disowned because you prefer men?" He inquired, shaking his head at the thought. Some of his pack would disapprove of such behavior but would come to accept it over time. Then again he always considered cats to be rather fickle.
"What did he tell you my entire life story? Yes, I was the alpha of my pack and my preferance happened to lie with other males. Cheetah's weren't genetically tested upon for the same things the other felines went through. You know the test to make some beta and omega males able to bear kittens, or in your case pups. So there was no chance I'd be able to give my clowder an heir. I stepped down, my brother stepped up and then he kicked me out. Blaise never did like me much." It made sense to Kaleb which was why he stepped down to begin with, he just never expected his brother to pull rank and disown him. After the first three years or so it really didn't bother him much. Sitting down on the bed he sighed a low rumbling sound deep in his chest. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"
The wolf smirked and shook his head "just about.." He commented, chewing on the tip of his claw as the feline explained the whole situation. Closing his eyes he took it all in then exhaled, the alcohol that angered him earlier encouraged a decision to be made. Basicly his first idea was to properly thank the cheetah by paying him back for the hotel but things edged off in a completely different direction. He went to rub his chin and leaned back on his elbows and eyed the male. "Yeah. Look Kaleb, I... don't do one night stands, now whether or not you do is your business but there must have been some reason you submitted to me. So being that you're a loner, and if I can get you to submit to me again I think we can find a place for you here." He shrugged "just an idea." He shrugged ears standing back up as his shaggy tail lightly tapped the comforter over and over again.
"A cheetah in a pack of wolves?" he echoed tail twitching in thought. "Well stranger things have happened. Okay but don't expect me to go down easily this time." he purred lowly standing and released a challanging growl. He took an offensive stance and his claws glimmered in the dim light of the master bedroom. Without warning he pounced on Travis snarling and lunging as his throat. He used every bit of his alpha instict against him. The wolf wanted him to sumbit did he? He would have to earn it this time. "Come on Travis." he growled lowly. "Play with me...."
He chuckled lightly at the thought, seeing it already the few issues his pack would have with not only another male but a feline being added to the den. "Yeah I suppose." He shrugged, his ears drawing back as the male got up and showed his body language off. The wolf yipped and used the padded bottom of his foot to plant against his chest and kick him off. "PLay huh? Don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're a pretty kitty cat." He snarled rolling onto his stomach, digging his knees and paws into the sheets to get up onto his feet. Towering over the feline he grinned almost arrogantly, his wagging tail came to an abrupt hault before he dove at the cheetah.
Kaleb rolled and colided with a nearby dresser before growling and the two went tumbling across the floor. Growls, hisses, snarls the cheetah made quite a ruckus forgetting they there were other wolves in house. At one point he ended up beneath the large wolf breathing heavily his eyes glazed over in desire. It appeared as though the kitty need to play rough before he was ready to submit to the large wolf. "You think you can handle me wolf?" he purred lowly. "Because like I said I will not always submit to you..." the cheetah was breathing heavily his eyes dark with desire. Never had his alpha allowed him to spread his legs for another alpha, never. So what made Travis so special?
The wolf panted hanging over the feline, tail madly flapping back and forth. His ears drew back hearing a knock at the door and a wiggling of the handle, nothing came out of it of course because the den knew better than to force their way into his bedroom. He chuckled "oh... a week and you'll be the sweetest little beta alpha in this den." Travis grinned fully arroused by the feline's struggle for breath, he wasn't choosey and wouldn't take the time to move back to the bed. Screw that. "You'll submit, if I have to beat the energy out of you before each time I will." He smirked, running his tongue up along his chest before parting his thighs even further open. Pushing his shaft hard against the male's ass, shifting about to blindly find the entrance point.
Kaleb growled in pleasure twitching his hips up on Travis's down stroke. The mushroomed head caught him and he moaned. He was already relaxed enough to accept some of his lover's length inside him. The slender cheetah was pleased he'd chosen to meet with the wolf again. He'd still have to have a word with the beta tiger for spilling his secret. "One...of these days I'll have to show you why I was an alpha." he gasped out his long legs wrapping around his partner's waist. The movement was to encourage him to move just as it was to get him to slow down. "Relax." he moaned out. "And be gentle I had trouble walking yesterday...because of the roughness....." laughing he leaned his head up and licked the wolf's collarbone.
The wolf yipped excitedly, the feline's moan struck a distant memory from the night before. His wagging tail went errect as he felt the male's legs wrap around him, his panting slowed as he did as he was told. Smirking at Kaleb, he pushed his head into the relaxing muscles that welcomed his entry."You'll show me hm? Well I can't promise anything and you just might have to call in." He growled playfully, pushing the rest of himself into his feline lover. Be gentle? Hell he's somewhat sober now and knew what he was doing. He steadily pumped into him, dragging his shaft out then shoving it back in and allowed a pause. Whether it happens tonight or tomorrow he would have to introduce Kaleb to his pack. It may turn ugly and while the younger dogs could keep quiet, gramps will straight out speak his mind.
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