- Joined
- Sep 13, 2010
- Location
- Lala Land
Welcome to Brightwall Military Academy
A little known and highly secretive institute, Brightwall Military Academy Services students from 6th grade through an accredited university program. The school promotes healthy competition between students, ambitious post-graduate opportunities, and continual learning throughout the year on its lavishly appointed and spacious campus in the woods of New Hampshire. Here Student flourish under the guidance of highly skill teachers and faculty, far away from the distractions of a city (or any neighbors who might witness one of the students messing up a homework assignment and making it rain toads) (Again).
The Brightwall Academy is, after all, one of the world's finest magical schools.
That's roughly as far as the school's propaganda for parents of potentials students goes. The story the students know? Well, that's a different matter.
Brightwall Military Academy is, also, the world's most prolific source and host of magical mercenaries and muscle for hire.

A little known and highly secretive institute, Brightwall Military Academy Services students from 6th grade through an accredited university program. The school promotes healthy competition between students, ambitious post-graduate opportunities, and continual learning throughout the year on its lavishly appointed and spacious campus in the woods of New Hampshire. Here Student flourish under the guidance of highly skill teachers and faculty, far away from the distractions of a city (or any neighbors who might witness one of the students messing up a homework assignment and making it rain toads) (Again).
The Brightwall Academy is, after all, one of the world's finest magical schools.
That's roughly as far as the school's propaganda for parents of potentials students goes. The story the students know? Well, that's a different matter.
Brightwall Military Academy is, also, the world's most prolific source and host of magical mercenaries and muscle for hire.
Brightwall Academy isn't just a magical school but, more specifically, a school that trains (and later hires out) magical mercenaries. The student body is split via a continual and highly competitive ranking system. Once students pass into the university levels of the school these ranks dictate everything from privilages and quality of life on campus to the opportunities available after graduation. Those who excel are able to earn comforts or even luxuries such as a place in the coveted tower dorm, and can look forward to a bright future of espionage or assassination. Those who fail to thrive will find themselves struggling to make it in the dog-eat-dog barracks dorm and futures as disposable mooks.
While often competition over Ranks and Points is cut throat occasionally groups will form and formally create a "Team". While this allows them to pool their ranks and points to rise higher (and many go on to become formidable teams of a more violent variety) it comes at the cost that any weak links bring the entire team down with them.
While often competition over Ranks and Points is cut throat occasionally groups will form and formally create a "Team". While this allows them to pool their ranks and points to rise higher (and many go on to become formidable teams of a more violent variety) it comes at the cost that any weak links bring the entire team down with them.
Brightwall Academy is pleased to welcome a vast array of students into it's halls. While it is best known for it's excellent magical programs, and it's popularity among non-magical parents who don't know what to do with their newly manifesting children, there is a place and program for all magical creatures within the school. The school's sports teams are popular among the shifters. The school is outfitted with all necessary accommodations to allow vampiric students to participate normally with the rest of the student body. Contact the school's department of Special Circumstances to look into possible alterations needed to ensure you have a fulfilling and productive career within the school.
The Brightwall Campus is located deep in the woods of New Hampshire, nearly an hour's drive from the closest (small) town. The campus itself is sectioned off into three, largely insulated, sections. The Brightwall Institute, where the younger students (ages 11 to 15) live largely resembles a typical private boarding school and is located nearest the campuses' main entrance. The Manor House, home to graduated students between contracts and much of the staff, is as the name suggests a sprawling manor house a stone's throw away from the Institute.
The majority of the campus (and the majority of our story) is taken up by the School. Centering on four main buildings surrounding a large yard and parade ground known as the Quad, though with several outbuildings scattered throughout the wider grounds, the School provides all it's students need to progress in their studies and personal growth. A huge array of programs in academic, magical, and martial skills prepare students for their future careers and provide them with ample chances to rise in the Ranks and earn Points to spend on both necessities and (if their rank is high enough) luxuries. While those who refuse to apply themselves will languish away in the spartan Barracks Dorms in the basements of the dormitory buildings, most students live comfortably in the Mantle or Mason buildings which provide everything expected of a college level dorm. Those who truly excel and climb to the top of the ranks came make their homes in the coveted Tower dorms, and even compete for the luxurious Suites in the top floors.
The majority of the campus (and the majority of our story) is taken up by the School. Centering on four main buildings surrounding a large yard and parade ground known as the Quad, though with several outbuildings scattered throughout the wider grounds, the School provides all it's students need to progress in their studies and personal growth. A huge array of programs in academic, magical, and martial skills prepare students for their future careers and provide them with ample chances to rise in the Ranks and earn Points to spend on both necessities and (if their rank is high enough) luxuries. While those who refuse to apply themselves will languish away in the spartan Barracks Dorms in the basements of the dormitory buildings, most students live comfortably in the Mantle or Mason buildings which provide everything expected of a college level dorm. Those who truly excel and climb to the top of the ranks came make their homes in the coveted Tower dorms, and even compete for the luxurious Suites in the top floors.
As the concept of a Military Academy might suggest Discipline is taken quite seriously at Brightwall. While minor infractions as one would expect from any school generally carries similarly minor punishments (detention, extra work, minor floggings) one of the worst rules that a student can break is truancy. Skipping a class or mandatory school activity carries a possible cost to rank while attempting to leave school without permission for any reason calls for mandatory in school suspension and corporal punishment.
Ironically, considering the strict discipline when it comes to academics, the staff turns a certain amount of blind eyes towards out of class behavioral issues between students. Issues between individuals or teams are often allowed to resolve themselves, so long as things are kept out of class and not directly under an instructor's nose. Weaker students who find themselves targeted are often simply encouraged to work on their skills and find a team willing to protect them in exchange for said skills.
Other activities between students are also generally turned a blind eye to. The students have to let off steam somehow. There are even rumors about the sort of extra circular related luxuries waiting students who make it to the Tower Dorms.
Ironically, considering the strict discipline when it comes to academics, the staff turns a certain amount of blind eyes towards out of class behavioral issues between students. Issues between individuals or teams are often allowed to resolve themselves, so long as things are kept out of class and not directly under an instructor's nose. Weaker students who find themselves targeted are often simply encouraged to work on their skills and find a team willing to protect them in exchange for said skills.
Other activities between students are also generally turned a blind eye to. The students have to let off steam somehow. There are even rumors about the sort of extra circular related luxuries waiting students who make it to the Tower Dorms.
A small number of students of the school carry a different sort of talent. Although these students are able to tap into unmatched amounts of raw magical energy they are relatively unable to channel that power themselves. Rather, other magic users are able to draw power from them. That alone would be enough to put these Familiars, as they are called, in a precarious position. The nature of their power, and their connection to things not meant for humans to know, has a memory altering effect on non magical beings. Soon after a familiar manifests non magical beings will forget about them, an effect that grows stronger with time and continually refreshes (to the point where non magic beings will forget a familiar entirely minutes after speaking to them). Given these factors familiars often end up under the care of magical beings or families able to support them. Although these Familiars are enrolled in the school under the pretense of being students they're often shunted off to certain alternative classes and there are entire sets of unspoken rules regarding them. Students who wish to rise high in the school's ranks are often advised to seek out one of the school's familiar's for a partner, or to claim as a simple power source.
Hi! If you've read all of the above and are interested please let me know! My hope is to either get enough interested people to have our characters form a team that's trying to make our way through the school and aiming for the safety/comfort/luxury that can be found in the tower dorm, or (if a lot of people are interested) have multiple teams and individuals and all the complication that involves.
For additional information on our school please review the School's Announcement Board for notices or discussion of school events or visit our Registration Center to register as a student.
All current students should make their way back to campus to make sure they're on time to their next class.
Currently particularly in need of older and/or shifter students
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