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Looking to DM for F character (Fantasy, BDSM, Non-con)

Darrow Huck

Mar 24, 2012
I'm interested in DMing a one-on-one game for a female player set in a D&D-style world on Discord. The game will feature:
  • Open-ended plot; I don't railroad my players and I like letting them take the story in whatever direction they want
  • A good mix of story and smut; your character's actions will determine which way it leans more
  • A setting full of danger and intrigue, with plenty of villains and rogues who would love to get their hands on your character
  • Mostly free-form play, but with a few dice rolls to throw some unpredictability in.

Your character will find herself in the city of Blackdeed, a place known across the world for its corruption and villainy. Located in the far north, far from any other hint of civilization and surrounded by harsh badlands and vicious monsters, Blackdeed is a refuge for exiled criminals, the masters of black arts, worshipers of demons, and practitioners of unknown depravities.

We'll decide how your character wound up there based on what you want her background to be. She might be either trying to escape (People are normally free to leave the city, but surviving he journey elsewhere is impossible on your own), or she could be pursuing some other goal. Whatever her goals are, there will be forces in the city opposing her, both subtly or openly.

I plan on having just enough of a system in place to prevent it from simply being DM fiat what happens to you; your character will have a stat for any skill she wants to use (1-10), and any challenge or combat will be decided with one die roll. The rest will be rp'd out in whatever way makes it interesting.

Your character:
The story is open to mostly whatever kind of character you would like to play (as long as she's a humanoid female), but she should be fairly proactive and not a doormat. There are plenty of ways for her to get in trouble in Blackdeed, and the weak don't survive long there.

Chains, whips, slavery, and public humiliation are all proud traditions of Blackdeed, and almost any perverted act imaginable can be found in some corner of the city.

PM me or DM Darrow Huck#2498 on Discord if you're interested.
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