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Mx Female Wanders and Wanderlust.


On hiatus, death in the family.
Mar 23, 2013
Greetings, one and all.

I am Enigma, I know such a name, how clever, and perhaps a bit self indulging. This is the place however, to indulge is it not, a mindscape and vast region of fantasy, pleasure, intrigue and depth, should you know where to look. I am looking for someone to weave a story, if not stories with, to indulge in some of the more enticing of venues as well. Genre's of any type are welcome, but be warned it is rare, but not out of the question that I do cannon worlds, be they anime or series. To touch on the topic a bit further, I, even rarer still play a cannon character in those set worlds, fanfic, while having it's place and being a delight, truly sometimes is not what I aim to do or for the matter, like, doing.

Now that, that is out of the way, onto the meat and bones of the post. I have characters that can sleeve into near any setting and while I will not post them here, you are free to inquire, and we may work something out. Pairings as most put out there, are fine with me as it should be clear by -where- I post this, but know I do not shy away from multi-character exploits or any "pairing". If one really needs badger the subject I find the responses better, and, to be blunt, more enriching.

Moving on; Kinks, and the topic there in. I do not shy from gore or violence as with any story, some of it accompanies the climax and build ups of battle and the sort, but, I do avoid the more extreme kinks of some as well as any sort of toilet play or use, and because it needs be said apparently, no children or underage gameplay within the boundaries of more adult oriented content, NONE. I will not budge on this, and should one decide to push the subject, especially on the connotations of "Well this needs to happen because of story." I will up and leave, and block said individual. People have boundaries, and limits, these are mine clearly stated.

While sex, and romance are and can be, main focuses I will not shy from the thick, meaty story with sprinklings of some fun in there, as I do in fact roleplay, for fun. Be this, the naughty exploits of a eyebrow waggling bard in some tavern, or the knock down drag out brawl against the corporate overlords in the distant future where some lone desperado attempts to shake life back into the unknown masses and lead the revolution of the people! (Points extra, if you know the reference.)

As said no genre, in truth is off the table. I would like to work together to build something BUT IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WANT ME TO SLOT A CHARACTER INTO, THAT IS FINE AS WELL, so don't be afraid to ask.

Hope to hear from you soon, take a chance, I don't bite, unless asked nicely.
Bump for effect.

Additional, for those whom are worried about just bumping.
I respect and understand that real life comes first, and while being patient, also prefer communication. If you can, let me know about long absences or anything of that nature. I will do the same accordingly as work, and life can sometimes be tough to predict. Hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, and having fun.
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