I 110% believe in ghosts or something that we think are "ghosts". No ifs, ands, or buts.
I've experienced many unexplained things first hand. However, I will say, I'm not sure if "ghosts" are actually spirits of the dead.
There are many things in this world we can't explain, and I've wondered if some experiences are more or less some "glitch" of some kind or even merely a built up of some kind of energy that we don't currently have the knowledge to explain. While I have theories on this, I'm not trying to put on my shiny tinfoil hat for this thread.
The reason why I believe is because my family and I have experienced
a lot of supernatural events at my childhood home (that I lived in most of my life) that cannot be explained. When I moved, a lot of it slowed, although I still have some strange things happen every now and again. Believe it or not, I kinda miss the excitement of my old haunted house! It always made me think profoundly about what is out there and what was going on.
I know I'm just some stranger on the internet, but I have honestly experienced
(for the record, I do not have any illnesses in the regard of seeing and/or hearing things):
- Shadow figures (I've had
many different types of encounters. Many different degrees of stories.)
- A static-like voice
screaming out my NAME in the day (this also happened to a family member of mine in another location before I born. I was able to receive additional proof, but I'll avoid a whole story-time).
- Sinks turning on at my old house, new place, to a hotel I was once at.
- Cabinet doors opening without explanation. That was
fun to see at the kitchen table while doing homework.
- Unexplained LOUD singing which was heard by me and a cousin who was spending the night.
- Weird experience with a moving stuffed animal when I was a teen.
- Odd experience in the woods after finding signs of meddling (ropes from trees, nailed up bunches of wood, weaved small sticks bunches into patterns, and cravings in trees). Could have been someone trying to scare me away, but still was weird. There was suddenly knocking from just about every angle of the woods to the point I felt surrounded, and I had strong gut feeling to run and gtfo.
- Distinct running footsteps when no one was home many times.
- "Hot spot" experience. What I mean by that is that my family and I were able to pin point where the most activity seemed to be coming from. I don't think stating "feelings" is enough proof, but the energy was intense enough that everyone always felt the need to run by or a sensation of being chased, even though it was a common area of the house.
- Success in dabbling. I'll keep this part to myself. ;x
- Overall hearing trusted stories from my family about the past, to something that happened just the night before. (Obviously, this point is purely personal).
I could write a book about my experiences and thoughts when it comes to the supernatural. Due to my experiences and research, I've been left with a strong fascination even to this day.
When people say they don't believe in ghosts, I feel a bit bad they never experienced anything that would make them believe. I don't mean religiously, but just knowing something is out there can be eye opening.
They are out there! Say hi!