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Keeping the Family Secret (Open)


Mar 1, 2021
Howdy y'all,

For a story with a lot of drama, secrets, twists, and of course smut we're looking for a cast of colorful yet secretive characters! Though specifically, two ladies to play either a Mother or a Daughter. I'll get more into that later.

This is meant to be a constantly developing "Whodunit". So the more characters the better! Though, if you're bringing a new idea to the table, you need to bring a character with strong personality and interesting premise for me to consider it.

The bulk of the story will be played in a public thread while any and all smut/secret stuff will be played in private so that the others are left in the dark, giving them a chance to put on there detective hats and find out what mysteries are really happening.
Sex, Lies, Potential Pregnancy, Love, More Lies, Lust, Cheating, Lying about Lies, Etc.

So without giving too much away, the basis of the story is this:
Set in the sleepy little town of Fairview its the "Slice-of-Life" veneer slowly starts to unravel as a community of average people devolve and indulge their baser instincts. For an unknown cosmic reason, libidos and secrecy are rising while citizens continue to feign their civility. MC is the Daughters ex-boyfriend and after a big fight about their future, the Daughter is unable to see MC and asks her Mother to go grab her things from MC's house. The Mother and MC passionately hit it off and the three spiral, trying to keep more and more secrets from one another as their intertwining stories fray.

The Boyfriend - Played by Dreamboat
The Girlfriend/Daughter - (Casting)
The Mother - (Casting)

More characters to come but bring us something juicy!
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