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Aug 10, 2021

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this is my storage for characters and roleplay
ideas. some characters have plots tied to
them, some characters are versatile. i'll try
and mention it per character! for now though,
feast your eyes and enjoy yourselves!

every character shown is 18+

please don't leave comments.

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images are just suggestions to give ideas!
green = still looking | yellow = might need convincing rn | red = not currently interested

half orc barbarian woman x your adventurer

once a party of seven, slowly over time a group of adventurers break apart as their names become more widespread. with the newfound attention bringing more work and popularity their way, certain party members broke off to seek their own fame and fortune. seven becomes five, then four, and then just two. together our characters have stuck together and continue looking for work and helping the good of people as they traveled the world. | looking for semi slow burn
ideas for mc: 01 02 03 04

goddess x tribute

it has been centuries since her name has been whispered, and even longer since her temple has been visited. hidden deep within the jungle of a small, rocky island, sits a goddess in waiting. one day an anthropologist comes to the island to investigate and discover, taking with him a small party to help. deciding to split up, YC ends up lost and instead of turning back, decides to keep going as signs of previous inhabitants begin to pop up. It leads him to a crumbling temple, broken apart and looking as though it was possibly ransacked. Unknowingly however he has awoken MC, the goddess who belonged to this temple. at the site of destruction before her upon this wakening, she blames YC as he is the only one in sight. It's up to him to bargain his way out of danger or plead his case!
ideas for mc: 01 02 03 04

supernatural lord x familiar

as guests are leaving the lord's party, one of the last stragglers offers up a gift in thanks for their hospitality, past, and present aid towards them. with that she leaves them with a scroll; a contract over a shapeshifting familiar's obedience and loyalty. later that night the lord's curiosity finally gets to them and they summon their new familiar and find themselves faced with a bratty, boundary pushing creature with a strong desire to bond with their new master. | looking for a sexually dominant partner no matter the role
ideas for mc as lord: 01 02 03
ideas for mc as familiar: 01 & 02 - 03 & 04 05

pics to make plots around
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
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