Mx Female Instagram Stories


Nov 1, 2018
Just like any other warm blooded American male, I've got a secret instagram account where I follow hot chicks! Because I'm a roleplayer though, I can't help but get motivated with plot bunnies and stories that come into my head from the pictures these girls post. Here is where I'm going to post the reference pictures and plot bunnies that come into my head when I see these pics. If any of you friendly players would like to play out the stories, whether its a single scene or longer story, please PM me and let's make it happen!

The story of this girl is summed up by this post and her username. She thinks/knows she is hot as hell, but wants to be known for more than just her looks. Her posts are about her abilities to eat healthy, cook, and clearly she is secretly not confident in her ability to be anything more than good looks, otherwise why would she focus on this other stuff so much? But at the same time, she also wants it all, and every now and then posts like that sneak through, where she says how she wants to be pampered, attached to a video of just the hotness of her body. I'm thinking the story on this one is about how she just dumped her boyfriend for being too "cheap" to pamper her the way she thinks she deserves. This post is her anger post to the world that she knows her ex will see. The thing is, it ends up attracting the wrong kind of attention, and she realizes she CAN get pampered the way she wants... for a price.

Meanwhile Sarah is the story of how she wore this outfit to Thanksgiving at her new boyfriends' conservative family's house. Maybe she's been seeing this guy a short time, just a few dates, and sure she looked hot on those dates, but never went like this. He decided to invite her to Thanksgiving and she showed up wearing that, much to her boyfriends surprise... and his family's surprise. We can get into the drama, and also why she wore this. Maybe there's a reason. Maybe she's just a slut. LOL!

There's the story of the other Sara who finds herself reporting on NBA basketball for a while, following a local team. She gets constantly hit on by the players but being happily married, she ignores them all. Until there's one particularly long road trip after a recent fight with her husband and she finds herself willing to accept a date, just one, just because she needs to change it up... and her life changes forever.

Or how about Emily, who was just a normal, cute and popular girl who decided to get a boob job. One bad instagram post later and she is suddenly finding herself flooded with attention from all sorts of places. Of course she doesn't put it all together as to why until she gets herself into trouble first...

There's the story of Anna who's mostly innocent instagram account calmed down after she got married, but then this one post that she thought was fun and innocent led to a proposal from a stranger, and when she mentioned it to her loving husband, it turned into a night she'd never forget.

There's the story of the other Sara. Only daughter of a rich family... well, a rich father who married a gold digger. Sara just wants to play her instruments and make music, and in fact spends her time working on making albums - with the money and connections her family has, its actually easy. But her mom doesn't believe in her music career, and wants Sara to be like her, so she puts a lot of pressure on her to look hot and use her looks to find a rich guy, personality be damned. We follow her as she tries to live up to mom's wishes even as the men she meets aren't exactly pure of heart...

Here's a good story of Zoe. She fell for the allure of instagram stardom after college, even partnering with a hot girlfriend to make millions. Except she wasn't patient, and before she could make anything substantial, she ended up meeting the man of her dreams. After dating for a while, she decided to marry him, and things were going well for the first year or so... but as it turns out, her husband is a bit more conservative than Zoe ever knew, and he didn't like that she was still "out there" on Instagram. He wants his wife to be his private gem! So after some fights, she's ended her social media career and instead focused on her new career as a real estate agent. Except, she didn't remove her old modeling account, and we pick up the marriage from here, where her husband continues to try to put the reigns on the free spirit more and more... and she is becoming resentful, maybe even sneaking behind his back...

Inspired by this post, Betsy is another wanna-be instagram millionaire. She started it during/after college just like everyone else, got a little modeling career going... but as it turns out, she quickly realize that she's not nearly as hot as some of the other girls on IG, and her followers and money matches it. Meanwhile she's gone ahead with NO career whatsoever (maybe she actually dropped out of college) and she's approaching 30 knowing she's past her peak, and with no job, no prospects, and not even a boyfriend! She sort of wants a successful older guy, someone mature like she thinks she is, but at this point she'd even just take moderately middle class as long as he isn't a total asshole. Here's the thing though - she's made this a bit too obvious, and maybe an old flame of hers takes advantage of her...

I will post more on here as they come to me...
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