Mx Female Den of corruption [NSFW]


Jun 14, 2021
Hello, I'm Library, and I wanted to put out feelers for some RP ideas. I've been playing on sites like this for several years now, though I am new to Blue Moon. It has been a while since I last wrote, but I've been itching to be back. I usually write in 3rd person, with 2-3 paragraphs per post. I am not comfortable with using sites or resources outside of the RP site I post on, so please don't ask me to play on Discord or something. Threads or PMs on Bluemoon is my comfort zone. Please check out my f-list for my ons and offs. Story to smut ratio is also fairly flexible, as I enjoy writing both kinds. I love plotting and brainstorming OOC, so that we can make a story truly unique. If you are interested, please message me with plot ideas and details on what you are hoping for the story as well as your ons and offs.

These are a few stories that I thought up, though I am by no means limited to them. And if you are into anthro characters I'd be down to make one or both anthros.

Really craving
Kind of Craving
Not craving
Not available

Plot Bunnies:
A Druid's Beginnings
YC is a young girl on the start of her journey to becoming a druid. Maybe she felt the call of nature and left her home to become one with the forest, maybe she gets separated from her family along a long journey and the forest takes pity on her and takes her in. Or we find yet another beginning for YC. Either way, she will need to learn to be in harmony with the world around her, helping nature and its inhabitants grow while defending it from invaders and those that wish it harm.
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Video Inspiration (NSFW): (1) (2)

A City in Ruins
It is chaos everywhere. Something has happened to the city, causing once docile animals to go rampant, bugs to become monsters, and other monstrosities to pop up in the sewers and the streets. Nowhere is safe as the city's defenses just don't seem like enough to keep them at bay. YC is one of the lucky, or unlucky ones depending on her point of view. She was not at ground zero when it happened and still has a chance to escape, maybe find a safe zone that other's have been able create. She could earn her keep there by going on supply runs. Or maybe none truly exist and she must now live life on the run.
This prompt can work for modern/sci-fi/or fantasy with some minor tweaks.
This idea is inspired by a game called "Syahata's Bad Day" where a young high school girl has to escape her school and make her way through all manners of beasts like giant spiders, corrupted dogs, giant rats, tentacles, corrupted people, and more to find a safe zone.

Slice of Life
I would love to try a slice of life, where our main characters are a step father and step daughter. We could do something like how the family is a lot more open about sex and YC's parents start including her in their fun now that she's old enough, or something of the sort.
Alternatively, we can play with two friends that discover a kinkier side of themselves they never knew with one of their single fathers/step-dad/teacher, etc.
This plot can go a lot of different ways and I'd be glad to work on building a plot that we both enjoy! Would love to include some interracial (MC being white), or even something with furies if that is something you are into.
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A Debt Paid
YC's family was in serious debt and behind on a dozen bills. They were on the verge of losing everything; the cars, their big fancy house, and even the custody of all of their kids. However, their wealthy neighbor had a generous heart and offered to pay off all of their debt. His kindness did not come free of consequence though. His price? Their young daughter. After all, what was one girl compared to all of their kids and comfortable lifestyle?
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Inspirational Pics [NSFW]: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

The Adventure of a Lifetime
This one would be a game where I play as a GM of sorts, controlling and shaping the world around YC. For this story I'd like to follow YC as she embarks on a journey across a land of magic and wonder, earning her way through either honest or dishonest means and having to confront monsters, bandits and other perils along the way. Maybe YC's family has passed and she needs to find a long lost relative to live with, or we can start with her getting lost and separated from her family on a trip and now she needs to find her own way home. Whatever the reason for this adventure, we can brainstorm this together.

Fallen Into Magic
After some sort of incident, YC falls into a portal into another world. One full of magic and fantasy with all the good and bad things that come with it, maybe with a couple new tricks up her sleeve. Armed with only what personal possessions she was carrying on her at the time of her shifting to this world what will she make of herself? Will she go on adventures or settle down in a nearby village? Try to find a way home or be at peace with her new life?

The Exhibitionist
A story where YC is a mostly innocent girl with but one exception; she gets a thrill from differing states of nudity in public. Especially if there's a chance of her getting caught, though that doesn't necessarily mean that she wants to be caught or deal with the consequences.
Can start out small at first, like having her discover her kink. Maybe one day all of her panties are in the wash and she needs to go to school in her uniform. Walking around in a skirt without them gets her heated and wondering if maybe trying something more extreme would make it better!
What places will she go? The beach? At home? In the park at the dead of night? The pool after closing hours? Wander the school halls once school is out? We can explore anywhere you want.
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A Heated Situation
This is set in a world where different sentient races live together. YC lives in this world as a type of anthro (we can discuss which kind together). She has gone into her first heat, and has no idea how to deal with the needs that arise. It could be set in a world of fantasy, or even a modern world where people have discovered how to engineer animal folk. Could even be a variation of "Slice of Life".

Tavern Girl
Set in a fantasy world, YC is the daughter of a successful inn keeper. As she is coming of age though, many a man (or fantasy being) has found their eyes drawn to her body as she begins to come into her own body. No one acts on it though. That is until the inn comes upon troubled times. Whether it is bandits that threaten their livelihood, the challenge of taking charge of the inn after her father goes on a prolonged trip, or debtors come to collect, or monsters kidnap her in the night, YC will have to face many new challenges in her life.

A Game of Challenge
This plot was inspired by a series of gifs that I found online. The plot will be that YC is forced into a series of sexual challenges in some way (we can discuss the reason later). She'll have to complete these challenges, or face some sort of consequence that we put into place.
Inspiration for said challenges here and here (NSFW links)

The Imposter
An alien/monster parasite takes over a human male's body, and takes over their life and family. The being's goal is to breed and reproduce with the humans around him with the goal of taking over and dominating humanity. This could be any kind of monster, maybe an insect parasite or a tentacle monster of sorts.

The Debt
YC is a young teen that has made a mistake. Whatever it was, she ended up owing a lot of money to the wrong people. Thankfully, the rich CEO she is indebted to has a way of having her pay off the money without getting her parents involved, and thus avoiding the trouble that would bring. Bad news for YC though, is that the man that is owed money runs a very lucrative porn company, one that will film and produce any deprived porno one can think of.

With this one I was wanting a bit more smut based... okay, a lot more. In this one I was hoping for a story with a lot of dub/non con, corruption, and really anything you can find porn for IRL. Even bestiality, though that is not a must have.
I'd also like to explore the personal life of YC. How is she changing at home, does someone at school see the videos, will she begin to experiment on her own? Will she find herself pregnant as she tries to keep her new job a secret?

The Journey
In this one, I was hoping to explore a fantasy realm with YC using a dice system. Nothing too complex, I have a basic setup already laid out which can also be changed depending on what you want. In this RP I would play as the GM, rolling random encounters for YC to run into on her journey. What is that journey? Whatever you want! She could be searching for a long lost relative, and ancient treasure, fame, fortune, trying to move to the big city and make a sense for themselves, or something entirely different. Along the way, I would put obstacles in YC's way, leading to many different scenarios (yes, many of them lewd).

The Threat of Unemployment
A CEO of a successful company had taken a liking to the young daughter of one of his employees. With said employee's work being less than satisfactory, he makes a move on the daughter, threatening to ruin her father's career should she not submit to him.

For this one, I kind of want this to turn into a sort of master/slave relationship, though we can definitely take it a different way if you wish.
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Inspirational Pics [NSFW]: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Pokemon Adventure
I've been wanting to try something with pokemon for a while, where a young innocent trainer goes off on her journey to become a pokemon master, and gets in all sorts of lewd situations, whether it is with other trainers, her pokemon, or even wild ones she wishes to tame.
Even if this plot doesnt tickle your fancy, please let me know of any other pokemon ideas you have.

A young fairly innocent teen (yc) needs money for some reason or another, and overhears some classmates at school talking about a web-cam site where girls can make good money. She decides to try it out and slowly opens up more and more to sexual things for her growing fan base. From daring to show a bit more skin, to playing with toys, to having a male guest on her show. Her classmates and teachers could find out and take advantage of that, or maybe even her family finds out and gets in on the fun. Heck if you are good with it I wouldn't mind if she used the family dog.

A Drunken Mistake
YC goes out to a bar with her friends using fake ID to get in. There she gets drunk and taken advantage of by a guy (or a group) after getting separated from her friends. The next day she gets a call from one of the men she had her drunken fuck with, who blackmail her to be his (their) sex toy to use wherever/whenever they want. This is one I would love to have public sex/exhibitionism as a big part.

Divine Favor
One of our characters is a mortal, one that has done right by a god's (the other main character) ideals. This leads to the god/goddess visiting or whisking away the mortal to become closer with them.
I would like to do this plot with me playing as a god of animals character, and YC being a mortal woman but these roles can be easily changed or flipped or whatever. This is a plot that requires a lot of building from both me and you as it is more of a loose idea.

Crashed and Stranded
YC has crashed on an unknown planet, where she is greeted by an alien race who take her in. MC is one of those aliens and takes a special interest in her. We can discuss the nature of these aliens, what they look like, etc, but what I'm hoping for is for them to be at least a little more primitive than YC's, and for their culture to be a little more lax on intimacy rules and corrupts YC. This can be changed however, as it's another loose idea that I'd love to discuss OOC.

The Crown's Pet
One of our characters is royalty, a prince, princess, king, or queen. The other, a lesser person. Maybe an anthro race that is looked down upon by the humans in charge. Against all odds however, somehow our characters become intimate. How exactly will be up to us of course, as I'm good with it being non/dub con, or just con.

The Neighbor
YC has just moved into a new house with her family, and MC is her new neighbor. He introduces himself as the friendly and helpful neighbor to YC's parents, but unbeknownst to them he spies on YC every chance he gets. Whether it's while sunbathing in her backyard, through her bedroom window that faces his house, or while swimming in his large in ground pool he generously offered her family to use, he is spying and taking pictures. We can write this as non-con where MC blackmails YC, dub-con, or full con where she maybe finds out and finds herself liking the attention.
Inspirational GIFs [NSFW]: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Inspirational Pics [NSFW]: (1) (2) (3)

Happy Holidays
This will be YC's first trip all on her own, with no parents to speak of. We'll, not totally alone. YC and her best friend had been planning this beach vacation for a long time, finally convincing their parents and saving up enough money from their allowances and summer jobs to finally get a room at a beach resort. The prices were shockingly good, though the reason why wasn't why they thought. Turns out that this is a free-use resort and the girls will be subjected to the desires of others.
Could be a BBC sort of scenario if you'd like, never tried it before. Would love breeding as a kink for this too. If you want we can even include YC's young mother who came to chaperone to appease YC's father.

The Little Queen (1)
YC has just become queen at much too young an age. After the death of her parents and elder brother, it is left to her to take the throne. MC will be a guard of the castle/personal bodyguard/whoever. She'd already had feelings for him before, but now that her parents were gone, YC could finally act on them.

The Little Queen (2)
YC has just become queen at much too young an age. After the death of her parents and elder brother, it is left to her to take the throne. With no training to rule however as it was supposed to be her brother, not her to rule, YC has to seek help wherever she can find it. With this variation of the story I'm thinking that the various advisors, guards, envoys, nobility, commoners, etc. take advantage of the young queen's naivete, and her body. So not really any one person would be MC, but rather I'd play various roles about the castle.

Life On The Farm
YC is a young girl that has grown up on her family farm. Being on the farm though is a bore though. Your parents are always too damn busy or tired to take you anywhere, and you are too young/haven't gotten around to getting your license to drive on your own still. So what is a bored teen learning to deal with her hormones to do stuck on the farm with a bunch of strong farm hands and well endowed farm animals standing around?

Poke Farm
Much like the story above, but instead with Pokemon!

Strange New Worlds
YC's family fly from planet to planet, researching many different flora, fauna, and even some more primitive civilizations. Sometimes these situations can get a little out of hand, especially for a blossoming girl like YC.
For this story, I would be fairly open. YC's family takes you to a new planet where you and they explore, and YC sometimes begins getting into awkward and erotic situations. I would of course play as the flora, fauna, and the sentient creatures that have fun with her.

A World of Fantasy
Set in a fantasy realm, YC is just a simple young peasant girl. One fateful night she has a sexual encounter of some sort (We can work out what together) which awakens a side of her she never knew she had. It would be a story of corruption where she slowly tries lewder and lewder things, often getting in too far over her head and in troublesome situations.

The Dragon's Pet
MC hatched to the world not in a nest with others of his kind, but to a human family. Perhaps he was a gift to YC's family or the adventurer who stole the egg away owed YC's family money and gave the egg instead. Either way, a young dragon bonded to the family's young daughter would be the perfect way to keep her safe. However, unbeknownst to them, a dragon is more intelligent than any old beast. When YC becomes of a proper mating age, the dragon secretly claims her as his own, willing or not.
Could each have multiple characters for this one, or just the two if you'd like. There's a few ways to take this!

If you want to try one of these, something similar, or something entirely new, please let me know! More plot bunnies will be posted as cravings come into my head
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