Mx Female [GM/M4F] [Literate] The Grand Line Awaits!


Aug 8, 2019
Wealth, Fame, Power.

The Man who had Everything in this World… Gold Roger. Walking toward his death… He held himself high like a proud warrior.

"Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, The Dreams of its People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, These things will never cease!"

Who hadn't heard the story of the Pirate King. "If you want it, I'll let you have it. Go find it." He uttered under his breath, brushing away aimlessly at the already clean store front. Those same motions had been made a thousand times. And if his father had any say in it, he would make them a million times more. At the very least, his daydreaming could keep him away from deathly bored levels.

Candler, affectionately referred to as 'Candle' by a choice few in his life, set down the broom to stare through glassy dark eyes across the near empty town square. Split Island was, as per usual, deathly quiet. This side remained ever boring -- drenched in a calm and steady culture that reflected in their stout yet squat homes. It was calming. Reassuring. And yet.. And yet.. Every time his eyes caught the distant shimmer of blue. Every time he felt the gentle, cool kiss of a salt-infused breeze.. It became more difficult to be content with such a mundane life. Of course, Candle knew somewhere that it was only his youth speaking.

…What if, though? What if he went out there to discover, plunder, grow. To seek Wealth, Fame, and Power. What if he succeeded?

Greetings, fellow One Piece enthusiasts! My name is 1b, aspiring dungeon master and longtime RPer! I've been stewing on a One Piece inspired sort of RP for quite some time. The idea would be, in essence, fairly simple. I would act as either a single player or as a more GM-like role with a GMPC type of thing (in addition to the other member of the crew). A few quick rules before we continue!

As always, fun! Fun should be the number one priority between both parties. If you aren't having fun, I'd prefer you tell me why instead of ghosting. It'll help me both improve my RP and setting. Once again, a win-win.

18+ is a must. I find that RP tends to stray towards smut and what have you, and I'm a huge fan of that aswell.

In regards to smut, I was hoping for something like a 60/40 split between plot and smut. I want the story to have more of a mature theme with more actual plundering, fighting, and things of that nature.

Discord is another big must. I love discord in comparison to a lot of other mediums and it's the one I'm most comfortable with.

Literacy, literacy, literacy! I don't incredibly mind post length (barring one liners) as I usually adapt to match my partners in length. However! The bigger the posts, the better.

In addition, I would love to maybe double up or have my partner play as one of the many canon ladies of One Piece. [Nami, Robin, etcetera] This is not a necessity by any means, however!

That should be everything. We can discuss more about characters, plot, powers, and all of those lovely things if you still are interested after my incessant rambling. Feel free to toss me a message with the keyword 'antithesis' so that I can be sure that you've actually read this far.

Stay safe and have a great rest of your day!
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Bounc- I mean.. Bump!
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