- Joined
- Jun 12, 2021
- Location
- a glass house

She rarely frequented the luxurious parts of the city of Goldhearth, preferring the seedier and decidedly more lively ambiance of Grey Harbor, her home district. Despite being a knight, the horned woman could be found frequently carousing the tavern and the adjoined brothel and carried a less than pristine reputation for her antics. The Draenei paid them no mind; she simply called it 'keeping in touch with her roots'. The truth wasn't very far away, since she was born in the very same brothel. As such, she wasn't deemed worthy enough to serve directly under the king and instead was pledged to Lord Corbin Westerly, her oldest friend and surrogate brother. Incidentally, the one to whose mansion in the Summercourt district she was heading to now.
While Ellemere prided herself in bowing to no one, she had no choice but to obey when Corbin sent her an official letter summoning her to his home. She wouldn't want to anyway— she owed the Westerlys a great debt, and Corbin and she had a bond closer than that of siblings, one forged in the fiery crucibles of war. His father, the Lord Westerly before him, had taken her in from the slums after she was caught trying to pickpocket him. Instead of punishing her, he offered her mother a hefty sum to release her into his care (which the woman was more than happy to do) and trained the girl in the arts of war alongside his eldest son. They grew up together and later served in many wars together as well, fighting against the enemies of the Kingdom of Valendia. When his father passed away, it was Corbin who knighted Ellemere as his first act as lord.
The train of thoughts came to a halt as she came upon Lord Westerly's estate. The sight never failed to awe her— the building was twice as tall as the ones next to it and was decked out in black and gold, the colors of his house, adorned with expensive paraphernalia. It was an architectural marvel. Fancy prick, she thought to herself, shaking her head in amusement. Pursing her lips and sighing, she entered.
"I'm a bit too old to be chasing around misbehaving pirates, don't you think?" she asked loftily as she drained the third glass of Corbin's expensive wine.
"You jest, but it is a serious matter," her friend replied patiently, refilling her glass as he paced around the room. "I don't know who's smuggling the contraband into Summercourt, but I do know, from a reliable little bird, that they're doing it with the help of a gang of pirates from Grey Harbor. New arrivals to the capital, most likely." He paused, sipping his own glass in a decidedly eloquent manner, a far cry from when he chugged down casks of ale on the battlefield. Ellemere watched him, amused. "You're my best bet to track them down, seeing as you're 'still keeping in touch with your roots'."
The Draenei snorted. "You act as if you weren't smitten with Bessy and her big bosom."
The human sighed exasperatedly. "Don't bring her up again, please. In any case, it shouldn't be a difficult task for you. The scum will sing like canaries at the toss of the coin. Or when you break their noses. Whatever works for you." She nodded. The playful banter was just that— banter. When it came to actually putting in the work, Ellemere was rivaled by none in her dedication. She rose from her lounging position on the fancy leather seat, grabbing her sword from the racks as she prepared to set out for her task.
"And, Elle, I have one more request of you," the human called out behind her, causing her to turn around and raise a brow in surprise. It was unlike him to leave behind details like this, and her suspicion only compounded as he still seemed to be somewhat nervous as he spoke. "The Ordo Lucis has asked me if you could take one of their priestesses along for your venture. They say she could do with some experience of the world to nurture her abilities." Ellemere balked even more at that, and she gazed at Corbin, eyebrows knitted together as if she was looking upon some foul alien creature.
"I'm not sure if you've noticed, Corbin..." she began, "but I'm not exactly the nurturing type. Not to mention, Grey Harbor is no place for a prudish priestess of Light. I find the notion of babysitting one downright detestable."
He shrugged. "Give her a chance. They say the girl is extremely talented and that she has a great destiny ahead of her, whatever that means. You might come to make use of her talents yet." He smiled boyishly, his features made to seem ten years younger by the youthful smile. Ahh, but he was old now, and so was she. 45 years of age. "Hmm. I expect a handsome reward for this. I have a feeling this priestess will be more trouble than she's worth."
The priests certainly loved their extravagances. She thought Corbin's mansion was large, but it looked like an ant compared to the humongous Grand Cathedral of the Ordo Lucis, or the Order of Light. It cast a large shadow over the whole of Summercourt, and its ancient design and stained glass window panes that lined its walls served as a perfect symbol of the rich and privileged's sense of style in Goldhearth. Ellemere found herself actually feeling quite intimidated by the building, but she expertly masked her emotions, walking towards the grand oak doors and pushing them open with a loud creak.
The doors led directly into the atrium, where a large mural depicting The Light dominated the wall facing the entrance. All around her, members of the order old and young milled around, going about their daily business. From acolyte to ordained priest, they were differentiated by their robes, though Ellemere could not tell which was which. She stood there awkwardly for a moment, not quite sure what to do or who to speak to until she was saved by an old human man dressed in priest garb who approached her. "Greetings, child. I am High Priest Poldrick. Is there something you seek by wandering into our sacred halls?"
"Erm. Dame Ellemere Taragondar, on behalf of Lord Corbin Westerly. I was told to expect a priestess to accompany me on my mission. Might you tell me where I can find her?"
"Ahh. So you are the knight Lord Westerlin chose?" the man asked rhetorically, and for a split second, Ellemere could swear that she saw judgment in his aged grey eyes. "Good, good! Young Amorellia has been waiting for you. Come, I shall take you to her." With that, he turned on his heels, walking towards one of the doors with his hands behind his back. Ellemere followed suit, her plated boots echoing with every footstep.

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