- Joined
- Jan 8, 2020

Excited didn't even begin to cover it. Hogwarts. Fifteen long years before she could enroll. Arabella felt like she had been waiting since before she was born to join the wonder that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had only gotten worse when Layton had gone away when he had turned sixteen and she had been eleven. Before that, he had been her whole world. Why wouldn't he be? Courageous, doting and everything in her eyes that she wanted in her eventual husband. If that nameless man somewhere in her future was even half of Layton... Then her life would be perfect. Even at a young age Arabella had known finding the whole package in another was a pipe dream. There would never be another. But now! Now she was going to the same place that he disappeared to for months and months at a time.
The train ride had been a bit lonely. Arabella had hoped to sit with Layton, but as a Prefect he had been in another carriage. She'd seen him once as he'd patrolled but that had been about it. Instead she had set with other first years, feeling shy and out of place. It wasn't that people hadn't talked to her, for despite her innate shyness, Arabella was... Golden. Literally. From the burnished gold of her silky locks to the molten gold of her eyes. She looked like an angel with her golden completion and pale skin. It drew people, mostly boys to come talk to her. The attention was new to her, but something that had brought blush to her pale cheeks and drawn forth the sweetness of her laugh.
When the announcement came that they would be arriving soon, Arabella had changed into a simple black pleated skirt with a white dress shirt and thigh high socks and black robe. Without being sorted, all first years looked like she did. That would be soon enough, though Arabella knew which house she wished to be in. Slytherin. The same as Layton. While she was soft spoken, there was little doubt that she would make it in. There was a drive and ambition that was in her core and no one who knew her would deny the cunning of her mind. There was a trick after all into manipulating those around you without their knowing. Even Layton had fallen prey to his baby sister's cunning. Though, at times she was unsure if it was just him indulging her.
"First years! This way!" She could hear the booming voice calling through the gathering darkness as they began to disembark from the train. Following the others to gather before a mountain of a man. She knew without asking that this was Hagrid. She'd heard about him from Layton and she couldn't wait for her first class with him. There were a few classes she was looking forward to actually. Potions, charms, herbology and transfiguration to name a few. Cold air nipped at her bare skin and she huddled deeper into her robe as the lot of first years marched off towards the boats. The magic of this experience was a little tarnished, but mostly it was her own doing. She had badgered Layton into telling her about the ceremony and everything before it too. So the boat ride, the sorting itself, were all known. Even with it being a known quantity, butterflies tickled at her stomach, making her feel ever so slightly nauseated.
Inside the castle, it was not much warmer, though the press of other bodies chased the lingering chill away from her skin as they trouped up a flight of stairs and gather, waiting to be called in and sorted. The dull mummering stopped as a wizard approached, his short red hair unruly and his rusty eyes sharp as he took them in. "Settle down" the rumble of his voice was deep, like thunder and the group fell silent. "Welcome to Hogwarts. The sorting will begin here in a moment. There are four houses; Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. You will attend classes with the others of your house, earn points for your house. While here, they will be like your family." Looking towards the door, as if he could hear something they could not a smile curled on his broad face. "They are ready.."
The great hall spread before them as they spilled through the door, gathered before the teachers and a stool with a manky old hat resting upon it. The brim split and a voice began to sing:
Be you short or tall,
Large or small,
I am the hat
That is here to sort you all.
I am here to choose the table
Where you will be sat,
I am the Hogwarts Sorting Hat!
If you are academically able,
Hardworking, wise and smart,
Ravenclaw is where you fit the part.
If you are crafty and sly;
Always willing to reach for the sky:
Slytherin is where your loyalties lie.
If you are friendly, loyal and true;
Hufflepuff is the place for you.
If you are brave
And adventure is what you crave:
Gryffindor is home of such a knave.
So put me on and meet your fate.
Make haste; don't be late.
Take care
And begin this adventure if you dare...
The song came to an end and the hat fell silent, a round of applause went up from the tables behind them. With that Professor Dragonmire began to call names. One by one the first years were sorted into their houses. Cheers, yells and clapping coming from the tables as they were assigned. When Arabella's name was called she smoothed her shirt before making her way to the stool. Sitting on the polished wooden surface she looked out at the tables that spanned the Great Hall. Golden eyes found her brothers and she smiled, the corners of her mouth twining upwards as she heard a voice in her head. It spoke to her of her traits, her values, toying with the idea of other houses before shouting "Slytherin!"
The hat slipped from her locks and she headed toward the table which cheered for her. Moving down the benches she came to stand near Layton, her eyes moving to the girl beside him. She pouted some, wanting to sit beside him. "Hi, Layton, Can I sit with you?" Her small hands locked behind her back. Shifting foot to foot before the girl gave an annoyed sigh and slid down a seat. She knew this to be his little sister, he'd just told her as much. Though she had been busy flirting with him up till that point. Layton was what most girls considered a catch. A good student, handsome and there was something about when those golden eyes were focused on you.. that just made you forget everything else.
The little sister could have him.... for now.