His approach to watch her from the most delicate angle made Shae slightly nervous, but she did not let her sexual energy waver. Again, she caught his scent. To her, it smelled of dark, homemade liquor, smoke, sandalwood, and amber. There was a slight sharpness to it that intrigued her, but she couldn't place it. Leather maybe, a hidden cove or library, or maybe the damp richness of the shadows on a fog-laden night. His aggressive presence shifted her imagination, and her manifested lover began to thrust deeply within her. Her lover placed her legs over his shoulders, penetrating her deeply with passion and intentional strokes. Her legs lifted slightly with the change, but they were supported by furs that moved with her. Her head tipped back, her hands reached behind her to grip the arm of the couch. The sounds leaving her lips were intense, gutteral, and full of long, overdue satisfaction that would bring on skin-crawling shudders and physical ache to any male or female hearing them. It was evident that her lover was reaching depths of her body that had long been ignored, and she was thoroughly enjoying them.