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Fx Female (FxF, FxFu, FxM) Rose's Dreamlands

Rose-Tinted Dreams

Librarian of Dreams
Aug 1, 2019
Hello, hello!

My name's Rose, though feel free to call me Dreams instead if you prefer. I have plenty of experience with RPs, both of the safe and smutty kind, and lately I've been craving some more smutty stuff, so here I am!

Before I begin, though, a few important things to note. I cannot promise consistency. Don't expect me to post at set times on set days; I reply when I have the time and energy to do so, neither of which I have much control over. Some days I'll be able to keep a nice chain of replies going in a short period of times, and some days I won't post at all. That's how life be. If this is a dealbreaker, sorry, but I wish I had the time and energy to be consistently consistent.

Additionally, I will only RP via PM. I will rarely make exceptions for forum thread play. Discord and other methods are a no-go.

Now, let's get into what I'm here for! I want lewd stories. I'm not looking for quick lewd stuff - I can go elsewhere for that. I want there to be a story behind the smut, an ongoing something to do. Sure, there might be exceptions to this, but if this is what you propose in an RP, don't expect me to say yes unless I really like what you're offering.
Additionally, depending on the story itself and how much I like it, lewdity can also be optional. But again, don't count on this.

As for characters I play, I prefer playing female characters, but I can also play Shemale/Futa characters (and on occasion, males) if I play the dom. I can play both dom and sub female characters, but any other options are only an option if I play a dom. Additionally, if I dom, it generally is only when my partner plays a female character. As for character ages, I'm willing to go down to fifteen (15) and up to 28. The only time I'll go over 28 is when I play a character that's immortal, but then their physical and mental age will still fall within the range mentioned before (15-28).

Regarding what I'll want from a partner's character, it depends on the specific RP setup, but here are my basic preferences summed up:
- I prefer for the Dom to be the older/taller character in the RP (so if I dom, I want my character to be older/taller than your character. If you dom, I want my character to be younger/shorter). An exception to this is, of course, characters of the same age and height.
- I prefer female/shemale/herm partners, but I'm open to males if the setup interests me enough.
- I generally prefer my partner to play the dom, but as mentioned before, I'm open to playing the dom as well.
- Drawn image references are VERY STRONGLY preferred over real life photos. Written descriptions are okay as well.
- For my partner's character's age, my preferences are the same as the ages I'm willing to play (15-28).

One more word of warning/note. Due to aforementioned energy issues, I won't be taking on too many RPs. I'll let you know if, during planning, I realize I already have too many RPs to start a new one. Please do not take this personally. If I could take on every RP that interests me, I would, but I know that that would just burn me out much faster than normal and I don't want that.

With that out of the way, time for interests and dislikes! Bolded interests are things I greatly enjoy, interests with a * are very situational.
  • Clothed Sex, especially when the clothing being worn is a dress, swimsuit or leotard.
  • Light Bondage. Getting tied up, gagged, blindfolded, etc. Is enjoyed. Stuff with latex/leather not so much.
  • Fantasy Settings. Generally Medieval Fantasy, steampunk-fantasy or even roman-themed fantasy stuff is fun. Basically, if it's got magic, I like it.
  • Hypnotism. If done properly, through suggestions, then Hypnotism is one of the things I enjoy most.
  • Story-focused stuff. As mentioned before, I really want my RPs to have an overarching story behind them.
  • Rough stuff. Either rough but consensual stuff, or rough non-con stuff. Both can be very fun.
  • Fluffy stuff. Only really for FxF pairings, but cute girls being gay is greatly enjoyed.
  • Darker setups. Like rough stuff but darker still. Not every story has to be a happy one for all involved.
  • GM'd stuff. Generally I prefer being on the receiving end due to aformentioned lack of energy to be consistent, but I can sometimes GM, too.
  • Small/Medium-Sized Breasts. I prefer smaller and realisitic sizes over large/unrealistic proportions.
  • More stuff, it's hard to summarize sometimes.
  • Toilet Stuff. No.
  • OOC Rudeness. No.
  • Rimjobs/Anal Fingering. The only anal stuff I'm open to is 'vanilla' anal sex.
  • Pregnancy. While I'm open to risk-of-pregnancy and impregnation, I'm not really interested in playing out anything involving characters that are visibly pregnant.
  • Huge breasts. Keep body part sizes realistic, please.
  • Beards. Less of a dislike and more of a 'not attracted', thing. I won't take too much issue with it, so long as it's not constantly pointed out.
  • 'Old' Characters. Generally I prefer characters to be no older than late 30s. Again, immortality is an exception as mentioned before, but I don't like playing with characters that look old.
  • Other stuff, it's hard to summarize sometimes.

Now then, onto the fun stuff; setup ideas! I have a few, and things might get added or removed as time goes on. Additionally, don't hesitate to suggest things that are entirely unrelated!
If I use YC/MC in a setup description, it means I have a role I prefer to play. If I use DC/SC (Dom Character/Sub Character), it means I don't mind which role I play. This isn't a 'I will only play X' thing, but a 'I would prefer to play X, but am open to playing Y'

This is stuff that came to mind that doesn't have too much to it. Just one-liner ideas that could be worked into something bigger.

- Kinda in the mood for a gangbang scene.
- Medifantasy to Scifi. I don't generally enjoy Sci-fi stuff, but the idea of a mage kinda character being pulled into a Sci-fi setting without magic sounds kinda interesting.
- Some kind of post-apocalypse thing. I've got plenty of pictures of an overgrown earth. Might be cool to have a fantasy story taking place in something based on that.
- Something set in roughly the Roman or Victorian era could be interesting. Especially with added magic.
- There are a few established settings I might be open to RP'ing in. Soul Eater and Princess Principal come to mind. I won't play existing characters, though.
- I kinda like playing dollgirls/artificial humans. Of course, with all the important body parts.

Rumour speaks of an ancient temple, long forgotten and hidden away within the depths of a mountain in the cold north of this world. Rumour has it that an ancient entity rests here, trapped after a small group of heroes managed to narrowly seal it away at great cost. Ever since, this legendary temple has been guarded by a powerful guardian, to ensure nobody would reawaken this ancient power.

YC had, for a long time, written off these rumours as baseless legends, made up to give people faith in the heroes that so often stood up to evil. Heroes that, on many occasions, thwarted YC's plans as well. After all, YC hoped to one day rule the world, and become the one true power that kings and queens across the world would bow before.

But when YC gets their hands on something that practically confirms this legend as true, they get an idea. If this ancient power could be allied, or perhaps defeated and forced to submit, then that would certainly give them the advantage needed to take over the world.

On their journey towards the mountains said to hold this ancient power, YC runs into MC, a strange young mage who catches YC's interest: something is off about her.

Be it by force or through... Friendlier methods, YC manages to get MC to accompany them on their journey towards the cold north, allowing for plenty of time for the two to get... Close.

Optional: MC is a reincarnation/fragment of the evil YC is hoping to awaken.
With it's dying breath, the guardian utters one last warning to YC, pleading with them to not awaken the ancient being sealed away within the temple, begging them to not let the heroes' sacrifices be in vain, and earning her about the threat the being poses to the world.

Naturally, YC ignores it all, and continues deeper into the temple, past clear signs of a violent battle, and into the depth of the temple. There, within the main chamber, they find what they are looking for. The ancient being spoken of in legends, undeniably powerful enough that YC can feel the magical energy radiating from their sleeping, sealed-away body.

YC did not expect them to look the way they do, though. Rather than some great demon or incomprehensible monster, they instead find a girl laying on the ground within the sealing circle, with signs of battle all around her.

It's undeniable that this girl is the power spoken off in legends.

Only question is... What now?

-Can be played in a medieval fantasy, steampunk or modern setting-
-I'm also happy to switch roles, with me playing 'YC' and you playing 'MC'-
-I want YC to be female and younger than MC, and MC to be either a female, shemale or herm/futa-
-Can also be played as more of a GM'd story, with more time between YC and MC's meeting-
YC's youth was not good. Born to cultist parents, they were indoctrinated into their maddening religion from a young age, and forced to partake in eldritch rituals that have left her suffering nightmares, suffering a permanent dread, and occasionally hearing voices in their head.
Desparate to find safety from whatever the cult her parents belong to, she runs away from home, and off towards the nearest city, hoping to find some safety but knowing it won't be long before the cult finds her.
Still suffering from the consequences of what has been done to her, YC spends most of her time suffering and terrified... until one day, while walking through the streets, she suddenly feels all the dread fade away, the voices in her head falling silent as a woman - MC - passes by her on the street, only for them to return as the woman leaves the girl's sight.
Hoping that the woman can provide safety and relief from the suffering she's going through, YC follows them, determined to do whatever she can to get this woman's help.

From this point, there are several ways this story can develop. The general idea is that MC takes YC in, providing relief from her suffering.
In turn, depending on how you want MC to be, she can either demand servitude, making use of YC's need to be close to her to get whatever she want. She can also be more gentle and caring for a fluffier RP, taking proper effort to make sure YC can live her life in peace. A mix of the two is also possible.
MC can either secretly be a powerful being belonging to a species worshipped by the cult, or provides relief for YC because of something else. The former idea is better for a more relaxed and slice-of-life-y RP, while the latter could cause more drama as they might end up on the run from the cult.

YC is an alchemist or witch of some kind - at least, someone who makes potions - that has run into a bit of an issue; they need someone to test their potions on that isn't themselves.
That's where MC comes in. Whether by choice, by force, or by misleading her, YC makes MC her test subject, feeding her potions of all sorts... And having some fun with her at the same time.

YC is a powerful sorceress/evil empress or something among those lines, intending on taking over either the entire world, or just part of it. She's currently, however, engaged in somewhat of a war with a major organization that opposes her. Key among this organization is a large academy that teaches it's students how to fight YC's minions and subordinates.
After a large battle with some members of this organization, YC finds a surviving (or two) academy member(s) - MC(s). Unconscious, but alive. But interestingly enough for YC - who has magic - she can tell that they have a great amount of magic potential, despite the fact that the academy disproves of magic users.
Deciding that the survivor(s) could be useful to them, YC orders them to be brought back to her base.
From there, YC has several options on what to do with them. She could try and convince MC(s) to join her, training their magic in the process. But she could also opt to keep them as little more than mana batteries, keeping MC(s) around as slaves and draining their strength to become stronger.

If we go with me playing two characters instead of one, they'd either be very close friends or in a relationship together.

Very simple stuff. YC is a villain of some kind, MC is a hero who came to defeat them, like heroes tend to do when villains are about. Unfortunately, MC lost, and is now at the mercy of YC. Will they suffer a cruel punishment and be forced to serve YC? Will YC slowly brainwash them into becoming loyal? Or will YC take care of MC (Perhaps MC wasn't entirely willing to fight YC)?

MC is an... unusual person. Their origins are not quite from this plane of existence. Their abilities are weird, even among magic users of this world. They are an eldritch being of some kind, but without the whole 'incomprehensible form' part. In fact, they are quite comprehensible, able to pass off as a regular inhabitant of this world. And through one way or another, their paths cross with YC's.
YC could be many things. They could be an ambitious 'villain' kind of person, who seeks to get MC on their side as they will be a powerful asset. Perhaps they are simply a traveller, meeting MC on their travels and befriending them. Or they are someone who MC takes an interest in... for better or for worse.
Perhaps MC isn't even 'awake' initially, and YC awakes them from their slumber. Perhaps they summon MC using a spell, or find them in an underground temple of some kind.

DC is some kind of an evil overlord/overlady/villain kind of person, currently in the process of waging a war to secure more power, when they meet SC. SC can be many things. Perhaps a fallen hero, a royal, or just a 'nobody' of some kind. They survived an attack by DC's army on wherever they were staying, and DC finds them alive in the ruins, and decides to take them with them. Either because they might still have some degree of kindness, because they simply want a toy to have some fun with, or because there's something about SC that can be useful to them.

At last, the ritual is complete. Finally, YC will be able to summon a powerful, ancient being mentioned only in ancient stories. As the summoning finishes, YC takes a few steps back to try and get a better view of the horror they summoned... only for there to not be anything. There's no giant demon monster. For a few moments, it looks as though the spell failed... But then, YC notices a girl lying inside the magic circle...
Turns out, the legendary being spoken of in ancient takes takes on the form of a girl (MC) who doesn't seem particularly harmless at a first glance... though the power that radiates from her makes her strength undeniable.
The question now is, what does YC do with her, and why did they try to summon MC to begin with?

MC has a special trait, perhaps she has access to a powerful type of magic, or something about her makes her the perfect tool for casting big spells, or something else. She might not be aware of this, but if she is she is not aware of just how useful she can be to... certain people. Unfortunately for her, those certain people do know. YC in this scenario is a big bad. Perhaps an evil overlord/lady, a dark magician/witch, a demon/demoness, or something else. They've got a plan for world domination, and MC is either the missing link to get it all to work, or at the very least a way to make everything way easier. So, YC has their minions capture MC with explicit orders to make sure they're brought before them unharmed. Once brought before YC, they set about turning MC into the perfect tool for their plan, either by getting them to willingly join forces with YC, by breaking them and turning them into a slave, or by forcing them and using them however YC pleases - the process and details are up to you.

SC is a young mage. Maybe she's a fresh graduate of a magic school, still studying, or self-taught. Either way, she's out on her own when DC ambushes her. Perhaps DC has been targetting her specifically for a reason, or SC is just the first person DC comes across, we can decide on that. DC manages to render SC defenceless...
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