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Fx Male Me playing younger (student, niece, daughter, sister, cousin , ...)


Aug 12, 2021
Hello, this is my thread for ideas where I play younger (16 to be exact, not 15, 17, 18, 19, ..., exactly 16). Make sure to read diligently before replying. No matter what the roleplay is I'd play a nicely bodied teen version of myself, fully educated what sex is, not some 'innocent' girl. But I will of course be a nice girl, not some delinquent (no delinquents in my roleplays), and I might even be a virgin (depends on the story if I'm a virgin or not and if I'm on pill or not).

So, onto roles/stories and why I like them:

Daughter or niece: I'm not sure actually. I find incest taboo/frobidden (and thus hot) but it's hard to find a good plotful scene for dad/uncle.

Student: classic scene is flirting and having sex with teacher (possibly one I have crush on) for better grades. I did it a lot before, but I don't mind doing it again, either as is or with some small spin on it. I didn't get to wear one of these cute neat formal uniforms back when I was really at school so I'd not mind wearing a nice one in RP but it's not a requirement. It could involve something more interesting than a classroom, like a school trip, etc. I might be into some punishment scene, like being made to strip to my underwear (or less) if I'm late in class or got worst grade on a test or similar.

Sister or cousin: incest too, but I find it easier to make a scene for it, since we can handwave any reason for you being attracted to me as "oh, he's a horny teen.". You'd play 16 year old too, fully aware of what sex is, how it works, etc. too. Brother is a bit closer to home and more taboo, but cousin might be easier to make some one off event plot for.

I'm also open to maybe connecting some of them, like teacher catches my brother trying to take advantage, or uncle catches me with cousin, etc. - it depends. I chat a lot so if there exists any idea we both like we'll find it.

My RP style: English is not my native language, but I still write decently and want the same. No text talk, swears, drug, smoking, alcohol or covid references, proper caps, punctuation, your ad you're are different things, and so on. I don't care and don't know about things like "run on sentences" or similar writing/style things. I chat a lot before my RP, I want to talk about our characters, what they will do and why, etc. If you want to "just jump into it" I'm not the right person for you. I write short messages, in real time, over few hours. I use first person only and will refer to my character as "me" and yours as "you" even oustide of RP but other than that I don't want you to speak to me out of RP like you do in RP (especially since in many plots I enjoy I'm being abused). I really don't like godmodding, controlling my character (except when it makes sense like if you hold me down, push me, etc. - that's totally fine and not godmodding, writing my choices for me is godmodding, me being thrown or held is not my choice, obviously), etc.

Platform: website chatzy and nothing else. Look it up, don't make an account, you don't need it. It works on everything that has internet access.

When replying: make sure to include your real age, few male and female names you propose for our characters (if I don't like any I'll propose my own), which idea you like and why. If you're European you should mention it too, and if you want to write in other language than English then tell me what your native language is too. I've roleplayed with people who never roleplayed before in the past and they did well, so don't think you aren't experienced enough in writing erotica to RP with me. I might not reply that day if I'm busy, already found someone, or lost the mood. Don't include any links, or any forum formatting (at all).

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