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Rocking Relations

Darla arched an eyebrow before looking over at Jeff when he spoke and she smiled, chuckling again when he explained about how they had hurt his brother and Emma's brother. "I think we're going to get along fairly well." she said.

Emma moved with Jeff as he shifted in the seat and she smiled up at him. "And we haven't spoken to them since." she said softly before giggling softly. "Any girl that even tries to hit on him or flirt often has a nice intimate meeting with my hand." She looked up at Jeff and grinned slightly before leaning against him again with a soft sigh.
Hal gave off a nervous laugh as he was caught talking about the two of them.

Jeff turned and gave Emma a small kiss on the lips. both of the demeanor seemed to have changed since they both got up. Granted they were still holding each other but their sweeter she4lls more invisible for the potential new member to see who they really were beneath. "Lyle should be here in a few minutes, we should head down to the basement." He wrapped his arms around Emma from behind once more his hands snaking their way up to grasp her chest as if to torment Darla.
Darla flushed a little when Jeff grasped Emma's chest before she looked at her cousin with a slight grin then back at Jeff. "You really have no modesty do you?" she asked.

Emma laughed and looked back over her shoulder at her lover then at Darla. "No, I'm afraid he doesn't." she said through her laughter. "I must appologize for his lewd behavior." She was obviously joking around and she enjoyed what Jeff was doing since she didn't bother to push his hands away.
Hal rolled his eyes knowing full well that they were back to their normal selves.

Jeff continued to tease and torment at his lovers chest fort a few more minutes before kissing Emma's neck. "Ill be down in a few minutes love I need to get a shirt and the drumsticks from the bedroom. He slowly let go of her chest somewhat aware of how she felt with that torment to her body and the fun little display in front of the new girl. Emma had been commenting on certain women she found appealing and it was a minor experiment to see if his lover would enjoy the thought.
Emma continued to giggle at what her lover was doing, her head tilting to the side as he kissed her neck and she grinned gently. Upon hearing that he had to go get a shirt and the drumsticks, she pouted slightly before smiling and nodding as he released her chest. She had admitted to him several weeks back that she had started feeling an certain attraction towards other women, but she stilled loved him. She had been scared to admit it to him because she was worried that he would take it the wrong way, but he had taken it calmly and she had been relieved with how well he took it.

Darla continued watching the display between the neko and the drummer with a small smirk, her eyes glimmering with amusement as she watched. She had to admit that Emma and Jeff made a very, very attractive couple.
THe truth be told Jeff had always thought about what it would be like to have a bi-lover as long as they remained together he was happy with it. He loved Emma dearly and it clearly showed but he wasn't going to be someone closed minded and treat Emma as if she were his property. No thats how Roger lost her love, and he certainly wasn't Roger. He moved away from his lover and the other two guests going to find something more comfortable to war for their audition.
As Jeff got up, Emma moved on the couch a little and watched Jeff walk away, a small grin on her lips as she stared at his ass until he was out of sight. "Anyways." she said with a chuckle and she turned back around to look at Darla and Hal. She was clearly unashamed of her openly checking out her lover. "I want to apologize for not answering the phone earlier. You know how Jeff and I get." she said to Hal before looking at Darla. "If you're going to be in the band, that's one thing that you're going to have to get used to. Walking in on Jeff and I once in a while."

Darla just laughed softly and nodded. "I don't mind." she said with a shrug. "It's a natural thing that everyone does."
Jeff searched around the room trying to find a shirt that he wanted to wear. After a few minutes he couldn't find anything he wanted to wear. He laughed seeing something out of the corner of his eye and figured what the hell. He slipped his lovers black and purple hooded sweat shirt on. It wouldn't Zip being he was a bit bigger than her frame but it fit his arms well enough to where it wouldn't rip from the activity of playing the drums. Who knew it might even find that his girl would like the look.
While they were waiting, Emma began to feel just a little chilly while sitting there in her clamdiggers and tank top. Standing up, she moved over to the steps and called up to Jeff. "Jeff, can you bring my hoodie with you when you come down?" she asked. "I want the bright green and black on with the stars on the back and arms." She brushed her hair back from her face and peered up the steps as she waited for his reply.

In the living room, Darla leaned back in her chair while drinking her water and thinking to herself. "So, tell me a little more about this guy we're waiting for." she asked her cousin. "I'd like to know a little more about him."
"Alright baby I'll find it." He continued to look through the clothing until he found the one se wanted. It was a good thing he was wearing the other one she had. He came down a few minutes later into the somewhat cold basement. Both him and Emma liked the cold, well this temperature of the basement. There had been a few times while they had been setting it up for the band where they ended up doing other things in here.

"I don't know much about Lyle. He looks nerdish but for some reason it doesn't bother anyone. Maybe it's the fact that he makes up for it with humor. He's more... well let's just say I was way off from the D&D theme I thought he was at first." Hals sat on the little couch they had down stairs when he was finished explaining what he knew of lyle. "Don't try and figure him out in one day cuz, it isn't going to be that easy. I'm still having trouble."
"Thank you." she called back to him before heading down to the basement where it was even colder. She sat down in one of the chairs set up downstairs and curled up to keep warm, rubbing her arms gently. When Jeff came down, she laughed at the sight of him wearing one of her hoodies and she shook her head with a small grin. "You're so weird Jeffy." she said gently. "But you look good. Do you have the hoodie I asked for?" She smiled up at him and batted her eyelashes at him in a cute way.

Darla followed Hal downstairs and sat down next to him, listening as he talked about Lyle. "Sooo, he's nerdy but cool at the same time?" she said slowly before shrugging. "Sounds alright to me. And I'll keep that in mind. After all, most people are hard to figure out and it takes at least a couple of weeks if not more to figure them out."
Jeff handed over her sweater and gave her a light kiss. "Weird makes me who I am." He mused softly. All too soon though there was a pounding on the basement door. Jeff moved opening the door letting Lyle in. "Hows work treating you Lyle?"

[you can hit up lyle and explain him ^^ for now]
(( How about that for what Lyle looks like?))

Emma grinned and kissed him back with a soft giggle, her tail swaying back and forth. "I know that all too well." she said teasingly before turning when she heard the pounding. She watched as Lyle entered the basement once the door opened, smiling slightly as she watched him push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Hey Lyle." she called to him after she sat down.

Lyle grinned at Jeff after the door opened and he entered, running his fingers through his hair. "Hey Jeff." he said softly. "Works alright. A little boring at the moment but it's alright." He looked over when he heard Emma's voice and smiled at her. "Hey Emma. Hal." He spotted Darla and paused, a curious look in his eyes as he looked at the young woman with rainbow hair.

Darla looked at the person that her cousin called Lyle and arched an eyebrow as they looked at each other before smiling slightly.
[Yes thats how I pictures Lyle.]

Seeing that everyone was now there for the real reason the band had gathered Jef moved over to his drums. "Alright for those in the band you already know how this is going to work. "Everyone had to audition the same way, well except for Emma and Myself since we started it but fr shit s and giggles I did it anyway. That's besides the point though. Everyone is going to Play their instruments so the one auditioning can hear the style. We'll then hand over control after we all play the same exact song and it's up to the one auditioning to figure out a rift that will work with the song. As we all know it takes time to perfect a song so we don't expect it to mesh perfectly.

Jeff started playing his drums the beats were fairly simple for the first eighty percent of the song but the picked up speed and then dropped back down and he sat there for a few seconds before wailing on them once again. Lyle was next up being he played the key board and they help set the mood alot better but having the drums then the keyboard wouldn't mess up the way Darla would be thinking about the song. Once it got to they part where Jeff had paused his playing Lyle continued playing a soft melody of keys. this was obviously a solo for him, and he enjoyed the way his fingers flicked around on the keys.
Emma moved slightly after Jeff went to his drums and she stretched out on the seat as the others got ready. She would lay there and listen to be able to tell how good Darla was and whether or not she'd go with the band. As Jeff explained explained about the audition, she nodded in agreement. Though she didn't audition since she was the singer. Somewhere along the line, all the guys decided that she would be perfect for lead singer because not only did she sound great but she was sexy as well. She remembered once when they were discussing the look of the band, Hal had once mentioned that she should wear tight leather pants or shorts with some kind of skimpy top. Jeff had looked as if he was about to kill the other guy. She'd found it hilarious really.

When Jeff started playing, she looked up and smiled gently while listening to him beat on the drums. As Lyle came in with the keyboard, Emma closed her eyes with a small smile, humming to herself as she relaxed with the music a bit. From where she was sitting, Darla was setting up her guitar that she'd brought with her. It was a simple black guitar that had all sorts of stickers all over it. She listened closely to what the guys were playing, music already forming in her mind as she finished setting up.
Since Jeff easily had the most energy out of all the other band member when he had finished the song the first time around he began playing once more as Lyle joined in with the keyboard. When Lyle was finished and Jeff continued with the drum solo Hal stared setting up his Bass getting ready for the next performance. The song was bass heavy and needed a rift that would increase the tempo and take away from the overload of deep sound. The bass sounds were only slightly drowned out by the light rhythm that Lyle had put up with the key board.

As As everyone neared the end of the song once more it was time for Darla to join in to see if she could mesh well with the rest of the band. It didn't have to be perfect for right now this was simply demo song as it were to find the true artists within the prospects.
Darla looked at her cousin as he joined in with Jeff and Lyle and she smiled slightly while tapping her foot in time with the music. She closed her eyes while resting her hands on her guitar and she silently counted to herself as they neared the end of the song. When it was time for her to join in, she began strumming her guitar, keeping her eyes closed as she did it. The sound was soft at first before it got louder and faster, her fingers moving over the neck of the guitar quickly.

From where she sat, Emma smiled brightly as she watched the others, her tail slowly flicking back and forth. For a moment she was taken back in her memories to when Jeff would practice with the guys before his accident and she frowned slightly, her ears drooping a little before she blinked and smiled again. She hated it when she had moments like that and remembered the people that had hurt her and Jeff. It irritated her but it just made her realize how lucky she was that she had Jeff and their new friends.
Jeff looked over towards Emma and seen the slight sadness in her eyes. The memories were very hard to get rid of mainly since there had been such a connection with every, except for maybe Roger. Jeff continued to play making sure he did his job and one of the founders of the band. Emma might have been a little upset but he was able to fix that once the song was over, until then it would have to wait. The only thing he hoped for was that it didn't hurt her too badly. An idea occurred to him and he threw in a few extra notes from his end and hit the symbol. hopefully a loud noise could pull her from her state and get her focusing back on their new life together.

His hands moved with the movement of someone extremely skilled in his field, almost as precise as a surgeon on the operating table. A smile came across his face as he remembered something she had done when they had first moved into their home. He had been tuning his drums unable to sleep in the strange new place. Though they had unpacked everything and he should have been tired, he wasn't. It was about three in the morning and he had sat down on the couch to rest. He had found himself tired and his eyes were closing fast. Within about five minutes he woke up once again to soft tickles against his neck. She had come down and started kissing his neck and rubbing his chest. The basement had been very cold that night, and she had come down to keep him warm. When he fully woke the next morning he thought he had a dream about it only to find her laying on top of him with a small thin blanket over her.

Those had been the kind of thoughts they had wanted to keep in their heads. Yes they had left everything that was important to them behind, but they still had each other. That was what truly mattered the love they had for one another even if they had a few arguments in the past.
The look on Emma's face and the concern on Jeffs didn't escape Darla's notice as she played her guitar, watching the two curiously. She could tell that the two had a history together as more then just lovers. Something had happened to the two in the past that had caused them both to be hurt. However, other then that, she didn't know much. Smiling to herself, she looked down at her guitar as she played, some of her multicolored hair falling in her eyes and framing her face.

Emma felt Jeff's gaze upon her and she looked up at him as he hit the symbol, a small smile forming on her lips, her ears twitching slightly at the loud sound. She sat up slowly and sighed while running her fingers through her hair and over her ears before watching him smile. Silently she stood up and turned, climbing the stairs back up into the house and disappearing from view. A little while later she returned with her notebook and pen in hand. She had suddenly been struck with a song and she wanted to get it written down before it slipped her mind. Opening the book, she quickly flipped to an empty page and began writing, her hand flying over the page. Sure, what she wrote down looked like chicken scratch and was barely legible, but she would either rewrite it later or just type it up. Every now and then she would jot down a couple of music notes then go back to the words. As she wrote, the memories of the past were momentarily forgotten and pushed to the far corner of her mind, but they would eventually return at a later date.

While she had been trying to forget and let go of the past, it had been harder for her because she had been effected by her brother and their friends betrayal worse then Jeff had been. But slowly she was healing and getting over everything.
The end of the song has come while Jeff leaned back some. "Sounded good enough to me." He mused softly moving back over towards Emma. His mind wandered as he sat back on the couch. This was where he belonged right next to his woman. His lips pecked at her cheek and put his arm around here. "What did you think beautiful?"

[short and crappy sorry]
Emma shifted slightly and watched as Jeff leaned back before smiling as he stood up and approached her, moving slightly so he could sit with her. After he kissed her cheek, she giggled and moved close to him. "I thought you all sounded great together." she said softly. "The way she played blended really well with the rest of you." She curled her legs up on the couch beneath her and laid her head on his shoulder. "Do you guys think?" she asked the guys.

((It's okay. ^.^ ))
Jeff sat with a slight grin knowing full well the others agreed to her being in the band. "Good then we are going to have practice once a week so make sure your work schedules match with the others alright? We'll hold a meeting next week to get the information sorted out." Jeff stretched out his arms popping his back and neck. Luckily his lovers small hoodie didn't rip when he did this. "Also we are invoking band loyalty meaning next week it's Darla's turn to bring the grub." He said softly with a small laugh.
Emma leaned against Jeff with a grin, watching the others with a small smile as she listened to the drummer speak. She looked up at him and ran her hand over his chest before pulling away as he stretched, wincing when she heard the popping of his back and neck. "I hate it when you do that." she said with a giggle, reaching over and swatting his arm. She gazed at her hoodie as he stretched and sighed while reaching out and touching it along the seams, checking to make sure it didn't rip anywhere, which luckily it didn't. When he claimed that it was Darla's turn, she giggled again with a small grin. "Yup. Darla's turn." she said with a nod. The other girl just grinned and rolled her eyes as she chuckled. "Very well, I'll bring food next time. What sort of things do you guys eat?" she asked. Emma grinned and sat up a little. "Chocolate." she said before giggling.
"Sorry baby." He said softly sitting back normally pulling her closer to him. His chest was still exposed being the sweater was too small for him. "I like many things except Calamari, I don't do things like that but sushi is always good." He mused softly hinting at Emma's love for fish and things like that. He smiled softly and then kissed Emma's neck before whispering in her ear. "Chocolate is for when we are alone my love. You know what it does to you after while. First you're insanely hyper then you get that other side effect don't you?" He kissed her neck once more rubbing her stomach softly.
"Yeah, yeah." she said playfully with a giggle before he pulls her closer to him and she grins as she wraps her arms around him with a purr, nuzzling her face against his chest. "Ohh, some sushi." she says with a grin, purring and laughing softly before he kissed her neck, purring a little louder before beginning to blush when he whispers in her ear. Her eyes widen slightly and she mewls softly. "Jeff...." she whines as he whispers in her ear, shivering a little. "And yes, I do get like that.... But you know you love it." From where she sat, Darla arched an eyebrow as she watched the interaction between Jeff and Emma and she nods slowly. "Okay. So, sushi and some other snacks." she said while laughing to herself.
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