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When Yin and Yang Meet. ((AlisaXMaso))

Vailed In Black

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Jan 9, 2009
The day was shining from above as Tae, Daryle, and Kathrine drove in the van that they normally ferried their kids to places and from them. The environment changing from rocky hills, forests, to a flatter land even more tropical. Though the change was gradual the land was slowly changing as they made their way down a system of highways toward what was Florida. Daryle glanced at Tae as she was on the wheel, "so you have been wanting to meet this friend of yours for a while now haven't you Tae? What has it been...?" he asked as Tae glanced at him with a smile, "five years, she and I have been on communicating on discord. Thankfully finally she broke down and said we could finally meet. Always made such a big deal about it." She commented happily as Kathrine spoke up a bit, "well, I don't see the harm in it. Daryle and I got some time off of work so I thought finally it was time to meet this friend of yours that you say is like Wendy to me." Kathrine said in a very neutral tone as she glanced outside for a moment before glancing down at her phone. She was just on Facebook talking to another friend of hers that she was close to. Though Tae didn't pay much attention to that as she glanced at them, "Yeah, Aurora was always so nervous about us meeting in person I don't even get it why she has been so against it." As Daryle and Kathrine at the same time shrugged Tae sighed as they didn't understand why this was such a big thing. It was like Aurora and herself were like long bonded sisters or some thing that crossed time and space? Maybe just time but either way she was happy to finally meet this person in the flesh.

Tae even found time to glance outside as she was going a steady 80 miles an hour the sun was near the horizon as it was late November as she told Aurora that she wouldn't go when it was the peak of summer. That would be suicide for the 38 year old woman to deal with as she was from another part of the country that it grew insanely cold. "Hey how long do we have to go?", Kathrine asked as she glanced up from her long conversation and trip down Facebook as Tae glanced at the gps, "Hm some hours yet," she commented as Kathrine nodded suggesting food as Daryle looked up from his gaming streams nodding. "Yeah I got some money we could stop by Subway, McDonalds...", He suggested as Kathrine smiled, "McDonalds..." but as she mentioned this she frowned, "shit that is right, Tae, you can't really eat McDonalds can you? That really messes with your stomach." She commented as Tae nodded with a lopsided smile, "I can take a Frappe if that is all to it." Then Daryle responded, "some trash burgers for me and I am good. Then we can keep on heading down to the location spot." He glanced at the gps which he nodded and went back to his streams not really paying much attnetion to the time left in the drive.

Tae didn't even pay that much attention as she just held the wheel time passed, hours passed, the day was finally over and she let Daryle take over the wheel while she fell asleep in the seat next to him. Kathrine still didn't get her driver's license despite having the means to do so. Though they had fixed up their home and got their boys and girl separate rooms finally allowing the mother in law to move out with her husband that left little for everything else. Even Tae asked for things here and there to coordinate with another friend online though she never asked too much it still didn't allow much to do with in the terms of Kathrine herself which prided on taking care of everybody around her. Daryle drove and talked to Kathrine while Tae slept though it was amazing how to Tae that their relationship worked so well. It had bumps back in the day but now it was truly getting off the ground and Aurora was one of the key components to keep the whole thing oiled and moving. Cause she had helped Tae work through some issues that she had with her partners which was solved as time gone on. Through these accomplishments Aurora had worked out as Tae's safety net if something was to fall through with them. Though Tae didn't see that coming finally she jolted awake blinking Daryle put a reassuring hand on her arm, "Tae, sweetie, it is okay just some traffic and you know how I am with large amounts of traffic." He said nervously though he tried to hide the worried feelings due to feeling insecure on the road. "Haha, it is okay Daryle, I know you don't do so hot on the road want me to take over?" Tae asked as Daryle nodded, "Please," he said simply as they stopped on the side of the road.

Tae once again was at the wheel after some food and refreshments they were back down the road once again. The environment had drastically changed as it looked more tropical it was jarring to Tae and the rest as she hadn't heard them going to Florida before. The three just marveled at the scenery not sure what to make of it as the van pressed on lead by the gps that Aurora gave them as Tae's heart was growing louder and louder in her ears. She was going to meet her sister finally a meeting that was fabled in her mind, the other two wanted to meet Aurora just cause they wanted to meet the woman that helped their girlfriend out so much. It has been so long and things had worked out so well as Tae would talk about Aurora a lot they wanted to see the woman behind the name is all. Finally the GPS stopped at a location within a city though Tae couldn't figure out which one it was she kind of drifted in and out of thought not seeing the street sign or city sign as she waited for Aurora to pick up on her phone as she had sent a text saying she was outside her home.
Aurora was lounging on her couch with her cat Casanova whom she had shown a few pictures to Tae. He was being cuddly for once as opposed to his normal independent attitude where he would be on the opposite end of the couch. She just so happened to be watching one of her favorite shows Letter Kenny. A show she had introduced Tae to and her family. They had joked and laughed about the show many times and found they both liked dry Canadian humor. Her phone buzzed and she picked it up, she was greeted by the face of Hatsune Miku as her background and she quickly punched in her combination to check the message. All at once her heart went into her throat, and she felt like she was going to vomit. "She's here." She said aloud. Her cat simply turned his head and looked at her. She was sure if he could talk he would tell her to calm down. There was a joint she had rolled for this occasion, she wanted to share it with Tae and make their first moments together super spiritual. At this moment though she wanted to smoke it, stress was going to hit her, and the last thing she needed was to let her epilepsy hit her right in the face and have a seizure right in front of Tae on their first meeting. "Fuck it." She said as she put the joint to her lips and lit it, she took a long drag, held it for a few seconds and exhaled. "Be right out." She said in a reply to the text and stood up and opened the front door. She took another puff of her joint and leaned against the door frame, calm and cool as a cucumber now, she played the cool girl and smiled, waiting for them to get out of the van.
Tae noticed the reply and even the response hurried on the phone as she put down her android. She slipped it into her purse front pocket throwing it over her chest while glancing at her loves. "Okay, come on...", She said nervously as her heart was beating in her chest and the fact that mouth had grown dry. The thought finally meeting Aurora was getting to her as Daryle and Kathrine both put their hands on her shoulder. "Come on, sweetie, you got this," Daryle said as Kathrine added in, "yeah you got this." She said in her dry tone as she was not really letting this make her freak out. They all exited the van as they walked to the front door when the door opened to seeing Aurora or what Tae assumed was Aurora with a joint in her mouth? "Oh...hi....Aurora," She made little comment as her voice was low. Daryle jsut waved along with Kathrine, "so you are the girl that helped Tae? Well nice to meet you!" She put on a sweet voice but anybody could tell that it was made for telemarketing. It wasn't that Kathrine wanted to be this way but it was cause she wanted to give off a good impression to Aurora. "Ah, hey, Aurora? Nice to meet you!" Daryle said in his goofy yet laid back manner with a smooth smile. He always had a way with charisma and if he rolled each time he talked he would nearly roll nat 20s each time.
guys." Aurora said as she smiled, "You can put down the facade there Kathrine, you've already made a good impression on me many times over." The only reason Aurora even know that voice was fake was that her profession was also in customer service, game recognizes game as they would say. It wasn't till Aurora met eyes with Tae that she left her post of leaning against the doorframe. She took a step towards Tae and smiled, she licked her palm and then put the joint out in it with the leftover saliva. "Come here." She said as she opened her arms wide for a hug. This was it. The one singular moment she had planned out in her mind, and it was going exactly as she had seen it a thousand times in her head. All that was left to do was for her to hand her purse to Daryle and crash into her for the biggest warmest hug that could melt snow.
Daryle chuckled at Aurora's comment as Kathrine nodded calmly never betraying her expression. But Tae only giggled at the comment though when she noticed that Aurora put out the joint and then looked at her. Arms opened and everything Tae's eyes were wide as she gulped a feeling washing over her as it could almost seem like it contributed to her overly gray hair due to age and the like. But she slowly walked up to Aurora as the air was charged with a certain expectation in the wind. Tae's eyes never left Aurora's except on rare moments when she took in her friend's physique and the ground due to her nervousness. When she hugged Aurora she could feel Tae's beat growing wild and a jolt like she had given Tae a shock as well. Though Tae giggled nervously, "It just happens when I hug somebody I care about I do it with Kathrine and Daryle when they hug me at times...bu-but I ...I ...uh hahah...I had ...things I want to hehe haha...Oh! T-the boys are doing good right Daryle? Kathrine?" Tae looked back as the kids had grown up to 8 now and even their eldest was a teen now. Kathrine, "Sheesh, Tae, calm down you are fine." She attempted to reassure while Daryle just laughed, "lighten up Tae, you are meeting a long time friend not like a job interview haha." He commented as Tae struggled and laughed nervously.
Aurora simply said nothing, she just held Tae in her arms and slowly rocked back and forth. Years. It had been years that lead up to this moment, She felt Tae's body shivering nervously, and her heart beating like a V12 engine. "Oh, hey." Aurora said with a smile on her face. "Remember the first thing I said we would do?" She fishes the keys out of her pocket to her Supra. There was even a keychain that just said "SUPRAAAAAAAAA..." As the A trailed off it was an ongoing joke between the two of them ever since she had shown her the videos and memes. A smile crossed Auroras face as she wiggled her eyebrows then looked to Kathrine and Daryle, "You guys can make yourself comfortable, I promise I will bring her back in one piece." She stopped for a second, "I mean, you guys can come along if you want too, just know the back seat is more of a cosmetic thing than anything comfortable."
Daryle and Kathrine only smiled knowing that Tae and Aurora were looking to meet up for a while but with the kids never had time. Though during this time they had found babysitters((the grandparents)) and so Tae got her wish so is why they were in Florida now. Tae at the moment didn't look up and just sat in Aurora's arms nervous till she said something glancing up, "Uh...uh..." She was nervous so her mind went blank till she saw the keychain and laughed. "Oh gods, that supra short on Youtube and even the other memes of SUPPRRRRAA!", She commented laughing a bit trying to dispel the nervousness from her very being. Though she nodded nervously, "I wonder how it is gonna be? What should Kathrine and Daryle do?" Tae glances back as they both laugh, "I mean if you want to go do this with Aurora I can hang back with our love, Tae." Kathrine said in a matter of fact way as Daryle chuckled, "Hey it is the first time you met Aurora if she wants to take you on a drive I don't mind. We can wait in the van..." He trailed off to see what Aurora wanted as they both including Tae gazed at her.
"Wait in the van?" She chuckled, "Mi casa es su casa, go inside, make yourselves at home, I got three bedrooms, so if you need to sleep, go right ahead, take a shower, help yourselves to the kitchen. Any friend of Tae is a friend of mine." She smiled, then jingled the keys, "So, are you ready to finally see it?" Aurora asked.
The two smiled enjoying the hospitality as they went inside Daryle having to help Kathrine along cause she didn't do well in places she didn't know too well. But Daryle was a good ice breaker for any situation. Meanwhile Tae glanced at Aurora and nodded, "Y-yeah! I may not be super into cars but with this whole meme and everything I was curious to what it looked like and how it drove? I mean I know you will literally have us off the ground in some of those meme things won't you?" Tae asks Aurora blinking as she eyes her best friend seriously.
"Its going to be a blast." Aurora said as she lead Tae to the garage. She pressed a button on a remote on her keychain and the garage opened. She got in the drivers seat and started the car. She revved the engine a few times and beckoned her friend to step into the car. She had to make the experience complete so she plugged her phone into the aux jack and brought up spotify and pressed play. She revved the engine a few times and eagerly awaited for her friend to get into the car.
Tae listened in on Aurora as she lead her to the garage when Aurora hit a button on the keychain she had Tae only watched. When Aurora got settled Tae slipped into the passenger seat the roar of the car was intense as she looked at Aurora and then the interior. When she noticed that Aurora was putting her phone up to the radio Tae smiled, "Ah so we gonna have some good tunes hm?" She teased only to not be surprised when she heard Initial D and laughed, "Yup just like you to play this song!" When she revved a few more times the power below her bum and even the front felt like she was on a carpet that was about to go super fast.
"You expected something else?" Aurora said with a chuckle as she popped the clutch and gracefully and slowly drove out of the driveway and onto the side road, she kept the car at low speeds all the way down to the main road known as highway 19. When she reached the main road she let a little more power come out of the car just to get up to highway speeds, but she did so quickly. "Lets go hunting shall we?" Aurora asked, the track switched and the car felt like it was gliding along the road. She glanced in the rear view and smiled, Tae didn't see it but there was a new C8 Stingray coming up fast on their left. It blew by them. "Lets go." She said as she dropped a gear, the car revved high and she floored it, the vehicle went from mild-mannered car screamed and they started to catch the Stingray. She saw flames come from his exhaust meaning he had downshifted and was slowing down. They were about to line up and drag it out on the main road. There was a grin from ear to ear on Aurora's face. The C8 did not know what he was getting into. Maybe he would if he had glanced at the sticker on the backwindow that had the instagram symbol followed by an @R4C3G1R7. Regardless, if the C8 backed off she had won, if he didn't she was about to gap him so hard.

She caught the C8 and downshifted and dumped the clutch, slowing down they dropped gears together to second and they were doing 40mph, the C8 honked Aurora honked, once, twice, three times and they went. The race was already over as soon as she hit the gas she had to drop it to third and the beast engaged. The C8 never even crested her front bumper before he was in her rear view. He flashed his headlights and slowed down. He knew there was no point. All Aurora could do was smile.
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