- Joined
- Sep 13, 2010
- Location
- Lala Land
Welcome to Brightwall Military Academy
A little known and highly secretive institute, Brightwall Military Academy Services students from 6th grade through an accredited university program. The school promotes healthy competition between students, ambitious post-graduate opportunities, and continual learning throughout the year on its lavishly appointed and spacious campus in the woods of New Hampshire. Here Student flourish under the guidance of highly skill teachers and faculty, far away from the distractions of a city (or any neighbors who might witness one of the students messing up a homework assignment and making it rain toads) (Again).
The Brightwall Academy is, after all, one of the world's finest magical schools.
For additional information on our school please review our information page or review the School's Announcement Board.
All current students should make their way back to campus to make sure they're on time to their next class.

A little known and highly secretive institute, Brightwall Military Academy Services students from 6th grade through an accredited university program. The school promotes healthy competition between students, ambitious post-graduate opportunities, and continual learning throughout the year on its lavishly appointed and spacious campus in the woods of New Hampshire. Here Student flourish under the guidance of highly skill teachers and faculty, far away from the distractions of a city (or any neighbors who might witness one of the students messing up a homework assignment and making it rain toads) (Again).
The Brightwall Academy is, after all, one of the world's finest magical schools.
For additional information on our school please review our information page or review the School's Announcement Board.
All current students should make their way back to campus to make sure they're on time to their next class.
Just a few notes: Please get your character profile approved by me before posting. Read the below information regarding magical types/ranks/courses/ect.
Character Template: Please see the Explanation Below
~Face claim Goes Here~
Full name & Nickname if any:
Gender, Age & Form:
Area of Study & Specialties:
Rank & Dorm:
Extra Notes:
Full name & Nickname if any: Characters will often be referred to by last names by professors/staff so full names are important
Gender, Age & Form: Form is the character's "grade" in the School. 16-17 year olds, the year they leave the Institute and join the School, are 1st Form progressing every year to 6th Form (21-22 year olds). Students are not "held back a year". If they cannot progress to the next grade their time at the school, and occasionally the student, is terminated.
Species: Please see the Magical Species section below. If you wish to have a different sort of magical character than those listed please PM me and we'll see if we can work it into the world. For the sake of my sanity and the game I'll be pretty selective about what Abnormal Cases I let in.
Area of Study & Specialties: Please see the Area of Studies section below.
Rank & Dorm: Most students are Mid Ranked with their exact rank not mattering and will reside in the Mason or Mantle dorms (these dorms are functionally identical). If you want a higher or lower ranked character please PM me for a bit of extra info. There's also a little information listed below.
Biography: A little about life before the Academy. A little about how they got to the academy. A little about their life since they arrived.
Personality: Essays aren't needed, but a little about who they are and how they present themselves is good.
Extra Notes: Anything not covered in the above that should be known.
Gender, Age & Form: Form is the character's "grade" in the School. 16-17 year olds, the year they leave the Institute and join the School, are 1st Form progressing every year to 6th Form (21-22 year olds). Students are not "held back a year". If they cannot progress to the next grade their time at the school, and occasionally the student, is terminated.
Species: Please see the Magical Species section below. If you wish to have a different sort of magical character than those listed please PM me and we'll see if we can work it into the world. For the sake of my sanity and the game I'll be pretty selective about what Abnormal Cases I let in.
Area of Study & Specialties: Please see the Area of Studies section below.
Rank & Dorm: Most students are Mid Ranked with their exact rank not mattering and will reside in the Mason or Mantle dorms (these dorms are functionally identical). If you want a higher or lower ranked character please PM me for a bit of extra info. There's also a little information listed below.
Biography: A little about life before the Academy. A little about how they got to the academy. A little about their life since they arrived.
Personality: Essays aren't needed, but a little about who they are and how they present themselves is good.
Extra Notes: Anything not covered in the above that should be known.
Just a reminder. Please read *all* the information in this post and all the information in the first post of This thread. Also please please try not to make your character too OP. Keep the limitation of their species in mind and remember they're still in school to learn how to be badass. They shouldn't be murder machines before they're even out of their 3rd form.
There are Four primary magical species at the school
Witches/Mages/Magic Users: While Witch is the generally used term form both sexes some use mage or magic user, but the names are essentially interchangeable. While witch bloodlines are a very real thing the existence of covens, and the mandatory service to the school following graduation, generally mean witches from an existing bloodline rarely end up at the school. Most witches at the school are those who manifested magical abilities as preteens or in their early teens, and were sent to the school by well meaning and/or frightened families. Magic practiced by witches generally one, or a combination of, three types:
Ambient: This magic is fueled by the innate energy in everything in the world. Those who practice ambient magic will usually either focus on alchemy (drawing out characteristics of an item to magically imbue them into something else, such as using spider silk to strengthen clothing) or channel it through some sort of art or craft (such as using the patterns of weaving and sewing to multiply the innate magic in thread to create magical clothing).
Inherent: Magic fueled by the witches' inner magic. This is generally channeled through spoken spells, written symbols like runes, and complex rituals. Most witches have a generally limited inner power so ritual circles (which can magnify the power put into them), talismans for storing magic for later use, and Familiars (which allow access to a much deeper well of power) are used to prevent exhaustion and/or death from overuse of one's magical gifts. Practice and effort can have some effect on one's natural strength, but the effect is limited.
Elemental: Magic fueled by tapping into natural forces. This is limited by what it's being used for (you can't draw on a thunderstorm to fuel a fire spell) and the inherently uncontrollable nature of the elements themselves.
There are rumors that things like blood magic and void magic exist. But practicing those are a good way to get expelled. From life.
Vampires: Vampires are a rare case in the school, as most come to the school not as younger children but plucked from those who are turned in their mid to late teens. Most come to the school either after being found feeding in the general population to be 'rehabilitated' or when they're discovered transitioning. Vampires are unable to be in sunlight, but the school is designed with specially spelled glass in the windows and covered walkways between buildings. Alternatives to blood are provided for meals, with a strict no-feeding on fellow students policy in place to prevent unneeded fatalities. While vampiric students do not age they will still progress through their forms and graduate with their classmates. Their inherent strength and speed generally makes up for their unchanging bodies (and the fact vampire tricks like glamors and compulsions don't work on most of the school's students). Some vampires may also have a minor aptitude for Ambient magic and use a Familiar to practice Inherent magic.
Shifters: Shifters almost always follow bloodlines, and those of a major family or bloodline will generally not be found at the school as they'll be kept with their family/pack. However, it's not unusual for those many generations removed from a bloodline to occasionally manifest to a seemingly non shifter family. These packless shifters are collected and brought to the Academy. While the situation surrounding their abilities vary greatly (some are the traditional turn at the full moon, others turn when provoked to a rage or at will, others still might have a different trigger all together, though will always be some sort of *animal* form) they all tend to be very durable, athletic, and frequently rowdy as hell. Some Shifters have been able to use Elemental magic or use a Familiar to practice Inherent magic.
Familiars: Much like witches in manifestation (in fact the frequency of them manifesting among covens suggests they're inherently tied to witches) Familiars differ in two main ways. First, Familiars possess a massive and quickly renewing store of Inherent magical power, but are unable to channel it themselves. However, other magic users are able to draw that strength from them to use in their own workings. Secondly, the strength of that magic seems to have a passive perception warping effect on non-magical beings around them that causes humans to forget the Familiar and any interactions with them or in their general vicinity. While this is useful when the magical community has to act in public, as it prevents humans from being able to form memories of what they might witness if a familiar is nearby, it makes it extremely difficult for familiars to survive outside of magic only enclaves and families. While the school's official stance is against the age old practices of treating familiars like particularly talkative power sources, in practice there are few, if any, protections in place at the school to prevent familiars from being claimed, exchanged, and fought over with little regard to their actual opinions on who makes use of their power (or other traditional uses for a familiar one has claimed).
Witches/Mages/Magic Users: While Witch is the generally used term form both sexes some use mage or magic user, but the names are essentially interchangeable. While witch bloodlines are a very real thing the existence of covens, and the mandatory service to the school following graduation, generally mean witches from an existing bloodline rarely end up at the school. Most witches at the school are those who manifested magical abilities as preteens or in their early teens, and were sent to the school by well meaning and/or frightened families. Magic practiced by witches generally one, or a combination of, three types:
Ambient: This magic is fueled by the innate energy in everything in the world. Those who practice ambient magic will usually either focus on alchemy (drawing out characteristics of an item to magically imbue them into something else, such as using spider silk to strengthen clothing) or channel it through some sort of art or craft (such as using the patterns of weaving and sewing to multiply the innate magic in thread to create magical clothing).
Inherent: Magic fueled by the witches' inner magic. This is generally channeled through spoken spells, written symbols like runes, and complex rituals. Most witches have a generally limited inner power so ritual circles (which can magnify the power put into them), talismans for storing magic for later use, and Familiars (which allow access to a much deeper well of power) are used to prevent exhaustion and/or death from overuse of one's magical gifts. Practice and effort can have some effect on one's natural strength, but the effect is limited.
Elemental: Magic fueled by tapping into natural forces. This is limited by what it's being used for (you can't draw on a thunderstorm to fuel a fire spell) and the inherently uncontrollable nature of the elements themselves.
There are rumors that things like blood magic and void magic exist. But practicing those are a good way to get expelled. From life.
Vampires: Vampires are a rare case in the school, as most come to the school not as younger children but plucked from those who are turned in their mid to late teens. Most come to the school either after being found feeding in the general population to be 'rehabilitated' or when they're discovered transitioning. Vampires are unable to be in sunlight, but the school is designed with specially spelled glass in the windows and covered walkways between buildings. Alternatives to blood are provided for meals, with a strict no-feeding on fellow students policy in place to prevent unneeded fatalities. While vampiric students do not age they will still progress through their forms and graduate with their classmates. Their inherent strength and speed generally makes up for their unchanging bodies (and the fact vampire tricks like glamors and compulsions don't work on most of the school's students). Some vampires may also have a minor aptitude for Ambient magic and use a Familiar to practice Inherent magic.
Shifters: Shifters almost always follow bloodlines, and those of a major family or bloodline will generally not be found at the school as they'll be kept with their family/pack. However, it's not unusual for those many generations removed from a bloodline to occasionally manifest to a seemingly non shifter family. These packless shifters are collected and brought to the Academy. While the situation surrounding their abilities vary greatly (some are the traditional turn at the full moon, others turn when provoked to a rage or at will, others still might have a different trigger all together, though will always be some sort of *animal* form) they all tend to be very durable, athletic, and frequently rowdy as hell. Some Shifters have been able to use Elemental magic or use a Familiar to practice Inherent magic.
Familiars: Much like witches in manifestation (in fact the frequency of them manifesting among covens suggests they're inherently tied to witches) Familiars differ in two main ways. First, Familiars possess a massive and quickly renewing store of Inherent magical power, but are unable to channel it themselves. However, other magic users are able to draw that strength from them to use in their own workings. Secondly, the strength of that magic seems to have a passive perception warping effect on non-magical beings around them that causes humans to forget the Familiar and any interactions with them or in their general vicinity. While this is useful when the magical community has to act in public, as it prevents humans from being able to form memories of what they might witness if a familiar is nearby, it makes it extremely difficult for familiars to survive outside of magic only enclaves and families. While the school's official stance is against the age old practices of treating familiars like particularly talkative power sources, in practice there are few, if any, protections in place at the school to prevent familiars from being claimed, exchanged, and fought over with little regard to their actual opinions on who makes use of their power (or other traditional uses for a familiar one has claimed).
The end goal of all students, whether they were aware of it or not when they were first brought to the Academy, is to become one of the magical mercenaries the Academy is known for providing to the world upon graduation. While this fate is, for the most part, not optional there are many oppritunities and paths a student can take to decide what sort of work they go into upon graduation. Students can focus their studies on Practical Magic, Tactcis and Logistics, Artifice and Alchemy, Martial Skills, Intelligence and Espionage, and Defensive Services among other focuses. Students in their 4th-6th forms can also seek out specialized skills that may provide increased value to future employers or teams they might be a member of.
Upon transferring from the Institute to the School all students are evaluated on their achievements, talents, and potentials. These grades are then ranked across the class entering the School and students will find themselves ranked somewhere between Rank 600 and 799 with no two students sharing a rank. From this point on everything a student does effects their ranking within the school. Everything from assignments to assessments to extra curricular activities to formal duels between students of higher rank can add to the student's scores while failures and misbehavior can see a student's score lowered.
For most of the students changes in their scores and rank have little effect on their day to day. While students in the 100-200 rank have some increased privileges and opportunities and those in the 700-799 ranks are at higher risk of dropping into the low ranks (especially when a new class comes in) most mid ranks won't see their day to day life much effected unless they gain or lose massive amounts of ranks at any given time. For the most part mid ranked students are more concerned with the Points that come come or go at the same time as ranks. Points are generally gained anywhere from a few to a few dozen at a time depending on the task/assignment/accomplishment and are generally the only currency a student has access to. Points can be used for anything from the practical like buying school supplies or new uniforms, to luxury items (though what's available depends on rank) like recreation items or decorations for their dorms, to snacks from the school cafe. Several of the high ranking related activities (such as formal duels, moving into or within the tower dorm, or registering a claim on a familiar) cost high amounts of points that would be prohibitive for most non top ranked students.
Students ranked 1-99 and those ranked 800 and below are much more effected by their rank. The top 99 students will see increasing perks, luxuries, and massive privileges the closer they get to being the 1st ranked student of the school. Students who's rank falls below 800 will find themselves shunted into the most spartan barrack dorms with those who fall too far down the ranks or stay in the low ranks too long having a tendency to disappear from the school entirely.
For most of the students changes in their scores and rank have little effect on their day to day. While students in the 100-200 rank have some increased privileges and opportunities and those in the 700-799 ranks are at higher risk of dropping into the low ranks (especially when a new class comes in) most mid ranks won't see their day to day life much effected unless they gain or lose massive amounts of ranks at any given time. For the most part mid ranked students are more concerned with the Points that come come or go at the same time as ranks. Points are generally gained anywhere from a few to a few dozen at a time depending on the task/assignment/accomplishment and are generally the only currency a student has access to. Points can be used for anything from the practical like buying school supplies or new uniforms, to luxury items (though what's available depends on rank) like recreation items or decorations for their dorms, to snacks from the school cafe. Several of the high ranking related activities (such as formal duels, moving into or within the tower dorm, or registering a claim on a familiar) cost high amounts of points that would be prohibitive for most non top ranked students.
Students ranked 1-99 and those ranked 800 and below are much more effected by their rank. The top 99 students will see increasing perks, luxuries, and massive privileges the closer they get to being the 1st ranked student of the school. Students who's rank falls below 800 will find themselves shunted into the most spartan barrack dorms with those who fall too far down the ranks or stay in the low ranks too long having a tendency to disappear from the school entirely.
(This seriously just gets into the weeds of points. Don't feel the need to read unless you have a point related question)
Most students will accumulate some number of points just by completing standard assignments and assessments based on difficulty and grade. The higher level/more specialized the course is the more points will be awarded. Poor performance or not completing an assignment or assessment can cost points.
101/Intro/General courses: Homework -3 to 3 points, Quiz/test -5 to 5 points, Exams/projects -15 to 15 points
Mid Level/Area of Study Focused Courses: Homework -5 to 5 points, Quiz/test -10 to 10 points, Exams/projects -50 to 50 points
Specialization Focused Courses/High Levels/Entry Test Required Courses: Quiz/Test -175 to 75 Points, Exams/Projects -500 to 300 Points
Once you get past the Intro level courses there are point costs just to sign up for a class and often those courses will require purchasing materials. Some Courses have further testing requirements. So a modestly performing 2nd form student might have accumulated 200 points by the end of their 1st form, while a high performing 6th form student might spend nearly that many to get into a high level, but go on to make 500 or more points from that class alone.
There are additional ways of earning points varying from participation in school activities, working certain campus student-jobs, and participating in a number of school competitions. Those who ranked in the top 100 earn a number of points after maintaining their rank for a time or moving up in rank.
With that in mind some things students can spend points on are: snacks/drinks from the school cafe (1-5 points), Dorm decorations (50-500 points), additional uniforms (100-500 points), moving into the tower dorm's lowest floor (1000 points), registering a familiar (1000 points), Applying to a mid level class (20-50 points).
Most students will accumulate some number of points just by completing standard assignments and assessments based on difficulty and grade. The higher level/more specialized the course is the more points will be awarded. Poor performance or not completing an assignment or assessment can cost points.
101/Intro/General courses: Homework -3 to 3 points, Quiz/test -5 to 5 points, Exams/projects -15 to 15 points
Mid Level/Area of Study Focused Courses: Homework -5 to 5 points, Quiz/test -10 to 10 points, Exams/projects -50 to 50 points
Specialization Focused Courses/High Levels/Entry Test Required Courses: Quiz/Test -175 to 75 Points, Exams/Projects -500 to 300 Points
Once you get past the Intro level courses there are point costs just to sign up for a class and often those courses will require purchasing materials. Some Courses have further testing requirements. So a modestly performing 2nd form student might have accumulated 200 points by the end of their 1st form, while a high performing 6th form student might spend nearly that many to get into a high level, but go on to make 500 or more points from that class alone.
There are additional ways of earning points varying from participation in school activities, working certain campus student-jobs, and participating in a number of school competitions. Those who ranked in the top 100 earn a number of points after maintaining their rank for a time or moving up in rank.
With that in mind some things students can spend points on are: snacks/drinks from the school cafe (1-5 points), Dorm decorations (50-500 points), additional uniforms (100-500 points), moving into the tower dorm's lowest floor (1000 points), registering a familiar (1000 points), Applying to a mid level class (20-50 points).
Because I was having fun looking on pintrest:
Female (Rank 800 and above):
Female (Ranked 100-799):
Female (Ranked1-99):

Female (Ranked 100-799):

Female (Ranked1-99):

It is surprisingly hard to find images for male uniform so assume the below are paired with the appropriate slacks:
Male (Rank 800 and above):
Male (Ranked 100-799):
Male (Ranked1-99):
Male (Rank 800 and above):

Male (Ranked 100-799):

Male (Ranked1-99):

1st Form:
Mishida, Mikuari - Witch - low 700s - Mason Dorm
O'Niel, Natalie - Familiar - mid 600s - Mason Dorm
2nd Form:
Cambria, Claudio - Witch - Low 300s - Mason Dorm
Flicker, Elanor - Familiar - 87th - Tower Dorm
3rd Form:
London, Issac Jonah - Witch - 798 - Mason Dorm
Donovan, Meric - Vampire - Mid 300s - Mason Dorm
Mishida, Mikuari - Witch - low 700s - Mason Dorm
O'Niel, Natalie - Familiar - mid 600s - Mason Dorm
2nd Form:
Cambria, Claudio - Witch - Low 300s - Mason Dorm
Flicker, Elanor - Familiar - 87th - Tower Dorm
3rd Form:
London, Issac Jonah - Witch - 798 - Mason Dorm
Donovan, Meric - Vampire - Mid 300s - Mason Dorm
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