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Fx Any Sexy Badass Ladies... The Street Angels! (NSFW)

Jan 21, 2018
Hey world, welcome to my little corner of this naughty little world. Who am i kidding, we both know there is nothing little around here and naughty is such an innocent term. Truth is, I'm a very bad, bad girl!

Anyways, lets get those minds out if the gutter and ficused on why we are here... ME! My idea and how we are going to make it work. I am combining elements from many movies and video games for this ideas, so keep up if you can.

First, think 80s action flick where the hero can just run through a bunch of nobodies until some big bad boss character comes along. Most importantly, they look really hot and sexy doing it! That is how I want to portray my protagonists. I do like the over the top, neon lit world of vice and excess like the 80s but in a modern day setting.

Next, do you remember the game Final Fight? Or what about the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game? I love the continue screens in final fight, where the heroes are left helpless and in danger of a bad end. I also like on TMNT where you could locate your captured friends and save them. I really want these two elements included.

So now that you have an idea of where my mind is, I have this idea where a group of ladies come together to fight the corruption and injusticr plaguing their city. They are not super heroines but masked crime fighters or just a bunch of bad ass girls who know how to fight and use their bodies. Of course, things will get rough and they will have really bad days along the way.

Shall we meet the girls, these Street Angels?


Dakota Duncan was born to a broken family and ran away at a young age. Taken off the streets by a gangster, he raised her like she was his little sister and protected her. Later, he pushed her to attend college, where she became a teacher to help other children in need. When one of her students overdoses, she begins to investigate. Learning drugs had invaded her school, she set out to stop the drug dealer responsible.


Kassidy Karver is a lawyer with political aspirations. When she was in law school, her mother was arrested for the murder of her father, though Kassi witnessed dirty cops commit the crime. Helpless and ignored, she promised her mother she would get her released. Focusing hard on the corruption within the police force, Kassi caused a couple officers to lose their badges, but the killers continued to evade her justice.


Detective Riley Ridge and her partner were working to topple a sex trafficking organization when her partner mysteriously disappeared. Determined to discover what happened, she was shocked when her every attempt to investigate was underminded by corrupt cops and political nonsense. She was forced to drop the case due to a conflict of interest, and the truth was never discovered.


Adrienne Andrews trained all her life to be an Olympic gymnast. After sweeping gold in the Olympics, her high-ranking military father assigned her a bodyguard. After a failed abduction attempt by a terrorist organization, she learned the leader wanted revenge on her father. Later, she fell in love with her bodyguard, but they were both captured by the terrorists. Sacrificing himself, the bodyguard was able to help Adrienne escape.


Natalie Axel joined the military staright out of high school and served two tours of duty. Honorably discharged, she returned home, becoming a model and fell in love with her brother's best friend. After buying a house, they were appraoched by a couple gangsters who were running a protection racket. When they refused to pay, their house was robbed before they were approached by the thugs again.


Bailey Archer is a reporter who dug too deep when trying to expose a local crime lord. Before she could break her story, her home was invaded, and she was sexually assaulted. Left tied up, she barely escaped her house after it was burnt to the groundong with all her evidence. Scared, she spent some time hiding before she started to recover the proof she had to bring the crime boss down and retake control of her life.


Samara Savage is the only daughter of a billionaire CEO and heir to the Savage Corps empire. She is treated as a rival by her stepmother after Samara's father left the company and his fortune to her. Samara's father was killed in a plane crash shortly afterward, a flight Samara was supposed to be on. Suspecting her stepmother was responsible, Samara worked tirelessly to cut the woman out of the will.


Mayor Allison Miller was elected after she promised to stop organized crime in her city. After local mobsters were unable to buy her loyalty, one of the threatened kingpins sexually assaulted her. Her will unbroken, Allison doubled her efforts and gained further public support after revealing she had been raped. Angered, the mob tried to have her assassinated, but she survived the attempt by a stroke of luck.


Dr. Rachel Rhoades is an intelligent scientist working at her father's lab. She discovered her father was the chemist helping a drug dealer cook a powerful aphrodisiac drug that they spread throughout the city. When she confronted him, he promised to stop but betrayed her to the dealer who sprayed her with the drug and photographed them having sex to keep her silent. Worse, she had to overcome an addiction to the drug.


Jordyn Jensen was raised a child of fortune and labeled a brat by some. Her father was a powerful crime boss, but he hid that from his family. During college, Jordyn started to date a detective who was assigned to her father's case. After an uncomfortable dinner date to introduce the two, she learned what her father truly did. Torn between her father and lover, she felt crushed until she realized all the cruel things her father did.

As far as kinks go, I am an open book. I can go for about anything except these few limits... gore, vore, scat, watersports, boring harem builds, body part fetishes, hair shaving, permanent bad ends. I love things like bondage, sex toys, humiliation, ryona, risk of pregnancy, clever traps, peril, damsels in distress and torture.

I am sure your creative mind can come up with a bunch of bad guys but just in case, ill offer a few ideas for villains they could face...

  • A drug dealer with an addictive aphrodisiac gas.

  • A pimp who runs an upscale strip club/brothel

  • A rapist who brands his victims

  • Maybe some bootlegger who injects the girls with hormones so they can be milked and an alcoholic drink made from the milk

  • An anarchist who loves putting powerful sex toys on the girls they can't just take off

  • Some massive brute with a back breakingly big dick

  • A human trafficker who owns an island where the girls can be sold and hunted for sport

  • A dirty cop who built his own prison complete with a dungeon that gets off by hurting girls

  • A thief who loves to leave the girls tied in tight, humiliating bondage

  • A politician who is a chovinist dom that's wants to tame and break the girls

  • A business man who loves to take photos that can be used to blackmail his enemies

  • A pirate who hijacks cruise ships, throws the men over board and ransomes the girls.

  • A genius with a flare for locking people in escape rooms they must humiliate themselves to escape from.

  • A vandalist who destroys valuable things for fun and loves spray painting shameful images, symbols and words on things, including the girls.

  • A chovinist kidnapper who mind breaks girls, turns them into Stepford Wives and auctions them off.

  • The head of a behavioral reform school who manipulates the students to commit crimes for them.

  • An engineer who is a powerful entrepreneur and creates metal tendrils to use on the girls
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