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Fx Any Humans, Anthros, ferals and Monsters, Oh MY! (Updated 5/1/2024))


Cute Innocent Fox Girl
May 12, 2018
So not going to get into too much here
  1. Please be 21 or older only
  2. Follow site rules
  3. I don't rp characters under 21 and rarely over 30
  5. Please (As much as this may deter some of you) I am NOT into namecalling (I.E. Slut and bitch) and please ask that it not be included.
Here are some links to both my f-list and a growing group of anthro girls

F-list (This list is a little outdated, and I will be editing and will note when it's done)
Anthro Gals (NSFW) (An ever-growing list!)

If you see a girl you like you can message me and we can plot from that, or a girl and a plot or simply a plot a well!

Below are pairing and ideas
Genres and themes

~ Crime drama
~ College
~ Fantasy
~ Medieval
~ Historical
~ Romance (Obviously)
~ Furries
~ Incest

  • Siblings
  • Father/Daughter (Step)
  • College Student/College Student
  • Student/Professor
  • Boss/Worker
  • Cowgirl/Equine Anthro
  • Crime Lord/Debtor's Daughter
  • Crime Lord/Undercover female cop
  • Safari Guide/Wild Anthro
  • Rich Woman/Anthro Mechanic
  • Rich Man/Female Anthro Mechanic
  • Truck Driver/Hitchhiker
  • Female Police Officer/K9 Partner Anthro
  • Car Mechanic/Rich Woman
  • Wounded Solider/Nurse


A Mother and a wife. This woman was strong and proud, always doing everything she could for the betterment of her daughter, yet things seemed to beat down on her. When she is struck down with a very rare form of cancer and is told it is too far along to treat, she makes sure everything is finished and prepared for her daughter, and her husband. Her last words to the pair would be to look after each other and to take care of each other. Just after her high school graduation, things take a turn for the worse and it is uncovered that she also has cancer, though thanks to her mother's diagnosis they tested and found it early enough to treat. This leaves the daughter in an even more vulnerable spot as she begins to lose her hair and feels like her life is spiraling as her long-term boyfriend dumps her. (Dad or Stepdad idea)

A young teen girl gets into a fight with her parents and storms out of the house. After they head to find her, they head home, but things are about to change, forever. Their car is hit, and her parents are killed. She is severely injured, and after several emergency surgeries to save her life, she awakens days later. Her room is filled with cards, stuffed animals, photos, and flowers, but her parents are nowhere to be seen, which confuses her at first. Then she remembers the crash and she screams in pain and agony, knowing if they weren't here by her side, or in the room injured with her, things were very bad. The only person in her life now was her dad's best friend and her godfather. He takes her in, mending her soul as best as he can, though nothing will fill the hole as she graduates high school, and goes to college. But it is when she comes home at winter break, balling, that things feel like they begin to change. Her boyfriend was struck by a drunk driver, just like her parents just a few days prior, and passed away, feeling her whole world was crashing around her, she turns to her only source of normalcy in her life. (Story starts that Christmas break!)

We have all faced times of darkness in our hearts, in our minds, but when one young man, a firefighter, faces near death to save the lives of others, then becomes shunned because of the scars and his appearance, he faces the ultimate darkness. Because of worries to his mental health, among other health issues, he is assigned a temporary live-in nurse and physical therapist to begin helping him recover and return to a normal life. She is the first person to not look at him with fear or disgust, and slowly she helps him come to accept who he is now, to love himself. Though they bond much closer then anyone might have expected.

MC (Human in the idea but can be an anthro) works with a group like ASPCA but with anthros, as they are only just beginning to get their freedoms, many are still being kept hidden and treated as slaves. So after a storm blows in and knocks down an old barn people report hearing strange cries coming from the rubble. So she and other groups are called out to investigate and they find an anthro (YC) trapped and hurt, showing signs of abuse and malnourishment. MC would proceed to take you in and care for you, helping you to fit into society and ultimately love forms

So we could start with the typical waking up, as the game does, just doesn't always have to be earth, but was thinking it could be when the traveler is trapped and light is suppressed by Gaul, just for some reason a handful of guardianless ghosts are unaffected. The other character is an already well-established guardian, known for many things among those at the tower (I.E. a normal guardian, defeat Crota and Skolas and Oryx and the like), follows the ghost out of curiosity but also protecting it even though she/he is lightless. The two work together to escape once the new guardian is revived, things being explained in a rush as they escape. From there we could do the turning of the light and from there, plenty of things that have been added (And some since removed) to play with if interested.

Young man (or woman) loses everything in an accident that leaves them stuck in the hospital and they lose all will to live. When they don't respond to anything they try one last treatment, animal therapy, though instead of a typical normal animal, it is a young anthro woman who hides a secret of her own, an abusive home with her 'owner' where she is treated like a slave. The two form a bond and she saves him when he is at his most fark and he wants to do the same for her.

A young woman had fallen into the world of movies at a young age, a child star in a famous family, though as she grew, she came to hate this shallow world more and more. Though how can someone who had grown up with the fame, tell her family that she didn't want to be an actress anyone, especially one who was extremely sought after. Well it seemed impossible for her, seemed that she would live the rest of her life unhappy. Then on a shoot away from hollywood, she meets a young man who is the complete opposite of her, barely making ends meet, working two jobs but is humble and in awe of her. She often frequents a cafe where he works while on the shoot and as they begin talking the awe they feel toward each other slowly turns into love. Will she be brave enough to leave her life to be able to follow her heart and true happiness of will she let it slip away?

The king of this land has been searching for a person with the ability to heal his sick wife, as no medicine herbalist or normal mages have been able to help her. He is looking for some sign of the mother goddess in this land, a last-ditch effort to save his queen. Then the yearly collection of sacrifices from a small island off the coast a young girl has been discovered with the ability to talk to the goddess, as well as heal. She is much more then what she appears though and she is taken away from her people to be brought before the king. Though traveling on the same boat, watching the collection of the sacrifices is the Kings' only son. He wants to end his father's rule, being directed by visions from the goddess. He helped the young girl escape and together the two form a rebellion, to rise up and stop the king but more than a rebellion forms between them. They fall deeply in love with each other, was it part of the goddess' plan or will it mess up what the goddess had planned for the two of them?

Heartache happens to the best of us. Many things can cause heartache and for many reasons can heartache be a bad thing. But sometimes heartache can lead to good as well. Sometimes it can lead two souls in the darkest of places to each other. It can unite two people who thought they would never feel love again. It allows their hearts to heal as they fall in love. Yet tragedy could keep them apart for good. (Plenty of ways to add and change this one up)

Tribes of races arrive from an unknown source looking for the strongest warrior for what seems like a friendly competition of strength. Many races send their strongest warriors and when they all have arrived they find themselves locked in there by powerful magic. It had all been a ruse, set up by a ma with too much money and dark magic. This was a game to the death, warriors pit against each other and various monsters. The last warrior standing would be released. Among the group, there is only one woman and while trapped here men begin to eye her though only one brave soul approaches her. The two form an alliance but it quickly grows into something much more (Very versatile and can easily be changed for different scenarios. I see this as more like a gladiator arena or a Hunger Games style arena, everyone pitted against the other in one big arena.)

A young girl has been abandoned by her family years ago when she was nothing more than an innocent child. She grew up hating the world and people. She grew up living a life of crime though that was never what she expected her life to be like. On her twenty-first birthday, she actually stops and makes a wish, a prayer that someone will notice her, love her and take care of her. She was tired of sleeping in alleys and stealing to survive. She then goes about her day moving unseen by everyone until she collides with a young man with a big heart. (Rest is open past here one where the plot goes)

A young woman spent her whole life in a church in the far reaches of the kings land. She lived a sheltered life there, only hearing stories from the old knights about the demon wars. She read all the books in the library and all told her that demons were foul evil creatures and that if she ever saw one she should kill on the spot. One day her life is rocked while she is in the wood edge near the church. She finds an injured demon and while scared at first comes to discover that demons are more human then the old stories made her believe. She must make a decision that could change her quiet life forever.

A young man goes off to war, leaving his only friend as his emergency contact. Years ago by and the two don't speak while he is on his deployments, no matter how rough his deployments were, no matter how much he simply needed a friend. Then one day the young woman gets a call that makes her blood run cold. Her friend had been injured in a roadside bombing and he was comatose. They get him back stateside and she spends every second she can at his bedside. When he awakens though he has no memory of who she is or even who he is. She begins a long and difficult road to help him recover.

MC is a normal young woman until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds: the Near Shore, where regular humans and creatures reside, and the Far Shore, where demons and human souls linger. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, YC. YC is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including MC to fix her body, though the two soon learn that fate has more planned for them than they ever could have expected.

A portal between two worlds rips open and pours out strange races (Elves and other races) as well as monsters out for human blood. The races begin warring with each other instead of focusing on the creatures that are killing all of them, no matter what race they are. Two of the most powerful fighters on both sides end up facing off against the other though they refuse to fight and kill the other. Instead, they start to try and create peace treaties before the monsters wipe out both races for good. Though spending so much time together leads them to develop feelings for each other.

The world is literally hell on earth, demons have poured out onto the surface and have been stealing the souls of the weak humans that call it home. The remaining population have created underground bunkers in which they have demon proofed or so they think. A human among them is gifted, or cursed, with the power of a demon, allowing her to kill the creatures, though she has to be careful to fight the influence of the demon inside her own mind. The world has come down to needing the help of a half-demon girl to kill the demons but it isn't something she can do alone, instead needing someone far more powerful to help her, though the being is far too pure for her to want to summon. An angelic being.

A young woman walked away from the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, all to pursue a career in music, something that no one believed she could ever do. Even with all the fame and fortune, she's not happy, wishing she could go back in time, to tell herself that the loneliness and heartache wasn't worth losing her soulmate over. After almost 15 long years she returns to her hometown for their 20th class reunion but she is dreading it because she has to play in front of everyone but moreover, she knows she will see him there and she isn't sure she can face him, even after all the success.

Abusive Ex after Abusive ex has turned one young woman to a world of drugs and alcohol to dull the pain of everything. She progressively gets worse and worse, starting to look worse and worse, losing her home and her job because of her choices. She knows she needs to get clean but she doesn't really start until she sees the death of a teen due to an overdose. She starts to go to AA meetings and tries to get her life back on track. Something sets her into a relapse and she OD's waking up in the hospital she learns her OD has saved her life, the physical pain she had been blocking out was actually cancer. She doesn't want to be treated, would rather die but one young nurse/or doctor refuses to give up on her. They help her get clean and are with her through every step of her recovery, love eventually blossoming.

A young man at his wits ends sees the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he swore she was an angel from heaven. And in some ways he was right, she was a fallen angel trapped on earth, her punishment for taking action against a group of warring humans and her dislike of humans. She is prophesied to fall in love with a human and that is the only way she will be able to get her wings back and earn the right to return to heaven. To her, this is all ridiculous but the moment the two run into each other she senses something different on him. She will resist the bond for a while, the two becoming friends but soon she begins to fall in love with him and her dislike of humans lessened. She knows though if she gets her wings back that she will have a tough choice to make. (This one can easily be roll reversed too)
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