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Fx Female Tabitha's Thing

Aug 9, 2021
Hello! Since you clicked on this, I'm assuming that hopefully you're interested in some lady lovin'. With any luck, I'll be the gal that can provide some of that kind of entertainment for you!

A little introduction, if you're so interested in learning about me:
-I'm reasonably active, or at least I can be when real life gets in the way! I've got a big girl job and other such responsibilities, so I won't be able to be on 24/7, as fun as that would be.
-I tend to like chatting with my roleplay partners OOC. If this isn't your cup of tea, no biggie, I won't make you chat with me!
-I promise I'll only bite if you want me to! :)

So then with that out of the way, A little bit about my proclivities while actually writing:
-My posts tend to be in the 2-5 paragraph range. Any more and any less and I get bored. I'm sorry. I've tried both extremes. They're not my thing.
-I like to play multiple characters in an rp. Aside from the heavily implied (And honestly blatantly stated) lesbianism going on here, my favorite thing to do in an rp is to have multiple characters on my side playing along with multiple characters on my partner's!
-Speaking of! I don't mind who's behind the screen! So long as you can play a female character, we're cool!
-I try to get posts done ASAP. Obviously, the shorter our posts are, the quicker I can reply. So definitely keep that in mind when we're figuring out post length and such! :)

Alright, sooooo kinks, I guess. Those are important. Admittedly, after looking around at some of the posts here, yall freaky, at least compared to me. But hey, I did see a lot that caught my eye as well, so I know I'm not alone in my tastes! My faves are, in no particular order:
-Group Scenes
-Incest (Especially twins!)
-Cutesy, lovey-dovey sex.
-Vanilla stuff, but I guess everybody's into that in some way XD

Tho honestly if you just wanna like, throw some stuff out there I'm probably fine with it! The only exceptions would be:
-Heavy BDSM elements

And I suppose I should throw some settings/pairings out there, too! Unfortunately I don't have any specific ideas, but if you're into any of this go ahead and mention it!
-Prisons (Despite knowing little about irl prison culture, the idea of a complex full of women with nothing better to do than each other is just... satisfying... XD )
-College (I prefer this to high school for Slice of Life style rps. One of my favorite things to do is to play in a sandbox-esque college setting where the storylines come from character-driven drama. Lowkey kinda craving this)
-Low/Mid Fantasy (Different from high fantasy in that there's no/little magic, but elves and goblins and such can still exist. Lowkey kind of a fan of worlds of only women who reproduce via magic.)

Fandoms! Usually I do prefer to rp in original settings, but sometimes I get the itch to write some canon characters for things I like. Those currently are:
-Harry Potter (Only looking for golden trio era. Any combination of Hermione/Ginny/Luna is a favorite of mine, or even all three)
-Persona 4 (Pretty unfamiliar with 3 and 5 character wise, unfortunately)
-Disney! (Pick two princesses and chances are I’ll be interested in the idea, though I reserve the right to pick out of the pairing first ;) )
-Lord of the Rings (Haven’t watched the new show, but I’m open to the setting as Tolkien intended it to be)

Let me DM an RP in my world!!
This is a project of mine that I’ve been working on on and off for the last while. I’ve been writing a solo project of a future where men are rendered extinct because of a mcguffin virus leaving only women around to reproduce via science baby style stuff. I have a rough idea of a world and a few key events and characters. If you want me to drop your girl into this world (or if you have more questions about the idea/setting, I’d love to talk about it lol) then feel free to message me. But past that, I’m also interested in running the world around your character in a variety of other settings, including any of the above fandoms! The world is really your oyster here, so lemme know what it is you like!

So anyway, that's me! If you're interested, send me a PM, I'll be waiting to hear from you lovelies!
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