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Town of Dawnwood(Interest Check)

May 10, 2017
Town of Dawnwood

The Town of Dawnwood is a small one, situated in a large forest, on the edge of an island in the Radiant Kingdom, in the world of Palaiciel. The town is a happy place, where the weather is always perfect, the populace is well-known for being among the nicest and most understanding in the world, their ruler is benevolent, their kingdom hasn’t seen war in generations, and the town itself rarely suffers from threats outside of the usual wolves or slimes. As far back as the elders can remember, the Radiant Kingdom has never suffered from a shortage of anything, and that goes double for the Town of Dawnwood, where most products and services are so abundant that there is always excess.

Recently, the Radiant Kingdom has seen a surge in strange powers, however. Some individuals are able to summon odd, solid-yet-ghostly entities from their shadows, each of which has its own unique power, not shared by any other known entities of its kind. Little is known about these creatures, however they seem to be strictly bound to its summoner, and the kingdoms have taken to calling them Dirges, due to the mournful sound that’s emitted when one is summoned. Some claim it to be the resurgence of magic, while others claim it to be a blessing of the Goddess of Light, however no clear answers have been found.

Town of Dawnwood is a fantasy RP, in which the players are Dirge-users, living in the Town of Dawnwood, within the Radiant Kingdom. The setting has running water, with widespread use of medieval armor and weaponry, steam is the primary form of electrical power, horses are the main method of transportation, however clothing can be as modern as the players care to make it, as it allows for a larger design variety. At this point in time, magic is remembered, however it faded from the known world centuries ago, with the cause being largely unknown.

Mechanically, when a player attempts an action, the stat associated with the action will be applied, and a 1d20 will be rolled, with the result being added to the stat. If they're rolling against an opponent, that opponent will apply their related stat against that roll, also adding a 1d20, with the higher total winning. If there is no opponent, a difficulty level will be applied instead, a 1d20 will be added, and the rolls will continue as normal(Note: This RP will have a Discord Server in which the dice logs will be kept in a channel for the players to double check). Dirges will act as the character's abilities, each one having its own unique power, which players will be able to use to influence the world around them, the player's creativity being the primary determining factor in what applications that Dirge's powers will have. As an example, if a player has a Dirge with magnetic powers, they can try to use that power to disarm opponents, pull chandeliers down on them, throw objects into their path to try to trip them, etc, and their success will depend on their stat+diceroll.

Races populating Palaiciel:
Humans are the most common form of humanoid encountered across all kingdoms, anywhere. All positions in every Kingdom's Government are populated by humans, and sometimes Therians, They're fast learners, able to learn a wide variety of skills in a short period of time, and have a wide range of appearances. They're considered jacks of all trades, as they are less agile and dexterous than Therians, less intelligent than Hyperions, not as strong or tough as a Phenex, however they can adapt more quickly.
The Hyperion are a race of humanoids who lived on Palaiciel long before the humans. It’s said that Palaciel is actually a massive construct of the Hyperions, built above another larger world, upon which the Hyperion used to live, however a great catastrophe befell that larger world, forcing them to build Palaiciel. Hyperion have tan skin, covered with a black, nylon-like substance which reforms when damaged, glowing eyes, wing-like constructs of light which grow from metallic bone-like emitters on their backs, and light-colored hair. They’re usually taller than humans, with more graceful and purposeful movements. Most Hyperion are gracious, kind, honest, wise, and dependable. Hyperion never grow old, instead living in their prime until killed by force or by sickness.
Creatures from another dimension, the Phenex were a seemingly unstoppable military force who had conquered most of their own dimension... however one of their creations, a single sentient machine that could take control of and manipulate other mechanoids, linked with all other machines in their dimension and caused a multiverse-wide apocalypse in retaliation for being enslaved for during the many Phenexian wars it had been employed in. The result, of course, was the Phenex fleeing their dimension, discovering that this world had none of the natural resources that their dimension had, and becoming stranded on Palaiciel. Thy're race of proud, naturally muscular, 6-12 foot tall humanoids with digitigrade legs, pitch black, gray, or deathly pale skin, proportionally longer arms and fingers, glowing horns, glowing eyes, razor sharp claws, and sharp fangs. The Phenex tend to wear more revealing clothing and mark their bodies with runes, representing accomplishments that they're proud of, for others to gaze upon and admire. While the practice of wearing more revealing clothing seems like a hindrance in battle, the Phenex have thicker and tougher skin than most humans, though their skin is still soft to the touch. however it's also Phenexian tradition to obscure their flawless faces with masks, only allowing their closest associates to gaze upon them without them.
A race of creatures that have been present on Palaciel as long as humans have, the Therians resemble humans, but with some animal features, such as animal horns, eyes, ears, teeth, tails, as well as fur or scales in places. In some rare cases, they even have features from multiple different animals, however this is incredibly rare. Therians are recalled to have had a strange reaction to magic fading away, their behavior suddenly changing from being known for their intelligence and calm demeanor, to becoming more promiscuous, hotheaded, and aggressive. Therians, now, usually tend to be better known for their dexterity and agility, rather than their intellect.

If you have any additional questions about the setting, mechanics, lore, etc, please ask. If there's enough interest, I'll post a set-up thread.
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