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Fandom RP: Why or Why Not?

Yes, because i’m not a fan of creating my own characters, setting a bio, personality was litterally impossible to do so.

While a fandom character have a biography and have a distinct personality, and i started making new stories with them, bringing the "what if?", i feel way more inspired and motivated.
So this is a tricky area to navigate. I have heard quite a bit about why someone won't do a fandom based rp. People are afraid of being called out for getting the character's personality wrong or they fear that their grasp of the source material isn't strong enough or they don't wish to play as an established character as it allows them very little movement you could say. It is the purists out there when it comes to the source material or the canon overall that can at times limit one on things and also bring forth a fear set unto them. Fandoms are a playground created by someone else and for some they might wish to keep to that playground so play nice or else.

I'm not a purist. I think for me long as you can get the appearance down of the canon it is all good. However I am also one of those who does face claim so using canon for the appearances of a character I will rp. Fandom rps aren't for everyone and you can't force someone to stomach it or jump at it when it is out there. I've been rping for a while now, don't ask me how long as I tend to get it muddled up, but even so I've done request threads and when it comes to just putting the word canon out there and it is like someone's stomach flips or they get that taste in their mouth that oc is the only way.

We are naturally entitled to what we are most comfortable with. However as my namesake says, I am a canon lover so I stick with that...but I am also open to as I said face claim or even oc at time. Some people even have doubling up options so if someone wants something more oc great but if they can also do canon for the other person swell. I walk in the light of fandom and non and it is really a fun place to be.
I adore fandom RP if someone can just manage to get the general impression/gist of a character. I'm not inclined to sit there with a checklist and go "ZOMG you're eating a salad and yet in episode two hundred and eight they said they don't like salads!" I mean, if I'm THAT fixated on a fandom I'll just play the character myself. In general, I'm just excited to play in a world that other people enjoy as much as I do.
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