Mx Female Alexander's Reverie - Fantasy, Modern & More


Jun 11, 2015
I don't actually know what Reverie means...

- I've been having a craving for good adventure story with an engaging writer. Talent over words is great, a vocabulary second to none would be fawned over, but really, it comes down to wanting to find somebody who I flat out enjoy creating a world with.
- I probably love the plotting part of RPs most of all, brainstorming with a creative partner is wonderfully enjoyable to me. You might need to snap me out of that headset and get on with the actual writing.
- I will definitely ask what your interests are, and I hope that you'll do the same with me. Part of roleplaying to me is learning to bend slowly to accommodate a new experience.
- I play male characters who tend to know what they like, and will not hesitate to grab it.
- I enjoy perfectly equal parts sensual and story scenes, but I've been convinced to go to 100% in each direction.
- My preferred mediums, in order, are Threads, Messengers, and then PMs. I will take special requests if it isn't much effort. (E-mail, Docs, etc.)
- My favorite color is purple, I love bigger dogs but I can't own one myself. The last movie I watched was, I guess, Lilo and Stitch, courtesy of my sick niece who I got to watch over instead of watching the Super Bowl. I love quotes and references that I recognize and I feel silly when I miss one. My current life's goal is to be the world's greatest uncle. I hope later on I can force my sister to try to be the world's greatest aunt.

I'm so glad you've stumbled into my topic! I've tried to sort my ideas by genre, and you'll be able to find the appendix right below. I'm definitely a fantasy story fiend first and foremost, but I've been trying to include plots and prompts for other categories as well. If you see any you like, or you have any questions, send me a message and let's get this conversation started. I want to hear from you!

If nothing in here appeals to you, but I was still hitting the right vibe, you can always send me a message to tell me your desires. If you want, you can use the promo code ALXNDR when sending me a message for three ideas tailored to your interests!

Then here's a template for you! (You're welcome to write one yourself, too!)

Hi there Alexander, my name is {nickname}.

Wow! What an amazing topic. I loved the part where you {Were really creative with your pairings|Had some fantastic images|Did the cool thing}.

My top three favorite ideas from your topic were:

  • Adventurer x Mage
  • Partygoer x Sitter
  • The next one alphabetically
Would you like to discuss those? To quickly tell you something cool about myself, I {Once wrote 100 paragraph posts in a day|Moonlight as a professional wrestler|Crack worse jokes than you do}.

I'm kind of greedy, so in addition to seeing your cool plots, I also wanted to redeem this promo code "ALXNDR" and get three more tailored towards my interests. By the way, my biggest interests are {Character Type|Sexual Kink|Setting and theme}.

I look forward to hearing from you!
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Traditional Fantasy stories

  • Pairings with prompt - Me x You

    "At least I can trust you..." She stated rather sarcastically to the man at her side. He shook his head 'no', knowing better than that. "I'd sell you out and have your throat slit in a moment, ma'am. But it's a month up to the surface, and I wouldn't last a week before somebody else did the same to the late queen's confidant." Such a response made her laugh in delight at his treacherous nature, which in turn made his face's expression even more grim. "And that's what makes you so suitable!"

    A commotion came from his room, when he learned the Earl's daughter chose to dote on his elder brother instead of him. His muttering caused the servant to giggle again. "What entertains you so much?" He asked in frustration. "You serve me, remember?" The girl raised a hand in front of her face to hide the grin on her mouth. "Yes, of course, master. It's just that I find it curious that you think so highly of yourself, when you know so little about women." When he called her a meager elf and so much worse in a subsequent outburst, it hardly seemed to faze her. "There's so much you could learn, so much I could teach you, if you'd only listen to a wise little -elf- like me." His hand balled into a fist, if she though a lowly elf would *ever* have the same capacity as a human... but he didn't find himself correcting her, either.

    She tried lifting the mighty broadsword, and with a heave she got it into the air, but her arms trembled in a way that convinced her she would never swing it. "What's your secret to this?" She mused, not content to disturb just his possessions, but himself as well. "I told you, it's magic." He replied tertly. "Now leave it alone, or it will shock you." "Will not", she insisted, running a finger along the broad side of the weapon. It glowed a moment, and she pulled her thumb away, smoking and singed. He smelled the burnt digit of hers, and cussed. "Sorry, I guess it was actually a flame spell, that I left upon it..."

    She was quite the popular lady to entertain a night with, although no man would capture her attention twice. No matter how niche the subject, she seemed to always know at least an inkling about it, and on some topics she knew more than the experts who were trying to impress her. The price of of that night's companionship was whispering sweet secrets into her ear. Not compliments, unfortunately, but real secrets, taboo tales, or forbidden knowledge, and thus the loop of her expertise would wind around once more. At one point, she considered to herself, with all the dignitaries and emissaries that had passed through town, she could probably topple the governor or scandalize the king, but for now, she was content with a warm embrace each night and her position of trusted confidant.

    The flustered lady practically screamed into his ear, "Why won't you do it?" Her previous contract had been completed, but something had gone wrong and she hadn't been sent home. Being in the mortal realm without a contract was so strenuous and exhausting, and she was at wit's end. She pulled at her shirt, the fabric loose. "I'm wasting away here, just skin and bones." Her normally inspiring curves had melted away days ago, and her tail took a withered appearance. "So summon me, already!" He could have chuckled at the irony, if she wasn't so damned annoying to him. That a summoning ritual was needed, even when she was physically bearing down on him.

    He cursed his luck thrice, as he came across another empty cage. For a week now, his baits had been removed, his traps sprung with nothing caught withing them, and his nets undone and tossed onto the ground from both trees and streams. He had figured some forest-spirit deemed vengeance upon him, but upon reaching his next station, he found a strange figure, butt raised up and wriggling about, as somebody had half-crawled into his capture-box. When the person finished their task pulled their body out, he caught a glimpse of a soft face, a pair of pointed ears, and a rabbit held sweetly in her hands. He had found his culprit.

    Three tiny structures had been erected in the center of the festival grounds. Barely big enough to fit two bodies inside, hidden from sight but certainly not muffled. At the climax of the celebration, the local spirits would choose three pairs to go inside and enjoy both mystic blessings, and each other. One for an existing couple, to strengthen bonds of love, family, and community. One for two random unwed youths, to encourage fertility, growth, and community. One for rivals, so that they may bury the hatchet and lose their transgressions, transforming into passion.

    There were grand plans in motion, starting with ancestors that even he could not count. And, laborious as his part was, not even he could deny that there was a special little bit of pleasure with it. He was tasked with finding a girl, who could take care of him, but especially more, could produce heirs for his family and raise them well that would make any house proud. She would be used, stuffed, and emptied into, in order to give them plenty of children. The ones who shined in his eyes and excelled, those with excellent attributes, would learn his mission and continue his work towards the purest souls. The ones who did not meet his high levels of expectations, well, they had best learn to care for their mother, as she and her midwife are to fight more than their fair share of battles in the bedroom, and after twenty-five years she would finally deserve some respite.

    The ruffian bandits laughed when the meek-looking man at the reigns of the carriage pulled out his shortsword. "Ya think that little thing's gonna scare us?" They taunted him. They weren't totally wrong, he wasn't exactly planning on defending himself. The bandits nearly rolled over with laughter when he seemed resigned to his fate, and discarded his weapon into the hands of his pretty little companion.
    Within a pair of minutes, two of the marauders were clutching at their last breaths, though the third had a chance to live if he scurried off and tended to the bleeding wound in his chest. "You didn't have to end their lives, you know..." the carriage-master murmured to the girl, who was patting the dust off her dress and fuming at the red specks upon it. She seemed rather irked by the comment, and reacted by spitting into the ground, her reply not mincing words. "Don't give me that shit, you were the one who decided they were going to die. If you wanted them to live, you could have given me your dagger instead."

    It might seem inane to say that one tends to love their home, but in this man's case, it would be difficult to ignore how apparent this was. In the warm months, what little time was left for him after a day in the fields, was spent cultivating a small garden full of beauty that would not be out of place in the king's courtyards. During the cold seasons, ice-ivy that bloomed snow-petals would adorn the sides of his house, and his days might be spend crafting artificial nests or hives so that he could further this small paradise of his. Even with his fields being on the furthest outskirts of his hamlet, the town festivals always seemed to be held a stone's throw away from him, so that all the folk would be able to visit and share in the majesties that he cultivated. And so, when the tiny fairy's home began to show signs of taint from dark energies, it knew exactly the warm-hearted human that it would need to bring to its kingdom for help.

    A silver spike was driven through the captive's arm, joining four others strewn throughout its body that were meant to surpress its power. It growled in sharp pain and anger, but it did not break its temper yet. "I have tapped into the leyline, and now my power will forever grow. I will return all your torments tenfold when I free myself, which is inevitable." Its jailor's face turned grim, but was not deterred. "Even if it requires a thousand pounds of silver, then I will go bankrupt trying, and if you continue to resist, I will turn you into a pincushion if it must be."
  • I've given most pairings a small prompt, but we can always come up with a new one.

    Adventurer x Adventurer's spouse - While delving into a chaotic tomb, they each suffered a curse that their closest loved one would meet their demise. As they were two and two, so it was decided that the party would trade their partners and split, to best attempt to defy fate. The forces opposing them had little choice but to foster the embers between the new pairs.
    Adventurer x Mage - Blow upon blow fell upon the shield, battering it and making the blocking arm go numb. The mage needed five minutes for the ritual, but their partner had only been able to buy them four. "This spell had better be amazing! I don't want to die with a broken arm!"
    Agent x Noble - She should have been a jewel, a treasure, but instead attention fell upon the princess of a defeated kingdom that came to seek shelter with her father. For the pettiest of reasons, she began to conspire with the foreign conquerors.
    Alchemist x Baroness - She needed a concoction to make the desert garden grow more beautifully, but he wouldn't provide it, unless she offered up some of the ingredients from her own body.
    Angel x Sinner - The watcher shuddered in humiliation at the depravity of their charge. They were supposed to be a guardian, but somehow, their human had gotten involved in about every vile dark ritual that could be imagined.
    Archaeologist x Explorer - "But can't you feel the energy in this place?" The curious one protested, as their guide tried to pull them away. "Energy? No. What I can feel is fear, and I've been cursed enough times that I don't want to lose any more of my life." The upset charge stamped their foot down, and to their surprise, a number of sparks shot out from beneath the boot.
    Demon x Lover - Up above, their faces were flush red. Down below, the demon's tail fell to just inches above the ground, before sneaking into the companion's pant leg. And from there, well...
    Demon Monarch x Human - So many souls, bound & locked away, the rest feel just so mundane. But one shone, a diamond among mere pearls, and that devil decided it absolutely must be theirs.
    Dark Elf x Duelist - The girl's hair dripped sopping wet with sweat, but the creature couldn't have been more excited and entertained. They had been dancing for over an hour now, it just happened to be that they were dancing with their blades.
    Doomed x Gypsy - The body's limp heart did its best to beat, but to no avail, and the seconds of life left were quickly vanishing. A hand swept over the dying one's forehead, and then... relief? The dying one's eyes shot open, but lapsed as soon as the contact was broken.
    Dragon Rider x Dragon - He gazed up at the damaged beast. "Is today the day you'll finally spread your wings again?" It looked back at him, fearing it might fail to break the collar and chain, but also fearing taking a human form to escape.
    Elf Minstrel x Human Worker
    Forsaken x Forsaken - The mystical sanctuary kept those seeking shelter alive, but their souls were barely sustained. To reinforce her lifeforce so that she could free herself, she needed access to the hearth, but the greedy man would never budge from his perch in front of it.
    Genie x Master - Waking with a yawn, he snapped his fingers in summons for the daily wish. It was always the same. "Bigger. No, bigger than even that." Frustrated at granting the same thing for the hundredth time, she finally managed to impress him, his mouth gaping open. "Oh my..."
    God(dess) x Human - To err is human. To reign, receive the worships and prayers of the land, and punish the rascal that wouldn't serve an offering, that is to be divine.
    God(dess) x Worshippers - The first attempt at controlling the world had been to seed demigod offspring throughout the land, but the egos of these exceptional persons lessened their cohesion with their parent. Thoughts turned to hosting a mortal as an avatar, but all who were compatible, were never the appropriate sex of the deity.
    High Elf x Dark Elf - The damned brat kept sticking their nose where they didn't belong. A little bit of dark magic should help deliver a message, straight to the point, and leave them high and dry.
    Legendary Knight x Upstart - The wooden tip pressed against the mentor's skin, for perhaps the first time ever. The young squire could have squealed in delight, but the faux weapon was swatted away, and a metal one given instead. "Playing at games may be fun for you, but once your sword-arm can hurt somebody, how well will you do?" Immediately the weight of the world fell upon their weapon-wrist, and they realized this was nothing to cheer about.
    Master x Slave - "You promised me pack animals" the frustrated owner complained. "I promised you laborers that had been tamed", the slaver countered. "And I still offer that, if you will let go of your fanciful morals."
    Master x Succubus - All of this seemed wrong. She was supposed to be stealing his energy, but every time their bodies met, it seemed like she was the one losing to him. And yet she kept returning night after night.
    Knight x Slave - Wars were for bravery, honor, respecting your liege-lord. But nobody would bat an eye if you picked up a captive, took them to your birth-land to serve, if they made it that far.
    Royalty x Rebel - Beloved by those who wanted favor. Feared by courts that couldn't resist their sway. And fucked over by somebody who just wanted a piece of bread and a quiet night.
    Sacrifice x Chainbreaker - The silver-laced rope bound them to the slab, but their face did its best not twist. "Be done with it... hurry. I can't stay brave forever." Drops of sweat became more apparent, and an onlooker stepped up. "Oh? You think there might be a better use for you, maybe?"
    Sky Captain x Mechanic - "If those engines don't start roaring right THE FUCK NOW, we're going to be in more pieces than sands on the beach!" The captain bellowed, but the engineer yawned. It wasn't a proper start to a day unless all their lives were at stake, it seemed.
    Warlock x Lady - It was a match made in hell. He needed her jewels to complete his rituals, and she needed his power to subjugate her son's uncle. They also both needed to learn a little humility...
    Witch x Knight - He held a knife at her neck, ready to make her meet her end at the stake, or perhaps all he needed to do was move his hand another few inches across her throat. Instead, she gave a sickening smile to him... and he found that his hand wouldn't budge.
  • Pick an entry from each of the sections, and message me with it for us to brainstorm a unique story!
    The very last elf left in this world
    Sailing ship crewman
    Dark lord
    Half-human half-something
    Second-in-command of the raiders
    Cathedral priest
    Dark elf skirmisher
    Gladiator of the pits
    Survivor of the resistance
    Demon summoner
    Paladin of a dead god
    Teen hero before he has reached his prime
    Cursed demigod
    Royal messenger with too far to travel in time
    Magician whose spells rarely go as expected
    Fae of the marches
    Protector of Bell Station
    Maid pretending to be a warrior
    Traveler demanding shelter
    Genie of the lamp
    Legendary knight's squire
    Angel cast from the sky
    Elven frontier scout
    The personification of fate
    Mechanic with an awful knack
    Fortune teller
    Hazelnut farmer
    Reincarnation of the first and holiest woman
    Keeper of a childhood promise
    A cabin built in the middle of a frozen lake, nearly melted
    Beneath the tree of jewels & swords
    The hazy, smoke-filled engine room of a floating ship
    Posing for a still painting
    Escaping a treasure-filled dungeon, with neither arm working well enough to carry a single bag of coins
    Fleeing the epicenter of a ritual about to catastrophically fail
    The carriage targeted by a bandit camp
    Sneaking into the palace to send the king a message
    A secluded spring beyond the outskirts of town
    Within the forges powered by the hellfires of Hades itself
    Atop the mountain peak leading to the realm of gods
    Stockades of an apathetic town
    The sinking ship with barely 20 minutes left afloat
    The magician's exhibition, crowded shoulder to shoulder
    Underwater cavern glowing with luminescent fauna
    Kept awake at midnight by the blood moon in the sky
    A study barely kept alit by its final candle
    Holding back those passing through the gate of hell
    Enjoying an afternoon of sugar cakes and tea
    The castle as its last battlement falls
    Fighting over the last cabbage left in the dead farmer's fields
    Alleyways of the grand bazaar
    The waterworks carrying fresh water in, and sludge out
    Amongst the ice statues of the winter demons
    Only one of the two can leave alive
    Sold out by one's lust for power
    Chained to the floor by cold iron
    "Why did you try to convince me to stay?"
    One is a spirit, unready to depart
    Bound to the goddess's oath
    One used to be the slave of the other
    Their physical form keeps slipping
    A good acquaintance of the other's family member
    Trying to break the curse before the morning of Equinox
    Exchanging places with one another
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Dark Fantasy

A low bellow erupted when the priestess raised her blessings to include him, and the bubble of her protection was quickly withdrawn. Immediately, his skin began to tingle as the profane emperor attempted to wrap its aura around the group, the first real discomfort he had experienced in years. He felt an urge, not of his own, to wrap his bulky hand around the priestess's throat, to grip and grip until flesh tore beneath his fingers and the girl was sure to breathe no more. But if only the demon could have seen beneath the woman's silver collar, there were already marks of such a thing, and worse as well that she would have proudly bore.

As four charged at it, the monster diffused into four twisted doppelgangers, to extend the decency of matching its opponents in number. The three mistresses broke step - one king of chaos had wrought enough havoc and slain many knights of renown, and four were an unfathomable challenge. The champion merely grunted in disgust - if those bitches were too cowardly to stand astride him, then he would fight the four forms himself. And make sure at least one of the ladies didn't make it back on their journey back, as a lesson of what weakness and frailty earned in his presence. He did not have the pleasure of disadvantaged combat, however, as three forms swept past him to harry the companions, leaving just the one still slouched upon the obsidian throne.

The sorceress's green flames and conjured phantoms lent her the first strike against her opponent, and the shield-maiden's spear-thrusts kept the second foe a short length away, but both wand and weapon slipped from grip when the horrors of the demon crept into their minds. The priestess had been struck all too easily, and the barrier she was providing had been withdrawn in a frantic attempt to redirect a body-breaking blow. Visions filled them of being slaughtered, or being stockaded and fucked, or worst of all, being abandoned by their hero, being told that no women had even been a match for his cock, and he was moving on to a tougher gender, leaving them behind as worthless. The magician was quickly lit aflame and robes burned away by a blast of the demon's own hellfire, and the warrior's ancestral armor was shredded by razor-bladed fingers. The witch's skin began to sear, and a lengthy fatal wound on her companion was being opened from stomach to tit.

The barbarian had barely raised his axe in anticipation of a death-blow, before the true chaos king gripped him with a giant burning hand stretching from the ground beneath, lifted straight from hell, a rotten smell emanating as his beard and unkempt hair burned away, yet managed to do little more than further tan his sun-soaked skin. A roar dispelled the magic, and he clutched the bare axe-blade, its handle little more than ash after the last assault. Upon his next step, the ground tore itself apart as a jet of magma was unleashed against him, in mere moments leaving his skin a rotten black mess and melting the unwieldy remains of his weapon, yet he continued to press forth.

The demon had split itself into four a moment ago, and now the champion split the beast before him into three as well - grasping an arm and a leg of the vile monster, and with every fiber of his pectorals burning he pulled the thing apart until sinew stretched beyond the limits of its flesh, and the two limbs were removed from its torso as joints sickeningly cracked apart. The fist that followed shattered the hellspawn's jaw and teeth cascaded from its mouth, the blow sending it skidding across the floor. Only a shriek from the agonied pains of his companions diverted his attention for a moment, and by the time his head turned back, the fiend lay lifeless, ichor dripping down onto its chest, having cut apart its own throat, rather than suffer any more of the mortal's unyielding rage. A boot was placed upon the skull, and with a furious stomp it was broken. The shield-maiden would have to settle for scavenging a single unbroken fang as her trophy.

* * * * *

The three who leeched on his greatness licked their wounds, and begged to lick the magnificent victor as well, their prior bloodlust replaced with a more sensual kind. It was in vain, losers did not receive rewards from him, and there was only one true victor, tonight. The cleric especially urged him to pause so that his injuries could be tended, but he gritted forwards, not stopping until their true goal was done. The dungeon was not far beyond, and inside were both tormented wretches whose souls had been sold, and more worthy captives held for ransom. The demon's pestilence was already fading, but his own powerful presence treated most of them no better. Indeed, being warped from extreme to extreme, most of the jailed withered away. Tucked away in what was little more than a hole, a bulging bicep reached in, and plucked by the shoulder the broken prince. Lashes and wounds crossed every inch of the nobleman's naked body, eyes had been gouged out, and the rest of his body was still. There was no warmth in the prisoner, but the body was not dead, either, and that much would do for the bastard's bargain.

Three of the heroes made it back to the capital. The holy woman had done her best to rejuvenate her companions, but there was only so much energy one could channel at once, and already each of them would have been killed three times over if they had not been in such perfect condition. The sorceress's final request was to be fucked one last time, and at first she was obliged, but there was no more pleasure that her body, struck by catastrophe, could bring him. Her mouth was melted, her fingers disfigured, and her pussy dry. He stopped partway through, insulted to be reduced to such a pathetic experience. As she was abandoned, it was her stifled heart that made her body give out, before her external injuries could make her succumb to the embrace of death. The priestess snuck a smile. Of course the sorceress could have been repaired, but this way there was no more competition for her lord's attention. For his part, the unforgiving man merely hoped that the gods may send a woman with better curves to him next time.

The king was not amused when presented with this shadow of his son. His daughter had better sense, and tried to reason with the fat old oaf, but his ears heard no better than the deaf and dumb child of his before him. Three times the conqueror insisted upon the reward they had agreed upon, three helmets to be filled overflowing with gems and jewels, and that was two reminders more than any many who ever negotiated against him deserved. That "insolence" drew out the monarch's ire, and it was commanded that the group be taken into the dungeon. Thus the grandest of fools had sealed his own fate.

The throne room burned, along with most of the people in it. Soon much would befall the rest of the kingdom, its collapse already secured. He had noosed the king and hung him from his own tall throne. The kingdom was not left completely devoid of hope, however. Against the priestess's protests, he stripped the princess and soiled her right underneath her asphyxiating father. Her skull knocked against the armrest until the wood shattered, and then she was pounded until her aching swollen head smashed right through the backside of the chair, as every sensibility was stolen from her. The force of that rape would leave her a cripple, but it would also leave her kingdom with hope, a bastard child now swelling deep inside her. With her kingdom collapsing and the princess's lineage ruined, the child would probably grow up a slave, but if it survived sixteen years, and it -would- survive, perhaps the kingdom would have a chance to unshackle itself from its broken fate.

Not having much more of an appetite for fire, this week, he paced out of the room even though he had not taken the reward he deserved from the treasury, his two kittens a step behind. He did not kill for money. He killed because he liked it, and because killing made his companions wet. And with the number of guards that stood in front of them, his companions would be very wet tonight.

* * * * *
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Traditional Modern
For some skewed interpretation of "traditional"

A couple have determined that they have extraordinarily compatible genes and have decided to breed the woman, with the goal of having exceptional children together. The wife is expected to be extremely dedicated to raising their children, and that means being in peak condition herself after she becomes pregnant. She carefully watches what she eats, to maximize nutrients for both herself and her children. She does stretches while able, to keep her body in shape and limber, and she even takes to wearing a vibrator throughout the day, to promote good blood flow for herself and her child.

I'd like to see a situation where at first, the wife absolutely melts in the hands of her husband, and the two have no doubt even after their first time attempting for a child together, that she's become pregnant. As they continue to breed more and more children, however, she has vastly improved her physique, built up her endurance, and become accustomed to constant pleasure. They don't immediately notice it, but it takes more and more effort each time to get her pregnant, until they reach the last child they plan to breed for, and it takes over six months before he is finally able to impregnate her.

I'd like to play up the contrast between those two states of hers. At the beginning she is an eager but inexperienced housewife, where just having a minor intimate moment with her husband can drive her absolutely wild. By the end, she is a talented mother, a child easily carried in each arm as she watches the other four around the house, and has become a sexual goddess for her husband, who can barely compete with her talents anymore.

There are two teens spending their summer at a lake camp, and while most of the campers there are relatively well behaved, after these two meet each other, they begin pushing every boundary. Their relationship becomes legendary, and if a camper hasn't heard of the kinds of things they get up to together, then they've probably at least heard them in the act after sneaking off from their cabins at night. Whether it's someplace they've hidden off the side of a trail, inside of the equipment shed, or together on a canoe at the lake on a moonlit night, they spent a lot of time together, and a lot of time getting busy. Perhaps best of all, the long summer has done wonders for one or both of their bodies, and they look even more magnificent at the end of the trip, than when they first arrived.

Her heart skipped a beat when he said he would be visiting for the afternoon, but when she opened the door he practically waltzed past her with his arms full of equipment and began to set up his game console. He spent ten times as long talking on his headset, as he did actually conversing with her, only ever really motioning to her that maybe she should reach between his legs. At night, as they were resting in bed, he suddenly rose and began putting his clothes on, before heading for the door. "Hey... you forgot your game stuff..." she said timidly, not wanting him to go. He looked back at her, but it was like a deer staring into headlights. "Oh... I guess its yours now. I don't think I'm going to be back." The front door closed, and she was back to being alone like she had been for the entire past week.

"Fifty reps." She insisted coolly, and began a timer. After that, was another exercise, and another and another, until he was absolutely exhausted. Finally, he finished the workout, splayed out on the floor in a pool of his own sweat. "Alright, I'm all yours." She congratulated him, before peeking at the timer, and a huge grin erupted on her face. "...for the next twenty seconds, that is." He couldn't even gather the energy to look up at her, and less than half a minute later, she was walking out the door. "See you next week, maybe we'll get to have a little more fun."
A month later, he put the dumbbell down for the final time, his muscles sore but managing to keep himself collected, and wasted no time in beginning to unzip her light jacket. "Just under five minutes left, huh? I think you're going to have to try a lot harder than that, if you ever want to have enough time left to get me to an orgasm." Still, he had certainly done impressive work thus far, with the right motivation at least.

Pairings without (much) prompt

Athlete x Athlete - The concept of the sports club was simple. On even weeks, the guys would play each other. On odd weeks, it was the girls' turns. The winner got their choice of partner until the next match took place.
Hot tub owner x Guest - His breath glowed opaque and white in the frigid air, but her cheeks were practically red from the warm steam rising about her. There was about to be a thrilling hot tub experience between very close friends during the chilly season.
Master x Pet - "You want -another- toy?" He asked, the girl nodding, and pulling the zipper lower. Some of them had been pushed to the side, revealing a spot where she could possibly fit just one more. Both her endurance and her desire astounded him.
Model x Model - Her place, she had been told, was at his side, as long as she wore that outfit. What she hadn't been told, was that her place was actually to be between his legs.
Partygoer x Sitter - They were supposed to supervise their respective siblings, but in the end they were enjoying the party games even more than the younger teens.
Resistance x Soldier - She had to sneak to him, silent and unheard. When they touched, he had to force his mouth onto hers to her to keep her quiet. It was so troublesome, so tedious... but so good.
Stud x Nympho - The new couple's constant public displays of affection and intimacy had ruined three of their friendships last week. They hoped to tarnish the remaining five next week, if all goes well.
Virgin x Boyfriend - The girl's body continued to develop as long as she was a virgin. Her greedy boyfriend would touch her everywhere except the place that she needed it most.
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Non-traditional Modern

I wanted to focus upon a teen couple whose relationship goes through three phases. During the first, the girl is definitely the more developed of the two. Her fortunate looks intimidates him a bit, but he gathers up the courage to ask her out anyways. After some thought, she decides against a relationship, but they do manage to agree that they will spend a night together, any time either one of them goes up a size.

She thought it would just be a couple of nights over the next couple of years, but it turned out to be much, much more than that. He had a lot of potential that was yet to be unlocked, it turned out, and quickly enough it turned out that he had become the one that was more relatively developed between the two, quite significant in size. Where as he was meek before, now his ego was rather inflated, and he loved being able to boast to her about each threshold he surpassed. She didn't like his new attitude, but damn it, it was hard to turn down a guy who had just felt so good... and they had spent enough time together that he knew all of her sweet spots.

In the final phase of their relationship, his body hasn't calmed down yet, and he has actually completely outgrown her, and sex isn't really an option on the table any longer for these two. That doesn't quite deter her, though - those past years where he was egotistical and haughty were still fresh in his mind, and she had taken an interest in teasing him about how swollen he had become. If she was physically there, she's teasingly stimulate him, and he'd be practically stumbling beyond his clothing in minutes, trying to hide the pressure that would build up in his body. Not just a bulge, but actually escaping his waistband or below the leg of his shorts or what have you. Something like her inviting him to the beach was just asking for a disaster, and she actively encouraged those types of disasters to happen.
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Added some tiny additions to the Fantasy section.
I would also love some partners who enjoy brainstorming modern stories, maybe help the juices get flowing and I can develop some more clever situations for those.
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