- Joined
- Apr 1, 2019
- Location
- Hell Perhaps
(Hoping to find some new and old partners to start something up that will not just spend hours planning and then up and ghost)
Rules and things:
1.) No god-modding or Mary Sues - by that I mean I dislike playing with a character who is basically invincible and does everything.
2.) Not a fan of purely smut rps, I like 50/50-60/40 smut/plot ratio - so decently literature like rp though I am not a stickler to keep huge posts or perfect grammar do not worry.
3.) No one-liners (I love a minimum of 3-4 sentences or a paragraph per posted reply) - please on this one, it gives use both things to work with.
4.) Not a fan of roleplaying in threads, so pms are my go to. NOT ELSEWHERE. AGAIN I WILL NOT RP ON OTHER PLATFORMS! STOP ASKING.
5.) I won't use premade characters, just my own or a version of a character from a fandom like fnaf... I'm iffy on most fandoms. Definitely out on canons! And most important I will not play a certain character you are wanting me to, my ocs are my own creations and I will play them as such.
6.) Please reply at least once a within a day or two, or if you're busy say so, don't just go silent. I will do same (I do get a little busy so I understand the same for you).
7.) Don't just ignore my oc (I get a little upset when a few things are revealed and completely ignored to center attention on your oc)
8.) Sorry, not into Harems! Or Cheating, Incest, vore., scat, water play, over humiliation, inflation using air or weird chemical, foot fetish, ass whorship, knife play or bone breaking, drowning, complete mind control, skin peeling, bimbofication, rape, sex tape crap.... AND I DO NOT HAVE A KINK OR F-LIST > I base kinks off of what would fit the rp....
9.) I can play MxM, FxF, MxF only I tend to prefer playing females in fxm pairings
10.) I prefer switches and subs but can possibly be convinced to play a dom if you really like
11.) No size play like over large unreasonable genitals a little dwarf can't have some foot and a half long cock, or someone have huge back breaking breasts.
12.) I am cool with gore, and horror, but not a whole rp centered just plain on it.
* Put "Namnam" somewhere in reply or message to tell me you looked over rules
We can talk about any edits or ideas of your own! I'd love to brainstorm with you.
1.) Warlock/human's accidental summoning (Summoner x Succubus/demoness)
- Could be run as a human who having run across an old book, and having run down in their luck (Depression, nothing ever goes right, bad times) they decide to try one of the pages of the book... Unknowingly, the dark energy they manifest from their darker emotions at the time, actually powers up the spell and summons a rather decent demoness/succubus.... Only problem is now she is bound to her summoner for better or worse and neither party knows what to do about this.. (several story play offs besides the whole take advantage could be more assistance in escaping threats against the summoner from before they managed to get their hands on the book, perhaps in summoning the demoness/succubus they unknowingly open a dark door that would be hard to close and worse - alert the original owner of the book..)
If more on purpose, perhaps he is somehow caught among a coven of dark magic using witches after having been hunting/tracking them for months. Could go
- In the midst of a sacrificial spell, on a whim your character recites an old line he remembers hearing and in a clash of his blood sacrificed and the dark magic surrounding the place a demoness is summoned by him despite everything about the man being against the idea, he might need her help (plays on more hating her but finding a sense of use in her being bound to his orders)
- In his search among the coven he finds a creature sealed away with certain instructions in a book hinting at the creature being bound to an item to which he takes for research to out the coven but finds himself having taken more than he thought when a troublesome familiar creature begins bothering him.
2.) Beauty tamed the Beast
- The plot itself would be a cursed man with the shape of a beast who would be a warrior of some sort – A general of a small country. Rumors say that he was once a common soldier who became a knight... Only to rebel against a corrupt noble who was killing his own people. With the nobles dying breath, he cursed the knight to take the shape of a beast, and to be alone. Others say that a demon cursed a man who desired power and prestige, and even more state that he is just a demon himself – Whatever the case, he is a warrior, and despite his monstrous visage is in control of a small kingdom that does seem quite loyal to its reclusive master.
As of late, he has begun to wage war against another small kingdom, and has been winning. The king of the other land had become desperate, seeking to appease the monstrous general at any cost... Offers of riches, land if he stopped, and trade did nothing to appeal the beast... Though one day, the king did get a letter demanding him to show his 'secret treasure' he is rumored to have... A mysterious creature thought to be myth...
With the king rumored to own such a jewel, the beast is curious and willing to hold off attack to find out if the rumors are true... And seeing a messenger riding a cart pulling a cage containing the shackled female... he decides that she will be the price to leave the King and his Kingdom alone, taking the young creature to heal up.. and perhaps become more as she is the only one unafraid of him and soothes his inner turmoil.. though she seems to spark the primal desire within him, and owning/claiming such a rare specimen to be the Queen to his people becomes tempting...
- The Queen of a Kingdom recently widowed finds her previous husband's royal family planning behind her back... However with a war against another Kingdom at hand she finds herself caught between saving herself and her people... It isn't until a creature from the opposing side waging war against her own people attempts to assassinate her that that finds a certain solution.. Convincing them to become her personal guard against her 'family' and try to calm the war slowly killing both sides.. An icy Queen with a heart of gold seeking what is best.
- I was thinking that it's a time in the later periods, where there are still Priests/Priestesses who are nobly and almost spiritually viewed.. In this one to throw in a bit of extra appeal, the Priestess/Priest is highly valued for their visions to help end war, their healing abilities, and ability to 'talk with the Gods' to supposedly provide luck.. They are named as much because of their blood and its ability to keep the demon said to end the world if released sealed away.. the only problem is each ritual to keep the seal strong takes life force, and the Priest/Priestess is a mortal.. Now the Priest/Priestess in this story has been raised knowing their duty and continuing it like each before them despite that meaning their lifespan is shorter, but being young still and wanting a single night of freedom without guards and lock down they sneak out into the forest at night not knowing a Beast of Stories is on the run.. Having made another kill or something along the lines of confirming a fearsome reputation the Beast is chased wounded badly into the same forest. Having temporarily lost the hunters the Beast collapses ready for death until an 'angel' walks to them.... And so the story begins.
- They don't remember what drove them to madness, the curse that took their sanity/humanity, but they remember falling victim to a witch long ago... A beast on a rampage in a kingdom is finally caught.. Brought before the King and his family to be sentenced, yet the beast had tricked them into thinking it had given up, suddenly overpowering the guards holding him and falling into the old habit to slaughter and rampage once more... Yet a scent tickles its nose... Intoxicating yet soothing to the turmoil constantly raging chaos within... Before anyone can react the Beast is before the King's daughter, kneeling before her with his arms curled around her back and his head resting in her lap finally finding peace.. At least before a certain guard attempts to seize the chance to assassinate the royal blood to prevent her from becoming next ruler and releases an arrow aimed for her. No one expects the beast to suddenly react, guarding the Princess possessively... And the Princess was in need of a new body guard... The only one to tame the beast, yet the beast desires her as his mate, his alone... Between keeping the beast from execution, humoring her father with suitors to possibly have to marry to become a proper ruler, and the secrets of those who would wish her dead... the excitement begins.
Image inspiration:
3.) Banshee x Homicide Detective
(Would prefer to play Banshee but could be swayed.)
- In this idea the Detective can be any range of creatures from human, demon, vampire, werewolf/panther etc who is on the police force who investigates mysterious deaths and murders. Basically the Detective catches the bad guy most the time, but with the world changing so much to the modern day and age, even with the advancement of technologies, finding the killer of a victim has become hard. Lately a certain presence has been bothering the detective, their eyes searching the crowd of one murder scene to find a person gazing sadly at the body before looking beside them and murmuring something as if someone was there.. It's odd but not insane or reason to draw alarm...
The Banshee is the one who sees death just before it happens, often finding themselves drawn to the area but usually too late as they aren't experienced enough to control the gift... or curse. They aren't special, just a certain kind of quick healing, often oddly understanding languages despite never studying them, and of course seeing the ghost of the dead just as it passes on leaving a few minutes to try and find out what happened from them, but often they try and avoid it..
Finally, after a particularly brutal murder leads to a serial killer case, the detective finally feels like the person they continue to keep seeing at the place of the murder might know something, their idea only confirmed when the unknown Banshee runs into them one night with wide eyes and looking panicked, pointing to an alley as a van streaks away, it might not have been so bad if the Banshee had been where the detective was inside a coffee shop late at night.. with no way to know anything was amiss. Dumbfounded but still knowing their job, the detective raced to the scene only to find the same brutal type of massacre, the Banshee following only to run before the detective can ask anything. Now the hunt is on, the detective needs answers, the Banshee needs help, and the murders need to be stopped.
4.) Siren's Key (Pirate x Mermaid/Siren)
- The pirate crew on the ship are all well aware of dangers the sea holds, weather it be through nature or the creatures she holds, but on one stop they hear a physic speaking of dangerous yet beautiful creatures who swim in the sea.. Well, it sounds like a bounty the pirate can't refuse, especially when they hear the creature is the only way to find the treasure hidden on the island. Wanting the treasure, the pirates set off to catch such a creature, the only thing unexpected was to be attacked at the port near the island said creature is supposedly inhabiting. The enemy attacking has just come back from the island and seems half mad... And with him, he's brought a few pissed off fish friends. Several men are taken and dragged into the sea before explosions crash through the water sending the creatures into a retreat... At least most of them. One unfortunate creature had been flung in a crash of water the explosion had sent flying into one of the craters within the rock, struggling to move back into the open sea before one of the pirate's men pins the creature's tail to the stone with a pitchfork bringing forth an ear splitting shriek, but.. here is the pirate's key to treasure..
Image Inspo-
- Millionaire's exotic aquarium pet (Vague for now)
- Ruler of the sea x Human female (would prefer to play human in this one)
5.) Little Red Riding Hood
This can go several ways...
Mxm: With the possibility of the wolf being a kind of cross dressing boy with the special ability of illusion, where whatever he wears makes him appear like that. So should he wear a cop outfit he looks like a cop, if he wears a girlie outfit, he seems like a girl... Going off of this route, there are several possibilities: (I would prefer using the Big Bad Wolf role in these)
- There are a few myths of this silver wolf running through the forest who is capable of such illusionary tricks.. being a powerful thief/business man/ Mafia leader whatever, you decide you want this creature as your new pet...
- You are someone who is oddly out on your luck and decide to escape it all for a few days with a camping trip. Heading out you can either run across a wounded 'wolf pup' stuck in a bear trap, get lost and find something.. quite odd... Or find yourself being followed but you don't know what by and decide to set a trap (lethal or nonlethal).
- While out camping with friends you meet a few fellow campers and decide to have a little get together, since you are a "straight" male, you decide to start trying to flirt with one of the girls that seems to stand out a bit... Oddly enough she seems into you, unfortunately you don't realize exactly what "she" is, or why she occasionally calls you her mate.
Mxm or fxm with Big Bad Wolf being a kind of werewolf sort of deal: (Would prefer to be Red in these)
- The wolf needs a mate, fate is a funny thing to repeat itself as the wolf sees a red hood like in the stories, well, he sees it right before there is a sudden scream. Following the source of the sound there lays a Little Red, having must have slipped from the edge of the deep grove and fallen into the deep crevice, yet they live...
- Hunters have been scouring the woods as of late, hunting down creatures of all kinds, and being different and a wolf? You are no different, hunted down you either narrowly escape and wander into the backyard of a certain Red Head's home, or unlucky enough to be caught and sent to a facility to be tested and researched, only the red head researcher/veterinarian seems too kind hearted to do very much to hurt you...
- Where Red is a part of a Hunting organization known as "Red Sword" made by her predecessors to hunt those who are not human. With your character being 'The Big Bad Wolf' who has a warrant on his head. Red's mother is the leader of the organization and sends a party out to of course hunt him, but sends her daughter to make sure the job is finished, only her daughter is a bit trickier and likes to give herself, well ups in a way. That and she can't bring herself to kill a creature who hasn't attacked her simply because her blood is supposedly enemies with wolves. So instead, she takes him in under secret and heals him, the catch? She's gotten a witch to enchant a certain shock collar to put on him and make him her new little 'Work Dog', and he's going to help her uncover the secrets within her mother's organization, and the new supernatural cults and packs that have been forming
6.) Mafia Business (M or f x m or f)
- The right hand to the Mafia Boss could be an undercover cop who's loyalties have shifted to serve the Boss, but what happens when the truth gets out? Will the Boss believe the one had has always trusted most who swears their loyalty belongs to them?
- Unknowingly a cop is assigned to be the bodyguard to the Mafia Boss's child (could be fantasy edge with vampire bound by blood to serve as guard).
7.) Jurassic World (Anthro/Mutations/human pairings)
On an island dedicated (Could be before the attraction is opened or after when it is closed down) to these creatures brought back from extinction, it's a bit of a hush, hush spectacle... but it does exist...
- Could be a new creation is finally born to life rather than the previous experimentation with genetics leading to several of the 'staff' forced to work in the lab with mutated genetics and more than human capabilities.. Which leaves one scientist in particular tasked to watch over the first creation to hatch as an anthro (born like rather than using previous living subjects to change). With the new creature developing quickly it isn't long before they reach maturity having always looked to the scientist who spends every day with the creature as its Alpha.. Then again, with maturity comes the instinct to test the waters to become Alpha itself...
From there could be a umber of ideas.. perhaps a meltdown leads to everything in the lab being destroyed and things escaping into the natural island filled with dinosaurs.. and that scientist no longer able to uphold the Alpha position since the creature would naturally be stronger and can overpower her without restrictive shock collar or such.. With the new mind set change comes some room for story.
Would love to talk ideas.
8.) Vampire's Pet
- Perhaps Muse A being human and more.. Bullied in life finding it hard to keep going feels drawn to an old church that is about to be destroyed.. Upon exploring they run across a locked portion of the church sealed with talismans... Feeling beyond curious at this point they decide to ignore warnings and break in, slicing their hand in the process making it bleed. Unconscious of such, they place their hand upon what looks like ritual markings before opening the lid to reveal a body!
But, not just any body.. A body perfectly preserved with a long silver stake buried in their chest... Unable to say why, muse A pulls the stake from muse B's chest awaking them from their cursed slumber.. The ritual markings begin to glow, absorbing the blood spilled on it from earlier and reviewing Myself B... Only the ritual places a certain.. Bonding upon the ancient vampire.. A collar forming with a binding red leash only the leash seems less visible unless acted upon, like the red string of fate.
Needing to learn how to become human, blend into the changes world, and to complete the ritual to become human if it even works, Muse B is left at Muse A's mercy... Especially since muse B cannot seem to disobey Muse A's orders. How is it a once powerful vampire set only for bloodline suddenly craves everything about this ordinary human.. And more, finally wishes to become human ad well.. A Vampire who becomes a reluctant pet learns to be human, and a human who learns to crave life again with this protective creature they have saved.
9.) Beastar's Tribal Turn (Do not need to know of Beastars)
In a world of anthros, the wild way of things has begun to... evolve itself. There are plenty of wild creatures to hunt and threats all on their own in the world so there is hardly any need to hunt and kill each other...
Only problem is, there seems to be a growing sickness spreading through the population... For herbivores, it invokes a sense of reckless fear, running around at random and causing chaos. For carnivores, it invokes their carnal desires...
- An herbivore is captured by a rivaling carnivore clan and taken as prisoner for their known reputation of healing.. the sickness has spread to the village and strangely seems to be bringing about a new physical illness...
- Shoot me an idea.
10.) Twist of Roles (Any x any)
A Prince of a Vampire Kingdom is given a werewolf/human to be his feeding slave/pet... For a regal vampire, anything not Vampire is considered a primal and wild creature, so they are kept as underlyings to vampires... In the eye of the public the blood slave is kept obedient and answers to the Prince.. yet behind closed doors... what if the vampire craves something with a bit less control for themselves?
Or Bad Blood
Vampire living next door to a human dying of a blood disease basically leaving them with bad blood in their body.. Vampires live openly with humans though are looked down upon yet this neighbor is trying to coexist with humans and behave...
Inspo pic-
11.) Keep Him Collared
In the modern world the idea of things such as "witches", goblins, vampires, and magic are relegated to purely the realm of fantasy. No reasonable adult would ever hear these notions and assign any degree of truth to them or even countenance their existence. That, however, is due to the supremely effective system that was put in place 600 years ago by some of the most powerful families in Europe and Asia whose largely metropolitan societies required a sort of "filter" between their world and world of the mundane. So, by hook or by crook, the majority of the magical world was brought into line and forced to keep their activities controlled, their conflicts mediated, and their territory protected from the mortal world by a family that would enforce the rules and watch over them. In the East this duty fell to the Yuen Family, who carried the blood of ancient heroes, but in the West that fell to the Victor Family. This family, however, was not so peerless in their natural gift, instead partially cursed with lycanthropy and forced to rely upon a group of magical folk for their assistance; the Witches of Scotland and England.
While witchcraft may have been common throughout the world, the pact that united the Victors and the witches was an old one, sworn in blood over sacred fennel and stone. Whenever a Victor would reach the age of eighteen and his lycanthropic urges would emerge, the shifting threatening to take hold of him, he would be soothed and the curse contained by a witch who had been assigned to him by the Patriarch of the family; a position with the honored title of Seer. The current Patriarch's children, until his final one, had been all daughters, five beautiful she-wolves who had been assigned to lead other regions but would, ultimately, kneel before their brother who was finishing his maturation. However, unbeknownst to him, one of his sisters did not wish to give over power and instead had the witch who had been chosen for him assassinated and replaced with a different candidate who was given a rather tantalizing offer; use your magic and charm to win over the young would-be Alpha, getting him to expose his heart to you, and then bind him as your familiar, drawing upon the ancient and powerful magic of the Pact that grants him his supremacy.
The son of the Boss is prepared to go to university and there, assigned to his dorm as his roommate, awaits his Seer and all of her ill intent.
12.) Avatar Esque, alien world
A bounty hunter is sent to another world in order to learn of the strange creatures there, only to find a species almost similar to humans...
I haven't really been able to play the idea, but more what I'd pull from it is these more primally hinted creatures considered aliens as they aren't human and perhaps them not being able to stand again humans and their technology (guns and such).
So I suppose the idea of either maybe a human or another creature is seeking to expand to this forest which was previously unexplored and unknown and finding it is home to creatures who aren't as civilly advanced? And can go in the way of a trap ensnaring one to which it is taken to be studied or an invader exploring the forest is intrigued by the idea of the creatures of the forest..
Images to Spark an idea:
More to come....
Rules and things:
1.) No god-modding or Mary Sues - by that I mean I dislike playing with a character who is basically invincible and does everything.
2.) Not a fan of purely smut rps, I like 50/50-60/40 smut/plot ratio - so decently literature like rp though I am not a stickler to keep huge posts or perfect grammar do not worry.
3.) No one-liners (I love a minimum of 3-4 sentences or a paragraph per posted reply) - please on this one, it gives use both things to work with.
4.) Not a fan of roleplaying in threads, so pms are my go to. NOT ELSEWHERE. AGAIN I WILL NOT RP ON OTHER PLATFORMS! STOP ASKING.
5.) I won't use premade characters, just my own or a version of a character from a fandom like fnaf... I'm iffy on most fandoms. Definitely out on canons! And most important I will not play a certain character you are wanting me to, my ocs are my own creations and I will play them as such.
6.) Please reply at least once a within a day or two, or if you're busy say so, don't just go silent. I will do same (I do get a little busy so I understand the same for you).
7.) Don't just ignore my oc (I get a little upset when a few things are revealed and completely ignored to center attention on your oc)
8.) Sorry, not into Harems! Or Cheating, Incest, vore., scat, water play, over humiliation, inflation using air or weird chemical, foot fetish, ass whorship, knife play or bone breaking, drowning, complete mind control, skin peeling, bimbofication, rape, sex tape crap.... AND I DO NOT HAVE A KINK OR F-LIST > I base kinks off of what would fit the rp....
9.) I can play MxM, FxF, MxF only I tend to prefer playing females in fxm pairings
10.) I prefer switches and subs but can possibly be convinced to play a dom if you really like
11.) No size play like over large unreasonable genitals a little dwarf can't have some foot and a half long cock, or someone have huge back breaking breasts.
12.) I am cool with gore, and horror, but not a whole rp centered just plain on it.
* Put "Namnam" somewhere in reply or message to tell me you looked over rules
We can talk about any edits or ideas of your own! I'd love to brainstorm with you.
If more on purpose, perhaps he is somehow caught among a coven of dark magic using witches after having been hunting/tracking them for months. Could go
- In the midst of a sacrificial spell, on a whim your character recites an old line he remembers hearing and in a clash of his blood sacrificed and the dark magic surrounding the place a demoness is summoned by him despite everything about the man being against the idea, he might need her help (plays on more hating her but finding a sense of use in her being bound to his orders)
- In his search among the coven he finds a creature sealed away with certain instructions in a book hinting at the creature being bound to an item to which he takes for research to out the coven but finds himself having taken more than he thought when a troublesome familiar creature begins bothering him.
2.) Beauty tamed the Beast
- The plot itself would be a cursed man with the shape of a beast who would be a warrior of some sort – A general of a small country. Rumors say that he was once a common soldier who became a knight... Only to rebel against a corrupt noble who was killing his own people. With the nobles dying breath, he cursed the knight to take the shape of a beast, and to be alone. Others say that a demon cursed a man who desired power and prestige, and even more state that he is just a demon himself – Whatever the case, he is a warrior, and despite his monstrous visage is in control of a small kingdom that does seem quite loyal to its reclusive master.
As of late, he has begun to wage war against another small kingdom, and has been winning. The king of the other land had become desperate, seeking to appease the monstrous general at any cost... Offers of riches, land if he stopped, and trade did nothing to appeal the beast... Though one day, the king did get a letter demanding him to show his 'secret treasure' he is rumored to have... A mysterious creature thought to be myth...
With the king rumored to own such a jewel, the beast is curious and willing to hold off attack to find out if the rumors are true... And seeing a messenger riding a cart pulling a cage containing the shackled female... he decides that she will be the price to leave the King and his Kingdom alone, taking the young creature to heal up.. and perhaps become more as she is the only one unafraid of him and soothes his inner turmoil.. though she seems to spark the primal desire within him, and owning/claiming such a rare specimen to be the Queen to his people becomes tempting...
- The Queen of a Kingdom recently widowed finds her previous husband's royal family planning behind her back... However with a war against another Kingdom at hand she finds herself caught between saving herself and her people... It isn't until a creature from the opposing side waging war against her own people attempts to assassinate her that that finds a certain solution.. Convincing them to become her personal guard against her 'family' and try to calm the war slowly killing both sides.. An icy Queen with a heart of gold seeking what is best.
- I was thinking that it's a time in the later periods, where there are still Priests/Priestesses who are nobly and almost spiritually viewed.. In this one to throw in a bit of extra appeal, the Priestess/Priest is highly valued for their visions to help end war, their healing abilities, and ability to 'talk with the Gods' to supposedly provide luck.. They are named as much because of their blood and its ability to keep the demon said to end the world if released sealed away.. the only problem is each ritual to keep the seal strong takes life force, and the Priest/Priestess is a mortal.. Now the Priest/Priestess in this story has been raised knowing their duty and continuing it like each before them despite that meaning their lifespan is shorter, but being young still and wanting a single night of freedom without guards and lock down they sneak out into the forest at night not knowing a Beast of Stories is on the run.. Having made another kill or something along the lines of confirming a fearsome reputation the Beast is chased wounded badly into the same forest. Having temporarily lost the hunters the Beast collapses ready for death until an 'angel' walks to them.... And so the story begins.
- They don't remember what drove them to madness, the curse that took their sanity/humanity, but they remember falling victim to a witch long ago... A beast on a rampage in a kingdom is finally caught.. Brought before the King and his family to be sentenced, yet the beast had tricked them into thinking it had given up, suddenly overpowering the guards holding him and falling into the old habit to slaughter and rampage once more... Yet a scent tickles its nose... Intoxicating yet soothing to the turmoil constantly raging chaos within... Before anyone can react the Beast is before the King's daughter, kneeling before her with his arms curled around her back and his head resting in her lap finally finding peace.. At least before a certain guard attempts to seize the chance to assassinate the royal blood to prevent her from becoming next ruler and releases an arrow aimed for her. No one expects the beast to suddenly react, guarding the Princess possessively... And the Princess was in need of a new body guard... The only one to tame the beast, yet the beast desires her as his mate, his alone... Between keeping the beast from execution, humoring her father with suitors to possibly have to marry to become a proper ruler, and the secrets of those who would wish her dead... the excitement begins.
Image inspiration:

3.) Banshee x Homicide Detective
(Would prefer to play Banshee but could be swayed.)
- In this idea the Detective can be any range of creatures from human, demon, vampire, werewolf/panther etc who is on the police force who investigates mysterious deaths and murders. Basically the Detective catches the bad guy most the time, but with the world changing so much to the modern day and age, even with the advancement of technologies, finding the killer of a victim has become hard. Lately a certain presence has been bothering the detective, their eyes searching the crowd of one murder scene to find a person gazing sadly at the body before looking beside them and murmuring something as if someone was there.. It's odd but not insane or reason to draw alarm...
The Banshee is the one who sees death just before it happens, often finding themselves drawn to the area but usually too late as they aren't experienced enough to control the gift... or curse. They aren't special, just a certain kind of quick healing, often oddly understanding languages despite never studying them, and of course seeing the ghost of the dead just as it passes on leaving a few minutes to try and find out what happened from them, but often they try and avoid it..
Finally, after a particularly brutal murder leads to a serial killer case, the detective finally feels like the person they continue to keep seeing at the place of the murder might know something, their idea only confirmed when the unknown Banshee runs into them one night with wide eyes and looking panicked, pointing to an alley as a van streaks away, it might not have been so bad if the Banshee had been where the detective was inside a coffee shop late at night.. with no way to know anything was amiss. Dumbfounded but still knowing their job, the detective raced to the scene only to find the same brutal type of massacre, the Banshee following only to run before the detective can ask anything. Now the hunt is on, the detective needs answers, the Banshee needs help, and the murders need to be stopped.
4.) Siren's Key (Pirate x Mermaid/Siren)
- The pirate crew on the ship are all well aware of dangers the sea holds, weather it be through nature or the creatures she holds, but on one stop they hear a physic speaking of dangerous yet beautiful creatures who swim in the sea.. Well, it sounds like a bounty the pirate can't refuse, especially when they hear the creature is the only way to find the treasure hidden on the island. Wanting the treasure, the pirates set off to catch such a creature, the only thing unexpected was to be attacked at the port near the island said creature is supposedly inhabiting. The enemy attacking has just come back from the island and seems half mad... And with him, he's brought a few pissed off fish friends. Several men are taken and dragged into the sea before explosions crash through the water sending the creatures into a retreat... At least most of them. One unfortunate creature had been flung in a crash of water the explosion had sent flying into one of the craters within the rock, struggling to move back into the open sea before one of the pirate's men pins the creature's tail to the stone with a pitchfork bringing forth an ear splitting shriek, but.. here is the pirate's key to treasure..
Image Inspo-

- Millionaire's exotic aquarium pet (Vague for now)
- Ruler of the sea x Human female (would prefer to play human in this one)
5.) Little Red Riding Hood
This can go several ways...
Mxm: With the possibility of the wolf being a kind of cross dressing boy with the special ability of illusion, where whatever he wears makes him appear like that. So should he wear a cop outfit he looks like a cop, if he wears a girlie outfit, he seems like a girl... Going off of this route, there are several possibilities: (I would prefer using the Big Bad Wolf role in these)
- There are a few myths of this silver wolf running through the forest who is capable of such illusionary tricks.. being a powerful thief/business man/ Mafia leader whatever, you decide you want this creature as your new pet...
- You are someone who is oddly out on your luck and decide to escape it all for a few days with a camping trip. Heading out you can either run across a wounded 'wolf pup' stuck in a bear trap, get lost and find something.. quite odd... Or find yourself being followed but you don't know what by and decide to set a trap (lethal or nonlethal).
- While out camping with friends you meet a few fellow campers and decide to have a little get together, since you are a "straight" male, you decide to start trying to flirt with one of the girls that seems to stand out a bit... Oddly enough she seems into you, unfortunately you don't realize exactly what "she" is, or why she occasionally calls you her mate.
Mxm or fxm with Big Bad Wolf being a kind of werewolf sort of deal: (Would prefer to be Red in these)
- The wolf needs a mate, fate is a funny thing to repeat itself as the wolf sees a red hood like in the stories, well, he sees it right before there is a sudden scream. Following the source of the sound there lays a Little Red, having must have slipped from the edge of the deep grove and fallen into the deep crevice, yet they live...
- Hunters have been scouring the woods as of late, hunting down creatures of all kinds, and being different and a wolf? You are no different, hunted down you either narrowly escape and wander into the backyard of a certain Red Head's home, or unlucky enough to be caught and sent to a facility to be tested and researched, only the red head researcher/veterinarian seems too kind hearted to do very much to hurt you...
- Where Red is a part of a Hunting organization known as "Red Sword" made by her predecessors to hunt those who are not human. With your character being 'The Big Bad Wolf' who has a warrant on his head. Red's mother is the leader of the organization and sends a party out to of course hunt him, but sends her daughter to make sure the job is finished, only her daughter is a bit trickier and likes to give herself, well ups in a way. That and she can't bring herself to kill a creature who hasn't attacked her simply because her blood is supposedly enemies with wolves. So instead, she takes him in under secret and heals him, the catch? She's gotten a witch to enchant a certain shock collar to put on him and make him her new little 'Work Dog', and he's going to help her uncover the secrets within her mother's organization, and the new supernatural cults and packs that have been forming
6.) Mafia Business (M or f x m or f)
- The right hand to the Mafia Boss could be an undercover cop who's loyalties have shifted to serve the Boss, but what happens when the truth gets out? Will the Boss believe the one had has always trusted most who swears their loyalty belongs to them?
- Unknowingly a cop is assigned to be the bodyguard to the Mafia Boss's child (could be fantasy edge with vampire bound by blood to serve as guard).
7.) Jurassic World (Anthro/Mutations/human pairings)
On an island dedicated (Could be before the attraction is opened or after when it is closed down) to these creatures brought back from extinction, it's a bit of a hush, hush spectacle... but it does exist...
- Could be a new creation is finally born to life rather than the previous experimentation with genetics leading to several of the 'staff' forced to work in the lab with mutated genetics and more than human capabilities.. Which leaves one scientist in particular tasked to watch over the first creation to hatch as an anthro (born like rather than using previous living subjects to change). With the new creature developing quickly it isn't long before they reach maturity having always looked to the scientist who spends every day with the creature as its Alpha.. Then again, with maturity comes the instinct to test the waters to become Alpha itself...
From there could be a umber of ideas.. perhaps a meltdown leads to everything in the lab being destroyed and things escaping into the natural island filled with dinosaurs.. and that scientist no longer able to uphold the Alpha position since the creature would naturally be stronger and can overpower her without restrictive shock collar or such.. With the new mind set change comes some room for story.
Would love to talk ideas.

8.) Vampire's Pet
- Perhaps Muse A being human and more.. Bullied in life finding it hard to keep going feels drawn to an old church that is about to be destroyed.. Upon exploring they run across a locked portion of the church sealed with talismans... Feeling beyond curious at this point they decide to ignore warnings and break in, slicing their hand in the process making it bleed. Unconscious of such, they place their hand upon what looks like ritual markings before opening the lid to reveal a body!
But, not just any body.. A body perfectly preserved with a long silver stake buried in their chest... Unable to say why, muse A pulls the stake from muse B's chest awaking them from their cursed slumber.. The ritual markings begin to glow, absorbing the blood spilled on it from earlier and reviewing Myself B... Only the ritual places a certain.. Bonding upon the ancient vampire.. A collar forming with a binding red leash only the leash seems less visible unless acted upon, like the red string of fate.
Needing to learn how to become human, blend into the changes world, and to complete the ritual to become human if it even works, Muse B is left at Muse A's mercy... Especially since muse B cannot seem to disobey Muse A's orders. How is it a once powerful vampire set only for bloodline suddenly craves everything about this ordinary human.. And more, finally wishes to become human ad well.. A Vampire who becomes a reluctant pet learns to be human, and a human who learns to crave life again with this protective creature they have saved.
9.) Beastar's Tribal Turn (Do not need to know of Beastars)
In a world of anthros, the wild way of things has begun to... evolve itself. There are plenty of wild creatures to hunt and threats all on their own in the world so there is hardly any need to hunt and kill each other...
Only problem is, there seems to be a growing sickness spreading through the population... For herbivores, it invokes a sense of reckless fear, running around at random and causing chaos. For carnivores, it invokes their carnal desires...
- An herbivore is captured by a rivaling carnivore clan and taken as prisoner for their known reputation of healing.. the sickness has spread to the village and strangely seems to be bringing about a new physical illness...
- Shoot me an idea.

10.) Twist of Roles (Any x any)
A Prince of a Vampire Kingdom is given a werewolf/human to be his feeding slave/pet... For a regal vampire, anything not Vampire is considered a primal and wild creature, so they are kept as underlyings to vampires... In the eye of the public the blood slave is kept obedient and answers to the Prince.. yet behind closed doors... what if the vampire craves something with a bit less control for themselves?
Or Bad Blood
Vampire living next door to a human dying of a blood disease basically leaving them with bad blood in their body.. Vampires live openly with humans though are looked down upon yet this neighbor is trying to coexist with humans and behave...
Inspo pic-

11.) Keep Him Collared
In the modern world the idea of things such as "witches", goblins, vampires, and magic are relegated to purely the realm of fantasy. No reasonable adult would ever hear these notions and assign any degree of truth to them or even countenance their existence. That, however, is due to the supremely effective system that was put in place 600 years ago by some of the most powerful families in Europe and Asia whose largely metropolitan societies required a sort of "filter" between their world and world of the mundane. So, by hook or by crook, the majority of the magical world was brought into line and forced to keep their activities controlled, their conflicts mediated, and their territory protected from the mortal world by a family that would enforce the rules and watch over them. In the East this duty fell to the Yuen Family, who carried the blood of ancient heroes, but in the West that fell to the Victor Family. This family, however, was not so peerless in their natural gift, instead partially cursed with lycanthropy and forced to rely upon a group of magical folk for their assistance; the Witches of Scotland and England.
While witchcraft may have been common throughout the world, the pact that united the Victors and the witches was an old one, sworn in blood over sacred fennel and stone. Whenever a Victor would reach the age of eighteen and his lycanthropic urges would emerge, the shifting threatening to take hold of him, he would be soothed and the curse contained by a witch who had been assigned to him by the Patriarch of the family; a position with the honored title of Seer. The current Patriarch's children, until his final one, had been all daughters, five beautiful she-wolves who had been assigned to lead other regions but would, ultimately, kneel before their brother who was finishing his maturation. However, unbeknownst to him, one of his sisters did not wish to give over power and instead had the witch who had been chosen for him assassinated and replaced with a different candidate who was given a rather tantalizing offer; use your magic and charm to win over the young would-be Alpha, getting him to expose his heart to you, and then bind him as your familiar, drawing upon the ancient and powerful magic of the Pact that grants him his supremacy.
The son of the Boss is prepared to go to university and there, assigned to his dorm as his roommate, awaits his Seer and all of her ill intent.
12.) Avatar Esque, alien world
A bounty hunter is sent to another world in order to learn of the strange creatures there, only to find a species almost similar to humans...
I haven't really been able to play the idea, but more what I'd pull from it is these more primally hinted creatures considered aliens as they aren't human and perhaps them not being able to stand again humans and their technology (guns and such).
So I suppose the idea of either maybe a human or another creature is seeking to expand to this forest which was previously unexplored and unknown and finding it is home to creatures who aren't as civilly advanced? And can go in the way of a trap ensnaring one to which it is taken to be studied or an invader exploring the forest is intrigued by the idea of the creatures of the forest..

Images to Spark an idea:

More to come....
- K-9 Unit: Though most demihumans(Furs/Anthros) live on the edge of society, a few want to change the system from the inside, joining the Liberty City PD and serving their community as well as the humans who oppress them. Some, however, aren't serving so willingly. Such as it was for (MC), a rare breed of dog-girl whose black fur, fiery red eyes, and bellicose personality marked her as a "hellhound". After an arrest she is spared jail-time or worse through the deft maneuver of a detective whose partner died in the same night that brought her into their custody. Unlike the males she had spent her life around before, the world-weary detective wasn't a lustful hound towards her, nor was he intimidated by her, and his resistance to her charms as well as his ash-coated professionalism and firm hand, seeking to tame even her instincts, made him intriguing. (Hell Hound Loyalty Bond; possibly a more Consensual Master Pet Play here)
- Shelter the Slasher: A radical demihuman serial killer is taking out abusive politicians and corroborating police who oppress her people. The detective in charge of the case misses a chance to see the assailant by mere seconds, instead finding an innocent and homeless demihuman girl cradling her wounds inflicted by the fleeing killer. The innocent girl, however, caught a scent of the killer and is willing to help, so long as the detective can promise to protect her. Though he agrees, little does he know that the very girl he takes into his own house is the quarry he so hunts.
- Classic Western Twist: a rough and quiet stranger comes to town no one knows anything about, no one but a few of the locals who live a bit separate from the townspeople know what he is - werewolf. And he has a certain fancy to look into claiming a territory for himself.. And perhaps the witch who lives in it.
- Neko/Inu World Twist: perhaps in the twist of neko pet play... In a world of animal humanoids (Anthro or just the ears/tails/instinct of an animal) humans are sold as pets! Can be built on...
- Tribal love: Could be any number of species with tribes at war, or a war against humans.. Naga or centaur species I am curious to play as of recent!
Extra themes:
My Little Pony
Anthro prideland (Lion King)
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