The female came, and her body was relaxed for just a moment, and the vines did their work. The little thorns pricked her again on her big tender breasts and the vine in her pussy pressed right up to her cervix and she would feel a strange little pinch as sonething pushed in passed the tight hole inside of her. It was thin and long and she could feel something moving inside of her womb. It was a very odd sensation, but not really painful. After a few moments like that, the pinching stopped and the feeling receeded. Whatever it was pulled out of her womb. The vine in her ass swelled and began to release some kind of liquid inside of her, and then so did the one in her mouth. It was a warm, sweet nectar. The vines slipped easily from her body and they set her on the ground gently. One stayed wrapped around her midsection, but the rest uncoiled from her, giving her free range of motion.