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Mx Female Stories To Brainstorm


Dec 25, 2014
I am Archon and I have been roleplaying for quite some time. Since some free time came my way, I am opening the request thread again.
My local time is EST, and I love to write about stories that involve power differences, corruption, and coercion, in modern, sci-fi or fantasy settings. As you can surely tell, I play Dom.

Power Imbalance
‘Hold the moan’ scenarios

scat/piss/vomit/anything gross
extreme violence
menstrual cycles
Vanilla romance

Everything in between is up for discussion.

Plot ideas to discuss
This ones are just writing starters that we can develop into concrete story ideas

MC would get his revenge on someone, getting his hands on the girls that surround that person. This turns into a master-slave plot, as MC gains control of the once reluctant girls, and uses them to act on his vengence plans.

The story is of a man that is at the bottom of the social ladder, and suddenly obtains some way of improving his condition over a woman that is his superior. It could be blackmail material or mind-control powers. The scene would develop through a series of women that MC will be using to better his position, mind-controlling/extorting them in turn, and not all at once, to get a better life for him and his girls.

MC could be a 35 years old man who is looking for the perfect woman, and since he could not find her, he decided to create her himself. YC could be a barely 18 years old girl from a poor country, who just happened to be at the perfect deep web site at the perfect time.

A man found a book that allowed him to perform dark magic, and he would not lose this opportunity to use his powers, seduce women, and increase his rituals as he tries to keep himself hidden from witches that are hunting him.

A guy is kidnapped and used as a sacrifice by a coven, but the spell goes bad, and instead a succubus is summoned and bounded to him. Now, she wants to get her revenge, and kill the witches that had sealed her long time ago, but for that she needs the guy. Specifically, she needs to extract his sexual energy, in order to potence her magic.

Of course, you can mix and match, and discuss with me any plot points, or send me you original ideas, if you think we are a good match.

- I prefer to write in 3rd person, and there must be a really good reason to write in 1st, but it is not off the table.
- I only play MxF
- Move the action ahead. Without completely godmodding, your posts should move the story forward, not just react to my posts.
- Faceclaims are apreciated but not mandatory. I prefer real ones over anime.
- Plot/Smut ratio changes depending on the story.
- My usual writing length is from 3 paragraphs to 6, but 300+ word replies are ok.
- Answers every second are not expected at all, I have a life too, but if you are not going to reply for a week, please let me know.
- Grammar is always appreciated.
- Planning and communication is key.
- If you feel like a story is not going anywhere, just tell me. I will completely understand.

Feel free to send me a PM.

Thanks for reading.
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