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To Save The Realms - D&D 5e Adventure Interest Check


Drop, Search, Ascend
Nov 7, 2013
In your nightmares, and your dreams
Hello everyone. I'm wanting to run a massive long-term roleplay based in Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms setting along the Sword Coast. Some of it I'll just be bullshitting because I really don't know the fine details, but part of being a team adventuring within a world is that things change all the time and part of it is going with the flow and making our own fun right?! As it stands I intend for there to be much more roleplay elements than dice rolls on the part of the player as I want this to be as fun and interactive for all of you as possible. I on the other hand will be doing a ton of rolls with my shiny math rocks because shiny math rocks!

Plan would be to post once every week at a minimum, and we'll be starting off in a custom series of quests that lead up to level three before dumping all the characters into The Sword Coast to start their saving of the world.

As the gods send their followers to fight one another and powerful wizards manipulate the planes to their will, the balance Ao sought to keep in the world of Toril is being threatened once more as numerous events occurred affecting time, space, and reality itself. Seeking to put the arrogance of the gods who caused this problem to rest he selected of the weakest mortals from different places in the world of Faerun to compete against one another and the selected few of the trials are to be sent to quell the problems arising in the sword coast as they grow along the way.

My Dungeons and Dragons 5e Adventure is looking for players! This will be a (very) long term thing that will take characters all the way from as far north as Ice Wind Dale, to Baldur's Gate in the far south, and beyond as our Zeros become Heros in their pursuit to set Faerun to rights.
A part of me is interested in seeing if a thief or rogue of the streets can ever be considered a hero.
Is there any specific day of the week or time you were hoping to plan this? How long would you see a session lasting?
It's text based roleplay almost entirely, no voice. The other places I've run this I give 7 days between DM/GM posts which seems to work out pretty well, or I post just as fast as the group can. Hence the warning that it's long term, since we might get in only as many as 4 "rounds" a month, or as many as 29-31 if the group as a whole is posting once a day. Really depends on the group themselves and what's going on in life.
Why are only Charisma characters allowed to have fun? ;)
Because high charisma = big boobs and a cute face. Low charisma means you're flat and ugly and no one wants to fuck you./s

I think it's the stereotype that bards want to fuck anything/everything in order to get a leg up on the adventure, as sexual favors may grant useful information or discounts on valuable items. Though personally I would prefer to see a party full of attractive heroes all have sex in one big nightly orgy, that doesn't seem to be the DM's intention here.
Why are only Charisma characters allowed to have fun? ;)
I didn't say that :p

Because high charisma = big boobs and a cute face. Low charisma means you're flat and ugly and no one wants to fuck you./s

I think it's the stereotype that bards want to fuck anything/everything in order to get a leg up on the adventure, as sexual favors may grant useful information or discounts on valuable items. Though personally I would prefer to see a party full of attractive heroes all have sex in one big nightly orgy, that doesn't seem to be the DM's intention here.
My intention is most certainly not orgies, let alone sex. That's not the point of this adventure.

Definitely playing Warlock Tiefling Male or a Sorcerer Dragonborn Female then... :)
You play what you want :p
So, how the preface "... the weakest mortals ... compete against one another ... selected few ... our Zeros become Heros" would work?

And "most certainly not orgies, let alone sex" means that sex is even less part of this roleplay than orgies... Which in full means, there would not, and shouldn't be any sexual content!?
So, how the preface "... the weakest mortals ... compete against one another ... selected few ... our Zeros become Heros" would work?

And "most certainly not orgies, let alone sex" means that sex is even less part of this roleplay than orgies... Which in full means, there would not, and shouldn't be any sexual content!?
Like any other D&D game... Where you make characters and have them take down the baddie? Unless there is a different way it's supposed to work?
There is zero planned sexual content on my end.
No I’m pretty sure we are suppose to be working with one another.
No I’m pretty sure we are suppose to be working with one another.
At least it would be hopefully based in Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms setting along the Sword Coast then... Even if some of it will be just bullshitting.
If your still looking I have a human Archer Ranger. He has higher stats though? So would he fit into your group?

Ryder MacCloud Ranger 1st level
Hitpoints: 11 ; Walking speed 30' ; Armor class 12+ 4 = 16; Class mod +2
STR 16
DEX 18
CON 12
INT 12
CHA 10
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: simple Weapons, martial Weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose three Athletics, Perception, Stealth, and Survival
1st+2Favored Enemy (Goblinoids), Natural Explorer
Sharp Shot: Your skill with ranged weapons allows you to make amazing shots with ease. 23 Prerequisite: Dex 15+ • You do not suffer disadvantage when attacking beyond your weapon’s normal range. Note that this does not allow you to shoot beyond your weapon’s maximum range. • Your ranged attacks ignore all but total cover and you never suffer disadvantage for firing into melee. • When making a ranged attack, you can choose to suffer a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you gain a +10 bonus to the attack’s damage.

Studded leather armor, Long Composite Bow, Short Sword, Three Daggers.
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