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Searching for Futas and Females

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Feb 2, 2009
Alright... first of all I should get the disclaimer out of the way before there are questions. I'm looking for female partners willing to play either futa or female. Preferably the former. Sorry to any interested guys out there but I'm just not into that.

Second of all, I should go into what I don't do: I don't do guro, vore, scat, vomit, RPs revolving around preexisting characters (anime, movie, TV, book, cereal mascots, etc...). Beyond that, you'd probably have to work hard to come up with something I wouldn't at least try.

Now, for what I do do: Pretty much anything not listed in what I don't do. I love it when you bring something to the table since new = interesting in my book. That being said, I do have a preference in this. Anything that lets me play a submissive character. Now, I know that there are like, a million other guys on the internet begging you ladies for the same thing, but that's kind of the point in a way. It seems like not begging rarely ever provides you with the chance to play anything other than a dominant role sometimes. That being said, give me a good setting, pairing, and play an engaging sub and sure, I'll play the dominant character for you. But anyone willing to take a dominant role will definitely be prefered (also, my characters are rarely fully dominant or submissive in the beginning and tend to work towards one or the other depending on how the character dynamic works out in the roleplay.

Now, for the part where I get to actually give you a reason to RP with me if you haven't found one already. I'm a living plot machine. Give me your interests, give me your settings, give me whatever else you'd like to have in the roleplay and I'll work them out to a plot. Don't like what I come up with, I've got more where that came from, and more beyond that, and more beyond that, and beyond that I'm pretty sure there's an IHOP.

Last but not least, how it'll go down:
I'm not a big fan of multiperson threads so you'll have to come to me with quite an engaging one for me to join it.
I prefer to either RP over PMs or a one on one thread. Whatever you like best
I think that after this last bump I might switch over to a new thread. Still, anyone who's looking for an RP is free to send me a PM
Bumping because I can. Also, I've got a new thread going:
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=21&t=11879&start=0</a><!-- l -->

I figured that the "Other" category might be more appropriate for it. If that's not right then maybe I should move it to this forum... no idea really...
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