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Here's an idea. ((D&D Idea))

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The Divine
Jan 10, 2009
What about a 3.5 D&D campaign with rape/molest/etc elements?

I have two people willing to do that... me and Nyoko. Anyone else?
Re: Here's an idea.

Chiechan said:
I like D & D, and wouldn't mind the idea, but I'm kinda into only girl/girl ( for the naughty scenes only of course). Would that be possible for my character? Sorry to ask. *^^*


I'm also only into the Girl X Girl stuffness.

So if you don't mind having another experienced 3.5'er (I first played D&D back when AC's were negative numbers!)
Re: Here's an idea.

P-p-p-please let me in!!!

3.5 Yes yes yes.

Can i join? Can i? can i? Can i? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Also, levels? Prestige Classes/Books/Races allowed? xD

I only have MSN, but i could get AIM for this :O
Re: Here's an idea.

Super, extra, ulti awesome idea however.

How about, we possibly do it like this.

Main Thread
(Characters, Main Story, Setting, Rules info)

Adventure Thread.
Town Thread
Solo Threads

Possibly more threads. Like, Arena, XXXX's shop, Tavern of the Drunken XXXX, and such.

A few people have DM status, while maybe other places, for example XXXX's shop 1 person has DM status.

This will allow some people to, go to the side for some solo smut play so everyone else dont have to wait, and so we dont end up with huge orgies again and again, or whatever. And also make it a more, permanent setting that can develop. This will evolve the settings, community, characters, and storyline much faster.

This is of course, if we are as many as we are now? . . and everyone gets to join :O
Re: Here's an idea.

If we do it in thread there will be only two threads. One for bios and character sheets, and one for the campaign. As for lvls and whatot, restricted to lvl 1 (That's with the ecl includes so if you have an ecl of +1 you don't get a class lvl yet.)
Re: Here's an idea.

Well, it seems like we have quite a bit of players. Okay, everyone who wants to play, send me a PM with ALL of your character information, including the book your stuff is out of.

Starting gold is done by the tables in the PHB.

If you don't know how to make a character, ask someone on here.
Re: Here's an idea.

I have to say, I love the idea of this. It's a perfect place for Blue Magic/Nymphomancy. However, it'd have to involve a lot of One on One stuff or the gameplay may just devolve...

Roll Initiative to see who penetrates first! :-D
Re: Here's an idea.

Hey this sounds like fun. I started RPing because of White Wolf in the first place. Can I still sign up for this? I might need a little help though cause I only have the 3.0 books.
Re: Here's an idea.

By the way, I talked to the one running this.

Starting stats are 4d6, discard the lowest die.
If any stat is 8 or lower, you can reroll it.

As for differences between 3.0 and 3.5 the biggest changes are in Bards, Gnomes, and Rangers. And the Swim penalty for weight was changed from -1 per 5 pounds of stuff on you, to X2 of whatever your check penalty from armor or encumbrance is (my favorite rule change).

There's also a D&D wiki if you need help.
Re: Here's an idea.

Guess what guys? We've made a solid step forward in getting this project up!

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Now we just need more characters. Everyone, if you don't mind, follow Romantic[Dream]'s lead when it comes to the model of the character bio.

Now... seeing as how I'd prefer us to keep things slightly small so the DM can get more of an intimate feel with the players, I'd like to try to get more than one DM, or at least split it up into groups, however, it will all still be in the same realm, just different parties.

At the end, there will be one big group, and you will face the main villain.

A few house rules:

IF YOU ARE GAY, TELL ME. - I want to make sure that I know you're gay, so I can make sure not to have your character raped by a male if you're a lesbian, and things like that... plus, everyone will get anti-rape armor based on their sexual preference... so if you're les, you'll get anti-male armor, if you're straight(male) you'll get anti-male armor also, if you're gay or straight(f) you'll get anti-female armor.

It won't be anything special... just reject rapists who aren't the same sexual preference.

ANYONE CAUGHT BREAKING DM/BOOK RULES... - ...will be warned first, then the second time, their anti-rape armor will be destroyed and an NPC will violate them, then the third time if the warning, and then humiliation wasn't enough, they will be booted from the RP.

A note on book rules. They are not absolute. If I feel a ruling you bring up to me makes no sense, I will throw that rule down the toilet.

And, that's about it. ^_^ Um... on genning characters... 4d6 on stats, drop the lowest, and if it's 8 or lower you can reroll it. For HP, you take max hp at first level. MAKE SURE YOU TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ARMOR CHECK PENALTY WHEN YOU DO YOUR SKILLS!

Another note... you're responsible for leveling up. If you're having problems, you can ask me, or one of the more advanced players, but you're responsible for getting it to me... if you don't, the stats that I look at WILL be the un-leveled copy. Keep that in mind.
Im making a Wizard for the party, though having a bit of trouble as I am rusty.

XD I wouldn't be so rusty if this was 4.0 but I still enjoy 3.5 so I am not complaining. :p
so just to clarify, 3.0 or 3.5?
and are there books/tricks that are banned from use?
I've been playing since 2.0 and take disturbing pleasure in creating "interesting" characters
As long as the total level is 1, you're good, and it's 3.5, but if there's stuff from a 3.0 expansion book, you can swing it by me first.
Didn't even realize about my 400th post. Thank you.

Umm, right now we're waiting on more profiles, if I can get 4 profiles, I can DM, or if I get a profile from Liz, someone else can DM and I can be a player for that group.
Start driving more people to write up their characters. Some might need some help with it.

Um, I forgot, but what sex orientation are you again? Straight, Gay, or Bi?
Hmmm straight but willing to be bi, so I suppose bi. However I don't want any "anti-rape" armor, etc.

Also I found a deity for my character, I forgot to list one but she's actually a very devout person. [I may even multi-class into cleric]

Baravar Cloakshadow
Power: Lesser deity
Title: The Sly One, Master of Illusion, Lord in Disguise
Alignment: NG
Worshipers: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Clerics: NG, CG, N
Symbol: Raccoon's face Domains: Gnome, Good, Illusion, Protection, Trickery
Portfolio: forests, travel, nature
Favored weapon: Nightmare (dagger)

Also in the profile for her in the other thread, can she be changed to True Neutral, upon further reflection it seems more accurate.
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