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Fx M or F High school girls basketball! NSFW

Jan 21, 2018
Hello all of you deprived and viceful deviants! So which one of you is going to help tickle my fancy??? Huh? Anyone? Hmmm… Well, just in case it is you… let me explain what I am looking for. Lately, I have been getting into tons of high school drama shows of all types! Plus, being a former basketball player and now coach, I miss being a teenager. So this will be a slice of life request, if that does not make you hard… I mean excited, sorry… you should probably leave.

I am looking to play a bunch of characters, eight in total who are all seniors (yes they are 18, but will go as low as 16) who are team mates on a high school basketball team together. I think it would be fun to find someone who can help me create our own little small town setting around these girls and the trouble they get into. I enjoy taboo pairings, but prefer romance over anything though I am not opposed to some darker stuff happening.

If you would be interested in this setting, message me and we will share ideas (though some of mine are below) and talk kinks. I'll also send you a picture of the girls I have made. Sorry for short and sweet, but rather just flash you with my boobs… I mean ideas, and grab your attention quick.

The following stories will be taboo, original or ambitious scenes featuring an endless number of possible pairings and plots. The elements and themes of these stories will change based upon the individual tale itself. While it maybe assumed or applied that characters might be under the age of eighteen, all will be played at a legal or unspecified age. Throughout these roleplays, separate narratives may call for different types of sexual willingness. While there will be stories featuring romantic and fun loving sexual acts, others will dabble in dubious consent, for example blackmail, drugs and manipulation. Some however will go to darker places where non-consensual acts such as rape occur. Please ask or specify what you are looking for to begin with. I stress I want this to feel real, with real consequences for those involved. Emotions should run high, fear of something going wrong be present and characters adapting and changing with evolving situations. This sounds complicated for a single episode but some tales will be multiple parts so the plot can fully develop. Gaining an emotional value with our characters is greatly preferred.

I have no personal preference to my partners gender, as I prefer to write in third person opposed to first. I see myself telling the story of another person, rather than a story about myself. Throughout these tales, there will be scenes in which both heterosexual and homosexual acts can and will occur. I am perfectly fine and acceptable with either. There could be moments of multiple partners or orgies which is acceptable but any thought of creating a harem or collection of my characters will turn me cold and ruin my fun. Characters being asked to dress a certain way always fine, given no one abuses this to an extent where realism or simple common sense is lost. For example, my characters are not going to a very public place wearing only something such as lingerie, a sexual toy/device or nothing. In private or a public setting that makes sense, all toys and outfits are welcome.

Certain kinks will never find their way into my plays or the play will be dropped immediately without hesitation. I find any act considered scat or water sports to be disgusting. Why I do not see this ever being an issue within these stories, vore is not something I am interested in. While violence is perfectly acceptable, and even acts of mental and physical torture will be allowed, dismemberment or overly graphic gore are not. Lastly, I am not a fan of body part fetishes. Though my characters may partake in such acts during certain scenes, having to cater every scene to such needs is exhausting. I am sure as you read through this, you will find typos, and incorrect grammar. Though I strive to do my best at writing properly, I fall majorly short. I hope you can forgive me as I will you.

As you can see, I take the time to put thought into what I do. I hope and expect the same in return. Please be able to give some detail, banter and plot developing elements within your post. I feed on the energy of my partner; the more you give, the more you receive. I prefer to roleplay via threads as the best stories will be linked to this request thread like a badge of honor. My episodes are meant to be pieced together like seasons or universes. Some will be multiple parts as well.

One final thought, please approach me with any ideas you may have. I do not have anything for a lesbian relationship listed but I am very open to the act, and any of these could be easily twisted to a homosexual pairing. I always have room for more and new exciting ideas. Also, I prefer to blue print and game plan before we get started so we can share intriguing ideas and know where we are going. OOC chatter is a welcomed joy as well.

1. When a student begins to fail a teacher's class, he is determined to make sure she does not fail. Developing a more punishment based style of tutoring her, he becomes a daddy dom figure in her life to help her prepare for life in later years.

2. She hurt her knee last season, just short of a state title. Now everyone expects her to make a come back but the knee won't cooperate. Emotionally weak, she is easily seduced by the new young assistant coach willing to help her get back on the court.

3. She took a babysitting job for some extra money on the side, but soon seen how horrible the marriage was. The lonely husband is drawn to her, but she does not want to break a family up but needs the money.

4. She was the hottest girl in school and he was a nerd. After losing a bet, she has to seduce him and date him but he is smarter than she knows and so much more than expected.

5. They have hated each other for so long, but neither know why. When all that frustration comes to a head, the cheerleader and jock are forced to deal with their sexual tension.

6. It was the best party ever, and hanging out with frat guys was so hot! Who cares if she got a little wasted and is driving home drunk, her dad is the mayor! However, the cop in the rear view may not see it the same way.

7. Her friend was throwing a halloween party and she could not wait to dress up and go! It was the one night of the year she could dress up like a slut and no one care. While there, she gets drunk and meets a hot guy in a mask who she does not unmask until it's too late!

8. She lies to her parents about her plans for the weekend and sneaks off to their lake house with her friends. While there though, a wanted man stumbles upon them. He is so sweet and helpless, she cannot help but fall for him while hiding him from her friends until the law catches up to him.

9. She is convinced by a friend to help him out with a photography project he has, but he is very seductive and convincing. Soon, she finds herself enjoying what she is doing but ends up way over her head as the shoot continues.

10. She hates to work but needs money to help pay for her car and after getting her first pay check, she is disgusted. Taking a few dollars here and there so she makes what she thinks she deserves isn't bad until she is caught. She needs this job and not going to jail would be nice too, but her manager isn't listening to her begging and crying.

11. She was smitten the second he walked into class today, but never could work up the courage to talk to him. While she is texting and talking to her friend about him, she rear ends another car. She is shocked though when the guy driving the car is her new heart throb.

12. They met on summer vacation, had a summer love for a week and went separate ways. When school starts back, he is the new kid in her class but she has a boyfriend. Caught in a love triangle, two guys are trying to win her heart.

13. She was the sweetest girl ever, and he had been keeping a close eye on her. It pissed him off how his son just seemed to act like she was replaceable and never showed her any respect. He knows how to treat a girl like her though, and he plans on showing her why she should forget the boy and go for the Dad.

14. It's late at night, and she was on her way home from a party when she runs out of gas on a long dark highway. She is scared and does not have service. Who will come along is anyone's guess?

15. She sneaks into a bar with some of her friend's and catches the eye of a very nice looking, middle aged business man. Throughout the night, he does his normal routine to pick her up and take her home. They share a night like none other, but in the morning he finds she is gone and can't stop wanting her.

16. They were best friends, no they were sisters. The grew up together and her best friend's father had raised her. She was there through it all, the fighting and divorce with his wife. She sees how lonely he is, and how badly he needs someone there with him. She does not care it might hurt her best friend, she wants to make sure he moves on to someone younger and sexier than his ex-wife.

17. Her and some friends travel to the lake for her birthday, staying at her dad's lake house. Next door, a few guys are building a brand new home. The usually sweet and reserved girl finds herself becoming more outgoing and flirty, but she is use to dealing with high school boys, not college studs.

18. They was madly in love but his dad lived vicariously through him. She just wanted to be happy, but that will only happen if daddy thinks she is good enough for his son, and no one is ever good enough for his all American athlete.

19. After doing the Tik Tok kiss your best friend challenge, he becomes violently obsessed with her. Things get worse and worse when it was just a kiss to her.

20. Her dad drove over the rode and trusted his best friend neighbor to keep an eye on his grease monkey daughter. One night, they get a little drunk while working on a car and get carried away.
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