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Brushing off the old suit


Dec 20, 2021
Please keep in mind while you read this that I haven't written as this character in several years. Some of my knowledge might be just a little out of date.

He pressed both thumbs against the the left and right sides of his mask and slowly began to peel it from his face. The streets of Bludhaven were empty that night. Save it the sound of the occasional police siren that went off in the background. The only lights that could be seen where those that belong to the street lamps. Nightwing sunk back into the alleyway out of sight. Even if the streets were empty, Dick couldn't risk exposing his real face to the anyone. He tilted is head back and peeked up over the edge of the building that towered over him. He found a dumpster at the far corner of the alleyway and gripped each side of of it. His muscles tightened letting out a soft grunt as he attempted to scoot it over. Dick had only managed to move it about an inch from its original spot. He took a deep breath and pressed his right palm against the corner of the dumpster and stood up against the brick wall of the building. He leaned into it a little more using his shoulder muscles to moved it this time. The legs of the dumpster made a scratching sound as they dragged along the pavement. Nightwing Gritted his teeth pressing his gloved fingers harder into the metal of the dumpster. "uggghh," He muttered using his upper body strength to force some distance between the brick wall and the dumpster. Finally he straightened himself up and smiled down at his work.

Dick crawled into the corner of the Alleyway and sat down. His motorcyle was parked in front of him and the dumpster was off to the side, giving him just enough cover for some privacy. He jerked a rag that danged from under the seat of his motorcylcle and reached into his his belt. The night had been slow. Barbara wasn't talking to him and Kori was off on her home planet. Tim and Bruce were all the way in Gotham and Jason was God knows where. Nightwing was by all means alone tonight. Other than the sirens the night was pretty silent. He thought about turning in early, but figured it best just to clean off some of his gear. Dick missed it sometimes. The old days when He was just the "Boy Wonder" palling around with Bruce at night. He chuckled to himself the moment the thought crossed his mind. "Boy Wonder. . " He could hear her voice. The name that Ivy liked to call him back then. He had long outgrown it, but he could still remember. He reached into his belt and took it out. The re-breather that he had to use to filter out her pheramone dust. He'd encountered the vixen only a few months ago and he hadn't used it since. He lifted the re-breather up to his nostrils and took a whiff of it. He knew it to be a bad idea, but it's not like Ivy was anywhere close by. He would have heard the scanners stirring with the news by now, if she was.

The scent took him away for a second and his breath along with it. Nightwing's eyes closed, but his thoughts grew clouded. Dick tried to shake it off, but he was met with some trouble. His eyelids opened over so slightly. The light from the lamp posts had taken on a rose colored tint. His thoughts were no longer his own though. Not for the moment anyways. He heard a voice in the background. He couldn't make out the words, but the voice sounded like hers. He forced his eyes closed and and managed to muster up the muscle strength to pull the mask away from his face. Though his thoughts still remained clouded. The voice sounded again this time ringing through his ears. He forced his mind to try to make sense of it. He shook his head again. Gloved fingers gripped the rag between his thumb and index fingers and clamored along the ground. Finally finding a small puddle of water, Dick stabbed the water and brought it to his re-breather. scrubbing it as fast as he could. Grayson shook his head again. The voice started to fade until it was replaced with another.

He opened his eyes once more, this time scenery was back to it's original color. "We have a situation in progress at the museum. Requesting all available units, please make your way to the museum." came the sound of the female dispatcher over the scanner. Dick's time had gotten cut short. He scurred to his feet, replacing his mask and shoving the re-breather back into his belt. Nightwing swunt his leg over the side of the cycle and started the engine. The rag fell on the ground behind him. Dick wasted no time in taking off down the streets of bludhaven. Finally something was getting interesting tonight and Grayson wanted a piece of the action.
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