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Fx Male Final Fantasy 14 Main Thread[Erenville craving]


The Unsundered
Aug 5, 2021

Open || GMT +1|| 3rd Person ||
As I am playing through Dawntrail I have this URGE to write Final Fantasy 14 again.
and so decided to make my RT again! Below you can find a list of plots, seeds and tropes I scrambled together!
At the bottom I have included a list of all my favourite characters, all could fit in either scenario.
Have a look and let me know if any of them interest you!
I'd be willing to double up too if that interests you!
(RT desgin by Fruit, I edited some but go check their work! ♥)

Sexual Tension
Sensory Deprivation
Giving up complete control
Age play


Only with you may I feel normal
"Just a bit more... I wish for peace."
The Warrior of Light and Darkness, the Chosen one, Eorzea's champion. Some think with the titles comes eternal happiness. However nothing could be further from the truth
for Suna. Born and raised in Ul'Dah as an adventurer, she had wished to be just that. A woman who helps others in need, but on a small scale. Never had she dreamt the burden of her responsibilities and how heavy they weigh down on her. She couldn't very well express these feelings of anger and despair over it to anyone, lest they express their own jealousy of her fame. All but one, the one person who would always be by her side and help her lift the burden off her shoulders. With him in her arms, she could be just an average person, just once in a while...

Where has time gone, my love
"I shall show you why a siren sings."

X'Rasha is a sailor's daughter, Captain of her own crew with home port in the one and only Limsa Lominsa. In no way is she truly aquainted with the WoL but occasionally she gets a request from the scions for a delivery or such, and since they pay pretty well, she never has complained. Not until it was through the scions that she met her lover. Be it that he would be gone on a mission while she was home or she'd be out on a voyage with her crew. There would always be another thing in between them. That is until she had decided to pass the title of Captain to her next in line, and join the Scions, even if it was just for a little while to enjoy a life filled with love.

Why does the forbidden fruit taste so sweet
"I like an adventure once in a while."
For someone who truly believed to have always been on the side of good, Summa surely has a hard time understanding her own thought process when she feels herself fall in love more and more with the one man she cannot stand. They always butted heads, always fought, hell it came to a fist fight or two already and that would surely not have been the last one to be in. However something about him... She couldn't help herself, she'd search for him if he wasn't around and get angry if she couldn't find him. However that anger would not stop simply by him being in her vicinity, as it would fuel yet another rage...


Stranger in a strange time

It should have been obvious when she woke up, that this was not exactly her own time,
her own world that she used to inhabit. She came from a world of technology,
where words like magicks,Aether, mages and the likes were all but faery tales.
How she ended up in this world, where theinhabitants call the land Eorzea, she had no clue,
but what she did know is that she wantedto go back home, to her own time.
The how, what and who wouldn't matter too much to her, as long as she could
find someone who would be willing to help her go back home. That is
until she met a particular stranger, who showed her just
how beautiful Eorzea could be.

[Taken] A soldier's mind

Once there was nothing but pride in her heart. She'd stood tall in the
midst of her fellow soldiers, they'd fight what they found
the 'righteous' fight. They'd have followed their emperor to the
depts of this world's hell and back if that was needed of them.
However after the fight at Praetorium, a battle in which she saw her
comrades fall one by one by one person's hand, she had falled captive
to the Scions of the Seventh dawn. While they'd perster her with
questions, she'd never have wanted to give them information.
Until he came by to pay a visit...

Studium (sort of University lovers)
WoL remembering Ancient soul (Shadowbringers timeline)
Forum member (Endwalker timeline)
Childhood besties to lovers/highschool sweethearts
Barista to scion frequenting bar
Writer in library, questioning scion
Enemies to lovers
Crouching moron, hidden badass
Make believe but it becomes real

G'Raha Tia
(AGED UP) Alphinaud
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