[B][COLOR=rgb(143, 174, 112)]Character:
Scene Status:
Character: Abigail Vance
Date/Time: Monday, November 7th | 11:43am
Scene Status: Open
Tagging: ---
The faint hum of respirators and the smell of disinfectant were the ambience of the palliative care wing - more like a few rooms tucked away in a corner to be forgotten - beside Abby's office at White Feather. Like gatekeeper of Hades she was posted at the mouth of the corridor, which she loathed. When her day shifts ended she was left plunged in a hallway that was utterly dark on both sides. Leaving had been... a challenge. Abby huffed out the sour scent permeating the hospital's halls thankful for the bountiful cup of black tea doused with milk steaming under her nose.
One hand was tucked around the chipped porcelain handle. With the other, she pushed open her office door. A plaque shuddered when it closed.
Dr. Abigail Vance, PhD.
She rounded her spartan desk and settled in a cushy old leather chair, the back draped in her plain black blazer. Abigail gently placed the mug of tea down to her right. An illuminated screen was turned slightly against the east facing window she'd drawn the blinds up on so the whole room was awash with a bright golden glow. Two hard chairs were tucked under the front lip of her desk while a couch was pushed to the back wall for group sessions, if needed.
"Hmm," she grumbled, at once planting an elbow on the desk causing a low thud.
Her head tipped down towards her desk, pointedly staring away from the manila folders collected in her inbox tray, and the blinking cursor on the screen with an open patient files. Another low groan pealed from her pink glossy lips. She'd been at it since 6am without any breaks. Normally that wasn't an impressive feat except she typically skated by with a few hours of sleep, and now it started to catch up to her. The back of her warm hand rubbed across the crescent purple-blue shadows under her bleary eyes. Abigail covered up the sleepiness haphazardly with a little foundation on her run out the door but there wasn't enough English Breakfast blend in the world to fix this.
Just ten minutes, the small voice in her head was pleading.
A cursory flick of those tired baby blues at the door assured her it was latched. No one would notice if she took a nap.
Abby turned off the monitor screen and folded her arms on top of her desk. As comfortable as she could manage to she cradled her head down in the arms of her bunched cream coloured sleeves, creating a soft cable knit pillow. Only for a few minutes, she reasoned again. She was dead tired.
Someone knocked on the door. Hard.
Startled, Abigail snuffled a little and whipped her head up. She frantically smoothed down the brunette halo that came out of the low messy bun she piled it into earlier.
"Coming!" Abby announced. Her voice was a little hoarse from the nap, probably. On her way to the door she shot a fleeting glance up at the clock in case she'd forgotten an appointment --
What? No way!
The hands marked 5:33 pm. Most of the light was sapped from her room and outside the tall window it was dim.
She stopped short of the door to linger under the clock. Just in case it wasn't working... Then it ticked over to 5:34.
Another knock.
Briefly bewildered by sleeping through the day, Abby remembered the door. She turned the handle down and opened with a fresh apology on her lips.
"Sorry for the wait. I--" But the hall was empty. And dark.
Colour faded from Abigail's already alabaster face. All semblance of a professional faded away to something meek in her place. Nervously, her hands crept up her arms as she dared to investigate. She leaned out past the threshold of the door slowly, her feet never crossing the line, and looked down one side towards the patients. Nothing. Now the other side.. Still nothing. Her brow bunched into a little furrow, a mix of curiosity and fear tracing the outline of her features.
Someone started to walk down the dark hall towards her. Except, she couldn't see any one in the dark... The steps sped up to a jog. Echoes got closer, half way down the hall, building speed into a sprint.
Her eyes widened with fear and Abby pulled her head out of the dark past the threshold. She scrambled for the knob and slammed the door shut hard, flicking the lock with a trembling hand just as the steps of the invisible assailant stopped outside the door. The brackets and frame shook against a residual boom. Breath caught in her throat as the door went under fire of another thunderous knock.
Another, deeper.
Another, faster.
The pounding moved through the door into her head.
Again and again and again and AGAIN.
Abigail gasped like a drowning man taking that first lungful of air. Sputtering, she jerked her head up from her arms and immediately looked at the clock.
1:06 pm.
Her shoulders visibly slumped in relaxation, or as close as she could get. "Shit," she grumbled. Abby planted her face in her palms, willing the exhaustion away. From between her fingers she side-eyed the window still full of daylight streaming in her office. Her mouth drew a hard line before she released a sigh.
"I need a drink." The announcement was to no one in particular. After reviewing her screen and double checking that the patient files didn't need review ASAP, Abby pushed back from the desk and grabbed her blazer off the back of the chair. She snatched the files up anyway and piled them into a worn leather tote bag on the floor beside her desk. With a satisfied - or relieved? - sound, Abigail rolled her tight shoulders and slung the tote strap over her shoulder. She headed out of her office.
At least this time, the lights were on.
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