Mx Female Will the bad boy win?


Sep 9, 2014
Hello! I'm not going to bore you with a long 30 paragraph set of rules. We're big kids here, and I assume if you’re at this site you can write and want to write and have fun. I've seen less requirements for $100k jobs than some people's RP request threads on here.

So instead of listing pairings, I have a specific Rp idea in mind that I would love to write with a sweet female that has a submissive side and a weakness for the more aggressive, take control, bad boy type guys.

This story consists of a beautiful young woman that ultimately ends up in a twisted "love triangle". I kind of broke it down into two levels of…twistedness? Both have a very similar plot but different types of characters/situations.

So the premise one is:

Her upbringing in a typical sheltered conservative, Christian middle class family molded her into a sweet shy girl who excelled in her school work and extracurricular activities and she rarely if ever got into trouble. Her strong moral values left her yearning for a husband and family over attending college and pursuing a career, so after high school graduation she began working in customer service as a bridge until she met her Mr. Perfect future husband.

She was not a prude by any means, okay with mildly drinking with friends in social situations and parties. But things changed dramatically for her shortly after she turned 21, when she met and fell for a hot stud manipulative bad boy bartender.

He was the type of guy she never in a million years thought she’d even consider dating. He was such a partier. And he was so cocky. And to top it off, he didn’t even believe in God! It drove her mad that he could somehow ooze with such confidence without having the spirituality and guidance of God. Shouldn’t he be going through life lost and rudderless? He went against everything she believed in! She prayed to God every Sunday in church for guidance, and yet she still found herself completely falling for him.

After a long torrid white hot relationship full of mind blowing sex and top of their lungs plate smashing fights, she finally broke it off of him for good.

Not too long after the breakup, she meets an older professional well off gentleman, around 34 years old who is just finding out he is being stood up again by a woman he was interested in. He is completely opposite of her ex. Shy, sweet, caring, gentle, loving, great career, college educated with sophisticated tastes—and a Christian!! He was the man she’s always dreamed of having as her husband. Her beauty gives him enough courage to ask to join her, and they eventually hit it off and soon begin dating.

Finally! She feels like she found mister right to help her get over her mistake of an ex and change her life. But it began to bother her almost immediately…why did this life she dreamed of all her life feel so…bland? This man is perfect even beyond the expectations she dreamed of growing up…so…why did things feel so…hollow with him? Where was that spark of falling head over heels in love she always imagined and dreamed of?…Granted, he is much less experienced sexually than her, making the sex much more gentle and vanilla than her ex, but he definitely makes up for it in most every other areas at first blush. Besides, she figured, sex isn't everything…right? But when they run into her ex and he comes back into her life, why can’t she get him and the memories of their past out of her head?? She knows her ex can ruin her fairytale life if she lets him back in…but…he’s so goddamn fun to hang out with in her otherwise bland new life. Just letting her ex in a little bit can’t hurt, right?? She has her new man and is in love with him so what could go wrong?

Premise two is:

She grew up in the poor, crime riddled west side of town trying to stay above the fray. With having deadbeat parents, she grew as tough as she needed to be to navigate the rugged drug infested neighborhood. She was always naturally talented and book smart intelligent, easily excelling in her grades, knowing her dream of culinary school was her only escape from the bullying and fear she constantly lived in. She was quiet, shy, and sparsely dated and tried to be as invisible as possible in school to avoid trouble.

She had become slightly overweight in high school and combined with her academic excellence, brought her more and more bullying. One day after school things took a turn for the worse when she became surrounded by bullies who were mocking and groping her. Fearing she was going to be raped or killed, she fought back, kicking two guys in the crotch before being pinned down. But then in that moment, as if in a flash, one of the biggest, toughest guys in school happened to be driving by, and he stopped to get out of his truck. He immediately swooped in and fought for her, violently putting all of her attackers to the ground in a shocking display of strength and brutality.

That moment changed her life. With her parents not home as usual, she invited him in to clean up his cuts and bruises on his face and muscular chest and arms, creating the first truly intimate moment of her life, setting her heart aflame.

Hooking up and dating one of the most popular and toughest guys in school completely changed her. The status, power, and a sense of security and protection he gave her combined with the mind blowing rough sex they had was so intoxicating to her that he quickly became an addiction to her. She seemed blinded to the corruptive influences he had on her, getting her drinking and experimenting with drugs.

She became completely loyal and devoted to him, and they soon became the power couple of the school with her acting as his ‘ride or die’ and often jumping in and having his back in brutal fights. After graduation, she passed on culinary school and took a job in a bakery to stay and live with him in the rugged west side, where their power couple status only grew. He worked as a bartender and sold drugs on the side to keep the income…and drugs flowing.

Eventually though, a drug transaction went bad, and he ended up putting a guy in a coma and going to prison. Once he was gone from her life, the fog cleared and she saw her opportunity to finally turn her life around and pursue her dreams. After the sentencing and gathering possessions of his belongings, she went to the coffee shop across the street from the courthouse and met a 35 year old highly successful lawyer who was also on break from a case.

Things could not have worked out more perfect for her. The lawyer had just won a major settlement over $100 million and his cut from it ended up being several million for his work. They couldn’t have come from more different lives. Her from the rugged west side. Him growing up in a privileged family and now living in a mansion on the upper north side. But when they got to know each other, it all didn’t matter. They both had hopes and dreams in life and they realized they weren’t much different at all.

It felt like the perfect rags to riches tale to her. He made her feel like a princess, and after almost 2 years of dating, she had slowly grown used to his posh upscale life, growing into the princess role as best she could. He even helped her fund her own restaurant in the westside.

But with the requirement to do some charity pro-bono work as a lawyer, he looked for a case and found a prisoner coming up for parole 2 years into his 15 year sentence…but the rap sheet was long. Violent assault with a deadly weapon? Drug possession? Assaulting a police officer? It seemed impossible, but when he noticed the prisoner lived in the same apartment building as his gf did on the west side, he took the case, hating the bias she got just from the stigma of being a “westsider”. He wondered if this guy got the westside bias too with these heavy charges and sentence, and his beliefs were only reinforced when the prisoner told him he was indeed “good friends” with his girlfriend. He worked long hours on the case, and against all odds, he won the probation.

This is where I envision the story beginning. He had already planned a special night for her. A night out to their favorite restaurant, in a private room, where he planned to propose for their 2 year anniversary. But now, as an additional surprise, he planned on surprising her with a reunion with her close friend at the dinner, since he was released from prison that same morning. At dinner, as perfectly timed, he tells her about a surprise, covering her eyes and getting her ex to stand face to face with her. Surprise! He says, lifting his hands from her eyes.

Of course these are just ideas and don’t have to be written exactly like this. Just some fun ideas I’ve thought of over the years. It could mix and match anything or change it in any way. I enjoy posts that eventually get longer that feeds off backstory details (it is hard at first until there is a good story backfill) and I'm willing to write in either 3rd or 1st person. I tend to write as much as I get in response. Sometimes I even like to put in some song lyrics making it more of a movie scene in the reader’s head.

Anyway, let me know if you are interested! Believe me I want to work with my writing partner to make this mutually exciting!

Thank you so much for reading if you’ve reached this point. :)
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