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ᑭᖇEᖴEᑕT'ֆ ᑭOIֆOᑎ (Jace x Digi)


𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔟𝔯𝔢
Staff member
Jan 8, 2020

Excited didn't even begin to cover it. Hogwarts. Fifteen long years before she could enroll. Arabella felt like she had been waiting since before she was born to join the wonder that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had only gotten worse when Layton had gone away when he had turned sixteen and she had been eleven. Before that, he had been her whole world. Why wouldn't he be? Courageous, doting and everything in her eyes that she wanted in her eventual husband. If that nameless man somewhere in her future was even half of Layton... Then her life would be perfect. Even at a young age Arabella had known finding the whole package in another was a pipe dream. There would never be another. But now! Now she was going to the same place that he disappeared to for months and months at a time.

The train ride had been a bit lonely. Arabella had hoped to sit with Layton, but as a Prefect he had been in another carriage. She'd seen him once as he'd patrolled but that had been about it. Instead she had set with other first years, feeling shy and out of place. It wasn't that people hadn't talked to her, for despite her innate shyness, Arabella was... Golden. Literally. From the burnished gold of her silky locks to the molten gold of her eyes. She looked like an angel with her golden completion and pale skin. It drew people, mostly boys to come talk to her. The attention was new to her, but something that had brought blush to her pale cheeks and drawn forth the sweetness of her laugh.

When the announcement came that they would be arriving soon, Arabella had changed into a simple black pleated skirt with a white dress shirt and thigh high socks and black robe. Without being sorted, all first years looked like she did. That would be soon enough, though Arabella knew which house she wished to be in. Slytherin. The same as Layton. While she was soft spoken, there was little doubt that she would make it in. There was a drive and ambition that was in her core and no one who knew her would deny the cunning of her mind. There was a trick after all into manipulating those around you without their knowing. Even Layton had fallen prey to his baby sister's cunning. Though, at times she was unsure if it was just him indulging her.

"First years! This way!" She could hear the booming voice calling through the gathering darkness as they began to disembark from the train. Following the others to gather before a mountain of a man. She knew without asking that this was Hagrid. She'd heard about him from Layton and she couldn't wait for her first class with him. There were a few classes she was looking forward to actually. Potions, charms, herbology and transfiguration to name a few. Cold air nipped at her bare skin and she huddled deeper into her robe as the lot of first years marched off towards the boats. The magic of this experience was a little tarnished, but mostly it was her own doing. She had badgered Layton into telling her about the ceremony and everything before it too. So the boat ride, the sorting itself, were all known. Even with it being a known quantity, butterflies tickled at her stomach, making her feel ever so slightly nauseated.

Inside the castle, it was not much warmer, though the press of other bodies chased the lingering chill away from her skin as they trouped up a flight of stairs and gather, waiting to be called in and sorted. The dull mummering stopped as a wizard approached, his short red hair unruly and his rusty eyes sharp as he took them in.
"Settle down" the rumble of his voice was deep, like thunder and the group fell silent. "Welcome to Hogwarts. The sorting will begin here in a moment. There are four houses; Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. You will attend classes with the others of your house, earn points for your house. While here, they will be like your family." Looking towards the door, as if he could hear something they could not a smile curled on his broad face. "They are ready.."

The great hall spread before them as they spilled through the door, gathered before the teachers and a stool with a manky old hat resting upon it. The brim split and a voice began to sing:

Be you short or tall,
Large or small,
I am the hat
That is here to sort you all.
I am here to choose the table
Where you will be sat,
I am the Hogwarts Sorting Hat!

If you are academically able,
Hardworking, wise and smart,
Ravenclaw is where you fit the part.

If you are crafty and sly;
Always willing to reach for the sky:
Slytherin is where your loyalties lie.

If you are friendly, loyal and true;
Hufflepuff is the place for you.

If you are brave
And adventure is what you crave:
Gryffindor is home of such a knave.

So put me on and meet your fate.
Make haste; don't be late.
Take care

And begin this adventure if you dare...

The song came to an end and the hat fell silent, a round of applause went up from the tables behind them. With that Professor Dragonmire began to call names. One by one the first years were sorted into their houses. Cheers, yells and clapping coming from the tables as they were assigned. When Arabella's name was called she smoothed her shirt before making her way to the stool. Sitting on the polished wooden surface she looked out at the tables that spanned the Great Hall. Golden eyes found her brothers and she smiled, the corners of her mouth twining upwards as she heard a voice in her head. It spoke to her of her traits, her values, toying with the idea of other houses before shouting "Slytherin!"

The hat slipped from her locks and she headed toward the table which cheered for her. Moving down the benches she came to stand near Layton, her eyes moving to the girl beside him. She pouted some, wanting to sit beside him.
"Hi, Layton, Can I sit with you?" Her small hands locked behind her back. Shifting foot to foot before the girl gave an annoyed sigh and slid down a seat. She knew this to be his little sister, he'd just told her as much. Though she had been busy flirting with him up till that point. Layton was what most girls considered a catch. A good student, handsome and there was something about when those golden eyes were focused on you.. that just made you forget everything else.

The little sister could have him.... for now.
Another year at Hogwarts was nothing significant in Layton's eyes. At least, that was how it seemed on the outside. The truth was that this year would be special. First, it was his first year as a prefect. Not something that Layton had wanted, if he was honest, but it fit the image that he had so carefully crafted. The power over other students was exciting, the respect a good secondary motivator. The responsibility was a bit of a downer, but those rules were meant to be broken and skirted.

The second thing that made this year special was the arrival of his little sister. Layton was not a warm person at his core. Sure, he knew how to adapt socially, how to control a conversation or lead a room, but he did not shower anyone with affection. The women in his life learned this the hard way, as each of his girlfriends were left behind at the first inconvenience they provided. All of this was different when it came to his sister. Arabella was the most important person in his life, bar none. He knew she was an evil little brat at her core, twisting people around to get what she wanted, but none of that mattered. He loved her with all his might. Which was why he could not wait to have her become a part of his school life too. So long as she did not complicate things, at least.

The train ride was something to be excited over. That was what Layton though when he split from Arabella and moved to the prefect carriage. He was, of course, very wrong. The only highlight was that the female prefects were all competing for his attention, but this was nothing special. Even a Ravenclaw girl wandered over and tried to make conversation. This was the kind of thing he expected from his Hogwarts experience. But, he was not in the mood. All he could do was use his role as prefect to check in on Arabella once during the ride.

Layton had good reason to be a bit of a jerk today. He was anxious about one thing that might change how his last three years went. Arabella had yet to be sorted. The chances were that she would end up in Slytherin, obviously. Siblings tended to end up in the same house for obvious reasons. Bella was a vicious little monster when she wanted something, cunning to the bone. But, she had a lot of courage under that shy exterior and a brain he was jealous of. There were real chances that she might end up somewhere away from him. So, while he did his best to smile at girls who spoke to him, to make them laugh, to touch their hand or brush their hair in ways that made them blush, his mind was elsewhere.

His anxiety did not abate for hours, sitting through the train ride, waiting through the feast, and listening to that hat's dumb song for another year. It did not change as he switched to his slacks and white shirt, tying his green and silver tie. Not even the brisk cold or his return to the school served as a distraction. No, his heart only sped up the closer it got to being his sister's turn. It was so bad that he barely exchanged words with the sixth year girl next to him at the feast. It was obvious that she him, from the way she leaned close and spoke into his ear, to the way that she was nearly spilling out her partially unbuttoned shirt.

The only relief was when Arabella finally took her place on the chair. Now, Layton could not help but talk. He leaned over to the lovely sixth year and grinned, gushing about how his sister was finally going to be sorted, how he knew she would be a Slytherin. Of course, everyone already knew it was Layton's sister. Who else had their golden hair, their shocking golden eyes, or their charming looks. The two were nearly a matched set, separated only by years.

Then, the hat laid out its choice. Slytherin! Layton thought for a moment that he would pass out with the relief. Hours, weeks even, of worrying and it had all come down to nothing. He was grinning like a fool as Arabella made her way down the rows of tables, making a path toward her brother like her life depended on it. Of course, as soon as she arrived next to him, that shy little monster stopped and assumed a cute pose. The sixth year girl was helpless against the power of a little sister and, with a meaningful look from Layton, vacated her seat for Arabella.

Of course you can sit here, Bella."

There was a brief pause as he waited for her to take her new seat. Then, overcome with joy and relief, Layton threw his arms around his sister.

Congratulations Bella! I knew you were going to be a Slytherin."

What Layton did not know, was how this little witch would be turning his life upside down from now on.
A smile, sweet as could be, was offered to the girl, though it didn't quite reach her eyes as she sat down on the bench beside Layton. Pulled into him, the hug warm and loving she embraced him back and smiled shyly up at him. "I did too, but I will admit I was a little worried." There had been a moment when the hat had considered putting her in Ravenclaw, though in the end, it was her other traits that won out. Arabella could have been ashamed of them, but she was happy knowing what she wanted and how to get it. So she might need to step on a few people to obtain her goals... There were people in the world, kind or not, that were meant to be used... Stepped on. They didn't have it in them to reach for their goals and she didn't begrudge them that. Nor, in her eyes, should they hold it against her when she scrambled over them to reach the stars.


The first few weeks were a whirlwind of activity. Classes starting, learning the layout of the castle and her absolutely new favorite thing. Cock blocking Layton. While from the outside, she seemed innocent about it, oblivious to what she was doing, there was little doubt that he was on to her. Layton knew her and while he had allowed himself to be wrapped around her little finger before, she was seriously putting a dent into his extracurricular activities. In part, this was because she wanted his time, he was hers after all. The other half though was far less endearing. They were not good enough for Layton; these trampy little whores who blatantly threw themselves at her brother. It was unseemly and what was worse is he seemed to indulge their overtures.

The first time Arabella had witnessed it was the first day of term, Layton allowing himself to be pulled into an alcove by some buxom redhead. Her hands slithering around her brother like a snake, groping, grabbing as she whispered in his ear, giggling. Had it been anyone but her big brother, she would have rolled her eyes and allowed them to fall prey to the vixen. Arabella wasn't so innocent to think that Layton was not going willingly either... Yet she had flounced up to him, green and gray plaid skirt flaring as she did so.
"Layton!" There was something in her shy voice, as she shifted her weight side to side, "Thank goodness I found someone!" Her cheeks flushed prettily and she held up her class list to him. "I need to be in charms, but I got lost. Could you help me?"

This would go one for weeks, any time she saw him in some bimbo's clutches, there would be something she needed or she'd throw her arms around him for a hug and then ask him to dinner, the library, to take a walk with her, for help with homework. It was never ending and in no time flat, the girls who were used to and or desired Layton's affections began to resent the little golden girl. She almost always found him, always put herself between them.

He was hers. He would always be hers... And he could do better.

That didn't mean that Arabella was without attention however. Boys from every house had eyes for Layton's baby sister. From carrying her books for her, to asking her to sit with them during class. They doted on her, often leaving her giggling or blushing... often both. In the evening she could be found with a group of boys surrounding her as she worked on her homework, or playing games like wizard's chess before the fire of the common room, in a set of blush leather armchairs. Even then though, Layton was not safe. For she'd often take "breaks" to come interrupt his flirting.

There was only one question. How long until he snapped?

Arabella was more than aware, for it was widely known of Layton's conquests... He was not a virgin and in truth he was something of a man whore, though she didn't begrudge him his fun before she'd come to school. It however was at an end. All that was needed was for Layton to catch on as well. It brought her a deep sense of pleasure at seeing the frustration building within her big brother. This was one of the many reasons she'd been placed in Slytherin.
Now that Arabella was in Slytherin, there was nothing to worry about. It was time for another year of school at Hogwarts and, as a prefect with his reputation, he might as well have owned the place. Everything was turning out perfectly.


God dammit! Arabella was turning out to be a massive paint in Layton's ass. It had only been a few weeks since the start of the term and she had managed to derail the one thing that he truly looked forward to when he came to this forsaken castle. Sex!

Summer break was a time of relaxation and comfort. It was the time Layton spent at home with Arabella and his family. No schemes or girls to distract him. It was also a considerable dry spell. Months at a time without feeling the touch of a woman. He missed it, yes, but taking it as a break made it all bearable. Each year he returned to Hogwarts with a plan and a list of girls who were already casual 'acquaintances' from the years prior. But, this year, Arabella had taken it upon herself to tear that list to shreds.

The first time had seemed innocent enough. Abigail, a very friendly redhead, had pulled him aside between classes. Just a few moments of fun to say hi after missing out on one another's company. Arabella had appeared almost as if she had planned it. A quick hug and a question that he had expected. Not only as her brother, but as a prefect, it was his job to guide first years when they were lost. No major issue. He could wait a little long.

"Sure, Bella. I'll take you to your class, but you need to pay better attention or this will happen all the time. The castle changes. I'll catch up with you later Abs."

One was an accident. Twice was a coincidence. But any more than that was a plan. And it certainly was more than once or twice.

Layton had his fingers entwined with the same overly-friendly sixth year girl from the term start feast. The library was the destination and some very needed relief was what he intended to get. He would not let this fall through. Two weeks of the term had already passed and not a single girl had touched him more than passingly. There was no way he would let this go by. Then, he heard it. A sweet voice requesting help with her homework. Layton could only sigh and turn, smiling widely to his little sister.

A full month into the term and the best thing that Layton had managed was a hand down his pants. Nothing more before Bella had caught him again. It was maddening. He had expected his sister to come and carve her portion of Hogwarts out, to charm and scheme her way up the social ladder. Instead, Arabella had managed to take his portion and taken a leg our from under him. His kingdom wobbled under his feet.

The worst part of it was the hypocrisy. There was not a single day that he would look for her where she would not be surrounded by boys. It was enough to drive him insane and after perhaps a dozen occasions of, what Layton could only assume was, ruthless cock blocking; Layton was done.


Layton had his tongue buried in the mouth of the redhead from the start of term when he heard the sound of light steps. Breaking away, Layton scowled.

"Abigail, you should go."

And so, Layton was alone when Arabella turned the corner. His expression was severe, his foot tapping loudly. It was not often that the older brother showed his beloved younger sister this kind of expression.

"Arabella Ashsorrow! Please, please, please tell me why you are doing this to me! Do you think this is funny?"
He'd vanished... But it wouldn't dissuade her from finding him. Arabella knew her big brother well and had come to know his preferred spots. Secluded, away from prying eyes. In part it was fun to see the anguish that filled his eyes as she inevitably found him. The way he'd school his face and smile at her. He was hers. The sooner he and the others figured that out, the easier life would be for all. Her possessive nature was almost innocent, the taboo of being his in truth was beyond her imagining. But, he was her big brother... she was used to a certain level of attention from him and she wouldn't let school or some hussies take that from her. Besides, his choices were abysmal. She was really just protecting him from his poor choices. She was being a good little sister!

Humming softly she walked down a deserted corridor, heading to the secluded alcove behind a statue of a lion. Rounding the corner she saw the redhead leaving. Abigail threw her a dirty look and Arabella gave her a sweet, puzzled look. It said, "What did I do?" Then Layton stepped out. The look on her face made her pause, and even take a step back, her large golden eyes filling with worry. An act, but one she pulled off flawlessly. Brows rose and she frowned.

"Arabella Ashsorrow! Please, please, please tell me why you are doing this to me! Do you think this is funny?"

Her mouth parted into a small little o of confusion. "Doing what?" Her act was so thorough that her voice held doubt, unsurety. "What is funny??" Puzzled she took another step back, hands before her, fingers twisting together, an anxious little act. "I don't know what you are talking about Layton." Her voice was filling with something else, tears. "I just.. just.. just.. wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to the library. I have a paper to write and you.. you know I get nervous writing papers." She looked down and shook her head, golden hair flying side to side. "Never mind!" Her voice rose, threatening tears further.
"Sorry for bothering you...."

She turned to leave. The big breasted redhead had already left, her job was done. Guilt would likely work here. Make him doubt himself. Or, he'd know it was an act. Even then, her job was still done. In truth, she was surprised it had taken Layton this long to confront her about it. From what she understood, he was more than a little bit of a ladies man. He wasn't even sticking to his own house when it came to his conquests. If you were pretty, you could be his prey. A soft snort echoed in her mind. He also seemed to like those who were curvier. Something Arabella was not. She was delicate, small... her body curved, but it wasn't as noticeable if you placed her beside someone like Abigail. She hoped her back hurt.. the slut. It was a sore spot in truth for Arabella. Her breasts were at most a handful and that was being generous... Her hips flared and her rear was pleasant, but she wasn't a buxom vixen. She never would be.

Hugging herself, adding to her act, head bowed, Arabella was walking away from her brother. He'd follow her, not Abigail, no matter if he fell for her act or not....

She was his world. Would always be his world.
For a moment, Layton was unsure how Arabella had even managed to find him. He had told no one, except Abigail, left without saying anything to his sister, and chosen a particularly hidden away corridor. This was going to be the time he finally got some release. There was only one explanation. His sister had watched Layton leave and followed. That was it. The final proof that he needed to confront her. So, when he saw her round the corner, he called out, anger obvious.

Then, that surefire anger faltered immediately. The look on Arabella's face was so genuine, so scared of what his face meant, his words meant. The way that she spoke was timid and a little uncertain, nothing like what he expected when he decided to confront her. Then, she spoke in that small voice and turned her back to Layton. Did she really not know what she was doing? Did she really plan to go hide and cry because her big brother had gotten mad at her over a coincidence? It made Layton's stomach drop and he instantly lost of all of his rage.

Except, Layton was not simple. Layton was just as good as his sister at manipulating people when the need arose. It was something that he never needed to practice on Arabella. The girl practically worshiped him and he knew it. But, if the tables were turned, Arabella was an expert who knew her brother better than anyone. She would figure out his favorite hiding spots through whatever means necessary, hunt him down to keep that image she built of him pristine. Even thinking the best of the younger sibling, there was simply no way this was an accident. Not so many times in a row. So, he took long strides after his sister.

However, Arabella had accomplished what she needed to. Anger had turned to curiosity and annoyance. A potent combination, but it would put a stop to any yelling from Layton. It would cool the conversation at least a little. In fact, it had even earned Arabella a gentle hug.

Layton stepped quickly to close the distance and he threw his arms around Arabella with all the love and affection that he had showed on the day of her sorting. His chin rested on her head and he nearly scooped her off her feet as he pulled her in. No escape from a big brother hug.

"I'm not stupid Bella." His words were a little harsh compared to the tight hug, but nothing volatile. "You kept it up too well. I know you have been keeping me away from girls all term. So, just tell me why and I will do my best not to get mad. Okay?"

This was the side of Layton that was strictly for his sister. Even in anger he could not resist the urge to dote on her like this. It was an addiction, a need. The feeling of her small frame held close, the scent of her hair, the warmth of her. All of it was a comfort that he rarely allowed himself. Comfort that was rarely found in the world he had cultivated. His only other comfort was those buxom vixens that Arabella seemed to dislike so much. Without that to fall back on, he had to indulge Arabella or he might lose that as well.

After all, she was his world and always would be.
Arms closed around her as she made her retreat and Arabella could feel the warmth of his body soaking into her skin. Hogwarts was often chilly and she found this surprising embrace comforting. While she had stiffened initially, she relaxed, even sagged back into her big brother, her eyes closing for a moment. His chin found the top of her golden locks and she lifted both hands to wrap around one of his forearms, a sort of hug in return. A small smile played on her lips as he informed her he wasn't stupid and she nodded some. Turning some, she looked up at him. They were both golden, it was a trait of the Ashsorrows, that pale complexion with molten gold eyes and hair like spun gold. "I am just.. used to a certain amount of attention," her voice was soft, embarrassed even. "And.. they take up so much of your free time..." There was pure resentment in her voice that they dare take him from her.

Shifting in his arms she wrapped her own around his waist, stepping in closer.
"You are mine," there was fierce possessiveness in her voice and she hugged him tightly. The next words she whispered were shy and sad. "I will never look like they do.." The fact that she had boys around her at any given time didn't matter. They would never be him and his choices were.... clear. Her voice was bitter, "If I was more like them, would you like me more? If I showed off more skin, if I would throw myself at you." The words betrayed something that not even Bella was aware of and she hid her face against his chest further.

What would happen next was never planned by her. She had never really considered an option. Pulling back some, Arabella rose on her toes and her mouth found his. Her small, lithe form pressed against him as she kissed him. It was innocent as kisses went, though it was whom she was kissing that broke all the rules. Suddenly, once more she stiffened in his arms. As if just realizing who she was kissing. Pulling away, worming from his grasp she turned and fled in truth. Not even a sorry offered in repentance for her actions. Her small feet pounding against the stone floors as she ran from the kiss, from him and the feeling that bubbled up inside her.

What had she done? Everything she had said had been the truth... but... What did it even mean? These feelings were confusing. The jealousy made even more sense than just them not being good enough for him. No one would ever be good enough for him in her eyes. No one was her. Just like none of the boys were him. Is that why she'd never allowed any of these boys that rose to greet her as she reentered the common room to get close? They were amusing distractions, but they were never really considered for her affections. Should... She be more like Layton? Enjoying their company? Without care or concern.

She hadn’t even told him they were not good enough for him. But she knew now, only she was, and that… was a problem.
It brought a smile to Layton's face when his sister surrendered herself into his embrace. This was how the Ashsorrow siblings behaved. They were both wicked manipulators, yes. They both tended to think very little of others when they did things. However, they never hurt one another. That was why her actions over the last month had been so shocking, and why Layton had been so unwilling to admit that it had all been intentional. This was better, together like this.

Then, she admitted the truth. Arabella was jealous of having her big brother taken away. He could understand that feeling. There were days during the prior years that Layton had missed his little sister fiercely. Part of the reason he had thrown himself into the arms of so many girls was that he had been lonely. So, of course, he had no reason to resent her. His anger and irritation cooled even as Arabella spat venom, her dislike for the women who took up his time more obvious than even the emotions she had put on for show.

What came next, as Arabella turned and hugged him close, was something new. The irritation continued to show in his sister's voice as she started on a new line of thoughts. Bitter and angry, she compared herself to the girls that took up his free time. But, it was no simple comparison of importance. She was concerned about her looks, how they compared to who he chose to sleep with. Layton was her's? She would never look like them? It sounded like Arabella wanted to be something other than his sister. She wanted to be his lover.


Before Layton could correct this line of thought, tell her how foolish it was to compare like that, his lips were stolen. It was soft, chaste, but the intention behind it was clear. This was a kiss meant to be taken seriously. Suddenly, his heart began to pound in his chest, his mind raced. Each thought bounced from point to point, trying to solve what was happening. However, despite knowing that it was the wrong place to arrive, each thought met at the same spot, the most primal part of him. It felt good. Very good.

Layton loosened his grip and tried to deepen the kiss, his hands sliding up Arabella's back for just a fraction of a second. Then, she was gone. His sister pulled away from the kiss before he could make any more of it. His arms were empty and Bella was stepping quickly down the hall. Layton could only watch, his body frozen.

What had just happened? Arabella was jealous. That much was certain. Why was she jealous? Why had she kissed him? Why had it felt so absolutely incredible? So many questions were left in him that he could not attempt to follow. He only watched his beautiful golden sister walk away.


Layton spent the better part of the next day thinking about that kiss. Not about any of the girls who would give him much more than that. Only about Arabella and the feeling of her lips, the words she had said and the things they she had offered. It sounded... amazing. To have her show more of herself, to throw herself at him, to kiss him and more. Yet, he knew it was wrong to think. Or was it? Was it so wrong to want to have someone who understood him? Who could be his equal? He needed to speak to her.

So, after dinner the next day, having avoided seeing his sister for a full day, Layton went to the library. She likely had not been lying about having a paper to work on. And so, he found Arabella sitting at a secluded table near the restricted section. Taking the seat across from her, Layton cleared his throat.

"Please, don't run away Bella."
For once, she kept her distance from Layton. The kiss had drawn forth emotions that she didn't know how to handle. The first was why had she kissed him? What had made her even think that was a viable option? The next was why hadn't it bothered her? The last thing was the small sort of day dream of being... his and the annoyance of how she wouldn't be able to flaunt that fact. Bella knew that Layton more or less used the girls for his own pleasure. He never attached himself to them. They were disposable. In her mind they could be... perfect together. She was his match, in more than one way. It wasn't even pride that made that line of thought bubble up. It was fact, truth.... pick the word, it didn't matter or change that she was his match. Arabella had always known that there was a difference in the way he treated her and the way he treated anyone else in his life. Family, friends and clearly lovers.... He had always been hers.

This knowledge didn't change the facts though. The fact that they shouldn't... couldn't be together. It was wrong. That morality grated at her, but she knew the taboo for what it was. The world might turn a blind eye on a lot, but incest? Even in the wizarding world it wasn't allowed, at least as far as she knew.

While still aware of his movements, she now used the power that allowed her to stalk him to avoid him. When he came into the common room, she wasn't there. He'd missed her at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now she hid in the library working on her paper... That was generous... Her mind was wandering back to the kiss. Had she imagined him pulling her in closer? Trying to deepen the soft kiss? Arabella could remember the taste of his lips and his scent filling her nose as she had pressed her smaller body to his.

Staring off into space, her eyes on her ink bottle she hadn't seen Layton approach it wasn't until the chair scraped back that she looked up, her big brother clearing his throat as her eyes met his and widened. Shifting in her seat, Bella was indeed about to flee. She wasn't quite ready to face him after that kiss. After the jumble of emotions that had been plaguing her. Setting her quill down her hands moved to her lap, resting on her black skirt, fingers tugging at her black thigh highs. Inclining her head some, she watched him with wary golden eyes.

What did he want? Arabella had theories. How it was wrong to have kissed him... That they couldn't be. That she was a silly girl, thinking he'd want her. She clearly wasn't his "type". All of them stung and she wouldn't have admitted even under the cruciatus curse how badly. Her eyes moved down to her paper, unable to hold his gaze any longer. Her charms paper was half done, though with how distracted she'd been, it was a surprise to find it so far along. Inhaling slowly she looked back to him, trying to steel herself for what he had to say.

"You found me, asked me to stay..."
The words should have held annoyance and they did, but it faltered around the edges. "What do you want, Layton?" The annoyance didn't hide the sorrow in her eyes as she watched him. It took a lot to not flee as he had requested of her. She didn't want him to tell her any of those things... She didn't want to see him with those.. those.. girls. She knew that others would never be right for her... as much as she knew the same for him.
The way that Arabella replied caught Layton off guard. There were so many things wrong with it. She never spoke to him with that hard edge in her voice. More accurately, she never attempted to have a hard edge, as now it faltered and fell away before she finished her sentence. However, Layton knew his sister well enough to tell that she was struggling to keep herself composed. That itself was enough to throw him off of his train of thought. It seemed that she had been thinking about the kiss just as much as he had.

While Arabella had focused on why they could never be together, Layton had been thinking of how perfect of an idea it was. There was no one more important to him than his sister, of that he was sure. He had worried about her usurping his power at the school, detracting from what he had built over the years. Why? Why did he assume she would take away instead of adding to it? The pair were two halves of the same and it was foolish to forget that and try to keep them separate. Even the taboo of the relationship was questionable in his mind. After all, they were Ashsorrows, pure blooded and powerful. While they could not flaunt it, such relationships were not unheard of.

So, what did he want? That was a question that Layton asked himself often, and the answer was that he wanted very little, because he took it if he wanted it. Why should this be any different?

"About what happened yesterday..."

His voice was soft as Layton moved to sit up in his chair, leaning forward. It was a small motion but it was enough to hint at what was on his mind. The library disappeared from his vision and all he saw was Bella, sitting across the table from him. He continued to close the distance though. For a few long seconds, Layton simply moved nearer to his sister. Soon they were close enough that he could feel her breath on him. He spoke softly, barely above a whisper.

"I think I want you, Bella. I want you all to myself."

While Bella had wondered why he would ever want her, Layton had come to realize there was no one else who fit him as well. Yes, she was physically different from his usual girl, but there was nothing wrong with that. In fact, those girls were simply what he wanted at the time. Bella was what he needed, who he belonged with. For every doubt that Arabella seemed to have, Layton was equally sure that he wanted this, wanted her.

So, with that thought in his mind, Layton closed the distance himself, pressing his lips to Arabella's in a gentle and chaste kiss. It was difficult to keep it so soft, so innocent, when he had already made up his mind that Bella was the only one for him, but he wanted to mirror what they had done before, the kiss from yesterday that had made him realize all of these things. However, Layton found he was weaker than expected.

The kiss deepened a fraction, his lips parting just a little in order to more thoroughly feel her lips against his own. He wanted to jump over the table, but knew that was his month of forced celibacy and not the logical part that wanted to keep Arabella safe and happy. Instead, he settled for softly capturing her bottom lip between his own and giving it the softest of pressure. The kiss was still innocent and sweet, but he hoped she would feel that little bit of need in it as well.
"About what happened yesterday..."

There was a rustle of cloth and Arabella looked back to him as he leaned forward some, his long torso hovering over the table between them. Her golden eyes widened a fraction and she nodded some. Fear and anticipation collided within her. He didn't seem angry, but she couldn't even begin to hope. Not just to have him dash the fleeting feeling that had blossomed since that kiss. That desire had formed. She couldn't handle it. He moved closer, until his face was inches from her own. Her cheeks flushed and his name was a whisper.
"Layton..." It was unsure, shy and held a lingering touch of fear.

His next words though made her breath catch in her throat.

"I think I want you, Bella. I want you all to myself."

Wanted her? There was confusion, a clear question forming in her mind when his lips met her own. The question died and she froze, eyes widening further before they fell closed. It was like the kiss she'd given him. Chaste, sweet.. but it was a kiss he returned. It wasn't brotherly, no matter how sweet it was. It was something far darker. Bella felt his lips part as he pressed closer still and she shivered before leaning into him, meeting that kiss. Throwing caution to the wind. Her lower lip captured, she made a soft sound in her throat, a purr of sorts, throaty and filled with desire and longing.

Kissing was not unusual to her, but at her age, she had not done more. She'd never let it get that far. A tease at her core, she strung the boys along... So this was all new territory to her. Pulling back she liked her lower lip, she could taste him still; the sweetness of citrus, sun ripened... Slowly her eyes opened and she met his own.
"Layton.." There wasn't any emotion that could have been construed as unhappy. It was wonderment, puzzlement perhaps too. She could have questioned what he meant, that he wanted her all to himself. But rather she bit her lower lip as she sat back.

"You think?" She wasn't mad, she honestly wanted nothing more than to kiss him again. Thoughts and images played in her head. Straddling his lap with his arms around her as they kissed, feeling how his body reacted to their kissing... She shivered again and toyed with the edge of her thigh high, eyes on him. "I am not a fling, Layton.." She wanted to be sure he knew this, though, in truth Arabella doubted that was his goal. Yet a small part of her mind whispered to her that he used women, discarded them. "And... there will be no more Abigail or others.. " This was his chance to back out, to change his mind.

"You will be only mine.." There was that purr again and even if his baby sister didn't quite understand all that it meant, there was no mistaking the possession in her voice.
Layton felt like his heart was going to pound out of his chest as he held Arabella's lips against his own. They had done this only a day ago and yet it felt like something completely new. He had kissed more girls than he could recall in this library and yet none of it felt as satisfying as this single touch of the lips. Then, the pressure increased as Bella returned the kiss. That soft purr from his sister, that sound of approval, went deep into his chest and it took everything he had not to push himself over her homework and pounce on her.

As Arabella pulled away, so did Layton, his eyes locked on her own. It was absolutely intoxicating in a way that Layton had never experienced. Why was it so different to kiss her? Then, she licked her lip and it was too much. Layton was ready to climb over the table and make whatever relationship they had before change into something else. Then, she said his name and he paused.

It seemed for a moment that she would approve of his actions, give him implicit permission to go further. Instead, she picked at his choice of words. It irked him if he was to be honest. Of course he meant what he said and she was not a fling. But, he could not bring himself to call her out for her question. She was scared that it was all going to disappear just like he was. It showed the most when she said that there would be no more Abigails.

Then that purr returned to her voice and the way she claimed him brought him back to that perfect feeling that he had gotten from the kiss. Layton stood and moved around the table with a deliberate slowness. He took the seat next to Arabella now, close enough that his heart beat was starting to speed up again. While his sister was thinking about the possible ways she could kiss him, indulge in his affections, Layton was stuck in the same fantasies.

"I know that. I don't think of you that way. I didn't even know I felt this way until... until you kissed me." He leaned in again, closing the distant to only a few inches again. "I don't want any girls like Abigail anymore. But, remember something. You will belong to me, too."

With his own claim staked on her, Layton leaned in and closed the gap between them to almost nothing. However, he did not kiss her. He let their noses brush against each other and he wanted to close his eyes and take her lips, but he resisted. Instead, he smiled and buried his fingers into her golden locks. They were a breath away from kissing again and he knew that it would be something more than the first two, something intense. He wanted to make sure their commitment real.

"Kiss me, Bella. I want you to really kiss me."
He didn't answer her at first, he stood and moved around the table, taking the seat beside her. His movement had been unhurried, lazy even as he had closed the gap that the table had enforced upon them. Closer and somehow further away then their kiss had been moments ago. Her demands were not negotiable and for a moment, Arabella steeled herself for another kiss, something to try and sway her. It wasn't that she thought poorly of Layton, but in his place, she might have tried to worm more from him... Just because she'd been wrapping him around her little finger since birth didn't mean that he wasn't more than capable of bending her to his will. Even she knew that.

The rumble of his voice made her eyes rise to meet his as he leaned in, his face inches from her own. Her smile was soft, and she rubbed the tip of her nose to his in an affectionate nuzzle. "I was always yours, Layton." She had always been his. It might have taken that kiss to make her see how deep that loyalty went, to know how true her feelings for her big brother were. She drew back to where they had been but he moved closer once more, their nose brushing now simply due to their closeness. His hand slid into her hair and it took every bone in her body to not purr like a kitten from the feel.

"Kiss me, Bella. I want you to really kiss me."

His demand was made, but Bella was nothing if not herself when it came to orders. He'd commanded that she kiss him. Really kiss him. She shifted some, slipping from her seat, slipping closer to him, her rear sliding along his thighs, her skirt bunching up as she moved into his lap. Now it wasn't just their faces inches apart.
"You didn't say please..." Her lips brushed his as she spoke and she gave his lower lip a little nip. Her arms slid around his neck, her legs dangling on either side of his own, her feet inches from the ground. Her tongue curled against the tip of his nose. It seemed she was in no hurry to obey her big brother...

Lips brushed the corner of his mouth, then the other side. Below each eye, feather light, her kisses as they trailed along his face. As if this was foreplay she drew the moment out before she finally gave into his demand. She might have waited for a sound to slip from him. Annoyance, amusement.. it mattered not. She simply wanted a rise out of him. Once he'd given her that precious sound, her mouth found his. This kiss was far from chaste, her tongue brushing his lower lip, a demand of entrance. Once his mouth opened to her, her tongue slipped into his mouth, brushing against his. She wasn't passive or innocent now. While much more was outside her comfort zone, she was quite skilled at kissing... after all.. practice makes perfect. A soft sigh slipped from her mouth into his and she nipped at his tongue, a gentle, playful action.

It was clear with others, Bella led... With Layton, she was testing the waters. She doubted he'd allow her to take a position of power over him. She would have bet that he'd only allow her cheek for so long.
The feeling of her nose nuzzling his, the closeness of their bodies, the little affections that they were sharing, it was all enough to make Layton impossibly happy. Strange to think that the one thing he truly wanted was right there for most of his life. All it took was a simple kiss for both of them to awaken to the idea. Now, it was obvious, the most simple thing in the word. Arabella belonged to him and he belonged to her, there was nothing easier than that. Of course, in their little bliss, Bella decided to tease.

Layton watched as Bella slid from her seat and into his lap, a smooth transition that made his entire body become tense. She was so close now and it made him aware of the femininity of her body. The softness of her against his lap, her scent, the sight of her thighs as the skirt bunched higher and higher with each movement. Normally, so little would have done just a little to excite him. But, this was different. This was Arabella and the taboo of letting his eyes wander only made it sweeter. It was so intense that by the time she bit his bottom lip, teasing even more, Layton felt himself swelling against her rear. Yet all she could do was chastise him for not saying please.

It was almost too much, being at the mercy of Arabella for the moment. He had given her the initiative and she had taken it to play with. A little lick on the tip of his nose, the kisses on the corners of his mouth, his face. She was mercilessly playing with him and it was driving the older sibling wild. It was not until she brushed their noses together again, so cute and affectionate on her path to pepper him with more kisses, that he lost composure. A groan of frustration escaped from his throat. It seemed that was all it took to satisfy her.

The moment that their lips connected again, Layton was ready to attack. His self control had been tested repeatedly over the last month and there was very little left even before the barrage of teasing. So, when that little tongue teased his lip and so politely asked for entrance, there was no hesitation. His mouth opened greedily, letting their tongues play inside of his mouth, the little nips making his groan in a much more pleasant way this time. It was interesting to have Arabella be so aggressive when he was so used to being the one in control. However, he was in control because that was how he liked it and, sister or not, he did what he liked.

Layton wrapped his arms around her small frame, easily encompassing her and resting his hands on her hips. With a light tug, her body easily slid that last bit together, pressing them flush against on another. Now, it was time for his tongue to do the attacking. He pushed into her mouth, teasing her tongue, rubbing against her mouth, turning his head so their lips were more perfectly sealed. The groans that escaped were hungry and he knew by now that she would have noticed how impossibly hard he had gotten just from the feeling of their lips together.

It was a long while of teasing and playing in each other's mouths before Layton finally broke away, his breathing a bit heavy. He was boring on animal now, his hunger for the beautiful girl on his lip boiling over into something dangerous. Hungry for more contact, Layton tilted his head and moved to her neck, burying his face in her hair while his lips found the soft skin of her throat. He had no intention of going much further, his last bits of logic keeping the beast under control, but the desire to hear more sweet sounds from his sister drove him.

"Tell me when you want me to stop, Bella." His words were punctuated with a gentle bit and kiss on her neck. "I don't think I can unless you tell me."
When she had pictured her life, down the line, she had never really known how she'd find someone to match what she desired in a partner. Long had Layton been the golden rule when it came to what she'd want when it came to finding a mate. Back then, she hadn't thought about the more intimate aspects. It had been simpler, sweeter. How he doted on her. The strength of his character, all the little details a little sister could look up to as inspiration of what a man should be. Yet, now a new door had swung wide and she knew that she'd never need another. Layton would forever be hers.

There was a thrill as she took charge and teased him. The feeling of him slowly hardening beneath her, the way his body had tensed. All of it was felt, known and she reveled in the way he reacted to her. She had seen his eyes drift between them, taking in the pale flesh between the stripes of blackness, even as that paleness grew, as her skirt bunched along her thighs. The teasing sweet, drew our the mounting anticipation. This was all so new to her and Arabella already knew she was addicted. To him, the state, the feeling... Without so much unknown it was almost overwhelming.

Yet, she drew it out, drew out what she knew. This was her comfort zone and soon, she'd be out of it. There was very little doubt that it would not progress from here, no matter how slow she pushed things. Layton would have a breaking point and a small part of Bella was looking forward to finding it. There was perverse pleasure in pushing him to his limits and to see what would happen when he reached them... not just what she imagined might happen.

Layton pulled her closer, closing any and all distance between them. Her slender body pressed to his more toned one. It was then that Layton took what he wanted and Arabella, used to leading, found a sweet pleasure in letting go, submitting to him. His mouth slanted over her own hungry, needy and she matched his passion. Whimpering she squirmed some, an ache building between her thighs. Their kissing left her breathless, her head swimming and her lips swollen from his affection. As he pulled back, his lips found her throat and she tilted her head, giving him access to the tender flesh.

A breathy sigh left her and she bit her lower lip, eyes closed. He offered her the control, the power to stop him. A hand slid into his hair, fingers curling into the thickness of golden locks and she made a soft sound in her throat. She wasn't ready to stop, not yet. There was no thought other than him. No worry of being caught, her paper forgotten. There was only Layton in her universe. A small hand slipped between them and her fingers brushed against his chest, lowering until they could slip inside his shirt, her nails playing against his skin.
Layton was certain that Arabella could feel his heartbeat. Pressed together like this, he his excitement was spilling over and, where their bodies met, he was sure she would be able to feel the pounding in his chest. Even as he had broken the kiss, his breath came in pants and his eyes were burning with need. It was amazing to feel this way again, to have something that he truly wanted and to get it. With other girls it had been different. He was satisfying a need, spreading a reputation, killing time. With Arabella, it was more than just scratching an itch. It made him happy.

As his mouth found her neck, her fingers began to pull and search at the bottom of his shirt. Unable to stand the impatient fingers, Layton took it upon himself to pull his shirt untucked, giving her the access that she wanted. The feeling of nails scratching on his chest made Layton gasp and he found his mouth ravenously trying to exact revenge for the feeling she was giving him. So, with a groan, Layton continued his attack on her throat.

His lips parted and he bit softly at the lovely pale flesh. One hand matched her own, diving deep into her golden curls and holding her head tilted to the side. His tongue lashed out, running from her collarbone to her jaw. Another bite nipped at her jaw and he felt himself throb against the softness of her skin. Keeping his hands to himself was impossible at this point. While one was occupied in keeping a tight hold on her hair, the other began to roam from her shoulder and down her back. His fingers ran down her spine and toward her hips, feeling the narrowness of her hips, the shape of her body. Then, he moved down a little more and found the fullness of her ass.

There was another soft gasp and Layton sank his teeth into collarbone, hoping to fill her with a bittersweet pleasure mixed with a bit of pain. His hand grasped her rear tightly through the fabric of the skirt. His hips grinded up and he groaned, full of need.

"You are playing a dangerous game, Bella. I'm losing my mind." He growled into her ear.

The feeling of her body against his straining need was making him lose his control. He had bitten and kissed and touched. Every moment of it pushed him further and his self control was gone. His hand in her hair released and slid down her back to join the other on her ass, cupping each side of her perfect bottom. With a groan, he pushed his hips up, rubbing his hard cock against her. He could feel the heat of her, the softness of her panties and the smoothness of her skin. His length was so hard and pressed so tightly against his pants that the rough fabric only enhanced the feeling.

"Lift up your skirt and look at what you are doing to me."
It felt like her blood was boiling, her nerves on fire. It was intoxicating that something that had never been fully realized was now reality. If her mind hadn't been foggy with her building lust and desire, she might have been able to admit to herself she'd always had these feelings, but their taboo nature mingled with the fear of denial would have kept her from ever pursuing it. One reckless kiss had been all it had taken for the sibling to realize their feelings. It was... magic all on it's own.

A giggle left her as he pulled at his own shirt, as if annoyed at her fumbling fingers. It didn't hurt her feelings, she found it almost cute, his desire to be touched by her. Arousing as well, and her nails played against his skin. The gaps made her purr in her throat, the sound throaty, pleased. His mouth assaulted her neck, causing goosebumps to rise along her arms and the bare skin of her thighs. It was the bite though that made her moan. Flash of pain mixed with pleasure she closed her eyes tightly as his hand slid into her hair, tightening as he guided her head where he wanted.

The wet trail of his tongue, the play of his teeth once more against her jawline. His free hand seemed unable to stay still, roaming along her back, her sides, as if trying to memorize her form before ever seeing her naked. The grope to her ass made her giggle again, breathless, that ended in a groan as he bit against her collarbone. Her nails bit into his skin, reflexively and she whimpered softly as he ground himself into her. She was wet, there was little to no doubt of that and her cheeks flushed as she pushed herself against him, finding a sweet, though far from innocent pleasure from the friction.

His growled warning made her smile.
"Is that so, so poor is your control?" Oh, she knew how cruel this remark was. He'd become more than accustomed to getting his needs met while at school and she had denied him that fulfillment to date. Yet, it was fun to poke the bear so to speak. To prod at his pride. A part of her wanted to be punished for her brattiness, the other wanted to see if he could hold out or if he'd indeed fail. Both held intrigue for her.

He now cupped her ass in his strong hands and she gasped as he held her in place, grinding against her. A demand she looked at what she was doing to him, made her head bend, her skirt already mostly pushed up was gently pulled the rest of the way and her lips formed a little oh of surprise. Her one hand rested flat against his chest still while the other slid down between them. Her fingers brushed him and she looked up at him, kissing him. A wicked, evil little idea flared to life in her mind and she withdrew the hand brushing his aching length and slipped them between her own thighs. Pulling back from the kiss she held up glistening fingers.

"Look at what you are doing to me."
The unending flow of gloriously sensual sounds from Arabella was all of the encouragement that Layton would ever need. Her soft moans and groans, that sweet purr from deep inside, even that mixed sound of pain and pleasure when his teeth dug into soft flesh. All of it made him ache with need and want to attack her even more throughly. The sweetest sound of all, though, was those lovely whimpers of need as he drove his hips mercilessly upward, grinding with all of his might.

Bella seemed to not be content with simply being a bystander in this either. The sensation of nails against his skin was something that Layton was used to, though usually they assaulted his back, his shoulders. The feeling of little painful scratches down his chest was a bit novel, another way of marking this taboo encounter as real. It was all starting to become overwhelming, despite his experience. The sounds, the sensation, the sight of his perfect golden sister grinding her hips, all of it was combining together to make the blood pound in his ears as the the lust began to hit a critical mass inside of him. Then, she deemed it necessary to tease him.

"My control..." He pushed upward hard, coaxing a groan from his own lips. "Has been tested for weeks. I haven't taken care of it myself even once. So, you have to take all of this awful hunger and be responsible for what you have done."

Layton was prepared to make her do just that as his hips began to roll in place, pressing him so tightly against her hidden womanhood that he could feel her heat, her wetness. Combined with his own aching need, his flow of precum, Layton could tell they had already stained his pants. If they continued at this rate, he would soon make that much worse. But, the only other choice was to push Bella further, to dirty her in a way that they would never turn back from.

Layton watched as his sweet sister obeyed his command, looking where they were pressing together. Her obedience made him boil over and the tempo of his hips increased, his eyes following her hands as they moved to touch him, to really touch him, for a few moments. He thought that would be what broke him as his hips began to grind harder, the fabric of her panties audibly scratching against his rough trousers. He could even see how her pussy was trying to wrap around the large bulge as it rubbed roughly against her.

Then, she caught his lips in another kiss and he returned it hungrily, ready to take this as a chance to slow down, the pleasure building to an apex at an alarming rate. That is, Layton planned to stop until she broke away and held those glistening fingers before him. She was so wet, wet enough to mirror the obvious arousal his bulge showed. That was a step too far, his arousal boiling over completely.

Layton groaned and whimpered as he started to push up with more force. Soon, he was supporting their weight partially with his legs, lifting Arabella slightly in his ravenous hunger, his lust. Then, it happened. The need spilled over and Layton simply gasped, his cock twitching savagely in his trousers. He felt the cum pour from him in waves, thick strands darkening the fabric that had not already been stained. It was impossibly hot and he was sure the mess would be incredible. So tight was the clothing around the twitching bulge that a few visible drops pressed through.

The words that his control had been sorely tested thrilled her. Why did it make her happy to know that he'd been suffering because of her actions? A smirk curled along her lips as he told her she'd need to take responsibility for what she'd done. "Is that so, big brother?" The tease was clear as was the slight challenge in her voice. She'd make him make her, the idea of Layton forcing his will as much of a turn on as knowing she'd denied him. She liked the almost needy way in which he touched her.

The kiss had been delicious but not nearly as much as the look on his face as he took in the glisten of her finger tips. Arabella had never been quite so bold, never felt the need, but she found herself coming easy to the role so to speak. Had she known it would be this fun, she might have indulged the boys sooner, but there was something almost perfect in knowing Layton would be her first. To know that he'd shape her. Bella was an odd mix of dominance and submission for the first time in her life. She'd never allowed one of the other boys to push her around, demand things of her; she'd have scoffed at their arrogance and then made them come crawling back to her in apology. With Layton though? She wanted to submit, though... he would need to 'help' her along.

The friction from their grinding was heaven, a pleasure that she'd not known before. A giggle slipped from her as he shifted, her weight held almost solely by his legs. His gasp made her eyes widen and she felt as the spot between them became wetter and she chuckled low, almost evilly as he announced what she already knew.
"Poor thing, really were all bent out of shape, huh?" She nipped at his chin and gave him the cutest pout. "But you came, what about me?" She cast a look behind him, looking out at the library. "Perhaps we should retire elsewhere?" This was for two reasons. One, he'd have to get up and walk out with his cum stained pants, unless he vanished it away. Two, they shouldn't be caught in the act. Though... there was a thrill in being caught all the same.

She nuzzled her nose behind his ear and inhaled his scent.
"Surely my big brother will not leave his baby sister wanting. This is the first time I have gone this far and I ache, Layton. "She licked the edge of his ear, acting on instinct alone. "Make me feel good, big brother?" The words whispered into his ear. "Please." The word was filled with need and desire and she wiggled in his lap a little, emphasizing her predicament.
It seemed that Arabella was caught between a desire to be controlled and a need to be the one in control. She wiggled her hips so greedily and yet continued to tease him. He had just cum. There should have been a respite from his incredible hunger. He looked forward to it after weeks of being on edge. Yet, with Arabella still pressed against him, still teasing him, there was no chance for his mind to settle. Instead, he was left groaning and wriggling along with her as his sister pressed against his sensitive cock.

Then, Bella made her case as to why he owed her attention and Layton nearly growled in frustration. She was playing with him despite him being the senior and the more experienced one. Annoying, frustrating, downright infuriating. All of them were words that he could use to describe the way she was acting.

"What about you? With the way you are acting I should bend you over and spank your ass red." The little pout was certainly adorable, but he continued when she mentioned retiring elsewhere. "You want to leave, Bella? To be taken to some secluded and romantic place so I can make you mine? Or should I take you into the restricted section and make you scream with pleasure?"

Layton was serious about her options. Not that he intended to give her a choice in the matter. It was more that he was deciding himself which of the two he would go with. There were merits to both ideas. The way she was acting, however, made Layton want to punish her, to push her teasing aside and make her realize that, while she had made him cum, he was the one who knew more. Then, Bella pushed him a little more.

The feeling of her hot tongue on his ear was enough to induce another twitch of his cock. Then, she asked so sweet, laying out her need bare before him. However, it was the last word, accompanied by another delicious wiggle of her hips that pushed him over the edge. Please. She had managed to ask nicely. Something like that was not a common thing for an Ashsorrow. They asked for plenty and got even more, but they never said please, never lowered themselves in that way. To hear the word, dripping with a sexual hunger, whispered into his ear by Arabella made Layton decide to give her what she wanted.

With a smirk, Layton lifted the petite girl a little more. It revealed exactly how much of a mess his pants were at the moment and he decided that leaving the library would not be the best option at the moment. He could, of course, use a charm to clean it away, but that would be a bit of a mood killer. So, instead, his eyes moved to the entrance of the restricted section nearby.

With a grunt of effort, Layton stood while lifting Bella even more. He threw the younger girl over his shoulder, her short skirt leaving her rear open to the world, though there was no one around to see it.

"We will be retiring to the restricted section, Bella."

With that, Layton carried her over to the roped off area. It was strange that all of this dangerous knowledge was only kept secluded by a rope, no charms or curses. However, the rope was all it was, so he pulled it aside and stepped through, making sure to close it behind them. He carried her down the rows until he spotted a rather secluded desk.

With little effort, he managed to take her back over his shoulder and set her down on the desk. Then, he took a step back and looked down at her, still taller even where she was sitting.

"Bend over for me Bella, and I will make sure that ache goes away."
The fact that he was older and more experienced didn't seem to matter to her. Arabella was very used to getting her way and not just with Layton. The idea that she'd be denied? Honestly it didn't cross her mind. Self assured and a needy little thing, Bella was sure he'd give into her. How couldn't he? Why wouldn't he? When he threatened to spank her she made a sound of protest. In her mind spanking was a punishment, something to do to a naughty child. She was neither a child nor naughty. She bit back a growl and a spike of defiance daring him to try. His question made her nod, distracting her from that flare of anger and she wiggled closer to him, the romance, sweetness appealing to her. It was the threat of taking her to the restricted section that had made her eyes widen and she found that it wasn't an unappealing option either.

The debate happening within her big brother was unknown to her and she pushed at him, still wanting her way. A spoiled princess at her finest. She even said a word that was all but foreign to her. Please. She could have demanded, wheedled to get her way, yet she had asked him oh so sweetly for his help. Bella knew that the word would stand out to Layton. Please was not a word in an Ashsorrow's vocabulary. When one was all but royalty, one didn't request. A lesson they'd both been taught by their mother.

Lifted up some she gave a small giggle, arms slinking around his neck as he looked down at the mess they'd made. She smirked softly and nipped at the lobe of his ear.
"You made a mess, big brother.." Her voice was soft and teasing. Arabella couldn't help pushing at him even now. It was in her nature to do so and she had yet to learn any reason she shouldn't. There was a giggle as she was tossed over his shoulder. She could feel the cool air on the back of her thighs, feel it chill the wetness of her panties. Wiggling on his shoulder Bella kicked her legs playfully. "I see!" Her voice still held her laughter and she watched the side of them as he carried her into the restricted section. Being carted off like this made Arabella feel like spoils of war.

This area was darker than the well lit library. Likely to keep prying eyes well away from the dark tomes within. Squirming still on his shoulder she tapped her fingers against his hip as they moved. She didn't know where exactly he planned to take her within the section, but she waited, almost patiently. Another giggle as she was righted, Arabella found herself looking up into his eyes. Her thighs pressed together, as if trying to stem the ache as he peered down at her. Biting her lower lip she nodded and slipped from the surface of the desk. Turning slowly she bent over the desk. Her skirt rose to show off her wet panties in the dim light. A perfect heart shaped ass framed by the pleats of her skirt. Arms folded below her head, acting like a pillow.

Heart racing, she couldn't help but wonder what was in store for her. While innocent in the acts, she wasn't oblivious to what Layton might do. The anticipation shivered along her spine as she asked in a husky voice.
"Just like this, big brother?" Calling him that, knowing what they'd do, only added to her excitement.
Spoils of war was the perfect way to describe how Layton felt about his sister. The battle with his own self-control had been brief and violent, the idea of touching his younger sister being the battlefield. It had been a silent war, one that he had not been aware of until a single kiss ignited the powderkeg. Just like that, taboo and reason were nothing compared to his rampaging desire for his younger sibling. It was simple really. Arabella was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and now she belonged to him.

Her teasing nature and playful laughter were most certainly a benefit to his new lover as well. Even when she poked fun at his little accident, Layton found it hard to really be angry. It did get a bit of a rise out of him, but there was no reason to dole out actual punishment, at least not when she was being so agreeable. Soon enough he would teach her who was in charge and it would bring an end to the teasing. Or so he hoped.

The way she kicked her legs as he carried her, she little giggles and smiles that he could imagine even when he could not see them. All of it was what he cherished about Arabella and now, he realized, what had attracted him to her. It was enough to make him doubt his intentions for a moment, even as he set his sister down on the desk. Then, they locked eyes and that spark ignited again, the way she pressed her thighs together and stared at him caused a throb in his messed pants. Fuck, he was getting hard again. His intentions were set in stone.

Had he not been steeled by the way Arabella looked in his eyes, what came next certainly did the trick. He watched as the lithe creature before him leaned forward, crossing her arms almost lazily as she exposed her ass to him. It was, just like the rest of her, perfection. Layton stared for a considerable amount of time before a question startled him back into reality.

"Perfect, little sister. Now, no moving. No matter what I do."

With that rule laid out, the elder sibling was done with playing. He moved down to one knee behind her and grasped those obviously soaked panties with both hands. They were pulled down in one swift tug, moving to about halfway down her thighs. It was perfection on top of perfection. Her cute pink slit was visible, glistening with need from their earlier play. A hand moved to either side of that lovely heart and spread it, exposing even more of Arabella's most private places.

"Have you ever been touched like this before, Bella?" Layton growled, moving closer to her womanhood.

Without waiting for an answer to his question, Layton extended his tongue and ran it slowly along the wet pussy in front of him. It took a few seconds, a few gentle and exploratory licks, before it hit him. The taste on his tongue was Arabella and this one action had pushed their taboo to another level entirely. It thrilled him and, as if wanting to break all the rules, Layton dragged his tongue further up, licking from her clit and up to her ass.

It made his cock throb painfully, wanting to be free of his pants. He ignored it, instead focusing on pleasuring his sister with his tongue. Gentle licks became harder and the tip of his tongue explored deeper. It pressed between her folds to rub her clit directly, delved inside to taste her more fully, and teased small circle around her ass. Layton could feel her wetness on his face, yet showed no sign of slowing, his nose buried in her perfect ass as he devoured her.
Having eyes on her was not a new sensation, she could feel as Layton stared at her ass and she fought the urge to giver her rear a little wiggle. Instead, she prodded him verbally and though his golden baby sister was not used to doubt, she'd asked him anyway, needing the reassurance for a moment. With any other the question would have been so repulsive, she wouldn't have bothered, but with him? There was something sweet and very submissive in her question that Bella found herself liking. It was out of her comfort zone, yet, appealing all the same.

No moving? She lifted a brow, but nodded some.
"Yes, Layton" The purr was back in her voice, even as it softened. No moving? For the moment, that seemed an easy task, but she was not foolish enough to assume it would stay so easy. The curl of his breath could be felt against her thighs and she let her eyes drift closed as the anticipation built. Fingers curled into the fabric of her panties and she felt them get yanked down her thighs, the wetness brushing along them and the cool air brushing her exposed lips. His hands moved to spread her further and Arabella shivered, biting her lower lip. His breath came closer and there was a very certain sound that she swallowed.

A whimper.

Her pride would not allow it to slip from her throat and pass her lips.
"No," her voice was breathy now, still giving it all away and the o ended on a groan as his tongue touched her. Nails bit into her upper arms and she gasped as his tongue brushed her clit before dragging back up to that hole that was normally hidden from view. Her first moan was unsure almost as it slipped from her. Even now, the desire to move was held in control, that was until his tongue pushed past her lips and brushed directly on that little pleasure center. Her head shot up and she whimpered then, the sound needy.

She had really missed out. Granted none of the boys she could have taken to her bed would have been this talented... but even half as good? She laid her head back down, hiding her face from view as she tried to focus on her breathing and not grinding herself onto his face. The dominant part of her personality demanded she take... while the begrudging submissive side blossomed slowly. To be a good girl for him. Bella could feel her upper arms stinging and she realized she'd bit into her own skin with her nails and she shifted ever so slightly, her arms stretching across the desk, her cheek pressed to her upper arm as nails now bit into the wood of the table.

That pressure that had built in her core was being teased and Bella found it both pleasurable and infuriating at the same time.
"Layton." While there was no please, there was a certain hint of it to his name. Fuck. She really had been missing out... For a moment with that loss of pleasure surfacing, she felt a flash of anger at any other woman to have felt pleasure at his hands. She would have to curse half the female population of the school... All because he liked to fuck around. There was small pleasure in the thought of punishing those who he'd slept with.. But it faded as his tongue pushed past her lips again and she gave a soft cry.
To say that Layton was simply eating her was too weak of a word. He was feasting, relishing the taste of a forbidden fruit. To him, it was only half about pleasuring Arabella at this point. His own enjoyment was on par with the girl he was mercilessly playing with. Or, so he thought. Layton was distracted with pressing his own lips to her folds, his tongue venturing deeper and curling to drag against her inner walls. He broke away for breath, only to give flicking licks to her clit, panting heavily as he did so. He was savage in his attack, uncaring that he might be overwhelming his inexperienced sister.

The response to his question was only fuel to the fire. The sweet groans of pleasure that extended her simple answer made Layton throb in his pants again. When had been the last time he had been this aroused by a partner? What was it that made it so good? It was obvious that the taboo was exciting him, the idea of making his sister cum was thrilling on it's own. But, there was more. The perfection of the ass he was so eagerly pressing his face into, the smoothness of her thighs, the petite waist that wriggled just a bit as she suppressed the urge to move. It seemed that Layton had a preference that he had been ignoring.

The next word broke him into pieces all over again. Her tone as Arabella moaned out his name was pure bliss. The rotten little princess had been brought low indeed to make sounds like that. She wanted more and Layton knew that he was more than ready to give it to her. So, he slowed the work of his tongue, eventually moving to give soft kisses to her clit as he caught his own breath. Eventually, it slowed to nothing.

Layton rose up to his feet again, towering over the quivering and horny mess that was his sister. His hands moved to his own pants, undoing them in a show of his own desperate need for pleasure. He unzipped the messy garment and pulled the button free, freeing the bulge in his boxer briefs. The stain was visible as he moved to pull these down as well, revealing his cock to the open air after all of this waiting. It was glistening with cum, still wet and messy from what Arabella had done to him.

"Bella, I can't wait either, but... I don't want my little sister to lose her virginity bent over a table in the library. Unless you really want it. So..." He let the words hang in the air as he adjusted his position.

Layton took hold of his cock and, instead of pressing it to her wanting pussy, he pushed the head against her ass, still slick with his saliva. His smeared cum on her with every movement, adding to the wetness of the little ring. His cock looked massive compared to the petite young thing in front of him and it sent another thrill of need through him, precum adding to the mix of fluids that would hopefully provide him easy entrance. However, he did not linger at her ass for long. Instead, he slid his cock down further, the head eagerly separating her pussy lips to prod against her tight entrance. Either way he would be stretching her little body to capacity to fit his large cock. But, Layton felt that he needed permission either way.

"Tell me what you want and I will give it to you."
The temptation of this pleasure had never tempted her before, yet.. she had clearly not known what she was missing out on. On one hand she knew that this experience was not easily replicated. Yet, even a paltry replication of this would have been worth it, wouldn't it have? His tongue drove all thoughts from her mind, leaving her grasping for the threads of thoughts that had just been there. There was nothing but his mouth and her pleasure. This did nothing to stop her from feeling like the golden princess. His face could be her throne... The tough was wicked and it made her gasp as his tongue curled against her folds.

It was hard for her to appreciate just how much of the appeal was that this was all forbidden. With nothing else to compare it to, Layton was ruining her for all others. Who else could touch her like this, gain this sort of submission or coax these sorts of sounds from her lips? It would be nigh impossible for anyone else to tame Arabella. She'd bowed for no other, he was the first. The first to strip Bella of her crown.

Nails bit into the wood of the desk as she tried to not push herself back into his face, demanding more than she was getting. She could feel her body tremble as she wiggled ever so slightly in order to keep from moving more. She needed to move, yet he'd ordered her not to. It was building frustration with each flick of his tongue. Kittle kisses to that pearl made her whimper, each brush of his lips sending a spike of pleasure through her system and then, it ended and she was left panting across the table, her body trembling with need as her own juices slid down her leg, mingled with his saliva.

"Bella, I can't wait either, but... I don't want my little sister to lose her virginity bent over a table in the library. Unless you really want it. So..."

The idea of losing her virginity across this table was not her ideal either... She had been opening her mouth to answer him when he pressed it to her ass. Warm and sticky, he slipped across the globes of her ass and she bit her lower lip. Though Layton didn't linger there, instead she felt the tip of him spread her and she gasped. She'd been ready to tell him to take her somewhere else. And now?
"I would.. like to go" Gasping her words died in her throat.

The throb between her thighs that had been like burning coals now flamed with need. She could feel her heartbeat in each needy throb.
"Please.." It was desperate, needy. There could be another time when Layton made love to her. That silly school girl fantasy. But now? She needed him. She needed him inside her. needed him to make it all feel better. "Layton, please..." The desperation was palpable. "Gods, please.. Make the ache go away"
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